Monday, December 25, 2017

infinite quantity of matter?

how much matter is in the universe?
my personal faith is the emptiness of space is infinitely distant not because i obsered but because an alien told me an i chose to believe it.
that means that if i shine a laser light it will move away from me at the speed of light and go for an infinite time away from me. we know the simple equation rt=d which means if a horse gallops at a rate of 9 meters per socond and tht is a realistic rate then we cancompute in 9 seconds rt=d the disrance is 81 meters
9 meters ps *9 seconds is 81 d meters
similarly thelight i start to shime now at this point in time travels at a rate called speed of light we call that value c and it can go an infinite time away from me in infinite distance ci=id the rate of c multiplied times the infinite time is infinite distance.
the same equation also proves that matter is not infinite
the equations of relativity show the time define the tikme since the beginning of slace-time i will use the variable n as the precise time we call 14 billion years based on the red shift withou t getting into the details.
so n is defined based on the red shift for time. the time the matter in the universe has been moving.
we also know that matter has a "speed limit" if it would go faster then c there is  aproblem basicaly at the rate c space and time are one line so and matter cannot move that fast and theoreticly if matter would start moving and accelerate faster and faster nearing the speed of light the size of length is less than before when it was moving slower. so time has been defined as around 14 billion years or the recise value called n for time and the rate is also defined as "<c" slower than speed of light sowe can compute
n*<c=d and can predict in one billion years
n+1000000000 years= m that m*<c=d  is a defined distance where the furthest mater will be in the future and at that distance there is NO MATTER NOW bec ause the stars canot move at the rate c but must be slower than c so that distance is em,mpty space we have confimed mathem,atically that space to move is infinite and matter is finite and have also defined the radius of the movement of matter at its furthest point n+<c=d when d must be the distance the mattermoved adn not more because matter has a speed limit.
so beyond that radius space is empty and no starcs nor matter there.
 because it will not move that distance UNTIL LATER.
on the topic of space time if something is moving at the rate one half speed of light c/2 space-time for that person is different than somebody theoreticaly not moving
so if an event occurs at a certainpoint in space time which the thing moving c/2 begins counting time from zero time  that same evemnt relevative to the one not moving occured later on thespace time graph the same event is at two different times relative to the speed of the one moving and similarly 25% speed of lihgt would have his own angle of space time somewhere betwen perhaps the sqaure root of 3 relative to the one going double his speed c/2 and again that same event graphed as zero time for the fast one is later for the two going slower so the same event is not only at different time swhen graphed on space time continuum buyt also shows that not only i s space related to motinon but also time is equaly related to motion proving the unity of space-time as one unit affected by motion.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

mosquitos jews and cancer

yes i am angry at the greedy mosquito described in the story and at the many jewish employers who tricked my friends as described below that is the tone of anger in this emotional article. the name of the employer is hidden beacause we ddidn not video it but is not limiyted to that one rotten apple but is truly a sample of what to expect form any jewish employer so the name does not matter.
i di not fic the typos beause i want to show th etomne of emotion.
in he night a buzz suddenly buzzed by my ear annoying mosquito i pulled the cover over my ear and folded it so it woyuld not cover my nose but the bug kjept buzzig at my covered ear so noisy and i swung at it with my hand and suddenly there was a flash of inspiration and i roolled out of bed and walked to the light switch and switched on the light...
mosquitos are ACTIVE at night si if the light ios on the mosquito will see it is not nogt and NOT BE ACTIVE
great plan so the light is on and now i search around the light bulb becuse bugs fly around lights but no bug near the light and i san along the wall but no bug so i finish the search and return to the bed and see a red circle on the sheet and i look closely at the crushed mosquito... apparently my sudden rolling over crushed it and squeezed its dinner of blood out which leads to the question... if it had blood inside irt should be resting after the meal not diving at my ear stupid greedy bug it woulda lived if it would not be so greedy which reminds me of the interview of several buddies who each worked for different jewish employers and these are valid reasons to hate jews. the nazid  s did not lie about the character and personality of the jews as we wsee from these interviews each jewish employer had a different system of tricks to pay "less" than the amount spoken for salary whether literaly a smaller number less salary or ticking adding time without pay...
obviouspl;y noy linked to the rate of inflation while money paid to jes such as tuition is linke to inflation so you mpay the jew MORE  money themn the true amount stated... adn other jewish tricks see below.
as greedy as that mosquito and just as annoying the jew is the mosquito of humanity and the cancer of the world not just my jewish parents who i know from near but several samples from many different jewish employers with tricky systems to cheat the workers smaller amnounts and tricjy jewish system of tuiotion to pay more than the amount honesty would be the same number but they have sevral tricks to add money they wanbt to trake many different systems pof tricks jews have shown themselved to be the tricky greedy mosquitos ofhumanity and the cancer of the planer and i willd escrivbe sevarela of the jewish tricks for money to give less and take more and specifically when a number is specified to give less than the number and take more than the number . valid reasons to hate jews who created such systems of tricks.
and they system of tution tricks to take not just mnmore money but "more than the amountstated" and other tricks to addd while we all know salaries are not adjusted quarterly for inflaton valiue jeezs
so i interviewed ten different workers seven who worked for dififfernt jewish employers and here is the stats
one lady worke d at ahospital
me: do uyou feel the salary is the is honets"
lady of course what question
me imean do you dfeel there are any tricks topay lessthan the amount mentioned
no the amount is right why would you even ask

why indeed there have been laws fo ryears to protect workers and unions and stuff but the jews came up with their dirty tricks each employer with a different system of tricks to pay 'less than the amonount mentioned" per time worked
here is one of the seven stories
as a sample
one worker worked for a jewish employer in new york i wish he had a go por to record the details of the story so i could publish the name of the dirty tricky jew employer
anyway he wa told to come for evening shift at 3 pm  and i know that emmployer smust pay a certainamount each month for travel expense to the jobs and i know that some jews have tricks o "pay les sthan the amount stated" but this for a different interview vyut this poor sucker did not even know about travel salary  so this poor sucker arrived at work around 2.55 to be on tike for work not even expecting any payment  for travel only i know that employers must pay something for travel... so this inepxreienced guy is told start working go tp the phones and answer the phones but he was worried about record keepin so he asked "first where do i punch a card" like we see on tv the time clock to show when i came and the jewish employr said just start working it is okay but he was suspicious and we will se at the end of the month what happened so he insists on record keeping like time clocks or else he is going out the door and no worker that shift...
finelly the jewish employer conceded and gave a paper to write the time of the owrk and he wroited the time 2.58 and starts working.
but the next day the jewish employer has already inevvnted a new part to the scheeme
the victim is ordered start working we need you now right bnow.
workerno it is not yet 3 pm i star working at 3
jew i need you now start now ther is not even time to sign the time sheet
victim thanks for reminding me i need to write the time sheet
and writes the time while th ejew boss complains about insubordination for those who know what that word means if your boss forbids you to put your paper in the time clock puncher and then calls you insuborfdoiantaion
dirty jewish yrick.
wekll at leas th enext few days the boss lets the victimwrite the time on the apeper because the seocnd week is the computer code week/
jewish schemer: scsammerr; when you come to work you must enter a code in the computer to show you are here.
vicritm if that was the system why was i using paper until now
jewshi scammer employer dont woryy you can trust me
well this victim did not trust the jewish schemer and entered the code and signed the book and took photograph of book with cellphone too.
the next day the scammer said hurry no time to enter the ode go start working and enter the code later
victim: silently walks to the code room knowing the later entrance time will appear he came late... the jewish scammer complains that is insubordination i toild you to star  wrolking and the victim respond i start at 3 it is before 3 and enters the code in the system but the code is not rcognized that day so the victim igbnores the jewish employers complaints and bullying and tries to sign the book but there is no sign in book that day
just start working
the victim heads for the door and the jewish employer finally concededs and brings the sign un book.
he thinks he has overcome th ejewish trick but wait till the end of the month
the jewsuih employer points out the time is now 3.02 so write the time now and the victim writes the time he came and started typing his code at 2.58
the next day the victim goes to enter his code and the jewish employer said you cannoy go in there there is a meeting but this insubordiante victim is stubborn and disturbs the meeting and types the code as the jewish employer rants about firing him hwo dare you disturb a meeting for your selfish code most peole would syubmit to the tricjkl and not sign in and then not ghet paid...
no time clock punch no salary
th ebnext day the jewish employe r in new york has a new scheme the door of the office with the code is locked haha now you cant type the code to show you came to wordk
the victim head sfor th epaper record and sees yesterdaty he did not sign n the paper onee opops he almost missed doing the double record so he write sboth days entrance and takes photograph of sign in book.
at the end of the day the jewish employer said i am replacing you because yoyu have been insubordinate all week
the victim does not think to ask for the paper work caslled  PINK SLIP i know that firing needs paper work but this inexperienced did not ask for it and doesnot come to work the next day at leasty iof he is not poadi he di no t work
we;ll at the end of the month his salary is for 3 days according to the computer sign in he only coded 3 days remember he thought there was a written record .... and similarly the other employees who wroked for six diffferent jewish employers eackh with a uniques system different systems to pay the worlekr LES THAN  the amount stated and not linked to inflation with quarterly updates in contrast to tution we can watch each quater a s the amount of tuition changes each quater and the value of 90 hours of work in winter and then the spring payemnt 110 hourd of work and the next year 130 hours of work all  MORE THAN THE AMOUNT mentioned in the tuotion agreement... and the icing on the cake at the end of the masters degree is the thesis and now the jews have one omore dirty surproise to add moneyt
each thesius advisor tells the student theone in interviewed and who knows how many more victims i am too busy...
so each stident has no thesus advisor to collaborate the thesis the only wat to "get" the opaoer diploma is to replace the thesuis with courses and clases no problem the money paif ofr the thesis should cover the calesses no the clases arre not "free" of course not jsu t the same cvalue i paid for th ethesuis advisor that service was not supplied you ar not just trickong me to add more money are yiou?
well yes they are add more mony for course payemt or no diploma dirty jewish tricks hitlers book did not lie when descrinbing the jewish personalty jes are truly the greedy mosquito described above and truly the cance r of the planet and yes the typos are because i am ruching and angry at the numerous jewish employers who tricked each of my friends payein lsethena the amounte spoken for the hpurs of work each with a different dirty trick.
i wish each of those victims working for jewish employers ahd go pros to record then i ould porint their jewish employers ame but does th ename matter befpre you start working find oyut if your e,mployer is jewish and wear a go pro.
only one worker had his revenj... he called the office and tole the following true-lie to the other worker. th true detail is we know employees have paid vacation days and the lie was "tell mrs jew i am not coming thursday for my paid vacation day"
the other victim aid what paid vacation day... haha you can giess how the dominoes fell after that.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

