yes i am angry at the greedy mosquito described in the story and at the many jewish employers who tricked my friends as described below that is the tone of anger in this emotional article. the name of the employer is hidden beacause we ddidn not video it but is not limiyted to that one rotten apple but is truly a sample of what to expect form any jewish employer so the name does not matter.
i di not fic the typos beause i want to show th etomne of emotion.
in he night a buzz suddenly buzzed by my ear annoying mosquito i pulled the cover over my ear and folded it so it woyuld not cover my nose but the bug kjept buzzig at my covered ear so noisy and i swung at it with my hand and suddenly there was a flash of inspiration and i roolled out of bed and walked to the light switch and switched on the light...
mosquitos are ACTIVE at night si if the light ios on the mosquito will see it is not nogt and NOT BE ACTIVE
great plan so the light is on and now i search around the light bulb becuse bugs fly around lights but no bug near the light and i san along the wall but no bug so i finish the search and return to the bed and see a red circle on the sheet and i look closely at the crushed mosquito... apparently my sudden rolling over crushed it and squeezed its dinner of blood out which leads to the question... if it had blood inside irt should be resting after the meal not diving at my ear stupid greedy bug it woulda lived if it would not be so greedy which reminds me of the interview of several buddies who each worked for different jewish employers and these are valid reasons to hate jews. the nazid s did not lie about the character and personality of the jews as we wsee from these interviews each jewish employer had a different system of tricks to pay "less" than the amount spoken for salary whether literaly a smaller number less salary or ticking adding time without pay...
obviouspl;y noy linked to the rate of inflation while money paid to jes such as tuition is linke to inflation so you mpay the jew MORE money themn the true amount stated... adn other jewish tricks see below.
as greedy as that mosquito and just as annoying the jew is the mosquito of humanity and the cancer of the world not just my jewish parents who i know from near but several samples from many different jewish employers with tricky systems to cheat the workers smaller amnounts and tricjy jewish system of tuiotion to pay more than the amount honesty would be the same number but they have sevral tricks to add money they wanbt to trake many different systems pof tricks jews have shown themselved to be the tricky greedy mosquitos ofhumanity and the cancer of the planer and i willd escrivbe sevarela of the jewish tricks for money to give less and take more and specifically when a number is specified to give less than the number and take more than the number . valid reasons to hate jews who created such systems of tricks.
and they system of tution tricks to take not just mnmore money but "more than the amountstated" and other tricks to addd while we all know salaries are not adjusted quarterly for inflaton valiue jeezs
so i interviewed ten different workers seven who worked for dififfernt jewish employers and here is the stats
one lady worke d at ahospital
me: do uyou feel the salary is the is honets"
lady of course what question
me imean do you dfeel there are any tricks topay lessthan the amount mentioned
no the amount is right why would you even ask
why indeed there have been laws fo ryears to protect workers and unions and stuff but the jews came up with their dirty tricks each employer with a different system of tricks to pay 'less than the amonount mentioned" per time worked
here is one of the seven stories
as a sample
one worker worked for a jewish employer in new york i wish he had a go por to record the details of the story so i could publish the name of the dirty tricky jew employer
anyway he wa told to come for evening shift at 3 pm and i know that emmployer smust pay a certainamount each month for travel expense to the jobs and i know that some jews have tricks o "pay les sthan the amount stated" but this for a different interview vyut this poor sucker did not even know about travel salary so this poor sucker arrived at work around 2.55 to be on tike for work not even expecting any payment for travel only i know that employers must pay something for travel... so this inepxreienced guy is told start working go tp the phones and answer the phones but he was worried about record keepin so he asked "first where do i punch a card" like we see on tv the time clock to show when i came and the jewish employr said just start working it is okay but he was suspicious and we will se at the end of the month what happened so he insists on record keeping like time clocks or else he is going out the door and no worker that shift...
finelly the jewish employer conceded and gave a paper to write the time of the owrk and he wroited the time 2.58 and starts working.
but the next day the jewish employer has already inevvnted a new part to the scheeme
the victim is ordered start working we need you now right bnow.
