1 the card game "more" and another
when i was young, i played a card game named "war" but each time the ace shown, the other player claimed that the ace was stronger or weaker, for their benefit. so there was no lasting rule. also the game could be very long time. so a DIFFERENT game, similar but another game named "more" fixes those problems and has a different name for its own rules and different rules yet similar to that game so if you know that game it will be easy to learn this game named "more" and its rules.
2 "more" after preparing, as below, the card with more captures the other card.
preparation: REMOVE the picture cards 12 and jokers for game more.
the ace with one shape has only one shape so in this game, in contrast to other games where the ace is strong, but in this game the other numbers are all MORE than ace because it only has one shape.always. whether i show the ace or the other player.
mix the cards. give each of the two players twenty 20 cards. each rests the cards in a pile secret on the table so nobody can see.
rules: the game more has different name and different rules than similar games. the ace has one shape and always is worth one so other number are more than ace. the length of the game is one cycle of twenty cards. the exception is if two equal cards are shown as below.
each player shows the top secret card and they identify which card is MORE. the card more gets the other card for example: i show a two and the other player shows "a" with one shape so two has more shapes and i capture the "a" called ace with one shape. i rest both cards in a second pile secretly not shown. ten is the most and captures any other card because it is MORE. unless two cards are equal for example i show ten and the other player shows ten.
then we each add TWO secret card to increase the risk. the THIRD card is shown because the game "more" is a different game with different rules than similar games. the shown cards are compared and the player showing the card that is MORE captures all 4 cards of the other player adding to own 4 shown.
exception: sometimes two equal cards are played at the end of the one cycle of twenty.
for example i show a two and the second player shows a two. we should add two secret cards but sometimes only one card remains from the deal pile of twenty. so we each lay the one secret card on the equal cards and add the second from the top of the "pile of captured cards" the second is also secret as the rule above. third card shown whichever shown card has more captures all the cards in that set and the game ends because the deal pile of twenty is now empty. together count the captured cards so the one with "more cards" wins quickly. although opponents opposing, still this is only a game so not enemies.
sometimes the other player violates the rule. then the game ends and the one who did not violate the rule wins. do not play again with the rule violator, wait at least a year and as an adult he will probably ignore the rules too. and violate rules so separate from such people.
why dont you play with that person? because he ignores rules.
THE card game TWENTY.
another card game has its own name because different rules from similar games if you know blackjack then easy to learn this game but game "twenty" has different name because different rules.
also for this game remove the picture cards 12 and jokers so only numbers remain. from one "a" one shape to ten. and mix the cards.
each player gets two secret cards. only each player sees when holds.
they can choose to add a card to be NEARER to twenty, or not add for fear they will have more than twenty. the card with one shape is always worth one. if you get a card with picture then discard put aside not for this game.
the player that gets total 20 precisely gets 2 points in the series if both total exactly 20 then both get 2 points in the tie. if both get same total, less than twenty, then each gets one point in series. if a player totals more than twenty or less than the other player, then the player with more points but less than 20 gets one point and the other players gets zer points meaning not even one.
for example i hold "a" with one shape and seven. i decide not to add. the other player holds two nines and decided to add to try to get exactly 20 for get two points. if adds the two, we each motion a wall. and show the secret cards. his total is twenty so he gets 2 points in the series and i get zero. meaning not even one. if he shows total 21 or more bad, too many total, so cards are cancelled and i get one point because his cancelled cards. if i show seven and nine total 16 and he shows two ets we each get one point in series. whichever player reaches ten points, first, wins the series. sometimes a player with nine and gets exactly twenty, is good luck, deserves more than ten points that is also winner with good luck.
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