if we emphasize human life then that should be applied two 2 ways.
one increasing the food supply in poor countries and two identifying the animals which endanger human life and then starting with the common factors to provide lots of available food to poor countries.
"look at this biased wording equating avalanche to bears... in yellow stone park context is "avalanches kill six and falling trees kill 6" so they talk about "low risk" of bears dividing the bears into types instead of total bear deaths one type is 8 with tricky wording "eight deaths is only slightly more" is human life so insignificant?? of course not ask the victims relatives those were 8 additional deaths which would not have happened if only "only less dangerous animals were preserved." while the dangerous ones were fed to poor countries and hunted to extinction because they are dangerous.
note: 8 in the park we see the danger of this bear which we could prevent in contrast to avalanche 8 additional deaths and know from these samples additional injuries and deaths outside the park.
slightly more? ask the victims relatives
"killed by a bear in the park (8 incidents) is only slightly higher than the probability of being killed by a falling tree (6 incidents), in an avalanche (6 incidents), or being struck and killed by lightning (5 incidents)."
***the difference is we cannot prevent lightening and we can prevent dangerous bears to photograph a picture and then extinctify those dangerous killers for the sake of human life. you will not put it in prison so turn them into bear-burgers for the poor countries.
*other species. admittedly bears are less than dogs... that is acheived by hunting bears less bears equals less killers we must continue and encourage bear-gers at least for poor countries. sell meat from bears and vicious species dogs etc to mexico as explained below.
dogs cause many human deaths each year is it any specific aggressive one?
in 2015 the more viscious dogs caused over 30 human deaths in america.
over 30 DEATHS besides many more injuries.
over 90% were two types of dogs "pit bulls" almost all and rotweilers next. OBVIOUSLY nobody wants all dogs extinct is that a defense to save the vicious breeds? will you protect the killers? when they can be used as abundant meat in poor countries.
identifying the more viscious dogs plus starving countries logicaly points to using different dogs for law enforcement while using those vicious species for meat sent to starving countries.
also as the number of dogs in kennels reaches 80% capacity it is time to feed the poor... "put to sleep" the ones "not adopted the longest" to make room for new ones. true dogs kill humans but that does not mean kill all dogs focus first on pit bulls almost all human deaths are from them all pit bulls in america should be fed to poor countries for respect of human life. next rotweiler until eliminate human deaths for an entire year.
consider bear and wild boars that are dangerous to people it is easy to learn about hunting season and the result is less bears and the survivors learn to keep away from humans.
STILL in the park alone eight deaths demonstrating a sample of the dangerous species which couuld be prevented. is human life so insignificant?
look at how a website argues that bear life more precious than humans, "bears kill less than human murderers" the difference is we cannot kill the murderers since that is the same bad action the murderer did while we can hunt bears. grizzly and black and brown and "even" white polar bears.
are all carnivours and we have samples that they do injure and kill people see for yourself they could feed the poor countries but instead are preserved to kill humans instead...
"Black bears also sometimes catch baby deer, cows and moose, but they are more likely to try to steal carcasses from more active predators like wolves, coyotes+ and cougars." they are not like plant eaters and do attack humans too. we have samples to know that outside of the park they are dangerous to humans. bears are a danger to humans hence "respect for life" means hunting bears to extinction.
recorded "Black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900." only? those are the recorded ones do you think 1900-1910 they recorded every event?? besides many more injuries and un-recorded death how can we know? based on the sample we know they are dangerous and the only unknown is the precise number. the dnager out of the park is certain as demonstrated by the known samples.
look at this biased wording equating avalanche to bears...yelow stone context is "avalanches kill six and falling trees kill 6" so they talk about "low risk" with tricky wording "eight deaths is only slightly more" is human life so insignificant?? of course not ask the victims relatives those were 8 additional deaths which would not have happened if only less dangerous animals were preserved. that is 8 in the park we see the danger of this bear which we could prevent in contrast to avalanche 8 additional deaths and know from these samples additional injuries and deaths outside the park.
slightly more? ask the victims relatives
"killed by a bear in the park (8 incidents) is only slightly higher than the probability of being killed by a falling tree (6 incidents), in an avalanche (6 incidents), or being struck and killed by lightning (5 incidents)."
the difference is we cannot prevent lightening and we can prevent dangerous bears take a picture and then extinctify those dangerous killers for the sake of human life. you will not put it in prison so turn them into bear-burgers for the poor countries.
*if so we can encourage the meat of dangerous species so people will hunt and sell them.
still the result of hunting bears means less bears which has the good result rare deaths from bears we should conytinue to enciourage that for bers and other dangerous creatures.
what about deer?
they do not 'attack" like tigers in india kill people and the fact the deadly animals kill less than deer is great and shows we must continue hunting less bears is less killers and still deer do go onto roads causing accidents in cars killibg over a hundred precious lives each year that means "play pen" style keeping a few deer in a playpen like young toddlers to keep them running into the street while encouraging the eating in america or at least for poor countries to have less of the dangerous animals because your relative is beloved and so uis each other perspon to their relatives.
the next issue is not feeeding but still saving mny die from bees and hornets and giving the people syringes is like putting a band aid over cancer we should finnd ways to make the DANGEROUS species extinct as demonstrated by dogs not all only the vicious start pit ball meat and rotweiler and other dangerous animals even deer which do not hunt humans are killers when they are "wandering" outside the playpen we should use them to feed the poor countries and similarly for bees identify which hornets and killer bees to target.
and dangerous scorpions snakes and spiders too those are the ones to nake extrinct for the sake of human life admittedly the priority for these is only to protect human life and suffering while rhe others add the additional abundant food source for poor countries we have more than enuf dogs strtting with pit bukls and rotweilers and ecvebnn the other species "longest time not adopted" ad above to feed meat to poor countries would you dentyu dog meat to people who are starving to death?
would you struggle to save deer who kill over one hundred humans each tyear year after year is human life so cheap? certainly not as relatives see them.
extremists sa do not kill all bees who are they arguing with? for more info
[not washington post badly written] a good summary
the resyult of hunting is less bear fatalities we need to comtinue and encourage hunting dangerous species including deer out of play pens vastly limit and when relevant feed the poor countries our abundant dogs deer wolves etc while extincting certain spiders scorpions and snakes.
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