Monday, November 27, 2017

my prologue to "star-wars" ep. one

my prologue.
the intro [called the crawl] of v1=video one named phantom menace 1999, is problematic as I explain below in detail. i suggest changing one detail of the story and replacing  the intro with a different brief intro which follows an additional brief prologue as i will explain and support. this edit irons out some problems in a way that the jedi are "sent for justice" as they are described to be characterized. see below for supportive details.
** "the greedy trade-federation blockaded naboo to prevent exports. the blockade is illegal but the senate cannot agree if they should use war to end the blockade. instead the jedi council sent two jedis to end the illegal blockade"
admittedly this differs from the intro yet it irons out some of the problems as explained below and i suggest it REPLACE the intro in v1.
also i add a brief prologue about the source of palpatine in the way the light congealed into  anakin considering that the "sith were defeated" and weak for centuries a detail in v1.
why would i do this? there are many reasons to support this and you can see for yourself the factors and problems which need to be "ironed out" and which would be ignored with a thoughtless reply  "just fiction" well if so, then why struggle to defend something problematic when we can send the jedis to end an illegal blockade...
many factors to consider such as the characteristics of jedis. as well as more...
jedi are defined as "knights who battle for justice" so sending them to "end an illegal blockade" is justice while sending them to "end a legal blockade" is problematic is that justice at all? and will they use mind control?
consider my unique prologue would put the jedis as bringing justice and would correct the problem of the blockade "being legal" in the opinion of the blockaders, as described in the video.
here are some factors to consider.
the story of "star wars" truly begins in the books=a six book series and i support the decision to select the adventures of luke as a starting point to tell the story 1979=his adventures we know he does not know his father only knows that darth vader killed his father and that is all we know as we follow lukes adventures.
later 1999 published background of darth vader in the story "phantom menace" published in video 1999 around 16 years after we saw darth vader died.
what happened before? that is only partially revealed in the videos. so i add my prologue based on my interpretation of perceived contradictions in the videos.
first we must define the "dark side"
the name "force" indicates a source of power and energy and a force that can be drawn from. the force has a will and desire according to v1.
how does the dark side use the energy source called the force? darth vader uses the force to choke people when he is angry, but the jedi so-called-good also use violence and lie too.
so what is dark?
is dark that darth sidius used deception to become emperor? jedi also use deception many examples such as "these are not the droids you are looking for" and jedi mind control is also a form of temporary enslavement.
one key difference is the issue of selfishness. note the word "angry" above vader uses force for his personal desires. also "to become emperor" that is the central difference the dark side is characterized by selfishness and drawing from the energy of the force for personal gain.
that is the idea of dark. this idea is defined in v1==video one phantom menace, when the senator trains his apprentice darth mal and sends him against the jedis...
here is a significant issue if the blockade is "bad" then the jedis struggle to end the bad blockade and the darth... against the jedi as characterized on the dark side. my prologue is better.
we see sidius order the INVASION of the blockaded planet this defines sidius as on the dark side taking the planet from its inhabitants and instead taking it under his control as he instructs the trade federation greens. "i will make it legal".
later we see other examples too.
the invasion and desire to become chancelor is not simple opportunism but use of the force for his personal gain to rise to power and eventually re-establish the sith ruling with fear and destroying planets.
in contrast the jedi use force for justice which differs from selfish gain. luke does not use the force to be the new emperor and enslave everybody who fears his power. that is what defines the dark side.
in my opinion the words at the start of v1 are poorly worded and deserve a prologue preceding them.
i will paraphrase the idea now to demostrate some of the many problems in this "just fiction".
what star wars fans call "the crawl" because the words crawl scrolling on the screen, is worded in a way that not only does not connect to the opening scene but worse is itself problematic as i support.
1 republic if so taxes go to the "government of the republic" so the idea "tax dispute" is a problem and also considering the story focused on one planet the "turmoil is localised" by one planet so i believe most of the words should never have been scrolled and suggest a replacement.
