beings in nature with SHORT NAMES and description for nature and f
ai 'ah-ey' a certain sloth
ais [plural of ai]
ani 'ahnee' a black cuckoo bird a bird has 2 alae meaning wings.
ant a type of insect with castes
ape a large tail-less or short-tailed monkey
ash a type of tree
asp a certain small snake
ass a horse-like animal with long ears, a person both stupid and also obstinate
auk a certain black and white seabird
awn a bristle of some grasses
bee an insect that flies and produces honey
boa a large snake that crushes its prey
bot the wormlike larva of the botfly
bud the part of a plant that bulges and may develop into a flower
bug a form of life with legs to crawl but no spine
bur a rough or prickly plant covering
cat a type of mammal that is carnivorous/eats meat
cob a male swan, a short legged horse, corn
cod a family of fish
cow the mature female of cattle, the mate of any species whose male is called bull
cub a young mammal
doe the mature female of any species whose male is called buck
dog a type of mammal with a keen sense of smell >v to track or hunt
eel a family of snake-shaped fish
eft a type of salamander called newt
elk a certain large deer
elm a family of tree
emu 'eemyoo' a certain bird
ern an eagle
ewe the female of a mammal related to sheep
fig a type of fruit
fir a family of tree
fox a mammal similar to dogs and wolves noted by a muzzle more pointed than a wolf
Friday, December 28, 2018
rare-short word aid for story with idea E+F
list continues from c+d at
e something shaped like the letter e
s-ear the organ that detects sound
s-eat the process of moving food into the mouth chewing and swallowing, to destroy gradually
s-ebb to change from a higher to a lower level
edh 'eth' the old English letter for the sound "th" of the; unlike Thomas
n-eel a family of snake-shaped fish
s-ef the letter f
n-eft a type of salamander called newt
s-egg to incite to action, the shell containing a potential child
s-ego the self, the conscious mediator between the person and reality, speaking of oneself too much, self esteem
s-eh [i. tell me more information or repeat
s-el the letter l, a raised railroad
s-elf a small being, a mischievous person
n-elk a certain large deer
s-ell a unit of length
n-elm a family of tree
s-em the letter m
n-emu 'eemyoo' a certain bird
s-en the letter n
s-end the part at the side
s-eon an indefinitely long time, one billion years [10^9 years
era the span of time counted from a certain event, that event
s-ere 'er' before the event specified
s-erg a unit of work
n-ern an eagle
err to make a mistake
ess the letter s
s-et before now was eating
eta the seventh letter in Greek
eth the letter in old English for the sound "th" of the [not of Thomas
s-eve the time called evening, before a special day
n-ewe the female of a mammal related to sheep
s-ex the letter x, one that previously held the position specified
s-eye an organ that detects light or is related to sight
f something shaped like the letter f
fa a certain tone
fad an interest that people temporarily follow with zeal
s-fag v to work hard and toil
s-fan something to move air
s-far at a large distance away
s-fat having noticeably more than usual fat
fay to join closely and fit
s-fed an agent who works for the federal government, was given food
s-fee an amount to pay for a professional service
fen low land covered in water see bog
s-few a small amount
s-fey 'fay' soon to die aj
fez a certain hat
s-fib a trivial lie
fid a wooden pin
fie i. [I feel...] disgust
n-fig a type of fruit
fin a projecting part of a sea animal in any direction (all are called fin
n-fir a family of tree
s-fit adapted or suitable for a purpose, being the needed size or form >v
fix to make something firm or stable or usable
flu ill with respiratory [breathing related] symptoms
fly to move through the air by floating or soaring [not falling
fob the part a pocket watch hangs from [strap or chain etc
s-foe an enemy in war
fog water vapor when close to ground
s-fop a man devoted to his dress
s-for towards the purpose defined or intended goal, [also used] resulting from, despite a quality specified
s-fou drunk from alcoholic liquid
s-fox a mammal similar to dogs and wolves noted by a muzzle more pointed than a wolf >foxy with a narrow face
s-foy a farewell feast or gift
s-fro back from
s-fry to cook over a fire with oil etc
s-fud someone unimaginative or concerned about trivialities
s-fug the stale warm air of a crowded room noun
s-fun something which provides amusement or enjoyment
s-fur the hair of certain animals
e something shaped like the letter e
s-ear the organ that detects sound
s-eat the process of moving food into the mouth chewing and swallowing, to destroy gradually
s-ebb to change from a higher to a lower level
edh 'eth' the old English letter for the sound "th" of the; unlike Thomas
n-eel a family of snake-shaped fish
s-ef the letter f
n-eft a type of salamander called newt
s-egg to incite to action, the shell containing a potential child
s-ego the self, the conscious mediator between the person and reality, speaking of oneself too much, self esteem
s-eh [i. tell me more information or repeat
s-el the letter l, a raised railroad
s-elf a small being, a mischievous person
n-elk a certain large deer
s-ell a unit of length
n-elm a family of tree
s-em the letter m
n-emu 'eemyoo' a certain bird
s-en the letter n
s-end the part at the side
s-eon an indefinitely long time, one billion years [10^9 years
era the span of time counted from a certain event, that event
s-ere 'er' before the event specified
s-erg a unit of work
n-ern an eagle
err to make a mistake
ess the letter s
s-et before now was eating
eta the seventh letter in Greek
eth the letter in old English for the sound "th" of the [not of Thomas
s-eve the time called evening, before a special day
n-ewe the female of a mammal related to sheep
s-ex the letter x, one that previously held the position specified
s-eye an organ that detects light or is related to sight
f something shaped like the letter f
fa a certain tone
fad an interest that people temporarily follow with zeal
s-fag v to work hard and toil
s-fan something to move air
s-far at a large distance away
s-fat having noticeably more than usual fat
fay to join closely and fit
s-fed an agent who works for the federal government, was given food
s-fee an amount to pay for a professional service
fen low land covered in water see bog
s-few a small amount
s-fey 'fay' soon to die aj
fez a certain hat
s-fib a trivial lie
fid a wooden pin
fie i. [I feel...] disgust
n-fig a type of fruit
fin a projecting part of a sea animal in any direction (all are called fin
n-fir a family of tree
s-fit adapted or suitable for a purpose, being the needed size or form >v
fix to make something firm or stable or usable
flu ill with respiratory [breathing related] symptoms
fly to move through the air by floating or soaring [not falling
fob the part a pocket watch hangs from [strap or chain etc
s-foe an enemy in war
fog water vapor when close to ground
s-fop a man devoted to his dress
s-for towards the purpose defined or intended goal, [also used] resulting from, despite a quality specified
s-fou drunk from alcoholic liquid
s-fox a mammal similar to dogs and wolves noted by a muzzle more pointed than a wolf >foxy with a narrow face
s-foy a farewell feast or gift
s-fro back from
s-fry to cook over a fire with oil etc
s-fud someone unimaginative or concerned about trivialities
s-fug the stale warm air of a crowded room noun
s-fun something which provides amusement or enjoyment
s-fur the hair of certain animals
the temptation part 3 fill in gap
continuity: after the host "isac" fake name, invited efrim to eat supper at the prayer bilding, [end of part 2] as told here
note: this story contains some rare words so I provided a word aid. as you read the story you can check the idea at
STORY part 3
efrim sat on the elevated cement porch in a white plastic chair. the bio continues "I waited outside their house ere we would go to pray. the son and dawter noticed the time on their watches so stopped playing and went inside to shower. EFRIM watched the busses pass. soon enuf pa led the son out the door. pa wore a fancy suit matching fabric for jacket and pants, like a real fop meaning he was devoted to the manner of dressing.. a white shirt I knew had a long row of buttons covered by a long narrow colorful tie. the son wore the same in his size. I wore blue pants the same one I had worn on the flight and all day. I still wore the same white button shirt. no jacket. how can I leave out? pa wore a black hat in the unique shape of his group of orthodox jews. ma and dawter stayed at home.
we walked to the nearby "shul" meaning place of prayer. pa clicked the metal protrusions in the order of the combination. then he turned the small handle and pulled the door open. the kid ran inside and switched on the lights. I went first to the shelf found the book I had quoted and said to isac: "check I knew this section by heart correctly". he grunted "eh?" as I handed him the book but he refused to examine the evidence. he closed the book without looking [surprising to note this action is historically accurate for several relijos jews] and I gave up trying. I looked around for something to do while I waited.
I scanned the shelves of books and found the book of rabbis about the next jewish holiday. I wuld study it ere the prayers. I also pulled out a book of "decisions" to compare.
then I opened the Talmud and instead of reading from the first lines I used the "side source." I did a boring comparison until I found the source that matched and noticed the significant EXCHANGE of laws. almost every detail in ancient Judaism was rejected and replaced with a larger number of newer BASELESS foundationless laws which are not truly jewish bkuz they are not from the ancient tradition.
the only interesting detail I found was in the section where the Talmud talked about hell I become emotional knowing that the rabbi named Maimonides had denied hell so this seemed to refute him since the tradition did teach hell after death so I went and got his book and compared the parallel and amazing he only quoted part of the section consistently leaving out the part about fire after death at least he was consistent but that meant he refused to accept the tradition in the Talmud and acted free so we also can reject stuff and not accept the contents of the Talmud.
while I was reading pa passed by and noticed that I had more than one book he called his son "zalman" fake name. he said to zalman while I heard with my ear, "come and see when someone has more than one book he is not realy studying." wow that would prevent the kid from comparing the sources and I had just discovered the hell issue and the swap of contents simply by comparing but now the kid was educated not to compare sources and would never notice the differences and the change in the religion both in practices and in faith.
pa left me in the building while he went out the door. the door swung shut with a loud bang and I listened to the sound ebb. son was now free from watching dad and asked me what I was doing. I said I was studying and comparing the books to each other.
he instructed to put the big book on my lap.
so I pulled the chair away from the table so the huge wide book wuld pass between me and the table. it lay on my legs from knee to near the stomik shirt.
my legs did not rest on the floor bkuz the legs of the chair were longer than my legs so my shoes hung over the floor and the thighs were angled down
zalman grabbed the edge of the heavy book by my knees and said "I don't want it to slide down" and slid it toward my stomik while tipping the edj in his hands up so the other edyj pointed down... a near miss on my genitals but how could a kid so young think of that? was he really a little "elf" of mischief? and yet it was his suggestion to put it on my knees. this was suspicious and his next action proved my suspicion.
he started talking about discussions "what if" some body did certain actions on the shabus sabat was that a sin or not? and as he spoke on these topics his hand crept under the heavy book and he squeezed my thigh. I was surrised that a male touch would cause me to be sek ualy aroused but the body responded and my male finger began to swell long as it is now while I type and remember the story. I was shocked that a kid his age knew these "moves" and said I bet you are nine year old--what is the relevance to my questions?--until age 13 your actions do not count as a sin if you do those things on sabat--I am truly 7 years old and even before 13 we must obey all the rules--true and if you don't then the action is not counted as a sin unless you do it age 21--you mean then all past sins are counted--no. the truth is 20 years of actions are not part of the judgement--who told you that? zalman challenged as hand advanced between my legs making contact with the bump in my pants.
his hands were hidden by the heavy book and his hand was between the book and my pants and he knew exactly the place to press his small fingers so I had reflex with a gasp of pleasure from the contact with the male finger and the pleasant amount of pressure and deciede to delay protesting his contact until I finished the topic and quoted the source "gmara Shabbos as taught by rabbi_ in yeshiva _" now I had finished the topic nad it was correct to teach the 7 year old not to touch peoples male finger even from outside the pants and yet... I believed that I was not permitted to rub my own male finger to prevent squeezing out male seed which is white. how could I lose a chance to have somebody else do it. I would benefit without touching his private parts nor requesting that he continue. I briefly worried that he would demand "I rubbed you so you owe me rubbing mine" but refused to speak and assumed at his age he would not ask bekuz he did not want..
he continued with more "what if I do " on sabat questions while gripping my male finger not exactly pinching but grasping firmly and squeezing. and I tried to answer as best as I recalled while immensely distracted by physical pleasure.
suddenly his finger jumped towards my stomik gliding along "its" sides of the extended male finger and he announced "I know you like that. you are much softer than other men" yikes!! then I said "lean you head on my arm" refusing to agree nor tell him to stop and biting back the question how do you know about sek ual pleasure at age 7.
I also felt the seed moving through the tubes and only in a few seconds more the white man milk would spurt out of the hole at the end of the tube into my briefs. my conscious ego struggled with doubt until faith made the decision: it was a sin... for me to squeeze my own milk out therefore I must not lose the pleasure when somebody else offers the pleasure. that is exactly what relijin causes.
he leaned his head of dark hair against my right arm and his fingers slid along the extended finger bulging in my pants... it must have been less than thirty seconds from the first squeeze of the finger not counting the squeeze of the thigh and out spurted the male seed into my briefs... certainly he felt the reflex of spurting through the fabric... yet his fingers were not near the hole of the tube but slid along the sides certainly he would not get wet... and very quickly the pleasure ended as the male finger shrunk and softened from rubbery tube to sponge. the next words terrified me "now I will dry you". I turned my head in shock, efrim's eyes opened as open from great surprise caused and he continued "you think this is my first rodeo?? I am already 7". clearly he knew more than any se ks ed student. I started stammering about drying myself but he pressed on "you cannot pray with wet underpants". I replied forcefully and my words ejaculated "seed is not like urine" uh oh I would be in big trouble for telling a child about seed. he stood up and pulled a pair of blue briefs from his pocket. lets go. I was terrified his pa would return and see him waving the briefs and know what happened and blame me for not stopping him despite the truth I had not asked for the pleasure and had not done any action at all I had been like a chair not moving only sat on. but parents would freak out... he tried to egg and to urge me to follow him. "come quickly" he egged me on "every ell we walk, with seed on you is a sin" I doubted that bkuz seed differs from urine waste. yet his urgency made feel like an eon passed before we reached the door with the bad sign "men".
I stood up and lay the giant book on the table. zalman fake name led the way to the toilet room. I followed in horror uncertain what to do nor what would happen next. he complained about the sign on the doors of the toilet room. "why does it say the word "men" as if young don't need toilets?? and no need for a whole word! zalman continued his analysis. "enuf to write one letter "em" for male that would include all males. nd same one letter "ef" for female." I remembered one door with the letter "el" on it for lady but what about young girls? zalman was right.
he entered a stall and motioned me follow. so I did, thinking at least in here pa would not see.
also I had not changed briefs since getting on the plane and it was really important to change them after what felt like 3 days combined with the new male seed.
I stood uncertain what to do and said "I never did this before"--you are like a virgin answered zalman.
and continued give me your undershirt. i obeyed and opened all the row of plastic buttons from the slits in the shirt, pulled off my shirt from the sleeves and pulled off the relijos-rectangle I wore every day like a prayer shawl all day even when not praying... and finally pulled off the white undershirt. immediately he leaned in and sucked on a nipple like nursing nourishment from a mom... and a moment later announced "I see you are not a lady lets see what you yes are." I asked "what is your fee for drying me?"--nothing I made you wet so I must be the one to dry".
I sat on the toilet and pulled off my shoes. then the blue pants came off so I could remove the wet briefs. my desire to be correct and be recognized as right brimmed and I announced "see no yellow and no urine smell"--"I know I already told you this is not my first rodeo". he hung the blue pants on a hook on the door of the stall and I removed the wet briefs and reached to hang it on the same hook "no" zalman hissed in a whisper, "you'l get the pants wet and yu cannot pray in wet pants. he grabbed the white wet briefs and yanked from my hand. yikes!
then he handed me what must have been his fathers dark blue briefs. I hoped washed. I sat on the toilet to pull them up. the letter "en" was embroidered on it.
WAIT he hissed in an exciting whisper "we have not yet dried your skin!"--I better dry myself" I responded reaching for the paper roll. "as if you don't know seed is too sticky for paper" scoffed zalman at my foolishness. he pressed my roled undershirt to my skin and used it to wipe the moisture from all around and pressing it to and fro at every angle causing me to wonder how many units of erg he was working. the contact aroused me again. I guess I am not only attracted to women? or contact is different than seeing. up up the male finger went. "good now it is easier to clean" commented zalman and as the male finger swelled and the soft cloth shirt rubbed the skin dry I gasped from pleasure the male finger extended forward and continued rising upwards as it hardened and he grabbed the tube with hands and squeezed "you are really soft" he said in a surprised tone. he lifted the tube and dried from under and all angles and complained that it would be easier to clean if there were no hair. I replied that was my "fur". he giggled and said you are like a fox. and young zalman added to my surprise "I had fun". finally he was satisfied I was dry he gave me the blue briefs back. and I sat down and inserted my legs through the holes. luckily the size was too big not too small so it fit me. next I pulled on the pants. I reached for the relijos rectangle of fabric and zalman protested "you cant wear it directly on yur skin that is why you must have undershirt in between" so he grabbed away the shawl. so I obeyed and pulled the sleeves of the button shirt over my arms and he buttoned from the top button down inserting button by botton thru the slit in the shirt to close the his hands neared my pants again my male finger swelled big again this proved I was gay bkuz despite no contact... yet swelling for sek s and as expected he pulled the shirt down to straighten the shirts wrinkles flat and leaned in on my bumpy pants and I responded in reflex with a sigh of pleasure. z. hugged me for a long time the pleasure so great I could not think of anything nor know how much time passed and then BANG the door opened. and he jumped back and said you go out first.