refreshing the old legend of jewish hanuka

how? how to "refresh" an old outdated 2000 year old hanuka... with no flying reindeer?
I know that the "contents" and ceremonies of "pesah" passover were altered as detailed below, and very briefly now "the rabbis removed and even forbade the main part: the lamb of "passover offering" not only cancelling=not requiring the lamb in the house [obviously not in temple but also not in house either], but even more the rabbis FORBADE the religious-jews eating lamb on passover" NOTE: they kept the name passover despite no lamb even at home.
so only we secular do eat lamb on passover... as detailed below similarly hanuka should be refreshed. NOT a limited specific date but instead for convenience it is around a natural phenomenon of nature=the longest night of the year and any time convenient between 19-23 december is longest nights so when its easy and convenient for each family for me today 21 was easiest.
the fulfillment of hanuka has 2 main parts "one remembering or noticing the replacement and refreshing" which removed the candles to replace the outdated old custom with a new  legend as described below and 2 this one optional but i recommend for the "hard-core"  jews called "mehadrin" will add eating ham because "ha" like the letters hanuka and to mark the legend of "hank the hanuka" hog with ham. briefly the legend is this hog rocketed through space to bring the special meteor" to save the hogs in california from a rogue soviet pilot with a powerful hydrogen bomb.
now for the details. 1 emphasizing the refreshment and replacement by cancelling the old outdated candles which we have not needed for light for a hundred years already and it seems wasteful to burn anything, when we could save candles for the "electricity blackout" or not buy/purchase candles at all... it seems a waste.
remembering that the candle is replaced by the refreshed legend of hank the hanuka hog, who saved the hogs of california from the dangerous hydrogen bomb. briefly the legend is hank rocketed through space to bring the special meteorite rock to mark the soviet stealth plane so the US could see it on radar.
also 2 refreshing the date not limited to any specific date but around a NATURAL real phenomenon of nature [in contrast to any date on a man made calendar which is artificial] the "longest nights" of the year for example between 19-23 december when it is convenient for each person separately. a true natural occurrence.
also 3 the hard core will make the effort to buy ham=like the letters "ha" in hanuka to mark the refreshed hanuka and the legend of the hog... for now at least it is not [yet] outlawed in israel and and it is called "pastrama svinaya" in the shops which sell pig meat. and i had the opportunity to fulfill "hanuka refreshed" today and you can too
on the day convenient for each  until 23 december because all these long nights are the longest.
QUESTION if we change the contents and ceremony then why keep the name??  Q
answer: BECAUSE that is precisely what the rabbis did to "pesah passover" when they forbade the primary part element of passover=rabbis forbade the religious-jews eating lamb on passover... [as above only secular can eat lamb on passover] cancelling and replacing the lamb called "passover offering" and keeping the name=KEEPING despite removing the lamb with the same name, not required in house not permitted n house... and replaced for different contents with the same name: unhooking the framework from the lamb it referred to, now it includes "more days" than the day of the lamb... and replaced the "forbidden lamb" i emphasize "not even a home prepared lamb" with a different wine ceremony 4 cups of wine scattered around long reading... so very-long is one page of big letter not enuf?? enough
similarly it is time, now 2000 years later, to refresh hanuka for the next few hundred years as explained, and attach different refreshed contents to the same name for the next 500 five hundred years until year 2500 if we humans do not destroy all life on earth by then... if so we can continue with the refreshed an additional thousand years or longer until the next refreshing based on that future culture after one thousand five hundred years or more.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

in what order were the gospels written?

we see in the christian bible four gospels: 1 "according to matthew" etcso in what order were they written?
researchers published that the book "acts" must have been written around 55 ad based on the fact that it tells the story until 55 ad therefore the same for matthew which was written by "matthew" mentioned as one of the aposles of jesus... he wrote the parables and teachings as he heard them and then jesus SENT him and the others to teach spreading the faith in that generation. so it must have been written around 35 ad based on the same proof of the book acts until which point does it tell the story... and based on the internal name matthew. similarly john must have been one of the first because the book claims "this is written by me who saw it myslf' also around 35 ad.
however mark was written with different wording often clarifying the wordingh in matthew so based on that comparison it was  MARK A RESPONSE to clarify the ideasin matthew and finally luke written by the same one who wrote acts but as a friend of paularound 50 ad before acts written as above 55 ad so the order
first matyhew and john 35 ad later mark 40 ad then luke 45 ad and last acts 55 ad after most of pauls letters epistles.
now i feel that the gospels are a "universal" book ibncluding two versions for the both groups branches of christians who argues about which date was the crucufixion apparently some christians believed the story in john that jesus was killed on the day of the passover offering and the book included both this and the other version rto be universal for both groups of christyians and then we shouldadmit that one version is a false one we just do not know which... something christians refuse to aadmit both are true and then argue among themselves which date they be;ieve some say like john while mathew version is slaos true while othersbelieve the date in matthew while insisting john mean the same thing jsut donot be "so literal".
well me solution is to only preserve the teachings which are "supported" by both john and mathew and that is almost nothing.
since the fat of the rucifixion is in conflict between john and mathew we should edit each to remove every detail whicc is either in conflicy such as the date and more only the details supported in both john and mattghew should be preserved in one short gospel beginning with jesus with pilate  without the conflicted date both versions should not be preserved and only the details supported in both version sshould be preserved in the updated edited gospel.
if truth would be imprtant to people...

Sunday, December 17, 2017

which holiday is john 10?

we see the shops decorated with crismas decoratinas and jewish menorahs it seems the same time and then when we read the stoy in john 10 "the holidya of dedication in winter" we are bieassed and prejudiced by the deocrations to say this must be hanuka yet the name hanuka is not used and the english said it was "winter' wheres the holiday of hanuka is based on the babylonian lunar month which is not constant and still is always before winter in autumn always before december 21 solstice so...
if "winter" differs from hanuka as above +we remove cultural bias and prejudice it could mean anything what could it refer to?
the greek does not say dedication.
the greek is actualy the word for "first born" and new this not only differs from hanuka and light as josepus called the name but also we need to find something "new" what was new which was important? was entering the land of canan new? no they were in canan befre they went to egypt as the book of acts reports.
what about the new temple of solomon that would be new. in fatc since the second temple replaced the first temple which the babylonians chaldians destroyed the first temple is a better match for the greek word "first born" because the temple which solomon built is the "first born" of the two temples now we must check wich month. the book of kings said the temple was laid in second month and at that point it was not "new" yet it was only a foundationand similarlt y the "day of noticing" place your heart is foundation not 'new" yet.
the new can refer to the new first born temple in the eigth month but that is also not winter... unless we check the greek word for winter it actualy means pour like rain and since first born is a better match to the tmple of solomon than deccation and the 8 month from spring is in the season of rain in israel then this must be the holiday of "new" and "first born" further support is the fact that the new testanment does not say a number date matching the date in solomon whichh only said the month and no numner date so we can conclude historicaly by removing prejudice and studying the text that the jews in the time of jesus had a holiday to mark the 'first born" temple in the season fo pouring rain which matches the 8 month of course since we do not know which day of month we cannot mimic it might be before and the wrong date or too late unless wh choose the ;last day of the month to mark the 8 month and mark what they did before that would be the 16 november as a holiday of first born temple of solomon  intended for prayed as solomon styated in first kings a place of prayer.
count months end of first maont=end april so end november is end of 8month and end of 8 the hioliday of solomon would be in 8month rom exodus as that book kings counts years from the exodus so from march 8 months is end of november and the end of the month also the star-shapes called constellations each around a month long the end of the 8 is the day before archer sagitarias the bow begins in november
jes do not celebrate that day be we should know that the day is "first-born" in season of "pour" rain and not hanuka which jes celebrate now but a different one which jews did not preserve once the temple was destroyed. and we can mark it is the day that the jews once celebrated the firstborn temple pof solomon which matches first born of two temples.
also the holiday in hagai is strange wording
the prophets of that time used babylonian names such as nisan in book ester and zacarai yet hagai like ezekiel used number months to show he was referring to the moses calendar from exodus so 9 month is from spring and hagai said "put your heart" to notice the 24 day fo 9 month from spring that is near december 16 not a holiday but a day to mark and counting from 9 constellation was yesterday 16 december as 24 day of 9 month as hagai said. not holiday but a day to mark this too the jews didnot preserve and stopped marking the temple of foundation when the romans destroyed the temple. it is not "new" because as above the temple was not usable yet. and ceratinly the hasmonean king is purification of an existing not new and certainly not first born temple and the greek does not say purification ity said the word for first born and that is not purifying a second temple when it is over a century old. so many reasons to identify as "first born" and reasons to release the interpretation of hanuka if we love truth enuf.

