Friday, December 28, 2018

nature list a -f

beings in nature with SHORT NAMES and description for nature and f
ai 'ah-ey' a certain sloth
ais [plural of ai]
ani 'ahnee' a black cuckoo bird a bird has 2 alae meaning wings.
ant a type of insect with castes
ape a large tail-less or short-tailed monkey
ash a type of tree
asp a certain small snake
ass a horse-like animal with long ears, a person both stupid and also obstinate
auk a certain black and white seabird
awn a bristle of some grasses
bee an insect that flies and produces honey
boa a large snake that crushes its prey
bot the wormlike larva of the botfly
bud the part of a plant that bulges and may develop into a flower
bug a form of life with legs to crawl but no spine
bur a rough or prickly plant covering
cat a type of mammal that is carnivorous/eats meat 
cob a male swan, a short legged horse, corn
cod a family of fish
cow the mature female of cattle, the mate of any species whose male is called bull
cub a young mammal
doe the mature female of any species whose male is called buck 
dog a type of mammal with a keen sense of smell >v to track or hunt 
eel a family of snake-shaped fish
eft a type of salamander called newt
elk a certain large deer
elm a family of tree
emu 'eemyoo' a certain bird
ern an eagle
ewe the female of a mammal related to sheep
fig a type of fruit
fir a family of tree
fox a mammal similar to dogs and wolves noted by a muzzle more pointed than a wolf

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