I spent many years in the school my parents chose, many many hours, studying religion. the more religion I studied, the more lies I noticed.
rabbis often lacked explanations and some explanations refuted/denied the text in other words admitting the "holy" book had a lie. one rabbi even tricked me "prefer one detail over the other" while insisting the "truth" was every detail was true and insisting for me "if you see a problem prefer one detail over the other." as a child i lacked the words to express the problem of lack of purity and untrustworthy. as a child I lacked the words to say "this is not pure" and not a holy message from god.
as a child i studied very little science, but the bit i studied I scored high, while the rabbis taught me to deny science books written by liars who want me to follow satan and the devil.
the more details of religion, which I discovered were bad, the more i realized i need to know the version of science for those same issues of the "beginning" so i studied science and it is not logical either.
not just that science teaches an old universe, thousands of millions of years while religious books "beginning with a number of years" totalling thousands, a faith which even religious deny=which even religious admit is a lie and insist the bible "submits" to science, adding to the text what the text never said, but also the details of creation and the history as I will explain.
some religious people challenge scientific claims, an effort to remove the threat on their personal faith. the same as rabbis deny the details of science which are a theat to their personal faith. in contrast scientists are not denying details of religion but are observing. that is a key difference.
in science the issue is: what is observed? this method removes almost every detail of religion, for example religion teaches "correct behavior" is for a man not to have "the relations" with a man. that such a sinful act is immoral. how can we test if that is correct behavior or not? so they direct to a book romans or leviticus but how do we test if "the idea in the book" is true?
**a test exists the conditional word if in the bible: "if you do not obey then god will stop rain" well there is rain RAIN COMES despite a majority of "sinners" who either deny catholic or deny protestant and all certainly do not obey the "law of jews" so that test shows religion is a lie but that does not mean that deductively science is true. science is a search. which does not mean religious books are true in fact my studies show numerous examples of impurities and lies in religious books claimed to from god yet certainly not from god.
if we examine the idea in special relativity called "expanding universe"
that would mean that 1 the universe is "expanding" and therefore previously BEFORE the expanding ALLthe mass matter was in one point. note all. why? because the state is before expansion- science is fact, no? expanding universe- see, so must be a state before expansion. we proceed. after rejecting religious books.
now we can picture the "race competition" between the two contestants 1 light traveling as photons at the speed of light from the "bang" of the event, when the age of the universe began, in directions of three dimensions [of space 3D] in contrast to the second contestant 2 matter with mass, which is moving/going less than the speed of light because mass is differet from photons and mass cannot go faster than the speed of light in fact it is probably moving at the speed that mars orbits the sun and certainly less than "c" the speed of light.
after a unit of time we call a year, light moved, at the speed of light called c, fast and far=millions of units more, units called kilometers or miles more than the distance which the mattter such as hydrogen or stars, traveled. "speed times time equals distance" while speed is less than c, so distance-traveled is less than "tc" while science and especialy "expanding universe" have set and defined the value of time as a certain number of years and the speed of light a defined rate with a number.
*we now can picture a universe at that state at age one year, as explained, with a center area with matter, and around it, an area with only light but no matter with mass and beyond that there must be "space" for the light to go or the "space" of the universe expands.
clearly matter is "not infinite" because the time is known and has been calculated [based on red shift speed] and speed no faster than light and even light has traveled for a defined time, in this excercise, at a defined speed c and within light range there is empty space without the matter with mass, as explained above.
so the matter has moved a certain amount and beyond the fastest matter with mass [although certainly no faster than c] there is no matter with mass.
i can imagine an infinite space [which, if infinite from the start didnot truly expand] with finite matter with mass in its center only, which is moving.
we could have faith this is true or doubt it but luckily science has observed galaxies passing THROUGH each other this means they are not moving away and challenges the idea of "expanding" universe because the galaxies passed through each other, differ from "never near" and always further and further.
similarly to what we observed, galkaxies passing through each other that could also occur at the state that science claims was the start of expansion.
inother words, before expansion when galaxies were near each other the galaxies could pass through each other as we observed imagine the center pre-expansion point, after the start, some matter to the two sides but not truly a start because they had switched places and the matter on each side had been on the pther side
in fact they were not particles but galaxies "relative to the so-called" pre-expansion point, was not at starting point but were on both sides of that so-called starting point of the expansion fact.
based on this logic i not only reject "the beginning" described in religious books, for many numerous reasons, [for example "god created" how would i test if earth was created by god or not? if god exists or not?] but also reject that "expanding universe" in special relativity of 1905, because the universe is infinite and always was infinite [so not truly expanding space besides space between galaxies, but not space beyond matter as described above] and even the matter with mass:
I doubt "all" was in the "pre-expansion" place which existed if there was expansion.
an alien told me that rocks in space have been moving for forever [not the number of years science calculated nor the number which appears in the bible which most religious admit is not the truth] and the aliebn added that the earth only had life for around 9 units of time each one hundred thousand orbits [called earth year]
although this differs frojm both science and religion, what science claims was history one day both religion and science will have the tools to see that this is the true history.
the "mystery of history" is infinite time and and infinite space and finite amount of matter for example rocks etc moving for infinite time and this indeed differs from both the history acccording to religion "with a beginning and less than ten thousand years" and also differs from the history "millions of year" of life claimed by science which cannot carbon date more than twenty thousand years while some scientists lie to connect carbon dating to dinosaurs which is just as bad as the lies of religious humans.
the alien told me life for nine units as above, and rocks [molecules of mixed elements] for forever in an infinite universe that always was infinite space in three dimension that means not truly expanding.
one day we humans will be "able to test" and discover that aliens knew and that the alien i quote described the truth of history.
also the "blue shift" of andromeda galaxy supports this article contents.