Friday, December 15, 2017

maps less distorted

when we look at maps and we are familiar with "google" maps we know length is shorter because of north part of ball so just how distorted is the part called russia it appears vast while being north so the length at the NORTH PART of a ball is less   so just how distorted?  d
i found it is almost 250 percent distorted around 2.5 times.
how can we make a less distorted map
to aim for accuracy is very difficult so i aimed for LESS distorted. until discovering the idea of using "midpoint+curves" took meditation yesterday and then application today, took me almost 3 hours of learning, today, after i had the formula which took much meditation yesterday discovering the idea of midpoint+curves
I started by defining the edges=the water by east edge of baltic sea near cities we call saint petersburg and helsinki  UNTIL the east coast of russia extending 160 degrees around the ball to the water we call bering straits.
the british made my work harder by choosing a point in london as zero so 180 complicates stuff but we included such factors.
30e>180>170w is 150+10 degrees of circle
less urgent is the southern hemisphere i recommend one "diamond shape map on one page" from equater north from 180 until 60 west 120 degrees a third and the same page curving like a diamond equator south and the same diamond on another page for the remaining third 60west to zero and beyond until 30e like a diamond including curve of africa but urgent is to fix the distortion of russia.
should i start by equator? that would be very wide length and since my goal was russia very far  away south so i chose near the natural point of sun tropic line near 20 degrees north
i measured length of 160 degrees by 20 degrees north around totalled length  sixteen thousand kilometers and chose a convenient centerpoint not center but near middle by the coast of china called the city hong kong around 110-115 degrees not precise... but good enough for "much less distorted" want precise? i warn on a scale of 16000km a graph will not show significant difference but if you want to complain you do the work.
 my goal was less distorted and i found "much less distorted" by length
what point is near 30e degrees like saint petersburg? wait i want to include some water of baltic sea to visualize the coast and shape of coast
23e for near helsinki and 23e near 20n is in libya a point nearly 950 km west from aswan on nile river
continuing to the middle a convenient famous coastal city is HONG KONG near enuf to middle
the length from aswan on nile river to hk was 9130 km much longer than the length of russia because russia is north
continuing to the east edge of the limited map to midway atoll island near 177 degrees west and a point south of it around 20 degrees north around 6750 km from hk totaling sum length of nearly 16000 km for 160 degrees of circle that was a convenient coincidence with each degree at that latitude of the circle around 100 km  so 160*100 matched
next i graphed the length [not degrees] 16kk with 16 squares of graph paper and
 marked 9100 km of hk 9 squares  of graph for 9 units of length near the middle for hk from edge of map l>h length 9000km and h>m6750 as above, so 7 units of graph 16 units showed 9 until hk and 7more to edge
then i skipped two rows and graphed 40n degrees and measured length
the same degrees were much less length why? because north part of ball. FIRST FIND MIDDLE  near beijing. next athens is near 23e and near 40 degrees north  so athens to beijing... length 7600 kilometers  from 23e to 116e near middle by 40 degrees north latitude
 when we count from the middle, to athens we see the edge of the map curve and similarly to water undefined" somewhere north of midway with no clear point to mark just water so delay that curve until later
next i measured length at 50 degrees north. FIRST MIDDLE 50N BY 115E next  krakow  the length from krakow near 23e and 50n  to chita russia near 115e and near 50n was 6070km krakow to chita russia also sp to mirny at 60d 4200km+3400
and counting from the middle to the edge we see a significant curve of less length and similarly mirny to point coast
this curved graph shows a less distorted view of russias length from sea called baltic to water called bering at the eastern edge f russia and asia [perhaps better to name it ural continent to include both sides of ural mountains] the length from saint petersburg to the eastern edge of "ural continent" we call asia, by coast near alaska with MUCH less distortion because length is 7 units curving towards middle the harmless icy emptiness is much less vast on this graph and although not precise it is still "much less distorted" and shows the length there around 7000 kilometers total with around 4 units of length from middle and 3 units on the other edge a total much less length than
the length from athens to beijing to japan to water
we see at 60n degrees 7 units as above 4 on one side of middle and 3 on other with curves on edges from the length of 16 units 16000 km by 20n degrees north the length is less than half  and is much less distorted
to see my "work including errors with extra details" i reveal below
latitude defines "longitude" degrees with distance
points 20 degrees north marking 160d of planet length from 20e>180>170w
helsinki coast by edge of east baltic 60.2n 24.9e water near "leningrad" oblast=area on map [can ignore border of sudan libya la20n,lo24e too far]  r
al jawf 950 km west of aswan on nile river
7420km from aswan to
coordinates hong kong la22.4n,lo114.1e
good near 20n and near middle
length 8180 km aswan to hong-kong coast  plus 950km total 8180+950=9130km 23>114~90degrees similar to beijing 116e including +950 more to jawf =9130 jawf to coast hk near middle  EXTRA [attempt honolulu la21.3n,lo157.9west
length 8940 km hong kong to honolulu 157.9west but goal 177] so extra
to MIDWAY midway length 6750km 177.3west GOOD
degrees 23>180>3 for 160 degrees reaching 177 is a match
 place name in libya for lat. like helsinki 24e~23e kufra near jawf until 177w degree is 160 degrees of ball of planet  jawf>aswan>hk>m totals
 length 950+8180+6750~16000km length
EXTRA midway atoll island to honolulu158d-177d~20d
length northward from border of chad-sudan north to coast of east greece "hellene" on map from jawf 1690km north to coast of east greece
  near larissa region la40n,23e before marking greece FIRST find middle la40n,110e? near beijing 40n,116e length 7625km beijing to athens GOOD degrees 116 for less distorted and similar to 114 beijing to hong kong 1961km north
where is la.50n 23e do not mark yet but near krakow west of krakow
athens to krakow? 1380 km north appears west but 23e v FIRST find middle region of lake-water of tri-border mongolia russia china  like near city BORZYA and chita
length 6070km krakow to chita russia  graph from middle 6 units we see the significant curve of far less length for same degrees and
degrees 60n from middle mirny russia to saint petersburg length 4200km
and middle +3400 mirny to point coast
the curve is significant because far less distance. we see the opposite of what we see on maps is revealed based on length truth amen less distortion

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

updating names of seas

we have been using traditional maps for many years and arguing over the names of seas it is time to make a new "standard" and update the names in study textbooks in a way that we do not call water by any 'country" name of any government.
for example  a human moves in a oat in the river named rhine and reaches the salty water... that huge ocean extends very far north and south and is fed by a giant river named amazon therfore the ocean should be named amazon ocean the ocean all the way south to the south continent [which should be named "south" as in previous posts] and all the way north to the icy north pole.
certainly a sea like north sea is not "seperate and is part of this ocean and what would two ships in danger say "help us we are in "the north sea" that doesnot tell us where they are they must use navigational details so better amazon ocean for that ocean.
and the narrow channel near the rhine river why do the british get to claim it? no name should be any ghovernment neither british nor chinese nor any government. if the river thames watered the channel the thames river and thames channel and why is ther an h? too late stipid brits.
the boat moved acrooss the amazon ocean westward to a peninsula which extends south from the mountains named "appalachian" mountains that water is a gulf...
it should not be named for any country instead a major river waters it named mississippi so the gulf should be named gulf of mississippi.
the boat moves through the canal [between the continents amazon continent and mississippi continent which was once one mass before dug the canal] into the next large ocean.
in the farnorth there is a "bering" strait so the ocean should be named bering ocean and by the way it is stormy too not calm. from the canal and west the water iosnot separated it is all bering ocean we ned to update the study textbooks and remove all names related to any country "even sea of japan" which is separated by long island named honshu and deserves a separate name but not by any government name as i explained in post
and equally no "philipine sea nor japan nor china" china situation is espopecialy stiupid what is south and what is east and either way the water isnot separated and either way boats must say coordinates like latutude precisely so one water is one ocean.
the boat moves west and near the equator mid point passes south of a peninsula called malayan peninsula the water there can be a third ocean anmd again we should update not named ofr any country instead a makor river named euphrates feeds a gulf which waters this ocean hence euphrates ruiver and euphrates gulf again not by any country nor language and euphrates ocea extending south until the south continent and west until the amazon ocean already named.
what about in the bnorth?
the water north of amazon is still amazon and the water north of bering straitis ice what should we name that water? the two oceans touch all around the northern borderof greenland 2.1 million square kilometers which is less than a thrid the area of australia, that we can preserve th traditional name arctic circle starting from the arctic circle arctic ocean. all other water not separated needs precise latitude anyway and is not sepaerated and should not be named separate and certainly not any government name and same for gulfs and channels never a counrty name we need ot fix this.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