workerno it is not yet 3 pm i star working at 3
jew i need you now start now ther is not even time to sign the time sheet
victim thanks for reminding me i need to write the time sheet
and writes the time while th ejew boss complains about insubordination for those who know what that word means if your boss forbids you to put your paper in the time clock puncher and then calls you insuborfdoiantaion
dirty jewish yrick.
wekll at leas th enext few days the boss lets the victimwrite the time on the apeper because the seocnd week is the computer code week/
jewish schemer: scsammerr; when you come to work you must enter a code in the computer to show you are here.
vicritm if that was the system why was i using paper until now
jewshi scammer employer dont woryy you can trust me
well this victim did not trust the jewish schemer and entered the code and signed the book and took photograph of book with cellphone too.
the next day the scammer said hurry no time to enter the ode go start working and enter the code later
victim: silently walks to the code room knowing the later entrance time will appear he came late... the jewish scammer complains that is insubordination i toild you to star wrolking and the victim respond i start at 3 it is before 3 and enters the code in the system but the code is not rcognized that day so the victim igbnores the jewish employers complaints and bullying and tries to sign the book but there is no sign in book that day
just start working
the victim heads for the door and the jewish employer finally concededs and brings the sign un book.
he thinks he has overcome th ejewish trick but wait till the end of the month
the jewsuih employer points out the time is now 3.02 so write the time now and the victim writes the time he came and started typing his code at 2.58
the next day the victim goes to enter his code and the jewish employer said you cannoy go in there there is a meeting but this insubordiante victim is stubborn and disturbs the meeting and types the code as the jewish employer rants about firing him hwo dare you disturb a meeting for your selfish code most peole would syubmit to the tricjkl and not sign in and then not ghet paid...
no time clock punch no salary
th ebnext day the jewish employe r in new york has a new scheme the door of the office with the code is locked haha now you cant type the code to show you came to wordk
the victim head sfor th epaper record and sees yesterdaty he did not sign n the paper onee opops he almost missed doing the double record so he write sboth days entrance and takes photograph of sign in book.
at the end of the day the jewish employer said i am replacing you because yoyu have been insubordinate all week
the victim does not think to ask for the paper work caslled PINK SLIP i know that firing needs paper work but this inexperienced did not ask for it and doesnot come to work the next day at leasty iof he is not poadi he di no t work
we;ll at the end of the month his salary is for 3 days according to the computer sign in he only coded 3 days remember he thought there was a written record .... and similarly the other employees who wroked for six diffferent jewish employers eackh with a uniques system different systems to pay the worlekr LES THAN the amount stated and not linked to inflation with quarterly updates in contrast to tution we can watch each quater a s the amount of tuition changes each quater and the value of 90 hours of work in winter and then the spring payemnt 110 hourd of work and the next year 130 hours of work all MORE THAN THE AMOUNT mentioned in the tuotion agreement... and the icing on the cake at the end of the masters degree is the thesis and now the jews have one omore dirty surproise to add moneyt
each thesius advisor tells the student theone in interviewed and who knows how many more victims i am too busy...
so each stident has no thesus advisor to collaborate the thesis the only wat to "get" the opaoer diploma is to replace the thesuis with courses and clases no problem the money paif ofr the thesis should cover the calesses no the clases arre not "free" of course not jsu t the same cvalue i paid for th ethesuis advisor that service was not supplied you ar not just trickong me to add more money are yiou?
well yes they are add more mony for course payemt or no diploma dirty jewish tricks hitlers book did not lie when descrinbing the jewish personalty jes are truly the greedy mosquito described above and truly the cance r of the planet and yes the typos are because i am ruching and angry at the numerous jewish employers who tricked each of my friends payein lsethena the amounte spoken for the hpurs of work each with a different dirty trick.
i wish each of those victims working for jewish employers ahd go pros to record then i ould porint their jewish employers ame but does th ename matter befpre you start working find oyut if your e,mployer is jewish and wear a go pro.
only one worker had his revenj... he called the office and tole the following true-lie to the other worker. th true detail is we know employees have paid vacation days and the lie was "tell mrs jew i am not coming thursday for my paid vacation day"
the other victim aid what paid vacation day... haha you can giess how the dominoes fell after that.
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