Saturday, June 3, 2017

do people know the future?

recently I watched a video [second terminator] and there are several useful ideas in the video which deserve note.
"john oconner" does not live with his mother because-
she is in a mental facility. this teaches us that if people claim to know the future we treat them as "crazy" for many reasons. the future has not happened yet,+ plus:
it depends on many choices.
when someone claims they know the future and that the visions they saw are real and true, we know that the future has not happened yet, and that they have a bad problem. significantly, when john's mother tries to convince them that she is describing something real:
she insists that she knows dates.- this is a key to unraveling religions because the so-called-prophetic books do not say dates
if they claim god knows the future and revealed it to me god would know a date.
when. for example moses said "in the end of days" that is not a date and it is easy to lie when you know that nobody can check.
next the adherents say now is the "end" like in the 1960's [and earlier] fooling many then, and when they were wrong and now it is fifty years later the religious try the same filthy trick.
if a prophet wants to be taken seriously they would say I really know and god told me the date but **isiaha and jeremia never said dates because they were only TRICKING the primitive people.
***similarly children, who believe their parents about santa claus and the tooth fairy believe prophets such as isaia and imagine god, too, because that is the level of skepticism that does not reject santa claus- and when realizing no santa, often do not rid the other imaginary ones like god and prophets.
well how do you test if they exist you can only imagine because god is imaginary.
however if we would think about religious books, they do not have dates whether christian book revelation or jewish isaia and even daniel only a bit has dates with a warning "these are secrets" so they cannot be tested. that is worth the same as me saying "the US will have a woman president" when? i never said a date and you can wait and wait and wait more that is not real prophecy and similarly religions are baseless.
can a prophet be tested if not- then we can ignore them let us assemble three bits of evidence 1 moses said the hornets would come and the enemies would flee 2book of numbers reports that is not what happened. but before the excuses- we assemble three bits of evidence: third a prophet can be tested if he says something will happen and it does not source deuteronomy, now apply to moses in exodus 23 he is not a prophet but instead a false prophet and claiming from god is a liar who cannot be trusted. there is no basis to judea-christian religion, including revelation which said "soon" and since john long has passed he was not only  a bad message but proven a liar not holy and not godly.
so i guess that leaves hindu? we need not choose "from the list of religions" instead we neeed to think for ourselves
so we must search within ourselves.

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