the turmoil is one planet as the story unfolds and does "not engulf the republic" this introduction must be replaced. we must introduce the focus on one planet. the second part is worse after telling us there is a republic which governs the galaxy then the tax goes to one place the republic so the idea of "tax dispute" is not only stupid but also conflicts the idea of republic in the first sentence published in 1999.
the "blockade" does not connect to the tax at all especialy if tax goes to the government. the blockade is legal why? and which direction is the blockade? the intro is unclear unless i say to prevent export.
if the argument is trade routes then go  through "shared interplanetary space" it would seem appropriate to stop the bad guys misusing the trade routes by preventing export... yet the intro tells the opposite of export the blockade is "stop shipping to naboo" i suggest fixing this with preventing export which matches the greed of the federation.
the blockaders consider it "legal" what is the argument in the senate? i fix this problem as well.
if legal, greedy? the blockade was approved. worse it is still unclear what justification to deny supplies "to" naboo. in contrast an evil  blockade matches greedy and warrants the description greedy and needs jedi.
altho these issues might be addressed in the book... still the intro of the video only makes things worse. why were the jedis sent?
in v1 we see the jedis want to make a contract with the blockaders... how? we know jedi have mind control... is that the plan?? that is "not justice."
if we assume the blockade was legal then the "congress" did act=approving the blockade... if so the blockade is "not alarming" nor "fruitless endless talk" my prologue fixes these problems. the fruitless endless talk is the manner of ending the evil blockade.
the intro 1999 defines the good and bad, the trade are bad so if they win we should feel sad why? because they are greedy... that does not match a justified blockade.
only an evil blockade is truly greedy and fits the idea of dark side as above. but what is the greediness in this blockade? the greediness is only shown later when they take control of the planet and are not yet greedy in the legal blockade yet unless it is an evil blockade.
the intro defines the jedi as good why?
they will "enslave with mind control" that is not good. they are not guardians of peace at any point in the story in fact the whole purpose of the jedi knight is to use violence... sabers and fighting are not peace and mind control is also slavery  they are sent to "enforce justice"  that is the only part which is less problematic.
admittedly they are knights of violence too and also lie, the difference is it is not for personal gain it is for justice "these are not the droid you are looking for." what separates them from the dark side is only the absence of greedy for self power and gain.
what remains is only a "republic+ jedi knights" because all the rest is problematic and we must send the jedis for justice. mind control? "he forced me i didnot want and did not truly agree nor consent."
hence the urgent need for my prologue/intro to replace this problematic intro.
for the prologue before intro [only intro to replace intro s above] according to v1 the sith were defeated centuries before the blockade story named phantom menace.
a separate prologue can present:
1 the greedy cruel sith have long been defeated. nobody has used the force for selfish evil for many centuries.
2 the dark side of the force, which was weak for so long, finally surfaces generating a child who will embody the dark side of the force. his name is palpatine who congealed from the force into the material world with no human parents.
3 palpatine bullied the leaders of the trade federation to expand their control under his leadership to rule over many planets. [this leads to the detail in v1 that the trade federation controls some planets but not others]
4 palpatine wants to add naboo to the control of the federation- now that would be a display of greediness... a desire to control an additional. planet.
5 the trade federation blockades naboo to prevent EXPORTS... i know that is the opposite of the bad "canon" of star wars fans, and this unique difference is "my" prologue which they insist is not canon.
still as above my fixing can replace the problematic intro.
6 why blockade? because the greedy want people to buy from them.
so the intro can be "the greedy trade federation blockaded naboo to prevent exports. the blockade is illegal but the senate cannot agree if they should use war. two jedis are sent to end the illegal blockade" in such an intro the jedi mind control would bring justice. not to enslave a good blockade
instead the greedy trade federation blockades naboo to prevent competition and stop its exports. this is bad but "the senate hesitates" to use war.  jedis go to enforce justice.
my separate prologue to v1
the dark side of the force, which was weak for centuries finally appears and surfaces in the form of palpatine. he is the embodiment of the dark side of the  force congealed from the dark side with no parents. he trains darth mal to re-instate the sith leadership which was defeated centuries before the blockade. [this detail is truly stated in v1]
this prologue then connects to my intro of v1 as above.

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