Thursday, December 13, 2018

rare-short word aid for story with idea c+d

c something shaped like c 
cab a vehicle usu. to hire the driver or where the driver sits 
cad one who lacks gentlemanly instinct 
cam a piece that moves its neighbor piece 
can to be able to accomplish make or do 
cap a cover 
car a vehicle with wheels for movement 
cat a type of mammal that is carnivorous/eats meat 
caw the call of the crow, v 
cay 'kee' a low island 
cee the letter c 
chi 'kie' a certain Greek letter
cob a male swan, a short legged horse, corn
cod a family of fish 
cog a tooth on the rim of a gear out or wheel in 
col a pass in a mountain range 
con to study/examine closely, the negative position or an opposing argument 
coo the low soft call of a dove or pigeon 
cop thread wound on a tube, to catch hold 
coq chicken not cooked in wine 
cot a small house or a small bed 
cow the mature female of cattle, the mate of any species whose male is called bull, v to intimidate by threats 
cox a sailor with charge of crew and who steers 
coy reluctant to touch or to commit 
coz a cousin 
cry to call loudly or to expel tears 
cub a young mammal inc. shark and human 
cud the food returned to the mouth to chew again 
cue the letter q, the wooden rod of pool, a signal to start >v 
cui 'kwee' responsibility 
cum also with or also as 
cup a vessel for drinking 
cur an inferior dog, a cowardly person 
cut to push a blade through something 
cwm 'koom' a basin on a mountain with steep walls 
d something shaped like d 
dab a gentle touch >v 
dad a father 
dag an end that hangs 
dah code of dash 
dam a female parent, a wall which holds back water 
daw to lighten 
day the time of light 
dee the letter d 
den the home or lair of a wild animal, a cavern, a room for comfort >v 
dew moisture or condensed vapor on a cool surface 
dex a certain sulfate [=sulfur bonded with oxygen atoms
did to do before 
die to stop functioning, to desire strongly 
dig to scoop dirt etc. or loosen it. 
dim not enough light 
din a loud continuing noise 
dip to push partially and for a short time into a liquid or thicker "dip
dit code of dot 
do to accomplish, to act with effect, an action supposed to be performed, "doe" a tone 
doe the mature female of any species whose male is called buck 
dog a type of mammal with a keen sense of smell >v to track or hunt 
don to put on clothes 
dos the actions supposed to be performed 
dot a small spot 
dow to be able to accomplish something useful [v. I dow
dry lacking a liquid
dub to name with a descriptive name, to do something poorly > a clumsy person, a puddle, to copy recorded sound to a film etc. 
dud something that failed to accomplish n/aj 
due aj which is owed [due respect/rights/proof] >n 
dug to scoop dirt before 
dun to demand payment many times persistently, dark gray but slightly brown >colored such 
duo two paired together 
dup to open 
dye the matter that colors, v 
e something shaped like e

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