japan in world war 2

we know japan fought china in 1931 and again in 1937 many websites name the 1937 the second and that name matches the facts. at that time it did not involve the "world". soviets assisted china with supplies. in 1940 planes based on plane carriers small around 30 planes middle around 60 planes and large around 90 planes. on each plane carrier. planes from plane-carriers assisted the land forces so i do not understand the result that so little of china was controlled by japan in 1940 and 1941. and if china was so strong then use more planes before sending them east.
if i were a japanese general in 1940-1942 i would use bombers to bomb china airfields and hangars and factories and weapon storage and military stuff and advance the soldiers city by city with air support at least until the line of the 105 degree east longitude to connect to the troops on the nan river region and control the entire coast along the pacific ocean. i would move the men of north cities to south to build roads and other agriculture dig water irrigation and replace them with men from south to do same type of work. too busy and with no guns to rebel. all this before sending planes east to add a new adversary while failing in china regions.
i am surprised only in 1945 the japanese troops made a push to the moved capital city and... obviously then they lost. it was the last offensive of japanese in "china territory" ending around may 1945. japan had so few aircraft it stopped repairing the aircraft carries in fact the us did not sink all the japanese plane carriers but japan needed planes for land and stopped using the plane carriers in early 1945.
if i were a japanese general in december 1944 that is the time to end the war. i would surrender and order the troops to lay the weapons and go to prisoner exchange. the only major japanese actions in asia was the offensive mentioned and the defensive loss of the nan river region.
then the soviets violated the treaty in august 9 what would i do? soviets broke the treaty and outnumbered japanese aircraft. what would i do n that place? i would say i am outnumbered i surrender. some officers did that but the japanese culture is different they said we must defend but the issue of the emperors showa desire to end the war so some officers put down the weapons while others fough because it was defensive hmm. what would i do? the facts are outnumbered planes and troops put down the gun and uniform and hide. yet that is shameful in japanese culture i would not be a "decent" japanese would i.
well in the rest of asia the only offense was near the coast so the japanese knew they were weak if they would end the war in december 1944 based on the decision not to repair aircraft carriers it would be before soviets could move troops from germany. the navy knew it was done the airforce knew it was not enough to be effective even the land troops in xi river region were almost emtirely inactive... and in nan river region only defended and lost... if the offensive for the moved capital failed earlier it is time to end the war that is what i would do if i were a japanese genral in 1944 i would surrender to the allies because i know no aircraft. go to a pow camp if enough did that the war in china would have ended for japanese before yet the leadership ignored these obvious facts not enough planes.
after the first mushroom bomb japan proceeded to fly its jet plane instead of put down the gun they have different values and thinking methods then westerners. the samurai were happy to die for a cause. even when there was no equipment...
note i called the coast of china pacific coast which is true the pacific waters surround the rounded coast not 2 seas which idiot said i rule two seas? they are not separate seas and truly are ocean pacific sea next post.
finally in 1941 japan had around seven 7 aircraft carriers besides small ones they were all sent to hawaii and as above should have first assisted the china failures. also USA had around seven not counting small ones.
battleships have many guns yet we see they are failures even as planes come near to bomb them ineffective despite many guns.
so us and japan about balanced in number of aircraft carrier ships. the japanese had much more battleships but as above bs are barely effective and even ac are only useful if there are planes to use them by the end of 1944 japan only used planes on land and didnot even repair the carrier ships which for me is reason to put down the gun immediately in 1944. as soon as those decisions were made that is the time to end the war and put down the guns... and shed the uniform and proceed in orderly fashion to the prisoner exchange.
yet even after the second mushroom bomb the generals did not put down the guns.
the midnight after the second mushroom bombs soviets "revoked" the treaty with japan japan had strong defenses near amur river but soviets out numbered them. what would you in that place? the generals of japan surrendered after the soviets had landed troops in wnat we call north korean peninsula.
in hindsight japan could have focussed on chinese aircraft and gradualy spread but by 1944 they had enuf data to put down the guns yet the ideas of culture were different.
some complain the decision to use the mushroom bomb was bad because "the japanese would surrender anway" that is not understanding the japanese culture.
in fact even after they saw the power and knew it they did not put down the guns. and even after the second mushroom bomb they did not surrender until september 2 indicating that a third mushroom bomb although evil was needed even a third or fourth as august dragged into september.

Monday, December 11, 2017

the pacific seas?

we were born into a world where maps are unjustly named time for an update! innovation.
take the water near 'tartary" i never heard of it either however if we move our boat from the country named japan north there is water named tartary that is justly separate from pacific and the sea which connects to it should be named tartary too because it connects... admittedly honshu island separated that sea from pacific and still it is unjustly named japan sea considering only in the past history japan controlled both sides of sea in those lands but today and since 1945 we must update that water must be shared by every nation including japan and korea.
so the water named tartary strait should be named that good and similarly the sea separate from pacific deserves a name yet an updated name the same name hence "tartary sea" and we can identify tartary sea only if "near japan or near korea" but calling it sea of japan is unjustly named and needs updating altho admittedly good to separate this from pacific as above. so separate but not sea of "japan" that is not updated and unjustly named.
we look south to the water between korea and china that too is separate from pacific but what to name it? it is a gulf like gulf of thailand so name it "yellow gulf" the gulf near yellow river which feeds the gulf but not yellow sea.
what about the water east of china? that is not separated from pacific it is truly ocean pacific and can be identified only when near coast pacific "near china coast or near japan coast" but not east china sea the name china is unjustly on shared water between japan and china which in contrast to tartary is truly pacific. not separated.
similarly eps philipine sea and 2 more delete "seas" in names these 3 are truly ocean pacific each south china bad delete and erase like delete name "east china" those are not separate from pacific and truly are ocean pacific like pacific near east philipines or pacific near west philipines or pacific near china coast those are not seas because they differ from the water separated by honshu island. all 3 names are unjustly named and need fixing for pacific because they are not separated only celebes sea is justified and should not be named for any country so celebes is good.
so summarize sea good by honshu but not japan so tartary
and yellow good but GULF formation and other water not seas not separate and shared only near coast is each countries coast so delete 3 eps. pleas update. especialy bad is coast of vietnam that water is unjustly named china yet it is neieher china nor vietnam nor philipines that is the worst name because it is coast of vietnam or philipines even near china coast is tiny because of vietnam and NOT  truly not separated from pacific it is truly ocean pacific.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

refreshing an old myth

intro: i was very inspired by the video "happily n'ever after 2" taking an old snow white story and changing it in a very good way with much more of those "worn out" outdated characters refreshed with a really believable experience... the apple loses snow white her friends... that is real and believable  so time to do the same thing for a certain jewish myth so old even 1500 years ago it was already worn out and only "cherished" by religious people who were compelled by religion to believe and speak as if it were truth
the myth as is critical details: "there was one small jug of oil" if you/a child  believe that then the result "burned long" proves god miracle. well... if you tell me to believe small oil then personally i wouldn't/will not believe "long burn". so they say "many witnesses saw long burn that is truth" the lamp was visible to many witnesses. those who are not blind will respond "and how many witnesses saw no oil?" is it even possible to see and witness "no oil" they saw one jug was it the "only" jug"?
certainly if we believe that people witnessed long burn the only way is...
if they used the bad oil [pig fat etc.] and to hide their shame they lied that "we only used one small jug and that god did a miracle... and even the youngsters who do not doubt that god did a miracle and as a miracle it is "special" it cannot compete with flying reindeer and anyway even children know despite god "could" do a miracle still if it "burned long they must have lied about the amount or source of oil" there TRULY WAS MORE oil good or bad or pig fat. which adds to the rationale to eat ham on hanuka... besides the letters "ha" in hanuka and ham.
back to refreshing the outdated ugly stuff...
i can use the refresh style [demonstrated in the video mentioned "n'ever] to change the background... so here goes.
chapter one
in the year 1756 "College of New Jersey moved from Newark to Princeton NJ" many students studied there. later, one student there proved time-traveling. his name is Kurt. the field equations of general relativity "do permit travel into the past." see
In 1948, Kurt Godel demonstrated that the "field equations of General Relativity" proved travel which returns to the starting place in space at an earlier time.
much later somebody stumbled across the reality of "negative distance" something consistently denied by mainstream scientists.
using negative distance hank could now move a defined amount of time. the equation which truly exists today 2017, in theoretical physics, is time=distance/rate... when distance is negative integer.
who will deny the truth of the equation 5=15/3 and the same truth (-5)=(-15/3) is the rate 3 possible? certainly a horse runs 3 times faster 11 m\s speed and we can have a slow speed to move to a point in time-space all we need is instead of move in length dimension move in space-time continuum. so that is the equation for precise time travel [parenthetically i believe all stars are rotating in our universe which matches godel's solution and have been rotating around each other falling around each other] in other words, to move 500 seconds in time [around 8 minutes] is (-500) time=(-150)distance [150 meters of negative distance] /0.3 [rate meters per second] so therefore slowing the rate of speed "fits lots more into" the distance. try it on your calculator=it is true even 2017 today...
first type "15" and press "negative" [the button marked +/- makes it negative, not the minus button] next press divide button / 0.03 and finally press =
the truth is (-500) that is a point in space-time 500 seconds earlier and it can be shown on a space-time graph. so (-500) seconds around 8 minutes earlier in space-time. we have increased the time travel by ten times by SLOWING the rate of speed so go [moving in negative space] even slower! that will increase the negative time. now obviously this equation informs us "was" the history where a moving object was 500 seconds ago [in two dimensions of space] and also theoreticly in space-time, the movement to a time 500 seconds ago.
no need to increase distance and no need to imagine fast speeds because fast speeds "large rate" will only fit in the distance LESS times... the formula for PRECISE  traveling to a past time is low rate of speed in negative distance as above. our generation insists negative distance is "problematic" closing their eyes to the evidence but only the detail of negative-square root is artificial while true negative distance is reality. also why struggle against godel who showed that the field equations proved traveling to a time in the past.
parenthetically [even today there is problematic function "distance= v1v2t/|v1-v2|" at a physics website, this means distance, with positive and negative velocities as opposite directions when the problem is 1 dimensional, we "get a negative distance after a time t." Reference
note altho this website truly said it is negative time another physicist showed to "derive" it positive]
regardless, negative space truly can be shown in a different formula the length in space-time d=x-cy can be and is often negative distance in space time.
back to the story.
well once a guy identified negative distance and calibrated the slow rate of speed he decided to use the device to change the world. but first he must test it on something simple.
hank traveled to the time beofre the jewish war against the romans and bough a cheap bottle of oil. it wasnot expensive at peace time then he traveled to war time and sold it for a profit to the priests called hasmoneans. now they had a flask to light the seven branched temple lights.
the priests asked him to bring more because they needed for many days but he only had one flask for the minor experiment.
hank returned to his future and discovered it was very different from how he remembered before his trip to the past. the jews were now killing animals to burn them and hank wanted to preserve what he remembered.
this surprised him because he had returned with precision to the same moment he had left. except the door of his lab was now broken.
the jewish society for offerings had sent a theif to do what they believeed was jsutified... to go back to the time of the temple and gauruntee that the theme of sacrifices was the main theme of the holiday. supported by donations from christians who desired to emphasize the bloof in the old testament so they would notice they need blood of jesus when there are no offerings they hired a thief to break into the lab and go to the time of hanuka and remove all the oil. the only other item to mark was the renewal of killing animals. and since then hanuka had never been about the oil because they failed to light the lamp... ever since then the offering was emphsized and the jews had built a temple to burn offerings.
hank thought this was immorally wasteful we should only kill animals for food but not to burn. [hank did not know but that is precisely what the jewish prophet jeremia brought from god in jeremia chapter 7 silly jews refuse to respect the message in jeremia seven and add words to the translation to conceal the message] hank acted on his feelings and returned to the peaceful times and this time purchased much oil. then he returned again to the time of hasmoneans and did not sell the oil to the hasmoneans because that would be stolen by the jewish future theif of the kill-animals foundation instead he came at night when the temple was empty except temple gaurds and hired the gaurd named ezra to escort him and secretly light the lamp and if he kept the secret he would get more gold the next day.
the following morning people entered the temple and saw the lamps lit. they announced it was a miracle from god that with no oil the lamp was lit.
for the next seven weeks hank brought oil from the remote past to the hasmonean time until the locals had their own oil. finally he returned to his era of time and found the world was not killing animals to burn them  because the emphasis on januka had succcessfully been switched to the way it always had been thhe emphasis on oil not on killing animals and that night he destroyed the device because although he wanted to change other things he could not risk the animal-kill society stealing his device again and that is why the bad things of history are not fixed beacause of the jews who want to kill animals specifically to burn them.
the happy ending is that after breaking the device jehova appeared to hank in a dream and repeated the same message jehova told to jeremia and added you can find this message in the jewish books and from that day the jews finally started respecting the message in jeremia chapter seven the end.