I left the stall and went to wash my hands as the echo of the door ebbed. I felt amazed that in my year of marriage I never ever enjoyed a hug with my rude snappy wife as I enjoyed hugging this 7 year old boy surely I was gay... but I would fib if anybody asked.
anyway after washing my hands I left the toilet room and returned to the book and surprise it was that same "shul" bilding as planned father in law dinner.
he grabbed a book and around ten minutes later the room filled up and we all prayed. the many people in the narrow room changed the air to fug and I wished they had at least one fan to stir the stale warm air called fug. and after the traditional prayers I stayed for dinner and introduced zalman pa to my father in law. ma-in-law thanked everyone who "who had to fag" in preparing this supper. I thought that word was only for people like me. one very old fey lady sat across from me. witchy wife arrived at the expected time and et with the group. after we were fed she complained that I looked fat. I answered "you are such a fud bkuz I only et a few chicken legs. she would not stop and at the end of supper, wen I borrowed a jacket for the cold eve, she commented that I did not need a jacket because the walk is not far and added "too bad they had to fry the chicken so that size better have an "ex" with the "el". I shot back "stop annoying me or you will BE the "ex". I felt so annoyed that I wished that meal was a "foy" the last farewell meal, so i would never see my foe again. but she would not stop instead adding that I must be fou meaning drunk to talk like that. then we walked home as described already in part 4 published earlier. a few posts ago called
note: this story contains some rare words so I provided a word aid. as you read the story you can check the idea at
STORY part 3
efrim sat on the elevated cement porch in a white plastic chair. the bio continues "I waited outside their house ere we would go to pray. the son and dawter noticed the time on their watches so stopped playing and went inside to shower. EFRIM watched the busses pass. soon enuf pa led the son out the door. pa wore a fancy suit matching fabric for jacket and pants, like a real fop meaning he was devoted to the manner of dressing.. a white shirt I knew had a long row of buttons covered by a long narrow colorful tie. the son wore the same in his size. I wore blue pants the same one I had worn on the flight and all day. I still wore the same white button shirt. no jacket. how can I leave out? pa wore a black hat in the unique shape of his group of orthodox jews. ma and dawter stayed at home.
we walked to the nearby "shul" meaning place of prayer. pa clicked the metal protrusions in the order of the combination. then he turned the small handle and pulled the door open. the kid ran inside and switched on the lights. I went first to the shelf found the book I had quoted and said to isac: "check I knew this section by heart correctly". he grunted "eh?" as I handed him the book but he refused to examine the evidence. he closed the book without looking [surprising to note this action is historically accurate for several relijos jews] and I gave up trying. I looked around for something to do while I waited.
I scanned the shelves of books and found the book of rabbis about the next jewish holiday. I wuld study it ere the prayers. I also pulled out a book of "decisions" to compare.
then I opened the Talmud and instead of reading from the first lines I used the "side source." I did a boring comparison until I found the source that matched and noticed the significant EXCHANGE of laws. almost every detail in ancient Judaism was rejected and replaced with a larger number of newer BASELESS foundationless laws which are not truly jewish bkuz they are not from the ancient tradition.
the only interesting detail I found was in the section where the Talmud talked about hell I become emotional knowing that the rabbi named Maimonides had denied hell so this seemed to refute him since the tradition did teach hell after death so I went and got his book and compared the parallel and amazing he only quoted part of the section consistently leaving out the part about fire after death at least he was consistent but that meant he refused to accept the tradition in the Talmud and acted free so we also can reject stuff and not accept the contents of the Talmud.
while I was reading pa passed by and noticed that I had more than one book he called his son "zalman" fake name. he said to zalman while I heard with my ear, "come and see when someone has more than one book he is not realy studying." wow that would prevent the kid from comparing the sources and I had just discovered the hell issue and the swap of contents simply by comparing but now the kid was educated not to compare sources and would never notice the differences and the change in the religion both in practices and in faith.
pa left me in the building while he went out the door. the door swung shut with a loud bang and I listened to the sound ebb. son was now free from watching dad and asked me what I was doing. I said I was studying and comparing the books to each other.
he instructed to put the big book on my lap.
so I pulled the chair away from the table so the huge wide book wuld pass between me and the table. it lay on my legs from knee to near the stomik shirt.
my legs did not rest on the floor bkuz the legs of the chair were longer than my legs so my shoes hung over the floor and the thighs were angled down
zalman grabbed the edge of the heavy book by my knees and said "I don't want it to slide down" and slid it toward my stomik while tipping the edj in his hands up so the other edyj pointed down... a near miss on my genitals but how could a kid so young think of that? was he really a little "elf" of mischief? and yet it was his suggestion to put it on my knees. this was suspicious and his next action proved my suspicion.
he started talking about discussions "what if" some body did certain actions on the shabus sabat was that a sin or not? and as he spoke on these topics his hand crept under the heavy book and he squeezed my thigh. I was surrised that a male touch would cause me to be sek ualy aroused but the body responded and my male finger began to swell long as it is now while I type and remember the story. I was shocked that a kid his age knew these "moves" and said I bet you are nine year old--what is the relevance to my questions?--until age 13 your actions do not count as a sin if you do those things on sabat--I am truly 7 years old and even before 13 we must obey all the rules--true and if you don't then the action is not counted as a sin unless you do it age 21--you mean then all past sins are counted--no. the truth is 20 years of actions are not part of the judgement--who told you that? zalman challenged as hand advanced between my legs making contact with the bump in my pants.
his hands were hidden by the heavy book and his hand was between the book and my pants and he knew exactly the place to press his small fingers so I had reflex with a gasp of pleasure from the contact with the male finger and the pleasant amount of pressure and deciede to delay protesting his contact until I finished the topic and quoted the source "gmara Shabbos as taught by rabbi_ in yeshiva _" now I had finished the topic nad it was correct to teach the 7 year old not to touch peoples male finger even from outside the pants and yet... I believed that I was not permitted to rub my own male finger to prevent squeezing out male seed which is white. how could I lose a chance to have somebody else do it. I would benefit without touching his private parts nor requesting that he continue. I briefly worried that he would demand "I rubbed you so you owe me rubbing mine" but refused to speak and assumed at his age he would not ask bekuz he did not want..
he continued with more "what if I do " on sabat questions while gripping my male finger not exactly pinching but grasping firmly and squeezing. and I tried to answer as best as I recalled while immensely distracted by physical pleasure.
suddenly his finger jumped towards my stomik gliding along "its" sides of the extended male finger and he announced "I know you like that. you are much softer than other men" yikes!! then I said "lean you head on my arm" refusing to agree nor tell him to stop and biting back the question how do you know about sek ual pleasure at age 7.
I also felt the seed moving through the tubes and only in a few seconds more the white man milk would spurt out of the hole at the end of the tube into my briefs. my conscious ego struggled with doubt until faith made the decision: it was a sin... for me to squeeze my own milk out therefore I must not lose the pleasure when somebody else offers the pleasure. that is exactly what relijin causes.
he leaned his head of dark hair against my right arm and his fingers slid along the extended finger bulging in my pants... it must have been less than thirty seconds from the first squeeze of the finger not counting the squeeze of the thigh and out spurted the male seed into my briefs... certainly he felt the reflex of spurting through the fabric... yet his fingers were not near the hole of the tube but slid along the sides certainly he would not get wet... and very quickly the pleasure ended as the male finger shrunk and softened from rubbery tube to sponge. the next words terrified me "now I will dry you". I turned my head in shock, efrim's eyes opened as open from great surprise caused and he continued "you think this is my first rodeo?? I am already 7". clearly he knew more than any se ks ed student. I started stammering about drying myself but he pressed on "you cannot pray with wet underpants". I replied forcefully and my words ejaculated "seed is not like urine" uh oh I would be in big trouble for telling a child about seed. he stood up and pulled a pair of blue briefs from his pocket. lets go. I was terrified his pa would return and see him waving the briefs and know what happened and blame me for not stopping him despite the truth I had not asked for the pleasure and had not done any action at all I had been like a chair not moving only sat on. but parents would freak out... he tried to egg and to urge me to follow him. "come quickly" he egged me on "every ell we walk, with seed on you is a sin" I doubted that bkuz seed differs from urine waste. yet his urgency made feel like an eon passed before we reached the door with the bad sign "men".
I stood up and lay the giant book on the table. zalman fake name led the way to the toilet room. I followed in horror uncertain what to do nor what would happen next. he complained about the sign on the doors of the toilet room. "why does it say the word "men" as if young don't need toilets?? and no need for a whole word! zalman continued his analysis. "enuf to write one letter "em" for male that would include all males. nd same one letter "ef" for female." I remembered one door with the letter "el" on it for lady but what about young girls? zalman was right.
he entered a stall and motioned me follow. so I did, thinking at least in here pa would not see.
also I had not changed briefs since getting on the plane and it was really important to change them after what felt like 3 days combined with the new male seed.
I stood uncertain what to do and said "I never did this before"--you are like a virgin answered zalman.
and continued give me your undershirt. i obeyed and opened all the row of plastic buttons from the slits in the shirt, pulled off my shirt from the sleeves and pulled off the relijos-rectangle I wore every day like a prayer shawl all day even when not praying... and finally pulled off the white undershirt. immediately he leaned in and sucked on a nipple like nursing nourishment from a mom... and a moment later announced "I see you are not a lady lets see what you yes are." I asked "what is your fee for drying me?"--nothing I made you wet so I must be the one to dry".
I sat on the toilet and pulled off my shoes. then the blue pants came off so I could remove the wet briefs. my desire to be correct and be recognized as right brimmed and I announced "see no yellow and no urine smell"--"I know I already told you this is not my first rodeo". he hung the blue pants on a hook on the door of the stall and I removed the wet briefs and reached to hang it on the same hook "no" zalman hissed in a whisper, "you'l get the pants wet and yu cannot pray in wet pants. he grabbed the white wet briefs and yanked from my hand. yikes!
then he handed me what must have been his fathers dark blue briefs. I hoped washed. I sat on the toilet to pull them up. the letter "en" was embroidered on it.
WAIT he hissed in an exciting whisper "we have not yet dried your skin!"--I better dry myself" I responded reaching for the paper roll. "as if you don't know seed is too sticky for paper" scoffed zalman at my foolishness. he pressed my roled undershirt to my skin and used it to wipe the moisture from all around and pressing it to and fro at every angle causing me to wonder how many units of erg he was working. the contact aroused me again. I guess I am not only attracted to women? or contact is different than seeing. up up the male finger went. "good now it is easier to clean" commented zalman and as the male finger swelled and the soft cloth shirt rubbed the skin dry I gasped from pleasure the male finger extended forward and continued rising upwards as it hardened and he grabbed the tube with hands and squeezed "you are really soft" he said in a surprised tone. he lifted the tube and dried from under and all angles and complained that it would be easier to clean if there were no hair. I replied that was my "fur". he giggled and said you are like a fox. and young zalman added to my surprise "I had fun". finally he was satisfied I was dry he gave me the blue briefs back. and I sat down and inserted my legs through the holes. luckily the size was too big not too small so it fit me. next I pulled on the pants. I reached for the relijos rectangle of fabric and zalman protested "you cant wear it directly on yur skin that is why you must have undershirt in between" so he grabbed away the shawl. so I obeyed and pulled the sleeves of the button shirt over my arms and he buttoned from the top button down inserting button by botton thru the slit in the shirt to close the his hands neared my pants again my male finger swelled big again this proved I was gay bkuz despite no contact... yet swelling for sek s and as expected he pulled the shirt down to straighten the shirts wrinkles flat and leaned in on my bumpy pants and I responded in reflex with a sigh of pleasure. z. hugged me for a long time the pleasure so great I could not think of anything nor know how much time passed and then BANG the door opened. and he jumped back and said you go out first.
I left the stall and went to wash my hands as the echo of the door ebbed. I felt amazed that in my year of marriage I never ever enjoyed a hug with my rude snappy wife as I enjoyed hugging this 7 year old boy surely I was gay... but I would fib if anybody asked.
anyway after washing my hands I left the toilet room and returned to the book and surprise it was that same "shul" bilding as planned father in law dinner.
he grabbed a book and around ten minutes later the room filled up and we all prayed. the many people in the narrow room changed the air to fug and I wished they had at least one fan to stir the stale warm air called fug. and after the traditional prayers I stayed for dinner and introduced zalman pa to my father in law. ma-in-law thanked everyone who "who had to fag" in preparing this supper. I thought that word was only for people like me. one very old fey lady sat across from me. witchy wife arrived at the expected time and et with the group. after we were fed she complained that I looked fat. I answered "you are such a fud bkuz I only et a few chicken legs. she would not stop and at the end of supper, wen I borrowed a jacket for the cold eve, she commented that I did not need a jacket because the walk is not far and added "too bad they had to fry the chicken so that size better have an "ex" with the "el". I shot back "stop annoying me or you will BE the "ex". I felt so annoyed that I wished that meal was a "foy" the last farewell meal, so i would never see my foe again. but she would not stop instead adding that I must be fou meaning drunk to talk like that. then we walked home as described already in part 4 published earlier. a few posts ago called
are the fanatical arab terrorists acting as revenge?
is the fanatical islamic terror part of a cycle? i doubt that. some claim that the terror attacks against peaceful israel are just part of a cycle and revenge. as if Israel is bad for responding and "causing" the revenge which arabs could choose to end the violence. they wish Israel would not respond so the past shows that terror attacks increased whenever israel governments offered peace. for example the terror attack in tel aviv near the U.S. embassy [then still in tel aviv] when abbas was sworn in, then radical arabs "took credit" and said they will continue attacks to "prevent a 2 state solution". as preserved in book the case for israel page 179 we must not forget that such an agreement is unacceptable in the eyes of the violent arabs and will not bring peace.
experience shows that when israel did not respond or responded "mildly" to the terrror attacks then more terror attacks followed. the true "cause" of terrorism is when the fanatical arab leaders send the terrorists to murder israelis.
as in 2001 when arafat rejected the hand of peace, also abbas has rejected offers of peace from ehud-s barak and olmert. that is what prevents the agreement. not the settlements of jews nor a desire for revenge. the direct proximal cause is the leaders sending the terrorists and encouraging them with honor and money-for the families if they will attack jews.
we must inform israelis and the world of these facts.
see previous posts for related issues to analyze
Thursday, December 27, 2018
hateful accusations
the court in israel limits the army- perhaps too limiting. still this guarantees that israel acts within the limits of law.
some accuse "israel keeps violating human rights" some even accuse that israel is "the prime example" of human rights violations. they accuse israel with all the dirty words "apartheid" and "genocide" as if peaceful and peace-loving israel is a threat to international peace.
the fact is IDF the Israel army is very moral and very careful about human rights despite having its hands tied by courts sometimes too limiting yet still insuring that israel is within the law preventing the army from certain actions. so there is no true accusation on these issues only tricky words. in a country where arabs can vote and have representatives of their own ethnicity... and we see just how disgusting such representatives have acted in the israeli parliament called Knesset a governing body. far from apartheid and even further from genocide.
the fact is when victims complain to UNITED NATIONS about violations human rights in many countries "bahrain chad pakistan and more" the UN singles out israel to make the jew look bad. they should equally pressure other countries at least as much as they criticize israel and more- bkuz those instances are truly real problems including female genital mutilation in many countries which the UN declared policy zero tolerance yet where is the pressure on such countries? loss of privileges until they change.
the fact remains that the leadership of idf has a conscience to guide it carefully and the courts intervene perhaps over-limiting the army to prevent actions which are debatable. so there is only a false accusation to try to make israel look bad.
at the time of publishing "27% of the UN's country-specific resolutions to criticize a country" were to soil israel's name. so far from truth when israel is so careful and even allows arabs in the governing process of Knesset which means parliament. the minority has a voice to say its needs. sadly arab culture is not familiar with parliament style and perhaps in error acts disgusting in that parliament or just hateful wildness?
all the while as many countries do real and severe violations including female genital mutilation and despite the existing UN policy those countries are not the object nor target of the UN arrows.
the fact is we need to inform people that not only is the leadership of the Israel army idf careful but also the court often intervenes and prevents actions perhaps too limiting, yet still keeping the actions of israel within the law and prevents so-called violations.
some accuse "israel keeps violating human rights" some even accuse that israel is "the prime example" of human rights violations. they accuse israel with all the dirty words "apartheid" and "genocide" as if peaceful and peace-loving israel is a threat to international peace.
the fact is IDF the Israel army is very moral and very careful about human rights despite having its hands tied by courts sometimes too limiting yet still insuring that israel is within the law preventing the army from certain actions. so there is no true accusation on these issues only tricky words. in a country where arabs can vote and have representatives of their own ethnicity... and we see just how disgusting such representatives have acted in the israeli parliament called Knesset a governing body. far from apartheid and even further from genocide.
the fact is when victims complain to UNITED NATIONS about violations human rights in many countries "bahrain chad pakistan and more" the UN singles out israel to make the jew look bad. they should equally pressure other countries at least as much as they criticize israel and more- bkuz those instances are truly real problems including female genital mutilation in many countries which the UN declared policy zero tolerance yet where is the pressure on such countries? loss of privileges until they change.
the fact remains that the leadership of idf has a conscience to guide it carefully and the courts intervene perhaps over-limiting the army to prevent actions which are debatable. so there is only a false accusation to try to make israel look bad.
at the time of publishing "27% of the UN's country-specific resolutions to criticize a country" were to soil israel's name. so far from truth when israel is so careful and even allows arabs in the governing process of Knesset which means parliament. the minority has a voice to say its needs. sadly arab culture is not familiar with parliament style and perhaps in error acts disgusting in that parliament or just hateful wildness?
all the while as many countries do real and severe violations including female genital mutilation and despite the existing UN policy those countries are not the object nor target of the UN arrows.
the fact is we need to inform people that not only is the leadership of the Israel army idf careful but also the court often intervenes and prevents actions perhaps too limiting, yet still keeping the actions of israel within the law and prevents so-called violations.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
are the settlements on the west bank of jordan-river a "barrier" preventing peace?
are the SETTLEMENTS in the region called west bank preventing peace? some accuse they are a major barrier or "the major barrier" i doubt that because "the greatest barrier or difficulty in arab-israeli peace issues" cannot be this issue not even a bit of a barrier! look at what happened when Israel ENDED the settlements in gaza with evacuation-
did that cause peace on the gazan border? tragic-ly, we have been reminded for the past months... violence is now frequent at the gaza border. settlements are not a cause not even a bit and there removal does not end the arab violence.
consider the situation in spring of april 1967 the so-called 1967 border-- in precisely THAT situation of the 1967 border occurred the 1967 war when there was such a border and when there were ZERO jewish settlements in the west bank. the arabs made war in that situation.
so "making a border of 1967" or removing the settlements would simply return to that situation when the war occurred. war is far from peace! the arabs and so-called-palestinians who truly speak arabic showing they are arabs- so zero palestinians exist... refused to make peace with peaceful israel BEFORE even one settlement was built there.
