Thursday, June 1, 2017

the mystery of tiny

when we go to school we see pictures of atoms. those are "sketches" of what we understand about atoms.. did anyone truly see that is what an atom looks like? when we read about eletron microscopes they make it sound like "an electron passes through" the thing the way light passes between the solid parts of cells so we can see cells enlarged by lenses using a microscope. in contrast a difference is that light passes through clear stuff and we see around the cell in contrast to an electron stream which would not "go through an atom" but between the atoms so the resulting "pictures" from a n electron microscope of "white balls" are not reasonable.
so the picture of atoms what do they claim we are seeing? a stream of electrons would pass between the atoms and we would not see the "electrons" which we are told circle [verb] the atom and the electrons hitting the atom would be reflected back the way a ball bounces of a ball.
i emphasize "stream of electron through" because that is how encyclopedia describes electron microscope not reflect as one liar responded to the above criticsm just guessing with ignorance like most human how have difficulty sticking to the truth.
so when we see a white ball are we seeing the electrons? i doubt it my guess is we are seeing the reverse of the stream of electrons around the atom. the fact that electrons exist is indicated by static such as rubbing a glass surface and papers have beeen observed rising to the glass until the electroons ove and similar in electric current but what an atom actually is? that is theory.
so they say an atom has mass with a positive charge called a proton and the proton is made of parts with electric charge and the total chargse is positive. that would be based on mathemeatics but what is fact?
is it a tiny short "string" of electricity that vibrates and 9is perceived as matter? i recently raed about string theory how to add more spacedimensions  called small dimensins but if there is a "curled" small dimension its in the same place as the up dimension relative to the plane it curls at.
so what is tiny?
if we take pure hydrogen gas and make it cold it changes to liquid for our appearance going down but spreading the shape of its container but smaller we are supposed to believe lttle solids. each moleculre with two hydrogen atoms each with one proton.
so these tiny solids can act like aliquid when cold and as they warm boil at what we consider cold temperature and act liek hydrigen gas. but what truly is it.
i will tell you and in the future you will have tehnology to see i am correct [or not]
take a drop of water which is made of water molecules we can separate or attach two kinds of atoms one called oxygen to the other called hydrogen to amake the molecule  so the water drop has many molecules.
each time we divide the drop there are less molecules  and keep dividing until only one molecule remains.
if we split that it is not water anymore so the "atom" meaning smallest is a molecule of a substance. the water molecule is made of what we call atoms but the atom is made from mass with apositive charge meaning more positive charge than negative charge but solid masslike a speck of dirt but what it truly is? i will wait for an alien to describe because id doubt what the scince book ssay

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