Friday, December 8, 2017

prologue to snow white 1937

altho the connection between "snow white" and her enemy queen is discussed in the video "Happily N'Ever After 2 (2009)" in a different way than my post still mine was a prologue to video "snow white 1937" so differen world.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

jesus said "should tithe"?

christians believe in the new-testament group of books, and do not practice the law-of-moses so what about when jesus said "you should seperate the tithe on spices"? why did he not teach the new testament of jeremiah which describes itself as "inside" fulfills so do not say need more, not practices of the hands?
there are several possibilities.
my opinion first- the covenant of jeremia called the "new covenant" which is described in jeremia as inside meaning it is fulfilled by inside knowing... begins as a "covenant" which we know from exodus that covenants begin with blood so before the crucifixion is before blood and before covenant began. the only section to examine is AFTER  the blood if jesus said "practice the law" after the blood then we can know it is not the covenant described in jeremia and since after the blood he said teach... that is ideas and not ceremony so it matches jeremia. and fulfills the prophecy from jehova.
in fact we must not forget the jesus did teach even before the blood "not old wine skins" in mathew 9.17, which matches jermia and paul so it is supported,  indicating he taught the law would end because he said so... but tithe idea is in 23.23 that was before the blood on cross.
others say considering jesus also said "not old wine skins" in mat. 9, this section is "not literal but a strategem" to convince the listeners.
another clue is the context of mathew 23.2 seat of moses... the pharisees used physical punishments to compel the people and bully them to practice the law so you "must" because they bully and threaten and compel you... like the beatings decribed in deuteronomy "forty not more" was that merciful? relative to the era yes.   jesus specified moses to indicate "only because moses" not because you are truly required but because the romans permit the rabbis to hit you.
others say, altho mathew was written after the blood [soon after the blood as indicated by the end of the book the same proof used to define the book acts 52 ad so Mathew 35 ad] he wanted those who rejected jesus "you" who are not inside grace are still inside law so "do not be hypocrites" instead "you" obey law emphasizing the important while you tithe, "you" but not myself nor students who are inside grace of belief as god spoke thru jeremia because the time matthew wrote after the blood those who believe were like paul who said "i am free from the law" about himself... I the one born inside jews who teach to obey laws and ceremonies of moses even I myself was freed by grace in romans 8 and similarly "even the words carved in stone passed away" meaning the sabath and ten commandments carved in stone passed away so certainly the rest of the law of moses not in stone passed away and free from the law.
if jews would respect jeremia and that can be expected becasue they say oyt os a good bokk... then they should know that "inside" fulfills and no need t practice actions and ceremonies because veen before jesus jeremia said that god wants "inside" and that fiulfills so inside without ceremoiny not only fulfills but is the descriprtion of the new covenant of jeremia it may have begun as sson as jeremia said it oir as soon as god showed he sdid not save the temple of practices. that is the indication to stop ceremonies but the jews continued the ceremonies until jesus.
in fact jesus sent a guy to sacrifce... why? because it was before th eblood or as a strategy you are freefrom all law but go offer the sacrifice to get their attention and telll them about the christ msessia as a strategy and after truly entering the new covenant the old passe away choosing one or two is not a problem to reject most because it all passed away.
anothe roption challenges christian doctrine ywte t is possible.
we know from gospel of john that the day "for offering the passover" jesus was brought before pilate  indicating he was killed that day... so we know after the decision john is good that matthew is not totaly reliable source because mathew claims he was brought to pilate a day later... after the day of the passover not the same day since matthew is not reliable we cannot trust that jesus realy said "should tithe spices and not neglect the law" only the messages which match the idea of jeremia and paul can be trusted as consistent with gods revealed will so beleibe" not old wineskins" as confirnming jeremia bit the practice law cannot be trusted because in general matthew is not reliable.
admittedly the same flaw can be said regardin g joghn since jesus [prepared the passover on the day of preparation and the following day was before pilate then john is not reliable either so whether the gospeklls conflict john or matthew they are not reliable and for that reason all four should be removed from the group of "new testament" books at least the majoritu of content before the blood should be removed and only the four version of the blood story beginning after he left pilate and without the contradictory of when are worth preservinhg and most importantly the teachings AFTER hgthe blood but teachings befoe the bolld were from the era befre and need not be preserved.
sinmilarly acts is a problem because altho it tells the storuy christian think "we must practuce what the original christians did; and performed asdescribed in acts when intruth "simon never said so you are out" jesus only said what he said between the blood and the ascension but the rest of acts is not jesus teaching for examp;lte keeping foru in acts fpr gentiles when jesus said "not in old wineskins" which may mean when he taught or as above from the era of blood either way gentiles do not need even four... even jewish followers of jesus should not use "old wineskins" anymore from the era of blood so acts is not good because it budens four when the law awas only for the family called israelites and not for tothers general and even the law odf iosraelites ashad a limit in jeremia which beganm at the lates t when jesus died. sio even jews should respect the messag jeremia brought that a new era came where inside fulfills and teaching also practice is a rebellion against jehova.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

update correction to article "continents"

