Saturday, June 3, 2017

a plea to the pregnant, nutrition

a plea to the pregnant, nutrition
this will focus on eating habits with a plea begging pregnant women for example in week 7 and 8 and later to regularly eat, at regular intervals, full balanced meals at consistent regular intervals.
many women see pregnant ladies with swollen bodies and feel worried so when they know that "I am pregnant" perhaps in week 5 and 6,  are tempted to to "battle" the future swelling by dieting and limiting calories etc. instead eat regularly as I will explain.
some will skip bread because of the rumors of "starch" and later feeling hungry eat a bag of chips or a pastry- the focus in the message is a plea to think of the needs of the growing future baby. the baby can be "trained" to store nutrients for example if  mom skips meals or:
eats very little for whatever reason perhaps to "battle" the swelling of the baby which by the way is not six pounds of fat! then the baby will be TRAINED and practice month after month storing and storing=the consequence will be months of training to store and when the baby is born out and eats, then the baby will already be trained to store and that leads to overweight obese third graders
because every time the child will eat, they store and store and what caused it? the formed habit of storing month after month before birth. it is up to you!
please eat at regular intervals or the results will be habitual storing leading to obese third graders like we see in the US.
one other factor is what we call the "full feeling" when i first learnt that there was a sensation of full, i noticed that, even after a portion i DID NOT feel that sensation nor any sensation unless i ate enough to feel my stomach stretch, this teaches a lesson.
parents fill their own plate and the child's plate and for many different reasons insist "finish eat everything on the plate" and say the kid wants to play- that ignores the fact that the body signals when it is satisfied!
please when your four year old says the are full- move the plate to the refrigerator.
the consequence of saying "you must eat" everything on the plate anyway, trains the body to ignore the full sensation and then at age 7 and 8 after months of training-to-ignore the full sensation, the acquired habit is they do not feel "satisfied" until they feel the stomach stretch. ***this is another avoidable cause to obesity.
to summarise my plea briefly: please parents eat during the weeks of pregnancy at regular intervals and balanced meals- imagine in your mind an obese third grader to motivate you to provide the future baby with frequent nutrients and the body will not need, nor acquire a habit to store and store.
this relates to the future for pregnant.
admittedly this idea reveals the cause of youth fat storage=inconsiderate mothers some for selfish reasons to appear thin or other reasons,  pregnant who dieted and coincidentally have obese children, however this is not the purpose of this article, and not blame because they did not think about a result
baby storing- the title is constructive planning:
***this is a plea to the pregnant mothers to eat at regular intervals and balanced meals, for the reasons demonstrated, so the baby does not acquire the habit to store and store and store more and more.

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