Wednesday, December 5, 2018

rare-short word aid for story with idea for "a" letter

intro. in third grade the teacher told us we could choose our own spelling words. some kids chose words they knew such as "water" I chose the word "the" arguing that part of the assignment required we need to know the definition meaning... also an older kid wanted me to play "scrabble" game and when I could not think of words he told me to learn the short words that start with "a" so now I publish them for easy grouping instead of searching a dictionary book BETWEEN the longer words.
A:  there are 5 "vowels" according to dictionary and althoe only 2 are common words a or I still every letter alone  is a word both for "an item shaped like the letter"noun and the name of the letter for example "r" is the word for the letter "ar" also correctly spelled "ar" as below here
a= one, any one, something shaped like a
aah to say ah
aba the fabric woven from camel or goat hair
abo aborigine
ace one spot, one who excels > v
act a thing done, to do, pretend
ad an advertisement, an advantage
add to increase by joining
ado fussy excitement [don't fuss about trivial details
ads advertisements
adz a tool with an arched blade
ae 'day' one, something alone
aft back or rear
age a period of time related to something often from birth until present
ago before now
aha [interjection= i.] I feel triumph
ai 'poppy' a certain sloth
ais [plural more than 1 ai]
aid to give what is useful, an assister =aide
ail to give pain, to suffer [when I ail I drink ale
aim to direct or point
ain to own [Spot is a Dane the dog I ain
air the mixture of gasses around us
ait a little island=islet=isle [stranded on an ait only coconuts I ate
ala a wing [+e=pl
alb a long white garment
ale a fermented drink of soaked grain [any plant rich in starch] embittered by the fruit of the mulberry vine called hops
all the whole amount, every component
alp any high rugged [with many protrusions, uneven] mountain
am have the qualification specified
ama a sea-diver
ana equal quantity of each [av of give], a collection
and also with [examples of several meanings
[I ate a bagel and cheese. and = also with  
I watched TV and fell asleep. and = causing the consequence  
I watched TV and a movie. and = also with  
ane 'gain' one [something alone
ani 'ahnee' a black cuckoo bird
ant a type of insect with castes
any chosen randomly/indiscriminately and without conditions or limits
ape a large tail-less or short-tailed monkey
apt fit or qualified, likely
AR [similar to real word "ess" in dictionary the word of letter shaped "s" also ar is the word for "r" letter in addition to "r" one letter name.]
arc a curve > v to follow a curve
are have the qualification specified
ark something which protects
arm the limb of humans between shoulder and wrist or any similar limb of beings
art a skill
ash a type of tree, solids left from burning [+y =pale
ask say a request
asp a certain small snake
ass a horse-like animal with long ears, a person both stupid and also obstinate
ate placed in the mouth and swallowed
ate 'ah-ti' the recklessness that drives men to ruin
auk a certain black and white seabird
ave 'o' peace [greet or bye
awe the emotion of fear or dread with respect
awl a pointed tool
awn a bristle of some grasses
ax a tool for cutting
axe a tool for cutting [same as ax
ay 'I' yes, i. I feel sorrow
ay 'ay' always
aye 'I' yes, the vote yes
aye 'ay' always
azo 'ayzo' a thing containing Nitrogen
list continues at

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