have we forgotten? prime minister barak dared to offer the PA "end the settlements" a move i doubt was proper... yet he thought it was correct and did offer it. the fact is the arab representative rejected the offer because that is not the barrier to peace not even a bit and certainly not the major barrier preventing peace.
the idea which prevents the peace with arabs is the REFUSAL of arab leaders to recognize the existence of israel yet EGYPT magically recognized israel and there has not been a war between egypt and israel in almost fifty 50 years!
furthermore if we assume just for a moment that the arabs believe they have a privilige to "return" then equally the jews should have at least the same rights and priviliges to return to where jews have always lived on both sides of the jordan river as in the days of solomon when jerusalem was the capital city of rule before the division of jerobam.
yet they TRAMPLE equality complaining on the two opposite issues give us the privilige to return but not give jews that same privilige in the west bank. that is tarmpling equality and shows hatred towards jews. i think jordan should have jews in its governing bodies but who complains about that??
the bottom line is even before the settlements in that region and in gaza and even after the moving of jews from the gaza settlements the arabs refused to make peace showing that this is not the issue. we must inform people to criticize those arabic organizations who incite violence and refuse to recognize the multi-racial and peace loving state of israel. until they recognize it the arabs will claim that is an excuse to be violent. that is the proximal and direct cause of the bad violence.
did that cause peace on the gazan border? tragic-ly, we have been reminded for the past months... violence is now frequent at the gaza border. settlements are not a cause not even a bit and there removal does not end the arab violence.
consider the situation in spring of april 1967 the so-called 1967 border-- in precisely THAT situation of the 1967 border occurred the 1967 war when there was such a border and when there were ZERO jewish settlements in the west bank. the arabs made war in that situation.
so "making a border of 1967" or removing the settlements would simply return to that situation when the war occurred. war is far from peace! the arabs and so-called-palestinians who truly speak arabic showing they are arabs- so zero palestinians exist... refused to make peace with peaceful israel BEFORE even one settlement was built there.
have we forgotten? prime minister barak dared to offer the PA "end the settlements" a move i doubt was proper... yet he thought it was correct and did offer it. the fact is the arab representative rejected the offer because that is not the barrier to peace not even a bit and certainly not the major barrier preventing peace.
the idea which prevents the peace with arabs is the REFUSAL of arab leaders to recognize the existence of israel yet EGYPT magically recognized israel and there has not been a war between egypt and israel in almost fifty 50 years!
furthermore if we assume just for a moment that the arabs believe they have a privilige to "return" then equally the jews should have at least the same rights and priviliges to return to where jews have always lived on both sides of the jordan river as in the days of solomon when jerusalem was the capital city of rule before the division of jerobam.
yet they TRAMPLE equality complaining on the two opposite issues give us the privilige to return but not give jews that same privilige in the west bank. that is tarmpling equality and shows hatred towards jews. i think jordan should have jews in its governing bodies but who complains about that??
the bottom line is even before the settlements in that region and in gaza and even after the moving of jews from the gaza settlements the arabs refused to make peace showing that this is not the issue. we must inform people to criticize those arabic organizations who incite violence and refuse to recognize the multi-racial and peace loving state of israel. until they recognize it the arabs will claim that is an excuse to be violent. that is the proximal and direct cause of the bad violence.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
merry christmas ??
ROSES are red, VIOLETS are blue
apostles IGNORED krismas -so-
so should YOU!
thoe hard to notice something that is not visible, the book of acts LACKS any emphasis nor fuss about celebrating jesus birth on any day. certainly far from important and not taught at all by the apostles. so what? so a REAL follower of jesus would be like the first disciples and ignore krismas day except for a krismas newsletterfor the simple folk wh are not yet like the apostles and important to includes this idea for the sake of truth and to wish happy new year day.
Winter Wonderland
Amy Grant
or Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes with Lyrics
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
and extended at: any winter song which you enjoy and if you don't know then these are enuf.
apostles IGNORED krismas -so-
so should YOU!
thoe hard to notice something that is not visible, the book of acts LACKS any emphasis nor fuss about celebrating jesus birth on any day. certainly far from important and not taught at all by the apostles. so what? so a REAL follower of jesus would be like the first disciples and ignore krismas day except for a krismas newsletterfor the simple folk wh are not yet like the apostles and important to includes this idea for the sake of truth and to wish happy new year day.
replace the unholy stuff of so called holy krismas with winter songs on the evening of the longest night or any night near it like this week
I recommend winter songs such as "jingle bells" and songs inspired by it such as
Walking in a Winter WonderlandSong
Winter Wonderland
Amy Grant
or Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes with Lyrics
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
and extended at: any winter song which you enjoy and if you don't know then these are enuf.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
new year day newsletter
1 my news, briefly but see below
i have continued my studying astrophysics for beginners. a few weeks ago, i was a boyfriend to a young woman, until she decided to separate. we broke up so she could be with a different man. i met a new lady to be her boy-friend last week and i asked her certain questions. her answers scared me so i broke up with her and now alone again.
2 about kristmas briefly. the most noticeable and visible part of krismas is the decorations on the tree. the silly loop is: spiritual christians try very hard to adjust christmas away from the "buy/market idea" to spiritual jesus "was born" yet that has 2 issues one major flaw is that the first disciples never made a big issue nor any ado nor taught to celebrate the birth of jesus on any day nor at all so a REAL authentic christian would behave like the first disciples.
also the smaller flaw based on the details of the birth and time of priestly rotation jesus was born in spring which is more believable for "shepherds in the field" also the star the wise men followed the only major star was in the summer of that decade once, so certainly wrong day and more importantly basedon the bible "not at all" which leaves the tree again and as above tree not spiritual plus bad-marketing. so only for a newsletter and to wish happy new year day. good to tell kids to draw a picture of a decorated tree as explained below.
young kids get krismas presents which sets a good example giving. not enuf to say give but better show an example we give to you to teach kids to give to their kids. instead of killing a tree only draw the picture as above. which songs? not jesus birth as above so just snow songs like jingle bells songs and separate from relijon.
3 family news
my parents are now at an "old-age-home" as i watch their senility and dementia grow month by month.
i wrote them recently to try to STIMULATE brain function and memory... and they were alert enuf to respond but the response just showed they do not remember me anymore. so must be writing about some other kid or some kid they watched on tv.
other blood relatives same as last year: blood siblings act in their eyes "good and loyal" to jew-relijon by acting as if i were dead.
brother: the last time i wrote an email to bro- the warning appeared "stop writing this client you are on the "blacklisted list". so I obey. and see cut off probably based on loyalty to judaism to separate from secular jews same as my parents separated from their siblings. my comment: relijos jews are bad and this behavior shows it. same separation from sis.
siblings never wishing me happy new year nor sharing their news. i do not expect them to write on jewish holidays after they know i went to church nor do i expect them to write on christian days because they hate christianity but why not new year day... or family events no contact.
they also cut their children from me- such good loyal jews. even the older brats who could write to my email do not tell me if they got married or are still single no contact at all. i might convince them my lifestyle is better.
4 back to me; detailed.
continued my study of astrophysics and sorting old papers some to shred but some recycle paper and the important stuff to save. so many papers to sort and throw away.
i found some old poetry i wrote on paper and posted it in my blogs.
family: my daughter=dawter is continuing her career as usual. she is with her wife in _. her birthday was in september and i am not in contact with her birth mother. dawter changed her birth name from a flower to "myrtle ossa" which sounds like "the o" in hospital, to show the lineage of kings from tribe of Juda like king "asa" the judean king who did good.
my granddawter just turned 3 in october and celebrated with her gay moms. we spoke on skype so she got to see her 45 year-old bearded gramps. she talks already and she is so cute.
so HAPPY NEW YEAR and may more jews abandon that bad relijin and start acting decent amen.
i have continued my studying astrophysics for beginners. a few weeks ago, i was a boyfriend to a young woman, until she decided to separate. we broke up so she could be with a different man. i met a new lady to be her boy-friend last week and i asked her certain questions. her answers scared me so i broke up with her and now alone again.
2 about kristmas briefly. the most noticeable and visible part of krismas is the decorations on the tree. the silly loop is: spiritual christians try very hard to adjust christmas away from the "buy/market idea" to spiritual jesus "was born" yet that has 2 issues one major flaw is that the first disciples never made a big issue nor any ado nor taught to celebrate the birth of jesus on any day nor at all so a REAL authentic christian would behave like the first disciples.
also the smaller flaw based on the details of the birth and time of priestly rotation jesus was born in spring which is more believable for "shepherds in the field" also the star the wise men followed the only major star was in the summer of that decade once, so certainly wrong day and more importantly basedon the bible "not at all" which leaves the tree again and as above tree not spiritual plus bad-marketing. so only for a newsletter and to wish happy new year day. good to tell kids to draw a picture of a decorated tree as explained below.
young kids get krismas presents which sets a good example giving. not enuf to say give but better show an example we give to you to teach kids to give to their kids. instead of killing a tree only draw the picture as above. which songs? not jesus birth as above so just snow songs like jingle bells songs and separate from relijon.
3 family news
my parents are now at an "old-age-home" as i watch their senility and dementia grow month by month.
i wrote them recently to try to STIMULATE brain function and memory... and they were alert enuf to respond but the response just showed they do not remember me anymore. so must be writing about some other kid or some kid they watched on tv.
other blood relatives same as last year: blood siblings act in their eyes "good and loyal" to jew-relijon by acting as if i were dead.
brother: the last time i wrote an email to bro- the warning appeared "stop writing this client you are on the "blacklisted list". so I obey. and see cut off probably based on loyalty to judaism to separate from secular jews same as my parents separated from their siblings. my comment: relijos jews are bad and this behavior shows it. same separation from sis.
siblings never wishing me happy new year nor sharing their news. i do not expect them to write on jewish holidays after they know i went to church nor do i expect them to write on christian days because they hate christianity but why not new year day... or family events no contact.
they also cut their children from me- such good loyal jews. even the older brats who could write to my email do not tell me if they got married or are still single no contact at all. i might convince them my lifestyle is better.
4 back to me; detailed.
continued my study of astrophysics and sorting old papers some to shred but some recycle paper and the important stuff to save. so many papers to sort and throw away.
i found some old poetry i wrote on paper and posted it in my blogs.
family: my daughter=dawter is continuing her career as usual. she is with her wife in _. her birthday was in september and i am not in contact with her birth mother. dawter changed her birth name from a flower to "myrtle ossa" which sounds like "the o" in hospital, to show the lineage of kings from tribe of Juda like king "asa" the judean king who did good.
my granddawter just turned 3 in october and celebrated with her gay moms. we spoke on skype so she got to see her 45 year-old bearded gramps. she talks already and she is so cute.
so HAPPY NEW YEAR and may more jews abandon that bad relijin and start acting decent amen.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
why support israel anyway?
is the terror such as terrorist attacks against peaceful Israel, part of a cycle? i doubt that. some claim that the terror attacks against peaceful israel are just part of a cycle and revenge. the past shows that terror attacks increased whenever israel governments offered peace. for example the terror attack in tel aviv near the U.S. embassy [then still in tel aviv] when abbas was sworn in, then radical arabs "took credit" and said they will continue attacks to "prevent a 2 state solution". as preserved in book the case for israel page 179 we must not forget that such an agreement is unacceptable in the eyes of the violent arabs and will not bring peace.
experience shows that when israel did not respond or responded "mildly" to the terrror attacks then more terror attacks followed. the true "cause" of terrorism is when the leaders send the terrorists to murder israelis.
as in 2001 when arafat rejected the hand of peace, also abbas has rejected offers of peace from ehud-s barak and olmert. that is what prevents the agreement. not settlements and not a desire for revenge. the direct proximal cause is the leaders sending the terrorists and encouraging them with honor and money-for the families if they will attack jews.
we must inform israelis and the world of these facts.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
warm winter in jesus land
so many Christians in America are interested in the land where jesus walked. and taught.
so here is the situation there.
as autumn now ends the length of sun-time lessens... total length around ten hours sun per day and less each day until December 23 at that day slightly more added sunlight and from then additional sun each day of winter... as winter begins and despite the added sun each day the cold increases which relative to america [the country with that inside the name] is still quite warm!
the coldest in January in jesus land, which is called "Israel" in the greek letters of the new testament are the cold winter nights 48 degrees f. [=9c.] relatively warm for a winter night!
days are mostly 65d-f. compared to America warmer yet slight chill.
what I find surprising is that the added sun time in winter does not add warmth instead despite more sun which INCREASES each day when winter begins and throughout January yet despite each day has more sun still the heat lessens from the beginning of winter:
day 67d.f. =19d.c. cooling to 66 and cooler 65 in January despite increases in sun.
similarly cold nights 52d.f. =11d.c. cooling to 51 and then cold January nights mostly 48d.f.
data: temp december f72>68d fast cooling to 66f.d. but n55>50f.
cn. trend of cooling [end nov d23 n14>13] then d.d.22-21 n13 then d20 n12 then d19 n11
ja.f-d66-65 but most 65d. n mostly 48+49 at the coldest and warming again
cn. now coldest avj cuz most of the month d18, n10-9
so here is the situation there.
as autumn now ends the length of sun-time lessens... total length around ten hours sun per day and less each day until December 23 at that day slightly more added sunlight and from then additional sun each day of winter... as winter begins and despite the added sun each day the cold increases which relative to america [the country with that inside the name] is still quite warm!
the coldest in January in jesus land, which is called "Israel" in the greek letters of the new testament are the cold winter nights 48 degrees f. [=9c.] relatively warm for a winter night!
days are mostly 65d-f. compared to America warmer yet slight chill.
what I find surprising is that the added sun time in winter does not add warmth instead despite more sun which INCREASES each day when winter begins and throughout January yet despite each day has more sun still the heat lessens from the beginning of winter:
day 67d.f. =19d.c. cooling to 66 and cooler 65 in January despite increases in sun.
similarly cold nights 52d.f. =11d.c. cooling to 51 and then cold January nights mostly 48d.f.
data: temp december f72>68d fast cooling to 66f.d. but n55>50f.
cn. trend of cooling [end nov d23 n14>13] then d.d.22-21 n13 then d20 n12 then d19 n11
ja.f-d66-65 but most 65d. n mostly 48+49 at the coldest and warming again
cn. now coldest avj cuz most of the month d18, n10-9
Thursday, December 13, 2018
"the temptation" continued
part 4
note: skipped to 4 but published 3 later. so this continues from the story at
after we ate coq [some served with simple spices and others were chicken stewed in wine] for supper which is the last meal in the day, efrim walked with amy from the shul=synagog. he said "i finally met your coz--just say kuzin, amy corrected firmly. silenced he looked around and noticed things which felt odd to efrim, bkuz he was accostumed to saturday being different, yet here busses operated and a cab passed filled with teens. some had green dye so the hair looked like grass. a car stopped near a bus stop so a lad could exit to wait by the bus stop. in stark contrast to efrims black hat, this lad was wearing a cap with a baseball symbol. the car had a cool decoration on one hubcap. it was like a gear with cogs. the other hubcap simply had the letter "cue".
amy noticed that his jacket did not match his trousers and she complained in a bitchy tone "you are not wearing your suit. look at how your trousers are blue but your jacket is black--my suit is locked in the room--why couldnt you wear it? you are such a cad [meaning one who lacks gentlemanly instinct]--you locked me out--do not try to put the blame on me i was at apartment 2a you could have asked me to open it--or we could have 2 keys--my dad did nthing wrong! i dont want to hear another word about this and you would lose the key.--no,i...--i said not another word! she ended emphaticaly. efrim thought about her reaction to his suit not matching a big ado such a fuss and over-reaction it reminded him of the joke "women only ovary-act" haha.
they pushed open the unlocked outer door and they climbed the steps in silence. efrim turned from the stairs to the door 2b bekuz that was where they had put the clothes. amy turned the other way
to 2a. she went left from the stairs and efrim waited like a helpless child with no key while amy knocked on the door of 2a. "who is there?"--amy--we dont know amy--open sesame--oh that amy. the lady in 2a opened her door and let amy in. "so you want a cup of tea and who is that strange man? get him out of the building!--oh that is just my man child, amy giggled and the nebbor giggled too. "come in too we cant leave you alone" giggled the nebbor.+ efrim requested "please give us the key to the vacation rental"--as if a man can be trusted with a key, the nebbor said in a tone of ridicule "you would just lose it--that is a "con" however her dad is a man, efrim pointed out recalling that her dad had given the key to amy. nebbor sandy [fake name] glared at amy and said in a tone of horror "your mom let your dad hold the key??"--my dam had no pockets in her dress.
efrim was staring at a picture of a cat when he asked "amy, how do you carry the key?--i did not carry it! when you left this past afternoon i came to sandy's house because she is the owner. she introduced me to the man in apartment "cee" and so i left the key here so i would not carry anything on shabat.--there is an erub [that is a reljis term for the imaginary wall that permits carrying books or glassses even on sabbath if prepared by the rabbis]--holy people do not rely on that. [this would lead to a significant argument the next day but at the moment efrim was silent.] sandy offered hot tea and the young couple accepted. the hostess also offered WINE. amy said no. efrim said "if you re not in THE mood you should drink a cup of wine" but amy frowned and refused. man thought efrim not only is she frigid but she even refuses to drink wine to get in the mood. we are like single people who do not sleep together. the hostess commented "you two are very different" so amy explained we are a duo bekuz opposites attract. walked to the kitchen while amy and efrim sat on the dark leather of the leather couch. efrim reached to the low table and opened the cap of a bottle of cola. amy scolded him "you are a gest [like geko g with e sometimes not j and other times gee like jee stupid brits.] so wait to dup it until the host offers. that is not your stuff--sorry--and the caffiene too because you need to sleep at night--i said sorry. she rolled her eyes so efrim added the phrase "a hundred pardons." then changed the subject "our host realy likes animals--wadya mean--like the fish tank looks like it has cod inside it. so she must luv animals.--that is no proof maybe she is too lazy to have a dog so she has fish--also the picture of the cob in our room--wat animal is a cob?-- a male swan and here 2 photos of cats and another with a cub of a white polar bear (the cub was on a mountain side which had a cwm and a col)--just say swan you show off--well cob is a certain gender of swan like cow is the female--i get it like a doe--lets turn on the tv--that is not funny!--so tell me what you talked about while i was away this past afternon--n i dont want to talk about it. silence reigned until sandy returned from the kitchen with a tray. on it were three shallow saucers. 2 had small tea-cups and steam rising from them the third at a bar of chocolate naked with no wrapper.