we were born into a world that teaches to identify lands with "names such as africa" and to call africa  a continent because all of "africa" is connected and the word "cont"+inent is like "contin"+ue and "cont"+act and all the land in africa contacts.
that causes some problems because before people dug the man-made suez canal the land continued around the sea named mediteranean as i will explain several problems.
imagine the situation in the time of roman empire. a roman enters boarding a ship in the land we call italy that means by the north edge of the water we call mediteranean sea which means "mid-land" because it is in the middle of land and on the north edge of the med a roman enters a boat and moves going south to the edge of the sea and calls that land africa... yet today we know that africa contacts and "continues" beyond past the nile river and connects to land continuing all the way around that sea water to rome it is one "mass" of connected land. the land "continues and is truly one continent" and even after the artificial change dug, the natural division has no separation but instead the land continued and traditional was one continuous land=one true continent.
so the physical division should be taught not "three continents" named africa etc. because the land called africa has always continued around the med sea, and continuous land is one continent.
so if we use the name continent like "contin"+ue then the land all around the sea is one continuous land mass. unless...
we separate by the natural river nile a long natural river and say the river separates if so the west side can be named africa and the other side where the sun appears in the morning can be a different name yet the nile is long and east of the nile the land narrows... so that river is not a good division.
even narrow land still continues and is not a separate continent.because land continues until recent centuries after dug canal named suez canal.
if we divide based on narrow land the word continent is bad because land continues and only 2 true continents separated by ocean. the continent with amazon river and the continent with nile river 2. now after the canals were dug we can have five 5 a number like the natural fingers of the easily seen hand the five largest land masses divided by canals=5.
the mass of land is physically divided by narrow land and the word "continent" is bad to use because the land "continues" and contacts around the sea unless we make some innovation.
the word continent which truly there is only one around med sea, which can be called URAL for the mountains to include both sides of the major mountains called ural, or by river see below either name is good, and similarly the land we call america "continues" on both sides of the narrow part we call panama only two true "continents" which continue. if we use the word continent then both sides of the narrow land we call panama "contin"+ue and are one continent and that is so large that as my wise friend pointed out "even antarctica" is too small to be a continent and anyway nobody truly lives in that too-cold for human region unless we use the number five like natural fingers the five largest.
the only way to divide continents is the ocean between what we call america and what we call africa which do not connect but the narrow land in america does connect and continue if not for the water of the human built "panama canal".
the other land continues around the med sea and is one "continent" unless now after the "suez canal was built" that water separates the land of the "nile river" from the land of the "jordan river" which continues in one land mass
so in conclusion after the building of the dug canals we can see the country called panama is on two continents  where the continents "BOTH NARROW AND water caused NO CONTINUE"  by panama canal i do not like honoring amerigo who should have noticed immediately that the land extends further south than the land called india by the equator known by sailing navigation so instead of person name replace name with the major river amazon that should be the name of one "continent" and it continues until the narrow land where the water separates so land does "not continue"  what name?
north of panama where major river is "missississippi" did i spell that right? looks good.
i hope we will update the study textbooks to show that the word continent is like the word continues and even narrow land continues and touches contacts and only after the humans built the dug canals can we say the land does not continue by the narrow land and water so mississippi continent in north and 2 amazon near equator that is two continents now that people dug canal and if so antarctica is near the size of amazon continent and is fifth largest like natural number of fingers so that continent can be considered FIFTH but with name "south" not a name based on "the opposite side arctic" but the name of the region for itself the south continent however the land called australia is barely half of the south continent and is too small to be a continent  not only because it is not five largest but also barely half area...
this reveals the bias and inaccurate pride of the british to say 'we are great we rule an entire continent called australia" when it is barely half of the size of antarctica the unjustified pride is revealed is stipid boastfulness. [note needed second attempt this accusation must have angered people coincidently my internet had trouble at time this post]
similarly only after dug suez canal the land does not continue around the med sea... now we should teach the narrow land with the water separation, called suez canal separates. so the land does not continue and the continent should be named nile because it is the continent with the major river named nile  that is the 4 continent which does not continue because water of canal separates. so the land does not continue and the other side where the next river is jordan river should name the continent which like the word continent=contin+ues to the distant oceans east and west one continent named jordan river region because that is the river near the border near the canal. an that avoids choosing a river in germany over china and vice versa objectively near the physical separation.
we should update and fix the "bad glory-chaasing mongering of the european" who made up the word continent in a way that they have "their own two continents" when truly the size of australia is barely half of the southern continents and the land they call europe "continued" around the med sea until man dug a separation which barely counts unless combined the land narrows and with water separates not continue.
altho the dictionary said the word continent "as used by europeans" is "seven largest land masses" which is bad for several reasons seven? choose five largest like natural fingers and especially considering australiia is "so much smaller" than even the smallest of the big five... it is a different scale.
we need to recognize the "unjustified honor chasing europeans" and correct the trick to count seven africa asia australia because australia area is too small barely half of antarctica and why seven? that is bad relative to area size. the number was chosen by europeans who wanted to chase honor even when the land continues=continent continues not separate asia,  so in conclusion 5 like nature five 5 fingers on hand the five largest AFTER  the canals were dug, and teach history only 2 true continent land continued until man divided and then 2/2=4 plus southern continent named south like place  and now after division similar area to amazon therefore in similar class scale like amazon continent.
largest name "jordan" for jordan river near edge of continent which continues from ocean in east called pacific to continued land reaching the west ocean called atlantic, one continuous continent and 2 the nile continent continuing from the "narrow land plus water" separation called suez canal 2 and in the south the south continent third after dividing the amazon one it is similar area scale.
and then further west:
the mississippi continent named for majo river extending from the north to the "narrow land pluis separated by water" called panama canal as above same idea as suez canal divides not "continuous land" that continent called amazon continent we should update the study textbooks to show the five largest why five like natural five fingers on hand and this coincides with the similar area size too.
five largest includes the south continent [ they call it anatarctica]
what europeans called "europe" continues and is not a separate continent so not an additional continent because it is the same continuous land and we must fix the "honor chasing of the europeans" to claim they control two continents when the land truly continues from the suez canal around the med sea and "not six or 7 largest" to unjustly include the land called australia because five is the natural number and the five largest do not include australia and adding more than five is not like natural fingers especcialy considering that australia is much smaller barely half the area of the south continent revealing the honor chasing of the europeans we should fix and make corrected in the study textbooks.

Monday, November 27, 2017

my prologue to "star-wars" ep. one

my prologue.
the intro [called the crawl] of v1=video one named phantom menace 1999, is problematic as I explain below in detail. i suggest changing one detail of the story and replacing  the intro with a different brief intro which follows an additional brief prologue as i will explain and support. this edit irons out some problems in a way that the jedi are "sent for justice" as they are described to be characterized. see below for supportive details.
** "the greedy trade-federation blockaded naboo to prevent exports. the blockade is illegal but the senate cannot agree if they should use war to end the blockade. instead the jedi council sent two jedis to end the illegal blockade"
admittedly this differs from the intro yet it irons out some of the problems as explained below and i suggest it REPLACE the intro in v1.
also i add a brief prologue about the source of palpatine in the way the light congealed into  anakin considering that the "sith were defeated" and weak for centuries a detail in v1.
why would i do this? there are many reasons to support this and you can see for yourself the factors and problems which need to be "ironed out" and which would be ignored with a thoughtless reply  "just fiction" well if so, then why struggle to defend something problematic when we can send the jedis to end an illegal blockade...
many factors to consider such as the characteristics of jedis. as well as more...
jedi are defined as "knights who battle for justice" so sending them to "end an illegal blockade" is justice while sending them to "end a legal blockade" is problematic is that justice at all? and will they use mind control?
consider my unique prologue would put the jedis as bringing justice and would correct the problem of the blockade "being legal" in the opinion of the blockaders, as described in the video.
here are some factors to consider.
the story of "star wars" truly begins in the books=a six book series and i support the decision to select the adventures of luke as a starting point to tell the story 1979=his adventures we know he does not know his father only knows that darth vader killed his father and that is all we know as we follow lukes adventures.
later 1999 published background of darth vader in the story "phantom menace" published in video 1999 around 16 years after we saw darth vader died.
what happened before? that is only partially revealed in the videos. so i add my prologue based on my interpretation of perceived contradictions in the videos.
first we must define the "dark side"
the name "force" indicates a source of power and energy and a force that can be drawn from. the force has a will and desire according to v1.
how does the dark side use the energy source called the force? darth vader uses the force to choke people when he is angry, but the jedi so-called-good also use violence and lie too.
so what is dark?
is dark that darth sidius used deception to become emperor? jedi also use deception many examples such as "these are not the droids you are looking for" and jedi mind control is also a form of temporary enslavement.
one key difference is the issue of selfishness. note the word "angry" above vader uses force for his personal desires. also "to become emperor" that is the central difference the dark side is characterized by selfishness and drawing from the energy of the force for personal gain.
that is the idea of dark. this idea is defined in v1==video one phantom menace, when the senator trains his apprentice darth mal and sends him against the jedis...
here is a significant issue if the blockade is "bad" then the jedis struggle to end the bad blockade and the darth... against the jedi as characterized on the dark side. my prologue is better.
we see sidius order the INVASION of the blockaded planet this defines sidius as on the dark side taking the planet from its inhabitants and instead taking it under his control as he instructs the trade federation greens. "i will make it legal".
later we see other examples too.
the invasion and desire to become chancelor is not simple opportunism but use of the force for his personal gain to rise to power and eventually re-establish the sith ruling with fear and destroying planets.
in contrast the jedi use force for justice which differs from selfish gain. luke does not use the force to be the new emperor and enslave everybody who fears his power. that is what defines the dark side.
in my opinion the words at the start of v1 are poorly worded and deserve a prologue preceding them.
i will paraphrase the idea now to demostrate some of the many problems in this "just fiction".
what star wars fans call "the crawl" because the words crawl scrolling on the screen, is worded in a way that not only does not connect to the opening scene but worse is itself problematic as i support.
1 republic if so taxes go to the "government of the republic" so the idea "tax dispute" is a problem and also considering the story focused on one planet the "turmoil is localised" by one planet so i believe most of the words should never have been scrolled and suggest a replacement.
the turmoil is one planet as the story unfolds and does "not engulf the republic" this introduction must be replaced. we must introduce the focus on one planet. the second part is worse after telling us there is a republic which governs the galaxy then the tax goes to one place the republic so the idea of "tax dispute" is not only stupid but also conflicts the idea of republic in the first sentence published in 1999.
the "blockade" does not connect to the tax at all especialy if tax goes to the government. the blockade is legal why? and which direction is the blockade? the intro is unclear unless i say to prevent export.
if the argument is trade routes then go  through "shared interplanetary space" it would seem appropriate to stop the bad guys misusing the trade routes by preventing export... yet the intro tells the opposite of export the blockade is "stop shipping to naboo" i suggest fixing this with preventing export which matches the greed of the federation.
the blockaders consider it "legal" what is the argument in the senate? i fix this problem as well.
if legal, greedy? the blockade was approved. worse it is still unclear what justification to deny supplies "to" naboo. in contrast an evil  blockade matches greedy and warrants the description greedy and needs jedi.
altho these issues might be addressed in the book... still the intro of the video only makes things worse. why were the jedis sent?
in v1 we see the jedis want to make a contract with the blockaders... how? we know jedi have mind control... is that the plan?? that is "not justice."
if we assume the blockade was legal then the "congress" did act=approving the blockade... if so the blockade is "not alarming" nor "fruitless endless talk" my prologue fixes these problems. the fruitless endless talk is the manner of ending the evil blockade.
the intro 1999 defines the good and bad, the trade are bad so if they win we should feel sad why? because they are greedy... that does not match a justified blockade.
only an evil blockade is truly greedy and fits the idea of dark side as above. but what is the greediness in this blockade? the greediness is only shown later when they take control of the planet and are not yet greedy in the legal blockade yet unless it is an evil blockade.
the intro defines the jedi as good why?
they will "enslave with mind control" that is not good. they are not guardians of peace at any point in the story in fact the whole purpose of the jedi knight is to use violence... sabers and fighting are not peace and mind control is also slavery  they are sent to "enforce justice"  that is the only part which is less problematic.
admittedly they are knights of violence too and also lie, the difference is it is not for personal gain it is for justice "these are not the droid you are looking for." what separates them from the dark side is only the absence of greedy for self power and gain.
what remains is only a "republic+ jedi knights" because all the rest is problematic and we must send the jedis for justice. mind control? "he forced me i didnot want and did not truly agree nor consent."
hence the urgent need for my prologue/intro to replace this problematic intro.
for the prologue before intro [only intro to replace intro s above] according to v1 the sith were defeated centuries before the blockade story named phantom menace.
a separate prologue can present:
1 the greedy cruel sith have long been defeated. nobody has used the force for selfish evil for many centuries.
2 the dark side of the force, which was weak for so long, finally surfaces generating a child who will embody the dark side of the force. his name is palpatine who congealed from the force into the material world with no human parents.
3 palpatine bullied the leaders of the trade federation to expand their control under his leadership to rule over many planets. [this leads to the detail in v1 that the trade federation controls some planets but not others]
4 palpatine wants to add naboo to the control of the federation- now that would be a display of greediness... a desire to control an additional. planet.
5 the trade federation blockades naboo to prevent EXPORTS... i know that is the opposite of the bad "canon" of star wars fans, and this unique difference is "my" prologue which they insist is not canon.
still as above my fixing can replace the problematic intro.
6 why blockade? because the greedy want people to buy from them.
so the intro can be "the greedy trade federation blockaded naboo to prevent exports. the blockade is illegal but the senate cannot agree if they should use war. two jedis are sent to end the illegal blockade" in such an intro the jedi mind control would bring justice. not to enslave a good blockade
instead the greedy trade federation blockades naboo to prevent competition and stop its exports. this is bad but "the senate hesitates" to use war.  jedis go to enforce justice.
my separate prologue to v1
the dark side of the force, which was weak for centuries finally appears and surfaces in the form of palpatine. he is the embodiment of the dark side of the  force congealed from the dark side with no parents. he trains darth mal to re-instate the sith leadership which was defeated centuries before the blockade. [this detail is truly stated in v1]
this prologue then connects to my intro of v1 as above.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

