must be replaced by short action sections. ep. 4 investigate murder but during peace, hence bad to involve military investigators kuz even a soldier is civilian not a soldier then.
5 jets fly from the aircraft carrier boat. the soldiers on the ground called "marines" practice aiming at the jets. the pilot flew very low, close to the ground. but the autopilot is not low enuf so he tries lower and crashed jet killing himself. inv will try to recreate whatever happened.
6 a long limo enters the gate of the am. embassy. a gaurd saw somebody running on the railing above the embassy. he fears assassin and mistakenly shoots a teen who dies. what does he deserve? we are not judge nor studied laws. so stupid.
7 gaurds stop a car and say we inspect. the suspicious driver crashed thru the barrier so the gaurds shoot pistols until the driver stops. they find a rocket launcher inside. inv. will inv the theft. plus prisoners escape taking a hostage. first story! d2brig.
8 a jeep gets lost in kuwait. iraqis shot one u-s soldier and captured the other for crossing the invisible border. american lawyers can... defend in iraq court haha absurd fiction.
9 find suicide dead from hanging in marine training investigate bla bla pretend to be a trainee in that unit to get info.
10 a girl runs out from her house and sees an unidentified aerial vehicle over an empty military base. it flew away with her, so claims dad.
11 during training to go from water to beach [amfibius] they find a wounded soldier. investigate bla bla.
12 a pilot destroyed a bosnian helicopter that violated no-fly de-militarized zone. they accuse him of violating cease-fire. he claims they shot... story shows guilty until proven innocent hence very bad. did prove no battle? the accuser lacks witness kuz other pilot "jet broke and fell in enemy land" or b shot down? and witness only words not facts could be mad at partner r favor.
13 a pilot lost navigation [near? bad story] and accidently flew near cuba when lightning ruind electronics and interfered with radio. two jets threaten to shoot if he will not landing. inv go cuba to get back jet and pilot before the cubans can copy the data and software and sell the data to iraq.
14 a spy succeeds at getting secret data... inside pentagon unlocking doors... absurd. a man shot her and must be stopped before assasinating a visiting official.
15 a shooting teacher shoots at a jeep to make it stop and argue with the officer who refused to discuss his assignment. he was "promised stateside". they accuse him of attempted murder but he is the expert at aiming.
but bad paper, also bad, as before write "already guilty" until proven innocent. must warn bad series and replace.
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