sandy carefullly lowered the tray onto the low table called a coffee table which was by the leather sofa. she lifted a saucer with the tea cup and handed it to amy. she lay the saucer on the coffee table. the steam rose. sandy then broke a row of squares from the bar of chocolate and then broke it into squares one square per person. she gave a square to amy first then one to efrim then last she put hers in her mouth as the steam rose from the hot tea.
efrim started chewing the choclit to eat it. amy criticised "dont chew it!" [can you believe this woman??]--why not?-- if you chew then you use it up too quickly just hold it on your tong so that it melts like this--fine please give me a new square and i will eat it correctly--no new square for you! you ate it wrong. sandy interjected "after we finish ours then we will each have more. so efrim sat waiting while the girls melted the choclit in their mouths. efrim was bored so he asked for the key again but the women refused to trust him with the key. efrim was annoyed and said "smart decision i would lock her out the same as she locked me out" amy just glared at him.
they sat in silence and efrim thought about the boy who ate a bar of choclit earlier that day he had the whole bar for himself but these witches only gave him one small square. there was green dip on the low table. he tried to dip a triangular chip just a bit but dug too deep. as he moved it towards his mouth a drip made a green dot on his white shirt. finally the girls finished the square of choclit and took sips from the hot tea and found it was still too hot.
sandy then broke anther square and gave it to efrim and instructed "dont forget to melt it in your mounth not chew". so efrim obeyed. then sandy broke the remainnng bar in half anf gave half to amy and bit into her half and started chewing. efrim was too surprised to comment that he was being treated different. amy too bit into her half of bar and started chewing efrim did not want to be a cur [meaning cowardly] so he accused "you are doing it wrong you said we should not chew--dont tell me what to do. you think just bekuz i have breasts you do not owe me due respect. i can chew if i want. i have all this, answered amy waving half a bar. "what about due respect for everybody? you are mean for giving me less" accused efrim the ladys giggled and sandy said in a sing song "sao-o-r-r-r-r-y none left for you" and the girls just waved the chunks of choclit in their hands. efrim was disgusted by the treatment. he spit out the remainng choclit from his mouth into his hands and was about to storm out the door to get away from these bitch-witches when he realized he was still locked out! so he dumped the soggy choclit onto the carpet and repeated in the same teasing tone "sa-o-r-r-r-r-y for your rug--that is horrid! you put your dog poo and stained my fancy dun carpeting!" whined sandy. she looked like she was about to cry. near tears for her rug. "i said i was sorry. i am a dub [meaning clumsy] and i bear the cui [meaning responsibility] what can you expect from a man child" he said with a veiled tease. "i am so sorry for my dud of a husband..." began amy but sandy was really angry about the rug! she ran to a hook by the door pulled off the keys found the right one and gave ot to amy saying "GET.. OUT... NOW" efrim tried to hide his smile his ruse had worked. he was finally allowed back to his clothes. but he was not done. "i apologized that is my list of dos now you should acccept my apology". amy got the key and reached for another sip of tea but sandy grabbed the tea cup and sloshed tea on the rug. "uh oh looks like doggy sandy had an accident on the rug" teased efrim justfiying that she called him a dog. amy attacked" how dare you treat your hostess that way nobody can call anybody a dog"--unless he is a man, corrected sandy now off you go. amy lay her remaining bar on the saucer because she was very gholy too holy to carry anything on shabat- while carrying the key like a hypocrit. "efrim ointe dout "if you are carriying the key you might as well carry your choclit--only the key is critical enuf for an exception not choclit and it has too much faat inside anyway--so if you were not gonna eat it give to me to eat--you are fat enuf already. amy rushed away out the door and efrim followed while sandy pushed the door closed behind them.
amy tried to put the key in the lock but dropped the key. as it fell efrim tried to cop it but failed. she unlocked 2b and the room was very dim. a weak orange light came from the aft right corner where the toilet room was while its door was most ly closed and nly a bit a jar. efrim walked to the window and amy pulled off her wig with brown hair. seeing amy did not go to the bathroom efrim went. as he opened the door amy coplained "hey dont go n there i need to pee--i wont be long--but i cant wait it is an emergency--i see the rush as you first take off your wig you liar--dont call me a liar a really have to pee. efrim closed the door behind himself and locked it for privacy as amy pushed on the door and wiggled the locked doorknob trying to turn it. jeez wisperd efrim and he popped out his male-pipe and let the stream of yellowish urin out he aimed at the aft curve of the toilet but some of the stream hit the water makig a tinkle sound and bubbles so he aimed a bit higher. the stream lasted for a while it seemed a long time so efrim started counting seconds same as in the footballl game "one misisipy, 2 misisipy..." he got to 4 and the stream went limp so he leaned forward so it would all go into the bowl ndnone woulr drip on the tile floor. the bubbling sound returned and from beyond the door amy whined "quiet in there when you piss- it makes me need to piss more" efrim yanked his briefs forward so he would not touch his own male finger with his hands and the male pipe slid back into the briefs. he closed his zipper and turned to wash his hands. oops... but she was annoying so he decided not to flush.
he turned the handle for the water but no water came he unlocked the door and amy almost fell over him as she pushed against the door and criticies gross you did not wash your hands" efrim ignored her and left her to her pissing. she left the door open and walked to the toilet and like most annoying women complained "you left the seat up. why cant you lower the seat when you are done--you ower it-- i will not touch that thing people put their bottoms on it! now come back in and put it down. efrim did not respond a he pulled his arms out from the borrowed jacket. more complaining "gross you did not fluch your urine it s all yellow in here--sorry honey, you rinse it--at leat apologize-- a hundred pardons--well i am not gonna flush for you! and she pulled down her panties and sat on the cold narrow rim of ceramic. efrim face jumed in surprise as she had not closed the door so he could see her sit on the cold ceramic instead of the plastic ring of seat. good he thought now there is light while i undress "thanks honey for sharing the light--that isnot why i let you see me sit with no seat," she bellowed in a tone of exasperation and leaned forward to swing the door closed and block efrims light then she continued: "gross!, she bellowed again, "now our urine is mixing with each other" as the door snapped shut.
in the dark efrim lay his borrowed jacket by it sshoulders on the chair-back. then he slipped off the clip on tie and rlled it like a scroll and slid it into an inner jacet pocket. next he un-buttoned the buttns on his white shrt the simple thin weekday one which he had been wearing for almost 2 days already ever sinc ethemorning before the plane tri from israel he had not had a chance to change his shrt.
how he hung the shirt by its shoulders over the shoulders of the jacket. next he removed teh "religious rectangle" and folded the short width in half corner to corner and also rolled it like a scroll sae as the tie. he slid the fat roll into the outer pocket of the borrowed jcket finaly he could change his undershirt but there was no light to see the suitcase and as a relijus jew he belieed he could not switch in the electric light on friday after dark. like self improsenment i like myself in handcuffs. so no pj shirt. next he sat on the chair and leaned back against the jacket and pulled off his slip-on loafer shows amy had always criticies d hime for being too lazy too tie shoes. but the real reason was more to save time than to save the effort. he wanted to change his socks but the room was too dark to find things inhis luggaga whichwas against the wall if amy had not moved it. next h elifted just a bit off the chair to slide his trousers down. he began to feel unconfterbl from the cold arms and legs. so he felt his way to the bed and moved the folded towel fromthe foot of the bed to beside the pillow near the high board decorating the head of the bed. down came his briefs in the dark and he hung the sweaty briefs from a ball knob on the edj of the headboard call a bed knob. he looped the elastic of the waistband around the bedknob on the edj of the headboard so it hung to dry. and with no pj slipped under the covers. then efrim slid the towel for drying hands under his seat and wrapped it upward between his legs and over the male finger in case it leaked at night in a wet dream. this would be signifcant more than efrim ever suspected.
after all the arguments and the mean trick of the choclit efrim did not want to do the relijusly mandated seks of the sabbath so he breathed deeper and set aa pattern of regular breathing so she would think he was aslleep. but mr johnson [slang in te dictionary book! for the male finger based on the use of johnson company products in that area] was not asleep. it was inflating and poiting up and a struggle began against the urge to squeeze it efrim gripped the sheet and could not resist one hand jumped to the towel and he tugged on the towel to apply pressure on the male finger and move it a little that was a small relief but he needed to pretend to be aslleep and just then the toilet flushed and more light poured into the drk room as amy opened the toilet room ddor some call it "the lav". she closed the door behind her almost all the way which was considerate that he was sleeping and only left a bit ajar so she could find her clothes. efrim regulated his deep breaths slowly and the same rate and expected her footsteps to go to the drawer to get her pj. but they did not. the soft footfalls on the carpet approached his bed so efrim strglled to keep his breathing at the same rate.he grasped the sheet by his hands to keep them from moving. and then the surprise... he felt pressure on his elevated blanket wear his erect male finger was pushing the blanket up like a tent pole! she was rubbing his male finger and that was surprisingly pleasant and soothing. it was also surprising bekuz usualy she was coy [meaning shy to touch that part of his body] it was barely 30 seconds until spurt out came many short spurts onto efrims bare stomach many quick short spurts in a series and warm male seed dripped out onto his stomach "jeeez he thought good thing i wrapped a towel" she continued petting it desppite the obvious vibration that she must heva felt yet continued and the series of spurts continued for a few more seconds and then them male finger became softer and the blanket lowered and flattened over efrims stomik except for the round of his overweight belly. then she walked and pulled a drawer finally efrim coud move and he pressed the towel into the puddle of cooling male seed on his stomik. apparentl amy pulled her robe from the drawer which she could have pulled from the suitcase and was sliding off all her clothes to cover herself in the long night gown. efrim was baffled at her actions on one hand that was pleasant and she must know he enjoyed but if she was so rude to him it was crazy that she would want him to have pleasure unless she wanted it to happen while i slept and not enjoy the pleasure now that was more like this witch. but he had guessed wrng and in the morning would find her true scheme.
i will tell efrims dream in chapter 6. and skip to the morning.
light woke efrim frm his dream of children dressed in colorful clothes running in a large cavern... with narrow long lights. he opened his eyes and the first thing he felt was the urge to pee after all the urine hd been gathering in his bladder all night and at that young agae you do not yet wake up to pee evvery two hours. he glanced at amys bed and seeing she was in it knew the lav was available. so he ran. and oops the wet towel dropped between his legs to the floor. no stopping he entered the lav... and then as usual had trouble aiming. like most men in the morning the male finger points up and the only way to aim would be to push the erect tube downward yet while erect no urine would come out and he felt the need to empty the yellow urine so what should he do? he closed hs eyes and thought of the shapes of numbers the curvy 9 and the 8 counting down and it worked as he counted down the male-finger pointed down and softened and the stream of liguid moved inside he could feel the liguid moving inside and aimed and sprayed the fire hose into the white cermic toilet. the yellow liquid hit the curved back of the bowl and spread ina yellow flat cascade down the back oof the bowl almost byutiful. at the end of the stream which like most mornings took a long time; as expected a whole nights worth of urine, he reacehed to pull on his briefs to get the hose back in but... he was not wearing any. he thought about the statue of liberty site. they were so neaar it and he would like to walk on its cay [meaning low island]. next he reached for the handle to cause the water to flush the toilet bowl and he pressed but no water came out. amy would be pissed! apparently there had been only enough water for a few flushes in the tank and th water had been used already and no new water had entered like the sink was not working. now this was a relijus problem because jew must do the water ritual in the morning! too bad. if you cant you cant. efrim left the lav and scooped up the soggy towel and brought into the lav and looked for a place to handg it to dry then while my slept he opened his luggage to find clothes for the day. suddenly the sound of the zipper woke up amy. she jumped out of bed and ran for the av and stoopped frozen staring at him "why the hek are you naked??--go pee he answered and she needed no urging "not to wait". then a shriek "you left your gross urine AGAIN... i can-not believe how gross you are" efrim could not help but smile he almost wished he could have flushed and still did not just to get her back for how she annoyed him i mean she would not bleed from this. more hollering as amy bellowed through the open lav door "AND you left the seat up AGAIN why cant you put the seat down and prepare it for me." afrim was about to shoot back "i dont have to perpare it for you" or "you put it down yourself" but just ignored her and looked for his briefs and suit matching trouser-jacket. finally he found his briefs and pulled them up. next hsi suit trousers with the narrrow pin stripes. finally he changed his shirt which he felt like he wore for 3 days in a row. he pulled it off and it was hard to budge almost sticky to his back from 3 days of sweat and more sticky to his stomik where the man-seed was now dry.
he heard the caw of a crow and the coo of a dove from the window as he changed undershirts. a few tweets were nice but soon he hoped the din would die. he tried to don the clean one quickly. after he pulled it over his head he noticed a low cot which could be pulled out from under her bed. he walked to the window and made a dee in the dew on the glass. oops no "writing" is allowed this day. should he erase it? that is forbidden too. so he finisshed donning his clothes and climbed back into bed. he decided not to go to pray. to be continued.
note: skipped to 4 but published 3 later. so this continues from the story at
after we ate coq [some served with simple spices and others were chicken stewed in wine] for supper which is the last meal in the day, efrim walked with amy from the shul=synagog. he said "i finally met your coz--just say kuzin, amy corrected firmly. silenced he looked around and noticed things which felt odd to efrim, bkuz he was accostumed to saturday being different, yet here busses operated and a cab passed filled with teens. some had green dye so the hair looked like grass. a car stopped near a bus stop so a lad could exit to wait by the bus stop. in stark contrast to efrims black hat, this lad was wearing a cap with a baseball symbol. the car had a cool decoration on one hubcap. it was like a gear with cogs. the other hubcap simply had the letter "cue".
amy noticed that his jacket did not match his trousers and she complained in a bitchy tone "you are not wearing your suit. look at how your trousers are blue but your jacket is black--my suit is locked in the room--why couldnt you wear it? you are such a cad [meaning one who lacks gentlemanly instinct]--you locked me out--do not try to put the blame on me i was at apartment 2a you could have asked me to open it--or we could have 2 keys--my dad did nthing wrong! i dont want to hear another word about this and you would lose the key.--no,i...--i said not another word! she ended emphaticaly. efrim thought about her reaction to his suit not matching a big ado such a fuss and over-reaction it reminded him of the joke "women only ovary-act" haha.
they pushed open the unlocked outer door and they climbed the steps in silence. efrim turned from the stairs to the door 2b bekuz that was where they had put the clothes. amy turned the other way
to 2a. she went left from the stairs and efrim waited like a helpless child with no key while amy knocked on the door of 2a. "who is there?"--amy--we dont know amy--open sesame--oh that amy. the lady in 2a opened her door and let amy in. "so you want a cup of tea and who is that strange man? get him out of the building!--oh that is just my man child, amy giggled and the nebbor giggled too. "come in too we cant leave you alone" giggled the nebbor.+ efrim requested "please give us the key to the vacation rental"--as if a man can be trusted with a key, the nebbor said in a tone of ridicule "you would just lose it--that is a "con" however her dad is a man, efrim pointed out recalling that her dad had given the key to amy. nebbor sandy [fake name] glared at amy and said in a tone of horror "your mom let your dad hold the key??"--my dam had no pockets in her dress.
efrim was staring at a picture of a cat when he asked "amy, how do you carry the key?--i did not carry it! when you left this past afternoon i came to sandy's house because she is the owner. she introduced me to the man in apartment "cee" and so i left the key here so i would not carry anything on shabat.--there is an erub [that is a reljis term for the imaginary wall that permits carrying books or glassses even on sabbath if prepared by the rabbis]--holy people do not rely on that. [this would lead to a significant argument the next day but at the moment efrim was silent.] sandy offered hot tea and the young couple accepted. the hostess also offered WINE. amy said no. efrim said "if you re not in THE mood you should drink a cup of wine" but amy frowned and refused. man thought efrim not only is she frigid but she even refuses to drink wine to get in the mood. we are like single people who do not sleep together. the hostess commented "you two are very different" so amy explained we are a duo bekuz opposites attract. walked to the kitchen while amy and efrim sat on the dark leather of the leather couch. efrim reached to the low table and opened the cap of a bottle of cola. amy scolded him "you are a gest [like geko g with e sometimes not j and other times gee like jee stupid brits.] so wait to dup it until the host offers. that is not your stuff--sorry--and the caffiene too because you need to sleep at night--i said sorry. she rolled her eyes so efrim added the phrase "a hundred pardons." then changed the subject "our host realy likes animals--wadya mean--like the fish tank looks like it has cod inside it. so she must luv animals.--that is no proof maybe she is too lazy to have a dog so she has fish--also the picture of the cob in our room--wat animal is a cob?-- a male swan and here 2 photos of cats and another with a cub of a white polar bear (the cub was on a mountain side which had a cwm and a col)--just say swan you show off--well cob is a certain gender of swan like cow is the female--i get it like a doe--lets turn on the tv--that is not funny!--so tell me what you talked about while i was away this past afternon--n i dont want to talk about it. silence reigned until sandy returned from the kitchen with a tray. on it were three shallow saucers. 2 had small tea-cups and steam rising from them the third at a bar of chocolate naked with no wrapper.
sandy carefullly lowered the tray onto the low table called a coffee table which was by the leather sofa. she lifted a saucer with the tea cup and handed it to amy. she lay the saucer on the coffee table. the steam rose. sandy then broke a row of squares from the bar of chocolate and then broke it into squares one square per person. she gave a square to amy first then one to efrim then last she put hers in her mouth as the steam rose from the hot tea.
efrim started chewing the choclit to eat it. amy criticised "dont chew it!" [can you believe this woman??]--why not?-- if you chew then you use it up too quickly just hold it on your tong so that it melts like this--fine please give me a new square and i will eat it correctly--no new square for you! you ate it wrong. sandy interjected "after we finish ours then we will each have more. so efrim sat waiting while the girls melted the choclit in their mouths. efrim was bored so he asked for the key again but the women refused to trust him with the key. efrim was annoyed and said "smart decision i would lock her out the same as she locked me out" amy just glared at him.