"bad doggy"

if we emphasize human life then that should be applied two 2 ways.
one increasing the food supply in poor countries and two identifying the animals which endanger human life and then starting with the common factors to provide lots of available food to poor countries.
"look at this biased wording equating avalanche to bears... in yellow stone park context is "avalanches kill six and falling trees kill 6" so they talk about "low risk"  of bears dividing the bears into types instead of total bear deaths one type is 8  with tricky wording "eight deaths is only slightly more" is human life so insignificant?? of course not ask the victims relatives those were 8 additional deaths which would not have happened if only "only less dangerous animals were preserved." while the dangerous ones were fed to poor countries and hunted to extinction because they are dangerous.
note: 8 in the park we see the danger of this bear which we could prevent in contrast to avalanche 8 additional deaths and know from these samples additional injuries and deaths outside the park.
slightly more? ask the victims relatives
"killed by a bear in the park (8 incidents) is only slightly higher than the probability of being killed by a falling tree (6 incidents), in an avalanche (6 incidents), or being struck and killed by lightning (5 incidents)."
***the difference is we cannot prevent lightening and we can prevent dangerous bears to photograph a picture and then extinctify those dangerous killers for the sake of human life. you will not put it in prison so turn them into bear-burgers for the poor countries.
*other species. admittedly bears are less than dogs... that is acheived by hunting bears less bears equals less killers we must continue and encourage bear-gers at least for poor countries. sell meat from bears and vicious species dogs etc to mexico as explained below.
dogs cause many human deaths each year is it any specific aggressive one?
in 2015 the more viscious dogs caused over 30 human deaths in america.
over 30 DEATHS besides many more injuries.
over 90%  were two types of dogs "pit bulls" almost all and rotweilers next. OBVIOUSLY nobody wants all dogs extinct is that a defense to save the  vicious breeds? will you protect the killers? when they can be used as abundant meat in poor countries.
identifying the more viscious dogs plus starving countries logicaly points to using different dogs for law enforcement while using those vicious species for meat sent to starving countries.
also as the number of dogs in kennels reaches 80% capacity it is time to feed the poor... "put to sleep" the ones  "not adopted the longest" to make room for new ones. true dogs kill humans but that does not mean kill all dogs focus first on pit bulls almost all human deaths are from them all pit bulls in america should be fed to poor countries for respect of human life. next rotweiler until eliminate human deaths for an entire year.
consider bear and wild boars that are dangerous to people it is easy to learn about hunting season and the result is less bears and the survivors learn to keep away from humans.
STILL  in the park alone eight deaths demonstrating a sample of the dangerous species which couuld be prevented. is human life so insignificant?
look at how a website argues that bear life more precious than humans, "bears kill less than human murderers" the difference is we cannot kill the murderers since that is the same bad action the murderer did while we can hunt bears. grizzly and black and brown and "even" white polar bears.
are all carnivours and we have samples that they do injure and kill people see for yourself they could feed the poor countries but instead are preserved to kill humans instead...
"Black bears also sometimes catch baby deer, cows and moose, but they are more likely to try to steal carcasses from more active predators like wolves, coyotes+ and cougars." they are not like plant eaters and do attack humans too. we have samples to know that outside of the park they are dangerous to humans. bears are a danger to humans hence "respect for life" means hunting bears to extinction.
recorded "Black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900." only? those are the recorded ones do you think 1900-1910 they recorded every event?? besides many more injuries and un-recorded death how can we know? based on the sample we know they are dangerous and the only unknown is the precise number. the dnager out of the park is certain as demonstrated by the known samples.
look at this biased wording equating avalanche to bears...yelow stone context is "avalanches kill six and falling trees kill 6" so they talk about "low risk" with tricky wording "eight deaths is only slightly more" is human life so insignificant?? of course not ask the victims relatives those were 8 additional deaths which would not have happened if only less dangerous animals were preserved. that is 8 in the park we see the danger of this bear which we could prevent in contrast to avalanche 8 additional deaths and know from these samples additional injuries and deaths outside the park.
slightly more? ask the victims relatives
"killed by a bear in the park (8 incidents) is only slightly higher than the probability of being killed by a falling tree (6 incidents), in an avalanche (6 incidents), or being struck and killed by lightning (5 incidents)."
the difference is we cannot prevent lightening and we can prevent dangerous bears take a picture and then extinctify those dangerous killers for the sake of human life. you will not put it in prison so turn them into bear-burgers for the poor countries.
*if so we can encourage the meat of dangerous species so people will hunt and sell them.
still the result of hunting bears means less bears which has the good result rare deaths from bears we should conytinue to enciourage that for bers and other dangerous creatures.
what about deer?
they do not 'attack" like tigers in india kill people and the fact the deadly animals kill less than deer is great and shows we must continue hunting less bears is less killers and still deer do go onto roads causing accidents in cars killibg over a hundred precious lives each year that means "play pen" style keeping a few deer in a playpen like young toddlers to keep them running into the street while encouraging the eating in america or at least for poor countries to have less of the dangerous animals because your relative is beloved and so uis each other perspon to their relatives.
the next issue is not feeeding but still saving mny die from bees and hornets and giving the people syringes is like putting a band aid over cancer we should finnd ways to make the DANGEROUS species extinct as demonstrated by dogs not all only the vicious start pit ball meat and rotweiler and other dangerous animals even deer which do not hunt humans are killers when they are "wandering" outside the playpen we should use them to feed the poor countries and similarly for bees identify which hornets and killer bees to target.
and dangerous scorpions snakes and spiders too those are the ones to nake extrinct for the sake of human life admittedly the priority for these is only to protect human life and suffering while rhe others add the additional abundant food source for poor countries we have more than enuf dogs strtting with pit bukls and rotweilers and ecvebnn the other species "longest time not adopted" ad above to feed meat to poor countries would you dentyu dog meat to people who are starving to death?
would you struggle to save deer who kill over one hundred humans each tyear year after year is human life so cheap? certainly not as relatives see them.
extremists sa do not kill all bees who are they arguing with? for more info
[not washington post badly written] a good summary
the resyult of hunting is less bear fatalities we need to comtinue and encourage hunting dangerous species including deer out of play pens vastly limit and when relevant feed the poor countries our abundant dogs deer wolves etc while extincting certain spiders scorpions and snakes.

