Sunday, January 27, 2019

the temptation part5

the story continues from
part 5 the morning.
efrim had just finished getting dressed on this fateful cold morn. he had drawn a dee on the vapor, like dew, on the inside of the cold window. efrim decided he did not want to go pray at the relijis prayers. why not? well why go? it was simpler to stay inside and avoid the cold. between why go and why not how do you decide?
the simplest is "sit but not move." but the jew-sharia obligates to pray even the jew-shariaa book said instructions the things to read. however he coud read those sections in bed. so that was decided.
efrim crawled under the blankets which felt cold.
amy finished in the bathroom which having no "bath" was truly only a toilet room. amy clanked the toilet handle and there was only the clank sound and no sound of water. she shrieked... because as said in the series "big bang theory" its not like "cotton candy" comes out of wives.
instinctively she turned the faucet to wash her hands and no water came out. next amy exited the toilet room furious. she saw efrim in bed and lashed out "get out of bed we need to go to the SHUL (meaning prayer building).--no instead we can read the prayers here--what about hearing the scroll?you cant hear that here--only partly true because--I don't want to argue just come already-- I also don't want to argue so you can leave now if you want.--get up--I thought you don't want to argue--oof amy finished. she hurried to dress in her fancy clothes and left.
now efrim could lock her out the way he was locked out yesterday.
however efrim was soon ASLEEP while the door was unlocked.
in an instant the door opened again and efrim jumped realizing that any stranger could enter the unlocked door. amy entered again and threw herself on her bed. efrim asked "so you decided to not  pray there?--we ate lunch already--so what did you bring me?--you just ASSUME I bring you food ?? what is your problem??--well we are married so if you were considerate you would bring food for your spouse--we cannot carry on the "shabos" [meaning Saturday]--actually there is the eruv [meaning the wire for the boundary to permit carrying]--holy jews do not rely on that--doing KINDNESS would be holy so you prefer to starve your husband is the good holiness??--you are not sick only lazy--still you could be a holy person by bringing me food that is "kindness"--I will not reward your laziness and I cannot carry. PERIOD." she ended with a holler. so she had won. he could not stay in bed bkuz he wanted to eat. efrim rolled from his bed and then amy revealed her evil secret... saying "how could you just lay in your own seed all night and all day"--what makes you think my bed is wet?--I know your seed came out last night and you are disgusting lying in  filthy man-seed. you should wear diapers--my bed is dry" replied efrim.
amy knew what she had done the previous night and pretended to rationalize "we have not slept in a week nor last night when we had to" then she yelled AHA as she yanked the blanket off the bed pointing at the sheets which were... dry.
now he understood the actions she had done the previous night.
she stared in shok at the sheets and searched for the darker-white moist spot... while efrim pulled his jacket and then coat over his arms.
silently he left the scheming witch.
efrim walked in the cold air to the shul. he reached the door and pressed the bumps for the combination lock. the inside was dark. the timer had switched off the lights. he heard the loud clicks of the clock constantly continuing to tic. he moved through the dark empty cavern and searched for the kitchen with food.
first he opened the frij and found the wine for the obligatory wine ceremony but the wine bottle was almost empty. there was only enuf sweet grape juice. efrim searched all the drawers and cabinets to find where everything was. when he found the silver goblet he held it and continued opening every cabinet to see everything.
he poured the last of the wine which barey filled one inch or 2 centimeters of the goblet. then he added grape juice to fill the goblet to the top. too late he realized he could have used BREAD for the ceremony even if he had plenty of wine. efrim chanted the Hebrew words of the ceremony. he knew he was reading about preserving the special day. for the first time, now in the quiet empty room he wondered why rabbi chose this section to read he would need to check that. it seemed like a bad decision and wrong choice.
then he said the Hebrew words to thank god for making the fruit of the vine. efrim tried to gulp the wine quickly as the jew-sharia obligates but the juice was much colder than usual frij. efrim could not drink it fast and his throat felt painfully cold but less than brain freez cold. like amy's heart he thought.
he rushed to the electric counter where a giant pot sat keeping the food warm. efrim would eat the bread later. first he recalled which cabinet had plates. he went and opened a cabinet but found that he remembered wrong. the search began again from the edj so cabinet by cabinet until he found the thick pink plastic plates. then drawer by drawer to find the spoons. he sensed that the spoons were dirty so he washed the spoon in the cold water of the sink scrubbing many times to get off any old food and any bug leg stuff and any bacteria.
the cold room got to him through the coat which he hadnt removed and the water was winter cold and was freezing his fingers adding to the cold of the cold drink which is no fun in winter.
finally he dumped some HOT STEW on the plastic plate one ladle filled the plate but the stew was very watery and the pot was so giga-ntic [source of the term giga-byte in computers is giga of gigantic] that he could not see in. he would have used a bowl from the cabinet if he had known it would be watery stew.
the plate was full with a layer of liquid and a small amount of beans and one chunk of potato. no time to complain. I need to put hot food in fast. efrim scooped the soup from the plate into his mouth but the room was so cold that the juice was only barely warm around body temperature. he ate the hot beans and potato then dumped the juice in the sink. so the warm potato felt good and he then drank the rest of the grape juice obeying the relijin.
this time efrim brought the chair to the electric hot countertop and climbed up to see inside the giant pot. he saw almost all liquid. so he scooped deep with the ladle and brought up beans and more potato. this time efrim tipped the ladle so the soup leaked out and only put solids on the plate. he scooped again hoping for a chunk of meat but no luck. more beans on the plate and a third attempt again no meat. so he dumped the beans back and tried again yet the fourth try again no meat he realized the stew was vegetarian. well... yes cheaper to have much water and no beef.
he climbed down from the chair and ate the warm stew which was good on the cold day. next he pulled two rolls of bread from the giant bag realizing too late that he should have washed his hands before touching the rolls. the goblet and ladle and spoon touched the food instead of his hands but now his hands were touching the roll and he had not washed his hands since last night. no water. worse he considered that he had touched the window drawing the letter dee. toilet and touching shoes. gross !!
efrim returned the rolls to the left side of the bag and went to wash his hands. seeing the sink he recalled that actually he HAD washed the spoon! so his hands were clean after all, remember dear reader?
back to the roll bag he pulled out the rolls and put them on paper. did the wash ceremony from the cup by the sink and said the Hebrew words to thank god for 'bringing out bread from the ground".
he bit into the moist roll and that was good. he enjoyed it for a while but looked in the frij for something to put on the bread. the frij only had the grape juice. no sliced turkey nor even butter. like vegetarians or stingy j... he dare not even think that.
well it was stupid to eat a roll empty so he climbed up again to the pot and had one more scoop of hot bean stew. then he dumped the plate and goblet and spoon in the sink because no work is permitted on sabath. he left the building planning to walk back towards his vacation rental when he saw the boy from yesterday. the same one. the boy showed great excitement and urged efrim to go with him to play games while his parents napped on the cold afternoon...
next section the TEMPTATION itself.

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