they sat in silence and efrim thought about the boy who ate a bar of choclit earlier that day he had the whole bar for himself but these witches only gave him one small square. there was green dip on the low table. he tried to dip a triangular chip just a bit but dug too deep. as he moved it towards his mouth a drip made a green dot on his white shirt. finally the girls finished the square of choclit and took sips from the hot tea and found it was still too hot.
sandy then broke anther square and gave it to efrim and instructed "dont forget to melt it in your mounth not chew". so efrim obeyed. then sandy broke the remainnng bar in half anf gave half to amy and bit into her half and started chewing. efrim was too surprised to comment that he was being treated different. amy too bit into her half of bar and started chewing efrim did not want to be a cur [meaning cowardly] so he accused "you are doing it wrong you said we should not chew--dont tell me what to do. you think just bekuz i have breasts you do not owe me due respect. i can chew if i want. i have all this, answered amy waving half a bar. "what about due respect for everybody? you are mean for giving me less" accused efrim the ladys giggled and sandy said in a sing song "sao-o-r-r-r-r-y none left for you" and the girls just waved the chunks of choclit in their hands. efrim was disgusted by the treatment. he spit out the remainng choclit from his mouth into his hands and was about to storm out the door to get away from these bitch-witches when he realized he was still locked out! so he dumped the soggy choclit onto the carpet and repeated in the same teasing tone "sa-o-r-r-r-r-y for your rug--that is horrid! you put your dog poo and stained my fancy dun carpeting!" whined sandy. she looked like she was about to cry. near tears for her rug. "i said i was sorry. i am a dub [meaning clumsy] and i bear the cui [meaning responsibility] what can you expect from a man child" he said with a veiled tease. "i am so sorry for my dud of a husband..." began amy but sandy was really angry about the rug! she ran to a hook by the door pulled off the keys found the right one and gave ot to amy saying "GET.. OUT... NOW" efrim tried to hide his smile his ruse had worked. he was finally allowed back to his clothes. but he was not done. "i apologized that is my list of dos now you should acccept my apology". amy got the key and reached for another sip of tea but sandy grabbed the tea cup and sloshed tea on the rug. "uh oh looks like doggy sandy had an accident on the rug" teased efrim justfiying that she called him a dog. amy attacked" how dare you treat your hostess that way nobody can call anybody a dog"--unless he is a man, corrected sandy now off you go. amy lay her remaining bar on the saucer because she was very gholy too holy to carry anything on shabat- while carrying the key like a hypocrit. "efrim ointe dout "if you are carriying the key you might as well carry your choclit--only the key is critical enuf for an exception not choclit and it has too much faat inside anyway--so if you were not gonna eat it give to me to eat--you are fat enuf already. amy rushed away out the door and efrim followed while sandy pushed the door closed behind them.
amy tried to put the key in the lock but dropped the key. as it fell efrim tried to cop it but failed. she unlocked 2b and the room was very dim. a weak orange light came from the aft right corner where the toilet room was while its door was most ly closed and nly a bit a jar. efrim walked to the window and amy pulled off her wig with brown hair. seeing amy did not go to the bathroom efrim went. as he opened the door amy coplained "hey dont go n there i need to pee--i wont be long--but i cant wait it is an emergency--i see the rush as you first take off your wig you liar--dont call me a liar a really have to pee. efrim closed the door behind himself and locked it for privacy as amy pushed on the door and wiggled the locked doorknob trying to turn it. jeez wisperd efrim and he popped out his male-pipe and let the stream of yellowish urin out he aimed at the aft curve of the toilet but some of the stream hit the water makig a tinkle sound and bubbles so he aimed a bit higher. the stream lasted for a while it seemed a long time so efrim started counting seconds same as in the footballl game "one misisipy, 2 misisipy..." he got to 4 and the stream went limp so he leaned forward so it would all go into the bowl ndnone woulr drip on the tile floor. the bubbling sound returned and from beyond the door amy whined "quiet in there when you piss- it makes me need to piss more" efrim yanked his briefs forward so he would not touch his own male finger with his hands and the male pipe slid back into the briefs. he closed his zipper and turned to wash his hands. oops... but she was annoying so he decided not to flush.
he turned the handle for the water but no water came he unlocked the door and amy almost fell over him as she pushed against the door and criticies gross you did not wash your hands" efrim ignored her and left her to her pissing. she left the door open and walked to the toilet and like most annoying women complained "you left the seat up. why cant you lower the seat when you are done--you ower it-- i will not touch that thing people put their bottoms on it! now come back in and put it down. efrim did not respond a he pulled his arms out from the borrowed jacket. more complaining "gross you did not fluch your urine it s all yellow in here--sorry honey, you rinse it--at leat apologize-- a hundred pardons--well i am not gonna flush for you! and she pulled down her panties and sat on the cold narrow rim of ceramic. efrim face jumed in surprise as she had not closed the door so he could see her sit on the cold ceramic instead of the plastic ring of seat. good he thought now there is light while i undress "thanks honey for sharing the light--that isnot why i let you see me sit with no seat," she bellowed in a tone of exasperation and leaned forward to swing the door closed and block efrims light then she continued: "gross!, she bellowed again, "now our urine is mixing with each other" as the door snapped shut.
in the dark efrim lay his borrowed jacket by it sshoulders on the chair-back. then he slipped off the clip on tie and rlled it like a scroll and slid it into an inner jacet pocket. next he un-buttoned the buttns on his white shrt the simple thin weekday one which he had been wearing for almost 2 days already ever sinc ethemorning before the plane tri from israel he had not had a chance to change his shrt.
how he hung the shirt by its shoulders over the shoulders of the jacket. next he removed teh "religious rectangle" and folded the short width in half corner to corner and also rolled it like a scroll sae as the tie. he slid the fat roll into the outer pocket of the borrowed jcket finaly he could change his undershirt but there was no light to see the suitcase and as a relijus jew he belieed he could not switch in the electric light on friday after dark. like self improsenment i like myself in handcuffs. so no pj shirt. next he sat on the chair and leaned back against the jacket and pulled off his slip-on loafer shows amy had always criticies d hime for being too lazy too tie shoes. but the real reason was more to save time than to save the effort. he wanted to change his socks but the room was too dark to find things inhis luggaga whichwas against the wall if amy had not moved it. next h elifted just a bit off the chair to slide his trousers down. he began to feel unconfterbl from the cold arms and legs. so he felt his way to the bed and moved the folded towel fromthe foot of the bed to beside the pillow near the high board decorating the head of the bed. down came his briefs in the dark and he hung the sweaty briefs from a ball knob on the edj of the headboard call a bed knob. he looped the elastic of the waistband around the bedknob on the edj of the headboard so it hung to dry. and with no pj slipped under the covers. then efrim slid the towel for drying hands under his seat and wrapped it upward between his legs and over the male finger in case it leaked at night in a wet dream. this would be signifcant more than efrim ever suspected.
after all the arguments and the mean trick of the choclit efrim did not want to do the relijusly mandated seks of the sabbath so he breathed deeper and set aa pattern of regular breathing so she would think he was aslleep. but mr johnson [slang in te dictionary book! for the male finger based on the use of johnson company products in that area] was not asleep. it was inflating and poiting up and a struggle began against the urge to squeeze it efrim gripped the sheet and could not resist one hand jumped to the towel and he tugged on the towel to apply pressure on the male finger and move it a little that was a small relief but he needed to pretend to be aslleep and just then the toilet flushed and more light poured into the drk room as amy opened the toilet room ddor some call it "the lav". she closed the door behind her almost all the way which was considerate that he was sleeping and only left a bit ajar so she could find her clothes. efrim regulated his deep breaths slowly and the same rate and expected her footsteps to go to the drawer to get her pj. but they did not. the soft footfalls on the carpet approached his bed so efrim strglled to keep his breathing at the same rate.he grasped the sheet by his hands to keep them from moving. and then the surprise... he felt pressure on his elevated blanket wear his erect male finger was pushing the blanket up like a tent pole! she was rubbing his male finger and that was surprisingly pleasant and soothing. it was also surprising bekuz usualy she was coy [meaning shy to touch that part of his body] it was barely 30 seconds until spurt out came many short spurts onto efrims bare stomach many quick short spurts in a series and warm male seed dripped out onto his stomach "jeeez he thought good thing i wrapped a towel" she continued petting it desppite the obvious vibration that she must heva felt yet continued and the series of spurts continued for a few more seconds and then them male finger became softer and the blanket lowered and flattened over efrims stomik except for the round of his overweight belly. then she walked and pulled a drawer finally efrim coud move and he pressed the towel into the puddle of cooling male seed on his stomik. apparentl amy pulled her robe from the drawer which she could have pulled from the suitcase and was sliding off all her clothes to cover herself in the long night gown. efrim was baffled at her actions on one hand that was pleasant and she must know he enjoyed but if she was so rude to him it was crazy that she would want him to have pleasure unless she wanted it to happen while i slept and not enjoy the pleasure now that was more like this witch. but he had guessed wrng and in the morning would find her true scheme.
i will tell efrims dream in chapter 6. and skip to the morning.
light woke efrim frm his dream of children dressed in colorful clothes running in a large cavern... with narrow long lights. he opened his eyes and the first thing he felt was the urge to pee after all the urine hd been gathering in his bladder all night and at that young agae you do not yet wake up to pee evvery two hours. he glanced at amys bed and seeing she was in it knew the lav was available. so he ran. and oops the wet towel dropped between his legs to the floor. no stopping he entered the lav... and then as usual had trouble aiming. like most men in the morning the male finger points up and the only way to aim would be to push the erect tube downward yet while erect no urine would come out and he felt the need to empty the yellow urine so what should he do? he closed hs eyes and thought of the shapes of numbers the curvy 9 and the 8 counting down and it worked as he counted down the male-finger pointed down and softened and the stream of liguid moved inside he could feel the liguid moving inside and aimed and sprayed the fire hose into the white cermic toilet. the yellow liquid hit the curved back of the bowl and spread ina yellow flat cascade down the back oof the bowl almost byutiful. at the end of the stream which like most mornings took a long time; as expected a whole nights worth of urine, he reacehed to pull on his briefs to get the hose back in but... he was not wearing any. he thought about the statue of liberty site. they were so neaar it and he would like to walk on its cay [meaning low island]. next he reached for the handle to cause the water to flush the toilet bowl and he pressed but no water came out. amy would be pissed! apparently there had been only enough water for a few flushes in the tank and th water had been used already and no new water had entered like the sink was not working. now this was a relijus problem because jew must do the water ritual in the morning! too bad. if you cant you cant. efrim left the lav and scooped up the soggy towel and brought into the lav and looked for a place to handg it to dry then while my slept he opened his luggage to find clothes for the day. suddenly the sound of the zipper woke up amy. she jumped out of bed and ran for the av and stoopped frozen staring at him "why the hek are you naked??--go pee he answered and she needed no urging "not to wait". then a shriek "you left your gross urine AGAIN... i can-not believe how gross you are" efrim could not help but smile he almost wished he could have flushed and still did not just to get her back for how she annoyed him i mean she would not bleed from this. more hollering as amy bellowed through the open lav door "AND you left the seat up AGAIN why cant you put the seat down and prepare it for me." afrim was about to shoot back "i dont have to perpare it for you" or "you put it down yourself" but just ignored her and looked for his briefs and suit matching trouser-jacket. finally he found his briefs and pulled them up. next hsi suit trousers with the narrrow pin stripes. finally he changed his shirt which he felt like he wore for 3 days in a row. he pulled it off and it was hard to budge almost sticky to his back from 3 days of sweat and more sticky to his stomik where the man-seed was now dry.
he heard the caw of a crow and the coo of a dove from the window as he changed undershirts. a few tweets were nice but soon he hoped the din would die. he tried to don the clean one quickly. after he pulled it over his head he noticed a low cot which could be pulled out from under her bed. he walked to the window and made a dee in the dew on the glass. oops no "writing" is allowed this day. should he erase it? that is forbidden too. so he finisshed donning his clothes and climbed back into bed. he decided not to go to pray. to be continued.
"tick tick" a poem
TICK-TICK, by n.t.
i hear tick-tick-tick
clock sounds make me sick
time flies as i work
and enjoy my pork
it ticks go to play
the best time of day
2based on Album: Rubaiyat of Dorothy Ashby
today has troubles that Yesterdays prepare
tmoro's secret is triumph or despair?
drink hard for you do not know: why you came
drink hard for you do not know good to go where?
note: flaws in original do know born but not why and could use today with tmoro.
i hear tick-tick-tick
clock sounds make me sick
time flies as i work
and enjoy my pork
it ticks go to play
the best time of day
2based on Album: Rubaiyat of Dorothy Ashby
today has troubles that Yesterdays prepare
tmoro's secret is triumph or despair?
drink hard for you do not know: why you came
drink hard for you do not know good to go where?
note: flaws in original do know born but not why and could use today with tmoro.
rare-short word aid for story with idea c+d
c something shaped like c
cab a vehicle usu. to hire the driver or where the driver sits
cad one who lacks gentlemanly instinct
cam a piece that moves its neighbor piece
can to be able to accomplish make or do
cap a cover
car a vehicle with wheels for movement
cat a type of mammal that is carnivorous/eats meat
caw the call of the crow, v
cay 'kee' a low island
cee the letter c
chi 'kie' a certain Greek letter
cob a male swan, a short legged horse, corn
cod a family of fish
cog a tooth on the rim of a gear out or wheel in
col a pass in a mountain range
con to study/examine closely, the negative position or an opposing argument
coo the low soft call of a dove or pigeon
cop thread wound on a tube, to catch hold
coq chicken not cooked in wine
cot a small house or a small bed
cow the mature female of cattle, the mate of any species whose male is called bull, v to intimidate by threats
cox a sailor with charge of crew and who steers
coy reluctant to touch or to commit
coz a cousin
cry to call loudly or to expel tears
cub a young mammal inc. shark and human
cud the food returned to the mouth to chew again
cue the letter q, the wooden rod of pool, a signal to start >v
cui 'kwee' responsibility
cum also with or also as
cup a vessel for drinking
cur an inferior dog, a cowardly person
cut to push a blade through something
cwm 'koom' a basin on a mountain with steep walls
d something shaped like d
dab a gentle touch >v
dad a father
dag an end that hangs
dah code of dash
dam a female parent, a wall which holds back water
daw to lighten
day the time of light
dee the letter d
den the home or lair of a wild animal, a cavern, a room for comfort >v
dew moisture or condensed vapor on a cool surface
dex a certain sulfate [=sulfur bonded with oxygen atoms
did to do before
die to stop functioning, to desire strongly
dig to scoop dirt etc. or loosen it.
dim not enough light
din a loud continuing noise
dip to push partially and for a short time into a liquid or thicker "dip
dit code of dot
do to accomplish, to act with effect, an action supposed to be performed, "doe" a tone
doe the mature female of any species whose male is called buck
dog a type of mammal with a keen sense of smell >v to track or hunt
don to put on clothes
dos the actions supposed to be performed
dot a small spot
dow to be able to accomplish something useful [v. I dow
dry lacking a liquid
dub to name with a descriptive name, to do something poorly > a clumsy person, a puddle, to copy recorded sound to a film etc.
dud something that failed to accomplish n/aj
due aj which is owed [due respect/rights/proof] >n
dug to scoop dirt before
dun to demand payment many times persistently, dark gray but slightly brown >colored such
duo two paired together
dup to open
dye the matter that colors, v
e something shaped like e
c something shaped like c
cab a vehicle usu. to hire the driver or where the driver sits
cad one who lacks gentlemanly instinct
cam a piece that moves its neighbor piece
can to be able to accomplish make or do
cap a cover
car a vehicle with wheels for movement
cat a type of mammal that is carnivorous/eats meat
caw the call of the crow, v
cay 'kee' a low island
cee the letter c
chi 'kie' a certain Greek letter
cob a male swan, a short legged horse, corn
cod a family of fish
cog a tooth on the rim of a gear out or wheel in
col a pass in a mountain range
con to study/examine closely, the negative position or an opposing argument
coo the low soft call of a dove or pigeon
cop thread wound on a tube, to catch hold
coq chicken not cooked in wine
cot a small house or a small bed
cow the mature female of cattle, the mate of any species whose male is called bull, v to intimidate by threats
cox a sailor with charge of crew and who steers
coy reluctant to touch or to commit
coz a cousin
cry to call loudly or to expel tears
cub a young mammal inc. shark and human
cud the food returned to the mouth to chew again
cue the letter q, the wooden rod of pool, a signal to start >v
cui 'kwee' responsibility
cum also with or also as
cup a vessel for drinking
cur an inferior dog, a cowardly person
cut to push a blade through something
cwm 'koom' a basin on a mountain with steep walls
d something shaped like d
dab a gentle touch >v
dad a father
dag an end that hangs
dah code of dash
dam a female parent, a wall which holds back water
daw to lighten
day the time of light
dee the letter d
den the home or lair of a wild animal, a cavern, a room for comfort >v
dew moisture or condensed vapor on a cool surface
dex a certain sulfate [=sulfur bonded with oxygen atoms
did to do before
die to stop functioning, to desire strongly
dig to scoop dirt etc. or loosen it.
dim not enough light
din a loud continuing noise
dip to push partially and for a short time into a liquid or thicker "dip
dit code of dot
do to accomplish, to act with effect, an action supposed to be performed, "doe" a tone
doe the mature female of any species whose male is called buck
dog a type of mammal with a keen sense of smell >v to track or hunt
don to put on clothes
dos the actions supposed to be performed
dot a small spot
dow to be able to accomplish something useful [v. I dow
dry lacking a liquid
dub to name with a descriptive name, to do something poorly > a clumsy person, a puddle, to copy recorded sound to a film etc.
