Saturday, June 3, 2017

size of universe

before today  I barely knew any physics so  I imagined an infinite space in the dimensions of space with finite mass. others would say the other combinations a closed universe or infinite mass in the infinite space universe.
however I now have two new doubts that I want to share.
we know the equation of speed speeed is usualy written in notation i.but for purposes of english i will use different letters for variables as follows
d=distance, s=speed, t=time.
science has discovered the time of the existence of the universe somehow 1.38*10^10 of the unit we call years.
if we have blind faith in science then s<c meaning speed is less than the speed of life. a star or galaxy could move at sevral possible velocities but all less than the speed of light so s<c.
 since the maximum speed is c, we can no the maximum value of d as a
product of 1.38*10^10*s<c=<tc. so d can be a total less than tc because the time is known.
that means that stars do exist at a distance that we can observe them because we observe themn and this indicates the distance is less than 1.38*10^10 ligh- years distant away, allowing the light to travel  the differing distances each less than T and arrive.
since d is a productive thereis more distance in which we do not observe stars and which may be empty because we do not klnow OR which may have stars yet because not enough years passed the light has not yet arrived. maybe yes maybe no so we cannot claim there is. it is like god that we do not know so we will not write there is a god nor a distance star.
between the distance s and the poroduct of sc is more distance which can be empty or with stars we did not yet receive their light.
however if we believe that matter cannot travel faster than light then speed must be less than c written s<c so the product d must be less than 1.38*10^10 imes more than the speed of light meaning the maximum distance is less than sc because it is less than speed of light. in other words the distance in the universe must be finite because it is impossible to have a distance - as well as matter such as a star but impossible distance greter than tc NOT GREATER THaN tc because t is known according to science and c is known as well and both are not only finite but defuined.because
in conclusion space exists only as far as tc because no matter can travel faster than c and the time is limited this means that even space is finite because there is no value of d that can be greater than the product of tc.
only as tim epasses the d increases- describing an expanding universe and still the matter cannot exist because no matter can go faster than c. distant stars are going faster then nearer stars but no star can go faster than c and cannot exist meaning both the matter in the universe as well as the distance in the universe d are finite with the exception that d increases constantly as time increases and this is what some call a closed universe. so space is finite and not infinite and no unioverse can be outside or the distance could not expand.
the only way to beleive in more matter than the product of tc is because c is a maximmum is if t is not 1.38*10^10 and if the universe existed less as i believe as around nine hundred units each the time of onethousand earth orbits around the sun called years then the size of the universe is even smaller with even less matter and only the distance will increase as time increases which supports expanding universe but only closed universe.
an alien told me the distance and space [of outer space] is infinite distance, and if so, which variable is error?
is T error?  or C error?  if c is error so the speed of light is not what we were taught, then special relativity has a flaw. i have blind faith that c is correct. yet if d is infinite than t must be infinite as a product of tc because the maximum speed is c it can be any speed less than c.
OR the distance is less than both possibilities. i have blind faith that d is changing and "expanding universe " is true for space only but matter is not added relative to the new space in distance and yet time is less than what relativity claims. not more than 9000 units as described. until we measure differently or someone helps me with the equation.

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