my prologue to "snow white" 1937 video

pre-snow white [1937]
the story of "snow white" is scary especialy if seen in a dark movie theater so... kids say i am not scared until in a darkened cinema. in my opinion not for a dark cinema see at home with some light.
the story is named "snow white and 7 dwarves" which indicates the focus is the "with" this group and content of story in this video certainly matches name and the story was portrayed wonderfully and beautifully about who she is and who the seven are and what they do TOGETHER. that is good matching the title.
but how did/what brought them together?
from where queen? who king? is he the same king cole the merry old soul?
how did they meet?
1 the queen is the cause.
she is not the "problem" which needs solving in the story because the theme is not defeating the queen the theme is truly the idea in the name.
now this legend the version which i read is much shorter and the video adds much beauty- there is beauty pronounced byuty and then there is bee-yuti and recently i learned a new pronunciation for something even more than beauty bee-ay-yuti and that describes this amazing video... still the questions "how did this begin" and why is the background different from the normal situations when kings and queens live together?
one possibility is "they are" just the king was not shown.
the queen IS MARRIED  to the king but he is not shown because that is too far from the theme which is the "togethrness of the girl with dwarves... only add queen because she caused them to unite.
or here is my "prologue"
a daughter was born to a king and queen in a castle by the seine river. both parents had brown hair but surprisingly she had blonde hair which was different from her mother and different from both parents. her mother was always speaking about vanity... so much too much and of course to encourage the daughter and with only good intentions she would say "bel means beautiful but look at you" the anger grew each time and bel the princess discovered that when she was angry she could make things break.
so bel used the magic to find the book of spells hidden in the castle library and studied it.
her first attempt at revenge on her mother failed.
bel came to her parents while they were dancing and said a spell that would inflict itching swollen pimples on her mother the queen and as she said the spell correctly she watched the flash from her mouth to her mother the critical queen philipa and return ... now bel had itchy pimples. bel now knew her mother was a witch. I and philipa can control the power of magic, bel understood. she also figured out that philipa had brought the book of magic to the castle apparently inheriting it from her mother endlessly.
feeling ugly and itchy and powerlessly defeated, bel sunk into a deep depression and the windows in her room cracked and crumbled down to dust.
her sadness was broken when the british soldiers attacked the castle by the river seine...
the queen used her powers on the enemy but the britons had a magical gem which protected them from magic and the soldiers shot the defenders of the castle with arrows. a wizard even used a powerful magic to open the wooden "drawbridge". even the queen could not resist because bel was assisting the attackers!
the captors fought and battled into the fortress. then bel told the general that her mother was a witch so the britons brought a wizard to trap philipa inside the thickness of the glass of a glass cup.
bel lived in the fortress and studied english and when her body was ready married one of the soldiers in the fortress.
now this soldier had called his wife to join him after the war ended but he was bored of the same wife for so many years. this soldier would constantly complain "can a child play with only one toy the whole year? is it so bad if a child wants an additional toy?" also he complained  this women is so annoying and irritable. when he saw that bel had low self esteem he made an effort to compliment her and soon decided to send away his wife and take bel in marriage. his wife did not die which would free the commitment of marriage he just sent her away because he wanted a prettier wife.
bel used the magic book to change a mirror into a magic mirror. she made the magic mirror.
the morning after the wedding bel decided she wanted to be queen and rule so she cast a spell on the general and forced him to grant land and kingship to the soldier. william was not a king family but the general granted him land to rule. he was the father of snow white and not "king cole but see "happily n'ever after 2" in that world king cole was snow whites father... after all... snow white was a princess so her father must be a king and we know king cole was a king, but not in this world]
then bel gave the first cursed apple to her new husband william, and they buried him "thinking he was dead".
bel asked the mirror "who is the palest of all" each morning and the mirror would say which woman. then the evil queen sent guards to the one most pretty to bring her to the dungeon. each week the evil queen would go to the dungeon and kill the seven most beautiful girls she had arrested that week until finally after many weeks she was the prettiest of the few remaining women. 
finally the mirror said "you are the prettiest." however this lasted for less than a year. soon the daughter of the dead soldier grew and the mirror said that snow-white was the prettiest. bel changed her hair to black thinking if her hair was the same as snow white she would be the prettiest but that did not change anything. the queen sent the hunter to kill the girl who had light skin called fair. as the story begins.
the hunter warned the queens step daughter.
so that is my prologue explaining the mirror and no king but what ends the mirror?
the queens death is not the theme of the video but we see "the universe brought a lightening bolt"
after the story in the emotional musical video  we must add one detail what happened to the mirror?
after the first love kissed snow white her twin sons were throwing the wooden ball in the house and nobody knew this mirror was magic well the ball cracked the mirror. the end.

Friday, November 24, 2017

save the "bison"?

in our generation many types of animals are "extincting" but the wrong ones.
we should be acting to encourage the hunting of KILLERS such as bison.
"Between 1980 and 1999, 79 people were injured by bison in Yellowstone National Park; that’s more than the 24 bear attacks in the same period. Injuries ranged from goring puncture wounds to broken bones and in some cases death." how can anybody want to preserve a killer? is human life so dirt-cheap?? of course not ask any relative.
EVEN MORE OUTSIDE OF THE PARK by bison and bears.
we should be motivated by valuing human life for the sake of the relatives of the "next prevented victim"
identifying and encourage beef sales from bison and bear and other dangerous north american animals coyotes wolves etc.  AT LEAST  to send beef to poor countries well not beef but meat for nigeria etc.
is death from these animals rare? human life  is precious. and even severe injury should be prevented.
how can we minimize the risk of dangerous spiders? see following post. and dangerous scorpions in california and mexico if trump builds a wall those scorpions will not enter!
i am trying to list the dangers and how to minimize them but now already we need to encourage hunting of bison and bears for meat and next figure out how to remove the poison of scorpions and sell scorpion soup or something to motivate  hunt these dangerous fauna to EXTINCTION. if a hundred species are going extinct first should be the HARMFUL species who kill and even injure humans.

alternate ending deja-vu 2006

so the light went to the earlier time so the cop followed... interesting sci-fi
but why was he alive after the explosion? he went to the past and died okay on that day he had not yet gone to the past but 4 days later he must and die because if later he did not go to the past then he did not save her=loop paradox...
of course to make the movie "sell" they wanted a sweet ending who would recommend without love at the end so i offer the "loser alternate ending" which marketing could not use.
they manage to drive the car to the edge but it gets jammed between other cars... suspense as the wheels spin... the watchers pray for the happy ending and then...
and they "change nothing"... horrid but chilling!

number of continents

this artice takes the natural number 5 like five fingers for the five largest land masses seperated by "narrow" land truly there are only 2 two continents because even narrow land "continues" like the word "contin"+ent so you can see correction
original reasoning only partly changed in later corrrectiuon:
we were born into a world with maps made by europeans. if we examine the physical earth we can see the bias of the haughty europeans who could have named 4 continents but haughtily played noticably problematic games.
number of continents
a continent is a vast area of land regardless of human borders and in my opinion need not be divided by human speech language but by physical division and we can ignore the personal bias of europeans to "grant themselves" their own continent and british bias to rule a complete continent but ask how many and why?
the largest c is named asia so some count 7 c.
asia europe africa australia antarctica and two americas
i disagree because only thin narrow land bridges physically mark a distinction
not the wide mexican border nor the vast ural mountains which do not truly divide anyway.
"continent" of europe? their bias is revealed because truly columbia-panama is narrow by darien mountians.
in my interpretation [rejecting my high school geography study textbook]  south america extends until the narrow connection by darien mountains. i was misled ven borders panama by a game why? could choose colombia for region and better because border and even better than politics nature a  major river.
without panama south america area is 17.8msk and should be named amazon for its major river.
europeans named america because amerigo discovered an important identifier south asia extends to malaya peninsula=which extends southward reaching the equator any idiot should notice that what amerigo explored is different once the land is further south we should not honor amerigo who failed to notice this until much further south.
instead of south america name the region for its major river amazon.
in contrast to the land from darien mountains called panama the narrow land can be named darien this physical border+should not be named america because as above he should notice by equator and worse only discovered the south one but north can be named appalachian but better use the border darien.
australia is it big enough to be a continent? it is the largest island but not big enough it is barely half of antarctica revealing the british bias to claim "we rule a complete continent" well time to fix. antarctica? stupid name call it "south" but not latin south that sounds like australo.
ural c includes both sides +no narrow land except by africa
total 5 see below.
ural africa=nile
also antarctica=south area 14 msk nothing smaller than "south" is large enough to be a continent certainly not half of antarctica a bad name it sghould be named south.
europeans granted themselves a continent bias revealed cuz ural does not truly divide and not narrow like africa and amazon.
ural=both sides of the ural mountains west ten msk far less than ant.+no narrow physical division so included in ural continent both sides extending until narrow land by nile river region
my list of continents [until textbook update test answers should match bad text books until hopefully fix the study books]
1 largest "ural" includes both sides of ural.
2 nile continent
3 darien from darien mountains and north multi-racial.
4 amerigo? better amazon.
5 "south" the smallest continent and all smaller is just large island.