dud something that failed to accomplish n/aj
due aj which is owed [due respect/rights/proof] >n
dug to scoop dirt before
dun to demand payment many times persistently, dark gray but slightly brown >colored such
duo two paired together
dup to open
dye the matter that colors, v
e something shaped like e
Monday, December 10, 2018
rare-short word aid for story with idea, aid for story letter "b"
note: the rare short words were truly in the book dictionary. however the dictionary often showed bad vague or tricky definitions which I deciphered and wrote my own description based on the idea in the dictionary. a dictionary is bad if it offers a synonym or alternative word for the definition because that IS the purpose of different book= thesaurus but not a dictionary which should "describe the idea" so I fixed the definition description- at least for the short words with similar idea as dictionary but less tricky.
the word list is an aid for the story in nearby post
this list has b so it continues from the list of rare and short words with letter "a" already posted here
now for letter b most of these short words are common but some are rare and over 90 were already preserved in the story next bid and c in future post
this vocabulary is an aid for the story on previous post
s-b [noun] something shaped like b, following a in order
ba the call of a sheep
baa the call of a sheep >v ["ba," fluffy baaed
s-bad below a standard
s-bag a flexible container to hold items
s-bah i. of disdain or contempt
s-ban to forbid/prohibit by law or social pressure
s-bar something straight and long
s-bat a strong/sturdy stick, a hit, an animal, also v
s-bay reddish brown color [n aj] a type of tree, a small inlet of sea
s-be to occur or happen, change to or develop into, [imperative commanding] you should make yourself
s-bed the furniture to lay on, v
s-bee an insect that flies and produces honey
s-beg to ask usu. with emotion
s-bel ten decibels [a measure of sound
s-ben the inner room, av in
s-bet the act of pledging something depending on the result of a contest or the outcome of an issue, v
s-bi someone attracted to both sexes
s-bib to drink, a cloth or plastic shield worn to protect clothes
bid to say an order, to express what is specified, n
s-big large in size or force
s-bin something enclosed for storage, v
s-bio the life story of a person
s-bis av again
s-bit to bite in a previous time in the past, a small amount, a tool placed in a horse's mouth >v
s-boa a large snake that crushes its prey
s-bob to quickly move up and down
s-bod the body/ the physical form of a human animal or plant
s-bog an area of wet poorly drained ground see fen
s-boo i. to startle or to express disapproval, v
s-bop to hit >n [watch Jay bop Jim. the bop struck Jim
bot the wormlike larva of the botfly
s-bow to bend down the head or to lower by bending the body or knee as respect
s-box a container, an evergreen shrub
s-boy a male child from birth until maturity
s-bra an undergarment for women
s-bud the part of a plant that bulges and may develop into a flower
s-bug a form of life with legs to crawl but no spine
s-bum one who gets from others and avoids work, v
s-bun a small loaf of bread
s-bur a rough or prickly covering
s-bus a large vehicle for many passengers
s-but except that or except for or unless
s-buy to own something by paying
s-by close to or through a medium of
s-bye or by i. I am leaving
C mission accomplished 42 of list used. remain bot, bey bid ba
next bid and c
the list continues at
the word list is an aid for the story in nearby post
this list has b so it continues from the list of rare and short words with letter "a" already posted here
now for letter b most of these short words are common but some are rare and over 90 were already preserved in the story next bid and c in future post
this vocabulary is an aid for the story on previous post
s-b [noun] something shaped like b, following a in order
ba the call of a sheep
baa the call of a sheep >v ["ba," fluffy baaed
s-bad below a standard
s-bag a flexible container to hold items
s-bah i. of disdain or contempt
s-ban to forbid/prohibit by law or social pressure
s-bar something straight and long
s-bat a strong/sturdy stick, a hit, an animal, also v
s-bay reddish brown color [n aj] a type of tree, a small inlet of sea
s-be to occur or happen, change to or develop into, [imperative commanding] you should make yourself
s-bed the furniture to lay on, v
s-bee an insect that flies and produces honey
s-beg to ask usu. with emotion
s-bel ten decibels [a measure of sound
s-ben the inner room, av in
s-bet the act of pledging something depending on the result of a contest or the outcome of an issue, v
s-bi someone attracted to both sexes
s-bib to drink, a cloth or plastic shield worn to protect clothes
bid to say an order, to express what is specified, n
s-big large in size or force
s-bin something enclosed for storage, v
s-bio the life story of a person
s-bis av again
s-bit to bite in a previous time in the past, a small amount, a tool placed in a horse's mouth >v
s-boa a large snake that crushes its prey
s-bob to quickly move up and down
s-bod the body/ the physical form of a human animal or plant
s-bog an area of wet poorly drained ground see fen
s-boo i. to startle or to express disapproval, v
s-bop to hit >n [watch Jay bop Jim. the bop struck Jim
bot the wormlike larva of the botfly
s-bow to bend down the head or to lower by bending the body or knee as respect
s-box a container, an evergreen shrub
s-boy a male child from birth until maturity
s-bra an undergarment for women
s-bud the part of a plant that bulges and may develop into a flower
s-bug a form of life with legs to crawl but no spine
s-bum one who gets from others and avoids work, v
s-bun a small loaf of bread
s-bur a rough or prickly covering
s-bus a large vehicle for many passengers
s-but except that or except for or unless
s-buy to own something by paying
s-by close to or through a medium of
s-bye or by i. I am leaving
C mission accomplished 42 of list used. remain bot, bey bid ba
next bid and c
the list continues at
the temptation part 2
continued- story continues from
note: some words are rare so I included a vocabulary aid for the short rare words. at next post
chapter 3
now the bio, continues when this young couple walked through the airport in america and met her parents at the baggage-go-round. as usual the luggage [funny word because you must "lug" it along] arrived. amy pointed to her suitcase with the cloth strip and said "get ready that is the suitcase we ain" [same as own], so they grabbed their baggage and walked out to the car. a plane was landing and the engines on each ala were very loud so efrim asked himself how many "bel" was the noise. he did not know. mr drove them away from the airport and they passed a watery bog. later they came to a building with vacation rental flats. the couple climbed the stairs "somewhere" in new york each carrying a suitcase with clothes. we reached the door "2b".
amy [the young wife] opened the door with the one key that her dad had given her and they entered the small apartment flat. he lay his luggage against a wall and walked around to see the place. one room with two narrow beds and 2 chairs against the wall. no table. but a "drawer" dresser. in the aft of the room to the right side was a door leading to a narrow sink and the necessary toilet.
he cussed under his breath "no frij". this was very bad. he was not sad about the lack of a tv because efrim believed in the social ban not to use tv. simply bkuz of his social group. also no trash bin. did anybody ban a bin? he hoped they would go to the statue of liberty on its ait because he had never been there.
already amy was complaining "aren't you gonna unpack the suitcase"--he felt like replying "don't tell me what to do" [the phrase she said so often] but instead strode back to the narrow beds where she was busy like an ant and said, "bah. it seems a waste to unpack and then repak."--"then I will unpack for you"--"no. consider the suitcase is the same as the drawers"--"let me do you a favor"--no means no--you are so lazy like a sloth. my ma was right about u."--"and don't touch my stuff" he finished. however it was so important that she put the bra down on top of the furniture instead of inside the drawer- showing that she stopped unpacking her own, while she left her case open and started unpacking his clothes. efrim held back his true feelings and did not say "you are such an obstinate ass" [referring to a person both stupid and stubborn/obstinate]. getting the final word she said "you ail me".
a sudden thought occurred to him. "sucker I got you to unpack for me" he taunted. she glared at him partly angry partly confused. after a few seconds she threw his trousers back in the suitcase... the ruse had worked this time.
he asked if she was hungry. and she answered no. "well I am and we need to be prepared in case we feel hungry"--no need to eat now we will eat dinner, she responded.
he felt in his pocket and found the bills in his pocket but they were foreign currency from home. suddenly he felt very trapped. like a boa was curling around him tightly. he could not even BUY food here.
he asked "do you have dollars"--nope." now he felt desperately hungry which feels different from hunger. he stormed out of the apartment without saying "bye" and wandered the streets not sure what to do. he passed an ad for a Chinese restaurant. frustrating yet pleasant to think about eating there. he imagined other ads for other restirronts too.
and then... and then... salvation. ahead of him on the right side he saw two kids playing. they were dressed in a way that showed their culture was the same as his subdivision of jewish. there was hope. he slowed his pace as walked by the young brother and sister playing.
suddenly he heard "think fast" and the brat threw his red ball, using his left arm, at efrim. far from athletic and far from agile he failed to catch it and instead the ball bounced off his chest and back towards the brats. the kids watched the ball bop efrim. they lacked a bat to play baseball. the ball was actually "bay" color near red. she bent quickly and threw it to her brother... with bad aim, in an ARC that was too high... he managed to bob up in time to catch it despite his short bod. efrim complimented him "you are an ace."
efrim smiled at his saviors and said "my name is efrim I need to ask a favor from your parents" the boy was suspicious and the girl ran inside apparently scared of this strange man. efrim noticed motion and saw there was a bee busy near a flower. the boy challenged "do u think my sister is pretty?" a dangerous issue to discuss in our society. efrim replied carefully "she is a cute bud"-"don't call her a bug!" he defended her honor in protest. she returned with her ma who asked "what favor" revealing the girl had simply repeated his words.
efrim stood a safe distance and began his plea to beg: said "my wife and I just arrived from Israel..." [he watched her eyes narrow with her concerned look, she thought he was a bum, yet efrim continued] do you mind sharing some food?"--"but no cash?" she asked as her voice rose. "really I know it is not proper to ask strangers for money..." but the rude brat interrupted his words "he is not a stranger. we are playing catch"
miraculously that convinced the mother and she welcomed efrim in. efrim thought "if my kid played ball with some strange man I do not care what disguise he wore I would punish him," but knew not to criticize his saviors.
efrim followed mom inside. he passed the brown box for mail which hung beside the door. it looked very rusty yet was actualy painted brown. on his left he saw a couch or sofa so this room is the "den" or lounge. they continued toward the kitchen through a "ben" [that means inner room]. meanwhile the daughter ran and returned meeting him with a cup of water to bib [meaning to drink]. she lowered her head in a quick bow. efrim smiled and said "that is so nice," to the girl. then to her mother "do you have soup or sanwij or something?--start with soup. what do you mean by sanwij?-- I like peanut butter on bread but I should not be picky because all I have is the wrong currency" explained efrim showing his sheqels. efrim continued in a low tone "I simply did not think ahead."
he saw her surprise that he was showing he had not lied. "what about tuna in a bun?" she offered. "then just soup is enuf because I do not like tuna. or just the bun without the fish."--"well I don't mind" she answered bringing the bowl of hot soup to the table. efriim then sat by the bowl and mom brought the plastic jar of peanut butter with a spreader [not a knife]. then from the frij removed two items. in one hand a white paper wrapped around something and the bag of bread.
as she approached the table he saw the art hanging from the magnets on the frij.
"you choose if you want sliced shoulder or peanut butter". at that point even efrim who avoided saying baruk hashem which means thank god... blurted it out! "baruk hashem for people like you"--your welcome.
efrim stood up and walked to the sink to wash his hands as his habit then. he picked up the cup and heard a gasp. he filled the cup and poured the ritual and mom blurted out "you realy are jewish??'' efrim just smiled and nodded. he whispered the prayer as usual and opened the white paper.
"wait" she interrupted. "first take the bread before touching the meat or you will make the bread meaty". then she scowled and added "a jew would know that"-- ouch thought efrim even his mom wasnot that fanatical about "separate meat dishes."
efrim turned and smiled a "sort of you got me" look. then he opened the bread bag and removed 2 slices. "take 4 your an adult" she encouraged. yikes his wife never let him have 2 sanwijs and she supposedly loved him but it was like his wife amy treated him like a child.
"very educational" efrim thought. he pulled out 4 slices and closed the bag as it was before. then holding the bread in his right hand he said the blessing loudly in Hebrew. next he dipped the edj of one slice in the soup and bit it. finally he put the bread down and spooned a spoon of soup instinctively blowing and then eating. it was too hot for him so he pushed the bred away from the meat and opened the white paper. he pulled one slice of beef shoulder and lay it n one bread. mom watched. efrim ate "open faced" to get 4 slices of shoulder. then after the first bread and beef eaten efrim turned back to the soup. now it was the comfy temperature. he scooped out suop and vejdabl cubes. [why does soup have a warning line? truly the u should be first with a vowel to change it from sup to suop and not o first like sober stupid brits]. after eating the suop he neared the bottom of the bowel and mom scooped/swooped in to take the bowel with the last bit of liquid and black pepper.
"thank you" said efrim as required. then he lay another thin slice of sliced shoulder and laying ana, [meaning the same amount] on each of the breads. then he folded the white paper closed and ate. when he finished drinking the water she poured efrim some ginger ale.
when he was finished chewing and swallowing efrim asked for the book of prayers. mom made a face but played along. as efrim redd the Hebrew prayer after bread mmom moved the bread and beef to the frij. then she brought a plastic spoon and a paper bag to put a new jar of peanut butter in. take this with you in case you need a snack before dinner. "I appreciate that" explained efrim adding "in our flat there is no frij" mom nodded with a look that said whatever you say but time to leave.
efrim walked out releaved with a full stomach and a bag with a snack. as efrim walked through the front door he heard "boo" from the mischivvis brat who was holding a chocolate bar and eating it.
the boy said "my name is baruk. lets play catch again" but this time mom said "you cant play now come inside and no talking to strangers." the boy asked very loudly "aren't you gonna invite him for shabat?" [but he pronounced it shabbiss] and mom whispered something.
efrim retraced his way back to the street with guest rental. as he climbedthe steps a nebbor came out and walked down past him carrying a white garbage bag full of trash. something about this guys bod was attractive. yet he knew he was turned on by women... so he was not homosexual yet he did feel something for ths man's bod. just a feeling. perhaps I am a bi? efrim thought puzzled.
"have a good shabbiss" efrim wished politely and was surprised that the man turned and stared at him puzzled and then hurried scurried down the steps.
soon efrim arrived at the door to the vacation rental and from habit reached in his pocket. he pulled his house keys and realized too late that the key would not fit here !! the key banged on the metal with a tap which echoed in the stairwell [like a big square well with stairs]. so he turned the knob- logically he had not locked it when he had left actually had stormed out. but... the door was locked so he knocked. no answer. he would bet she locked him out.
could she not hear from showering? no shower there so I guess she is on the toilet.
efrim looked at his watch waited by the door for ten minutes then stood and knocked again. there had been silence the whole time and no answer,
his witch had locked him out. so there was only one thing to do. he went bis [meaning again] to his host to beg for help.
efrim went down the steps and returned to the home which fed him and knocked on the door. when mom answered efrim said "I am so sorry for lying I really have nowhere to go and no dollars."--"I donot feel comfterbl giving you bus fare"--"really. I have nowhere to go".--"wait on the steps my husband will decide soon".
efrim sat on the steps and soon her husband came outside wearing a long black jacket. it was like the alb that efrim wore on certain holidays except instead of white this was black yet somehow shiny black. "why are you dressed like a jew?"--"I study in [..] yeshiva in yerushalayim. we are now studying bava kama."--"I will call a homeless shelter if you need" replied the dad in a tone like he had a bur covering him.
"I understand you don't believe me so I will quote it from memory. "arba avos nzikin hashor habor hamaveh vhahhevr lo hari hashor k'hari hamave vlo hari hamav khari hashor. need I continue?"--"you mixed up the order"
I stood in horror as I realized the order in the source was wrong and I just mindlessly quoted it. now he would never believe me.
then he compromised saying "I invite you to come to shul with me. there is a dinner this time. you can eat there then take this money for a bus number 16 to the homeless shelter. he handed efrim 2 dollar bills.
efrim was torn he truly believed he was not allowed to carry money on shabat… but they thought he was a gentile! so he answered "thank you I will wait here to go to shul with you."
would you believe it? it was the same place as the dinner he was supposed to attend.
to be continued...
in next part here
note: some words are rare so I included a vocabulary aid for the short rare words. at next post
chapter 3
now the bio, continues when this young couple walked through the airport in america and met her parents at the baggage-go-round. as usual the luggage [funny word because you must "lug" it along] arrived. amy pointed to her suitcase with the cloth strip and said "get ready that is the suitcase we ain" [same as own], so they grabbed their baggage and walked out to the car. a plane was landing and the engines on each ala were very loud so efrim asked himself how many "bel" was the noise. he did not know. mr drove them away from the airport and they passed a watery bog. later they came to a building with vacation rental flats. the couple climbed the stairs "somewhere" in new york each carrying a suitcase with clothes. we reached the door "2b".
amy [the young wife] opened the door with the one key that her dad had given her and they entered the small apartment flat. he lay his luggage against a wall and walked around to see the place. one room with two narrow beds and 2 chairs against the wall. no table. but a "drawer" dresser. in the aft of the room to the right side was a door leading to a narrow sink and the necessary toilet.
he cussed under his breath "no frij". this was very bad. he was not sad about the lack of a tv because efrim believed in the social ban not to use tv. simply bkuz of his social group. also no trash bin. did anybody ban a bin? he hoped they would go to the statue of liberty on its ait because he had never been there.
already amy was complaining "aren't you gonna unpack the suitcase"--he felt like replying "don't tell me what to do" [the phrase she said so often] but instead strode back to the narrow beds where she was busy like an ant and said, "bah. it seems a waste to unpack and then repak."--"then I will unpack for you"--"no. consider the suitcase is the same as the drawers"--"let me do you a favor"--no means no--you are so lazy like a sloth. my ma was right about u."--"and don't touch my stuff" he finished. however it was so important that she put the bra down on top of the furniture instead of inside the drawer- showing that she stopped unpacking her own, while she left her case open and started unpacking his clothes. efrim held back his true feelings and did not say "you are such an obstinate ass" [referring to a person both stupid and stubborn/obstinate]. getting the final word she said "you ail me".
a sudden thought occurred to him. "sucker I got you to unpack for me" he taunted. she glared at him partly angry partly confused. after a few seconds she threw his trousers back in the suitcase... the ruse had worked this time.
he asked if she was hungry. and she answered no. "well I am and we need to be prepared in case we feel hungry"--no need to eat now we will eat dinner, she responded.
he felt in his pocket and found the bills in his pocket but they were foreign currency from home. suddenly he felt very trapped. like a boa was curling around him tightly. he could not even BUY food here.
he asked "do you have dollars"--nope." now he felt desperately hungry which feels different from hunger. he stormed out of the apartment without saying "bye" and wandered the streets not sure what to do. he passed an ad for a Chinese restaurant. frustrating yet pleasant to think about eating there. he imagined other ads for other restirronts too.
and then... and then... salvation. ahead of him on the right side he saw two kids playing. they were dressed in a way that showed their culture was the same as his subdivision of jewish. there was hope. he slowed his pace as walked by the young brother and sister playing.
suddenly he heard "think fast" and the brat threw his red ball, using his left arm, at efrim. far from athletic and far from agile he failed to catch it and instead the ball bounced off his chest and back towards the brats. the kids watched the ball bop efrim. they lacked a bat to play baseball. the ball was actually "bay" color near red. she bent quickly and threw it to her brother... with bad aim, in an ARC that was too high... he managed to bob up in time to catch it despite his short bod. efrim complimented him "you are an ace."
efrim smiled at his saviors and said "my name is efrim I need to ask a favor from your parents" the boy was suspicious and the girl ran inside apparently scared of this strange man. efrim noticed motion and saw there was a bee busy near a flower. the boy challenged "do u think my sister is pretty?" a dangerous issue to discuss in our society. efrim replied carefully "she is a cute bud"-"don't call her a bug!" he defended her honor in protest. she returned with her ma who asked "what favor" revealing the girl had simply repeated his words.
efrim stood a safe distance and began his plea to beg: said "my wife and I just arrived from Israel..." [he watched her eyes narrow with her concerned look, she thought he was a bum, yet efrim continued] do you mind sharing some food?"--"but no cash?" she asked as her voice rose. "really I know it is not proper to ask strangers for money..." but the rude brat interrupted his words "he is not a stranger. we are playing catch"
miraculously that convinced the mother and she welcomed efrim in. efrim thought "if my kid played ball with some strange man I do not care what disguise he wore I would punish him," but knew not to criticize his saviors.
efrim followed mom inside. he passed the brown box for mail which hung beside the door. it looked very rusty yet was actualy painted brown. on his left he saw a couch or sofa so this room is the "den" or lounge. they continued toward the kitchen through a "ben" [that means inner room]. meanwhile the daughter ran and returned meeting him with a cup of water to bib [meaning to drink]. she lowered her head in a quick bow. efrim smiled and said "that is so nice," to the girl. then to her mother "do you have soup or sanwij or something?--start with soup. what do you mean by sanwij?-- I like peanut butter on bread but I should not be picky because all I have is the wrong currency" explained efrim showing his sheqels. efrim continued in a low tone "I simply did not think ahead."
he saw her surprise that he was showing he had not lied. "what about tuna in a bun?" she offered. "then just soup is enuf because I do not like tuna. or just the bun without the fish."--"well I don't mind" she answered bringing the bowl of hot soup to the table. efriim then sat by the bowl and mom brought the plastic jar of peanut butter with a spreader [not a knife]. then from the frij removed two items. in one hand a white paper wrapped around something and the bag of bread.
as she approached the table he saw the art hanging from the magnets on the frij.
"you choose if you want sliced shoulder or peanut butter". at that point even efrim who avoided saying baruk hashem which means thank god... blurted it out! "baruk hashem for people like you"--your welcome.
efrim stood up and walked to the sink to wash his hands as his habit then. he picked up the cup and heard a gasp. he filled the cup and poured the ritual and mom blurted out "you realy are jewish??'' efrim just smiled and nodded. he whispered the prayer as usual and opened the white paper.
"wait" she interrupted. "first take the bread before touching the meat or you will make the bread meaty". then she scowled and added "a jew would know that"-- ouch thought efrim even his mom wasnot that fanatical about "separate meat dishes."
efrim turned and smiled a "sort of you got me" look. then he opened the bread bag and removed 2 slices. "take 4 your an adult" she encouraged. yikes his wife never let him have 2 sanwijs and she supposedly loved him but it was like his wife amy treated him like a child.
"very educational" efrim thought. he pulled out 4 slices and closed the bag as it was before. then holding the bread in his right hand he said the blessing loudly in Hebrew. next he dipped the edj of one slice in the soup and bit it. finally he put the bread down and spooned a spoon of soup instinctively blowing and then eating. it was too hot for him so he pushed the bred away from the meat and opened the white paper. he pulled one slice of beef shoulder and lay it n one bread. mom watched. efrim ate "open faced" to get 4 slices of shoulder. then after the first bread and beef eaten efrim turned back to the soup. now it was the comfy temperature. he scooped out suop and vejdabl cubes. [why does soup have a warning line? truly the u should be first with a vowel to change it from sup to suop and not o first like sober stupid brits]. after eating the suop he neared the bottom of the bowel and mom scooped/swooped in to take the bowel with the last bit of liquid and black pepper.
"thank you" said efrim as required. then he lay another thin slice of sliced shoulder and laying ana, [meaning the same amount] on each of the breads. then he folded the white paper closed and ate. when he finished drinking the water she poured efrim some ginger ale.
when he was finished chewing and swallowing efrim asked for the book of prayers. mom made a face but played along. as efrim redd the Hebrew prayer after bread mmom moved the bread and beef to the frij. then she brought a plastic spoon and a paper bag to put a new jar of peanut butter in. take this with you in case you need a snack before dinner. "I appreciate that" explained efrim adding "in our flat there is no frij" mom nodded with a look that said whatever you say but time to leave.
efrim walked out releaved with a full stomach and a bag with a snack. as efrim walked through the front door he heard "boo" from the mischivvis brat who was holding a chocolate bar and eating it.
the boy said "my name is baruk. lets play catch again" but this time mom said "you cant play now come inside and no talking to strangers." the boy asked very loudly "aren't you gonna invite him for shabat?" [but he pronounced it shabbiss] and mom whispered something.
efrim retraced his way back to the street with guest rental. as he climbedthe steps a nebbor came out and walked down past him carrying a white garbage bag full of trash. something about this guys bod was attractive. yet he knew he was turned on by women... so he was not homosexual yet he did feel something for ths man's bod. just a feeling. perhaps I am a bi? efrim thought puzzled.
"have a good shabbiss" efrim wished politely and was surprised that the man turned and stared at him puzzled and then hurried scurried down the steps.
soon efrim arrived at the door to the vacation rental and from habit reached in his pocket. he pulled his house keys and realized too late that the key would not fit here !! the key banged on the metal with a tap which echoed in the stairwell [like a big square well with stairs]. so he turned the knob- logically he had not locked it when he had left actually had stormed out. but... the door was locked so he knocked. no answer. he would bet she locked him out.
could she not hear from showering? no shower there so I guess she is on the toilet.
efrim looked at his watch waited by the door for ten minutes then stood and knocked again. there had been silence the whole time and no answer,
his witch had locked him out. so there was only one thing to do. he went bis [meaning again] to his host to beg for help.
efrim went down the steps and returned to the home which fed him and knocked on the door. when mom answered efrim said "I am so sorry for lying I really have nowhere to go and no dollars."--"I donot feel comfterbl giving you bus fare"--"really. I have nowhere to go".--"wait on the steps my husband will decide soon".
efrim sat on the steps and soon her husband came outside wearing a long black jacket. it was like the alb that efrim wore on certain holidays except instead of white this was black yet somehow shiny black. "why are you dressed like a jew?"--"I study in [..] yeshiva in yerushalayim. we are now studying bava kama."--"I will call a homeless shelter if you need" replied the dad in a tone like he had a bur covering him.
"I understand you don't believe me so I will quote it from memory. "arba avos nzikin hashor habor hamaveh vhahhevr lo hari hashor k'hari hamave vlo hari hamav khari hashor. need I continue?"--"you mixed up the order"
I stood in horror as I realized the order in the source was wrong and I just mindlessly quoted it. now he would never believe me.
then he compromised saying "I invite you to come to shul with me. there is a dinner this time. you can eat there then take this money for a bus number 16 to the homeless shelter. he handed efrim 2 dollar bills.
efrim was torn he truly believed he was not allowed to carry money on shabat… but they thought he was a gentile! so he answered "thank you I will wait here to go to shul with you."
would you believe it? it was the same place as the dinner he was supposed to attend.
to be continued...
in next part here
sour grapes? or facts...
fact: society offers a REWARD to women she is guaranteed payment a large reward if she can cause a divorce. and the man will pay her for her efforts to annoy him. once the couple argues that is a pretty sweet deal. details below.
most humans are busy very busy they do not have a chance to think about the benefits and losses of marriage they just do what is expected. marriage is "nothing to think about."
in the past humans were busy hunting or farming and now with our society the food is prepared efficiently so most humans in developed countries can do different types of work like services and office.
so they are so busy they do not think abut marriage they simply just set a goal to find a spouse and marry them and have a family.... but is that smart?
only the single people have time to think about it while the family men are busy worried if the salary will pay for the childrens' clothes and the house expenses and the wife dresses shoes manicures nobody told me about wife spending money on manicures. the assumption is if you love her, then you will be happy with whatever choices she makes... until you notice the credit card debt. if you pay that there is not enuf money to pay the monthly rent or mortgage payments but if you do not the amount will grow with interest the credit card debt increases with "interest" the amount keeps growing... the emotion vanishes quickly...
**but who has time to think about it? the single men. who are not busy worrying as above and not busy with kids dressing in morning and making sure they do homework and get to bed in pm.
when single guys point out the facts they are often dismissed you have "sour grape" syndrome since you are single and CANNOT get a spouse you try to console yourself that marriage is bad... yet the fact remains that SOME single guys feel lonely and think marriage is good so being single is not only "not a cause" but also there can be no "excuse" to ignore the factors.
a simple excuse to dismiss cannot ignore the evidence.
we must weight the pros and cons and since people refuse to talk about these issues the only place is comedy tv where you can lie that "just joking" while in fact the problems are very real and much worse.
I find such comedies very educational... but for me too late.
the main reason I wanted to get married was definitely the wrong one.
when I was a teen I was taught by the rabbis that "squeezing out" male seed is a sin. so I figured if I would be married I would sleep with a wife... in hindsight that was very stupid because very few women want coitus at the rate per week of a young man... a solution ALWAYS EXISTED in tradition because people knew this fact. men for thousands of years were aware of this issue and took more than one wife so when one said she had a headache... the other one was in the mood. but society forbids more than one wife and womens lib however justified the goal was... still created bad women. and the issue of monopoly... as the ancient saying is "who pays who for prostitution" obviously the man wants more and the monopoly of one wife forces the problem and do not forget the rewar given to women if they annoy the man enough for him to want a divorce the house money and monthly payments that is lots of shoes... yippy.
before my wedding I tried to discuss with my parents the pros and cons of marriage.. it quickly turned into a battle of arguments because they refused to discuss the issue and certainly not speak about coitus.
only those who are single adults have time to think about the pros and cons as they fall asleep lonely and wonder is there ANY benefit committing to a woman in our society? so many "cons" and not even one benefit?? can that be?
while the rest are busy with families and do not realize the trouble they got into.
I sometimes think of the overpopulation... not just in india and china but notice the TRAFFIC JAMS in cities. the lanes of the highway are filled with long rows of cars despite many lanes. the subway trains are filled all squeezed together inside despite many subway trains per hour... in contrast to crowded because only one bus per hour.
it is bad enuf now and then we are expected to add more kids?? they will also drive... or squeeze into the subway trains.
simple humans think "having a family" is something like getting a car except you do not "buy" the kids. free joy.
a very important factor is to ask: who thinks about the fact that parents do not agree so how to handle that? despite the Christian holy book offering the solution even Christians do not accept what the book said on this topic.
there is no time to discuss "everything" in marriage so each one does what they want until the other complains "what did you do that for?"
then we need to discuss at least major stuff. but what is considered major? how often wife gets new shoes and manicures? that is a "small expense".
men do not get manicures unless they are so rich that the expense does not matter because it is not a necessity.
I cut my own nails. jesus christ !
so why do women get to spend money on non-necessities? I know why because the "end game" is husband must pay in divorce "for the kids needs to the mother" who spends "the-money-for-the-kids on herself" because just a child can make do with the minimum for survival. or some women will spend extra on the kid in addition to herself hoping the man will pay more that is a sweet revenge for women too.
so what are realy the pros and cons. is it a benefit that I am expected to marry? if a man said "I get nothing" he will be criticized "do not be selfish" but who critices the women in a divorce settlement for that same issue.
do you think you will "benefit" in marriage that "obviously both genders enjoy seks? firstly men do not know just how rare it is to find a woman who wants at the same frequency as a young man and WE SHOULD KNOW from the fact that for thousands of yers one woman was not enough to satisfy each man. WORSE IN OUR SOCIETY considering "one wife" is like the idea of monopoly only one product is more expensive price. the wedding ring is literally the same as paying the whore... the only difference is the wife will say no but for the prostitute a deal is a deal.
who thinks about that? only single guys have time so does that make the fact less true? it is still a fact.
and how to handle disagreements?
if there would be three judges then they could vote and the majority wins but
***2 equal parents is stupid VERY STUPIDLY FOOLISH I say no she says yes and can do it... "don't tell me what to do" they each will say. so marriage is a very stupid idea even before we consider "until death d you part"
only a naïve fool would enter the commitment called marriage "get married" is not getting. because he is not warned. so I warn you.
that feeling of "fun to be around" fades in arguments and TOO LATE you are already committed to continue or pay the reward to her.
in fact the most important factor is the REWARD women are guaranteed if they act bad and cause a divorce that is encouragement "I want my reward" money in the divorce. that motivates them to be evil to get the reward of divorce money.
a wise society would tell me to welcome back my daughter if divorce and then my house my rules hen no reward for being annoying t her husband.
instead society offers a reward for divorced woman. think about "how many shoes I can buy without him complaining the way he does now. and he will give the money for them.
if I annoy the husband enuf that he divorces me... such an offer would tilt even the few decent women who are not just pretending to be nice "until" the man is snared.
so be warned.
a smart man will never enter a marriage commitment.
so where will babies come from? the other fools will ignore the evidence and in thened pay their divorcees the SALARY for annoying them... that is a sweet deal. I would annoy my wife if I would get paid to do it... wadya think is in their minds?
only religion caused the culture to get married and the evidence is the presence of a priest or rabbi.
so even now when some marry in a court with a judge it is only the influence of religion. the reward offered to divorcees is guaranteed to make the average woman "more annoying" and tempt even the sweetest girl will look for the reward after a few arguments so don't enter the mess... don't enter the marriage commitment. you have been warned.
the fact that my marriage was bad and divorced does not change the evidence. look at the evidence.
and who would marry a woman knowing that a female is so foolish to "know birth is painful" and yet instead of avoiding pain still want to do birth... woman are literally blind to facts. we know we need to avoid pain how can you marry such a stupid being. time to think about the evidence before committing. luckily there is an option of men marrying men but what will a guy like me do? the most I can do is warn others. do not repeat my mistakes. better lonely than annoyed.
most humans are busy very busy they do not have a chance to think about the benefits and losses of marriage they just do what is expected. marriage is "nothing to think about."
in the past humans were busy hunting or farming and now with our society the food is prepared efficiently so most humans in developed countries can do different types of work like services and office.
so they are so busy they do not think abut marriage they simply just set a goal to find a spouse and marry them and have a family.... but is that smart?
only the single people have time to think about it while the family men are busy worried if the salary will pay for the childrens' clothes and the house expenses and the wife dresses shoes manicures nobody told me about wife spending money on manicures. the assumption is if you love her, then you will be happy with whatever choices she makes... until you notice the credit card debt. if you pay that there is not enuf money to pay the monthly rent or mortgage payments but if you do not the amount will grow with interest the credit card debt increases with "interest" the amount keeps growing... the emotion vanishes quickly...
**but who has time to think about it? the single men. who are not busy worrying as above and not busy with kids dressing in morning and making sure they do homework and get to bed in pm.
when single guys point out the facts they are often dismissed you have "sour grape" syndrome since you are single and CANNOT get a spouse you try to console yourself that marriage is bad... yet the fact remains that SOME single guys feel lonely and think marriage is good so being single is not only "not a cause" but also there can be no "excuse" to ignore the factors.
a simple excuse to dismiss cannot ignore the evidence.
we must weight the pros and cons and since people refuse to talk about these issues the only place is comedy tv where you can lie that "just joking" while in fact the problems are very real and much worse.
I find such comedies very educational... but for me too late.
the main reason I wanted to get married was definitely the wrong one.
when I was a teen I was taught by the rabbis that "squeezing out" male seed is a sin. so I figured if I would be married I would sleep with a wife... in hindsight that was very stupid because very few women want coitus at the rate per week of a young man... a solution ALWAYS EXISTED in tradition because people knew this fact. men for thousands of years were aware of this issue and took more than one wife so when one said she had a headache... the other one was in the mood. but society forbids more than one wife and womens lib however justified the goal was... still created bad women. and the issue of monopoly... as the ancient saying is "who pays who for prostitution" obviously the man wants more and the monopoly of one wife forces the problem and do not forget the rewar given to women if they annoy the man enough for him to want a divorce the house money and monthly payments that is lots of shoes... yippy.
before my wedding I tried to discuss with my parents the pros and cons of marriage.. it quickly turned into a battle of arguments because they refused to discuss the issue and certainly not speak about coitus.
only those who are single adults have time to think about the pros and cons as they fall asleep lonely and wonder is there ANY benefit committing to a woman in our society? so many "cons" and not even one benefit?? can that be?
while the rest are busy with families and do not realize the trouble they got into.
I sometimes think of the overpopulation... not just in india and china but notice the TRAFFIC JAMS in cities. the lanes of the highway are filled with long rows of cars despite many lanes. the subway trains are filled all squeezed together inside despite many subway trains per hour... in contrast to crowded because only one bus per hour.
it is bad enuf now and then we are expected to add more kids?? they will also drive... or squeeze into the subway trains.
simple humans think "having a family" is something like getting a car except you do not "buy" the kids. free joy.
a very important factor is to ask: who thinks about the fact that parents do not agree so how to handle that? despite the Christian holy book offering the solution even Christians do not accept what the book said on this topic.
there is no time to discuss "everything" in marriage so each one does what they want until the other complains "what did you do that for?"
then we need to discuss at least major stuff. but what is considered major? how often wife gets new shoes and manicures? that is a "small expense".
men do not get manicures unless they are so rich that the expense does not matter because it is not a necessity.
I cut my own nails. jesus christ !
so why do women get to spend money on non-necessities? I know why because the "end game" is husband must pay in divorce "for the kids needs to the mother" who spends "the-money-for-the-kids on herself" because just a child can make do with the minimum for survival. or some women will spend extra on the kid in addition to herself hoping the man will pay more that is a sweet revenge for women too.
so what are realy the pros and cons. is it a benefit that I am expected to marry? if a man said "I get nothing" he will be criticized "do not be selfish" but who critices the women in a divorce settlement for that same issue.
do you think you will "benefit" in marriage that "obviously both genders enjoy seks? firstly men do not know just how rare it is to find a woman who wants at the same frequency as a young man and WE SHOULD KNOW from the fact that for thousands of yers one woman was not enough to satisfy each man. WORSE IN OUR SOCIETY considering "one wife" is like the idea of monopoly only one product is more expensive price. the wedding ring is literally the same as paying the whore... the only difference is the wife will say no but for the prostitute a deal is a deal.
who thinks about that? only single guys have time so does that make the fact less true? it is still a fact.
and how to handle disagreements?
if there would be three judges then they could vote and the majority wins but
***2 equal parents is stupid VERY STUPIDLY FOOLISH I say no she says yes and can do it... "don't tell me what to do" they each will say. so marriage is a very stupid idea even before we consider "until death d you part"
only a naïve fool would enter the commitment called marriage "get married" is not getting. because he is not warned. so I warn you.
that feeling of "fun to be around" fades in arguments and TOO LATE you are already committed to continue or pay the reward to her.
in fact the most important factor is the REWARD women are guaranteed if they act bad and cause a divorce that is encouragement "I want my reward" money in the divorce. that motivates them to be evil to get the reward of divorce money.
a wise society would tell me to welcome back my daughter if divorce and then my house my rules hen no reward for being annoying t her husband.
instead society offers a reward for divorced woman. think about "how many shoes I can buy without him complaining the way he does now. and he will give the money for them.
if I annoy the husband enuf that he divorces me... such an offer would tilt even the few decent women who are not just pretending to be nice "until" the man is snared.
so be warned.
a smart man will never enter a marriage commitment.
so where will babies come from? the other fools will ignore the evidence and in thened pay their divorcees the SALARY for annoying them... that is a sweet deal. I would annoy my wife if I would get paid to do it... wadya think is in their minds?
only religion caused the culture to get married and the evidence is the presence of a priest or rabbi.
so even now when some marry in a court with a judge it is only the influence of religion. the reward offered to divorcees is guaranteed to make the average woman "more annoying" and tempt even the sweetest girl will look for the reward after a few arguments so don't enter the mess... don't enter the marriage commitment. you have been warned.
the fact that my marriage was bad and divorced does not change the evidence. look at the evidence.
and who would marry a woman knowing that a female is so foolish to "know birth is painful" and yet instead of avoiding pain still want to do birth... woman are literally blind to facts. we know we need to avoid pain how can you marry such a stupid being. time to think about the evidence before committing. luckily there is an option of men marrying men but what will a guy like me do? the most I can do is warn others. do not repeat my mistakes. better lonely than annoyed.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
eye rhyme- short story
eye rhymes
air is azo, by n.t.
a few weeks ago, i met an abo
he bought pictures of birds ani and auk
they fly in the air which is so azo
he paid avo for them, in macao
note: the natives in Australia are named abo. air is azo meaning it contains nitrogen actually mostly azo! and avo is the local money currency and appears in some dictionaries. like yen money etc.
air is azo, by n.t.
a few weeks ago, i met an abo
he bought pictures of birds ani and auk
they fly in the air which is so azo
he paid avo for them, in macao
note: the natives in Australia are named abo. air is azo meaning it contains nitrogen actually mostly azo! and avo is the local money currency and appears in some dictionaries. like yen money etc.
historical fiction story "the temptation" (part 1)
intro. sometimes a French video is simply the story of a married woman having an affair- a term as if it is okay for a woman to sleep with a man besides her husband... while when the husband "cheats" it is called cheating on his wife... and even without the marriage commitment... cheating on his girlfriend as if he is the bad one... while she only had an "affair"... this culture reverses the traditional approach that a married woman can only sleep with her husband... logical because a woman wants coitus less often than a man therefore the rare occurrence must only be with her husband. this problem severe anuf to understandably demand the death penalty in the bible... Leviticus. this is known by many married men experience the wife pushes him away... so very severe if the rare coitus is with a different man. in contrast to the holy fore-fathers Jacob who not only had 4 wives but actualy described in bible as 2 wives and 2 maidens which he had children with- outside of marriage and he was still holy Jacob....
well in Christianity this was changed to "equality" marriage means both commit only coitus with each other. and not with any other person.... which leads to the words of "quagmire in series named family guy" on this topic. well said mr. glen.
anyway non-Christians never commited to that limitation unless it is specified in the contract called "pre-nup".--which is the background to this story of temptation
the history part:
a married couple traveled from Jerusalem, Israel to new York city u.s. where the ultra-orthodox husband was tempted to act like the holy Solomon, david and Jacob.
FICTIONal novel:
part 1 NOTE this story contains rare-short words so I provided word aid at
meet: efrim [fictional name yet biblical name "afrim"] an ultra-orthodox jewish man. efrim was married to "amy" fake name. as usual efrim, went to the skul to study the books of the rabbis. after the lunch break, when he ate chicken and cucumber salad, and after four more hours of study, he returned home to the rented apartment in Jerusalem.
efrim put the key in the lock and turned to unlock the door. he entered and saw his wife amy chatting on the phone and did not worry about the phone bill because he was not earning the money which was wasted on all that hot air. in Jerusalem the phone plan was based on minutes of talking which seems fair as long as the price per minute is competitive and "not higher than normal like one company having monopoly." in contrast to plans with a minimum fee even if you do not use the service is disgusting theft because did not use the service. he did worry "was amy happy to see him?"
efrim was married to a wife. ae wife. [yes the word "ae" is a real English word in the book dictionary considered respectable called merriam webster] meaning something alone. "ay, a man should ay marry ae wife" means "I=yes, a man should always marry ae wife" one alone. also correctly spelled with an additional letter "e" like "aye, a man should aye marry ane wife" the sme idea in the same language english.
he often imagined not ae wife because this wife almost always pushed him away from intercourse when he wanted to sleep with her. he cnsidered if he had two wives, then the rare occasion with each would match his frequency. he would get "some from each" and also "get some" from each. in fact the jealousy could cause competition each wife wanting to show they loved me- so they would both offer coitus more often than one frigid woman when she feels she has the monopoly on coitus.
efrim stepped inside and turned back, from habit and locked the door behind himself. he walked passed her to the table in the dining room and saw that it was bare.
he went back into the kitchen to grab plates and spoons for dinner. alas! ultra-orthodox jews must have separate dishes one set for chicken and another set for milk... and baffled efrim did not know which set to use for the table.
meanwhile amy was yammering on the phone with "much ado". just then amy "aahed" [yes that is the correct spelling jesus christ !] a long ah. efrim was annoyed that amy was not finishing her yammering on the phone. all these minutes could be time for "us" because they were apart all day. why was she not showing that she was happy to see him? and very much blab so much hot air could fill those travel-balloons. not just a balloon, he imagined a blimp...
so he said "amy, please finish the talk". he hated that every day she would aah.
amy changed her tone to annoyed and rapidly concluded "my needy man-child wants me to serve him dinner now. yes everything is prepared as we planned- bye mom." and finally she hung the phone on the device attached to the wall- this is the source of the idiom "hung up" now used for pressing the button to end a phone connection "hanging up" because in the past we would literaly hang the device-part up. hanging from the other part causing the lever to switch off the phone connection.
amy first said "welcome home honey", in the tone showing that she was obligated to say it. she glanced at the table. efrim replied with the apt yet old-fashioned greeting "ave".
suddenly "AHA" she accused "when I do not set the table you are just a lazy ai [a certain type of sloth] "my ma was right about you that you are as lazy as a group of ais."
part 2 another argument.
efrim replied calmly "actually I am not certain which dishes to use... the dairy or the meat?"
"yu did not ask" amy accused. efrim was dragged into the battle: "because you were still yammering on the phone; so I waited a bit" efrim defended.--"you never give me any aid around here" she exaggerated, adding "you act like you are infected by ate [ah-ti the destructive force].
typical of men, efrim switched the topic back to planning. "so which dishes should I use?"
"you choose" she answered. efrim responded: "it depends which dinner we are having"--"AHA" she announced triumphantly "you just assume I will cook for you"--"for us?" efrim tried to correct her.
"well I am fed up with being your maid. at your age you should help me"--"what do you expect? I am studying all day long. so I am not at home."--"neither was I"--"you arrived home before me"--"so what"--so you finish work at 5, travel here by 6 and had an hour to prepare before I arrived."--"I was talking with my mom"
good answer! family is important not just gab and prattle... but still...efrim pressed on: "for a whole hour?? unproductive??"--a shocked silence then efrim continued "why do you blab so much?"--"that is it! no dinner for you!"--relax! I ate chicken, so you are only hurting yourself. if you want we can make supper together.--CHICKEN, she hollered in frustration, "you had chicken !! all I ate today was bread.--"alone? you could add jam or butter"--too much sugar in jam and too much fat in butter--we need some sugar for energy so a bit is fine--well we don't have any fruit jam--okay still you could put a bit of butter... it even has vitamin "a" which is critical to eat.--no! too much fat--what about lunch?--also an empty sanwij… while you eat CHICKEN" she responded in horror. efrim tried to offer what she lacked, "I can bake some chicken for you too--oh yeah?? then you get it twice!--there is just no pleasing you today. but I do not mind making dinner today--oh yeah?? what will you prepare?-"watch me"
efrim opened the frij and looked for tomato paste. there it was. next he found the sliced cheese. then he opened the bag of sliced bread and spread some paste on it. "you call that dinner??" amy whined. "I wish there was a pill for when your period comes each month--this has nothing to do with my bleeding today this has a real cause--I bet you would be more cooperative--so now it is my fault?? look at you making a tomato samij, that is not food--"pizza is"--no! pizza is not a meal--it has protein in the cheese and vejdabl in the paste. it feels filling and tastes good"--you have simple pizza I want beef--actually you do need to replace iron if you are bleeding. I should go buy some liver for you--I don't want it. now go to your room without dinner."
efrim ignored her and lay a slice of cheese on the paste on bread slice and then lay the pizza in the small oven.
amy glared and finally complained "you are only making one?--you said you don't want pizza--you are so selfish like a hairy ape.--I am hairy" efrim smiled tugging his beard with a smile--she continued the tirade, "oh and you expect me to shave my legs??--nope but--but what?--instead of trying the whole area along both legs [many square centimeters of area] how about trimming just between your legs--what??--I mean the area is much smaller than all around both legs. you could use our hair-cut machine--stop telling me what to do." she sobbed and tears poured from her eyes.
efrim had no good answer to that so he changed the topic, "what did your mom say--that she wants us to fly to America for her nebbors wedding--she wants?--yes she will pay our plane tickets--sounds like happy news" responded efrim as he watched the cheese melt in the oven.
so that was the news of wedding... and a few weeks later amy and efrim were walking out of the airport in new york. who cares if it was "lagaurdia" or Newark or whichever.
to be continued...
well in Christianity this was changed to "equality" marriage means both commit only coitus with each other. and not with any other person.... which leads to the words of "quagmire in series named family guy" on this topic. well said mr. glen.
anyway non-Christians never commited to that limitation unless it is specified in the contract called "pre-nup".--which is the background to this story of temptation
the history part:
a married couple traveled from Jerusalem, Israel to new York city u.s. where the ultra-orthodox husband was tempted to act like the holy Solomon, david and Jacob.
FICTIONal novel:
part 1 NOTE this story contains rare-short words so I provided word aid at
meet: efrim [fictional name yet biblical name "afrim"] an ultra-orthodox jewish man. efrim was married to "amy" fake name. as usual efrim, went to the skul to study the books of the rabbis. after the lunch break, when he ate chicken and cucumber salad, and after four more hours of study, he returned home to the rented apartment in Jerusalem.
efrim put the key in the lock and turned to unlock the door. he entered and saw his wife amy chatting on the phone and did not worry about the phone bill because he was not earning the money which was wasted on all that hot air. in Jerusalem the phone plan was based on minutes of talking which seems fair as long as the price per minute is competitive and "not higher than normal like one company having monopoly." in contrast to plans with a minimum fee even if you do not use the service is disgusting theft because did not use the service. he did worry "was amy happy to see him?"
efrim was married to a wife. ae wife. [yes the word "ae" is a real English word in the book dictionary considered respectable called merriam webster] meaning something alone. "ay, a man should ay marry ae wife" means "I=yes, a man should always marry ae wife" one alone. also correctly spelled with an additional letter "e" like "aye, a man should aye marry ane wife" the sme idea in the same language english.
he often imagined not ae wife because this wife almost always pushed him away from intercourse when he wanted to sleep with her. he cnsidered if he had two wives, then the rare occasion with each would match his frequency. he would get "some from each" and also "get some" from each. in fact the jealousy could cause competition each wife wanting to show they loved me- so they would both offer coitus more often than one frigid woman when she feels she has the monopoly on coitus.
efrim stepped inside and turned back, from habit and locked the door behind himself. he walked passed her to the table in the dining room and saw that it was bare.
he went back into the kitchen to grab plates and spoons for dinner. alas! ultra-orthodox jews must have separate dishes one set for chicken and another set for milk... and baffled efrim did not know which set to use for the table.
meanwhile amy was yammering on the phone with "much ado". just then amy "aahed" [yes that is the correct spelling jesus christ !] a long ah. efrim was annoyed that amy was not finishing her yammering on the phone. all these minutes could be time for "us" because they were apart all day. why was she not showing that she was happy to see him? and very much blab so much hot air could fill those travel-balloons. not just a balloon, he imagined a blimp...
so he said "amy, please finish the talk". he hated that every day she would aah.
amy changed her tone to annoyed and rapidly concluded "my needy man-child wants me to serve him dinner now. yes everything is prepared as we planned- bye mom." and finally she hung the phone on the device attached to the wall- this is the source of the idiom "hung up" now used for pressing the button to end a phone connection "hanging up" because in the past we would literaly hang the device-part up. hanging from the other part causing the lever to switch off the phone connection.
amy first said "welcome home honey", in the tone showing that she was obligated to say it. she glanced at the table. efrim replied with the apt yet old-fashioned greeting "ave".
suddenly "AHA" she accused "when I do not set the table you are just a lazy ai [a certain type of sloth] "my ma was right about you that you are as lazy as a group of ais."
part 2 another argument.
efrim replied calmly "actually I am not certain which dishes to use... the dairy or the meat?"
"yu did not ask" amy accused. efrim was dragged into the battle: "because you were still yammering on the phone; so I waited a bit" efrim defended.--"you never give me any aid around here" she exaggerated, adding "you act like you are infected by ate [ah-ti the destructive force].
typical of men, efrim switched the topic back to planning. "so which dishes should I use?"
"you choose" she answered. efrim responded: "it depends which dinner we are having"--"AHA" she announced triumphantly "you just assume I will cook for you"--"for us?" efrim tried to correct her.
"well I am fed up with being your maid. at your age you should help me"--"what do you expect? I am studying all day long. so I am not at home."--"neither was I"--"you arrived home before me"--"so what"--so you finish work at 5, travel here by 6 and had an hour to prepare before I arrived."--"I was talking with my mom"
good answer! family is important not just gab and prattle... but still...efrim pressed on: "for a whole hour?? unproductive??"--a shocked silence then efrim continued "why do you blab so much?"--"that is it! no dinner for you!"--relax! I ate chicken, so you are only hurting yourself. if you want we can make supper together.--CHICKEN, she hollered in frustration, "you had chicken !! all I ate today was bread.--"alone? you could add jam or butter"--too much sugar in jam and too much fat in butter--we need some sugar for energy so a bit is fine--well we don't have any fruit jam--okay still you could put a bit of butter... it even has vitamin "a" which is critical to eat.--no! too much fat--what about lunch?--also an empty sanwij… while you eat CHICKEN" she responded in horror. efrim tried to offer what she lacked, "I can bake some chicken for you too--oh yeah?? then you get it twice!--there is just no pleasing you today. but I do not mind making dinner today--oh yeah?? what will you prepare?-"watch me"
efrim opened the frij and looked for tomato paste. there it was. next he found the sliced cheese. then he opened the bag of sliced bread and spread some paste on it. "you call that dinner??" amy whined. "I wish there was a pill for when your period comes each month--this has nothing to do with my bleeding today this has a real cause--I bet you would be more cooperative--so now it is my fault?? look at you making a tomato samij, that is not food--"pizza is"--no! pizza is not a meal--it has protein in the cheese and vejdabl in the paste. it feels filling and tastes good"--you have simple pizza I want beef--actually you do need to replace iron if you are bleeding. I should go buy some liver for you--I don't want it. now go to your room without dinner."
efrim ignored her and lay a slice of cheese on the paste on bread slice and then lay the pizza in the small oven.
amy glared and finally complained "you are only making one?--you said you don't want pizza--you are so selfish like a hairy ape.--I am hairy" efrim smiled tugging his beard with a smile--she continued the tirade, "oh and you expect me to shave my legs??--nope but--but what?--instead of trying the whole area along both legs [many square centimeters of area] how about trimming just between your legs--what??--I mean the area is much smaller than all around both legs. you could use our hair-cut machine--stop telling me what to do." she sobbed and tears poured from her eyes.
efrim had no good answer to that so he changed the topic, "what did your mom say--that she wants us to fly to America for her nebbors wedding--she wants?--yes she will pay our plane tickets--sounds like happy news" responded efrim as he watched the cheese melt in the oven.
so that was the news of wedding... and a few weeks later amy and efrim were walking out of the airport in new york. who cares if it was "lagaurdia" or Newark or whichever.
to be continued...
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