how much matter is in the universe?
my personal faith is the emptiness of space is infinitely distant not because i obsered but because an alien told me an i chose to believe it.
that means that if i shine a laser light it will move away from me at the speed of light and go for an infinite time away from me. we know the simple equation rt=d which means if a horse gallops at a rate of 9 meters per socond and tht is a realistic rate then we cancompute in 9 seconds rt=d the disrance is 81 meters
9 meters ps *9 seconds is 81 d meters
similarly thelight i start to shime now at this point in time travels at a rate called speed of light we call that value c and it can go an infinite time away from me in infinite distance ci=id the rate of c multiplied times the infinite time is infinite distance.
the same equation also proves that matter is not infinite
the equations of relativity show the time define the tikme since the beginning of slace-time i will use the variable n as the precise time we call 14 billion years based on the red shift withou t getting into the details.
so n is defined based on the red shift for time. the time the matter in the universe has been moving.
we also know that matter has a "speed limit" if it would go faster then c there is aproblem basicaly at the rate c space and time are one line so and matter cannot move that fast and theoreticly if matter would start moving and accelerate faster and faster nearing the speed of light the size of length is less than before when it was moving slower. so time has been defined as around 14 billion years or the recise value called n for time and the rate is also defined as "<c" slower than speed of light sowe can compute
n*<c=d and can predict in one billion years
n+1000000000 years= m that m*<c=d is a defined distance where the furthest mater will be in the future and at that distance there is NO MATTER NOW bec ause the stars canot move at the rate c but must be slower than c so that distance is em,mpty space we have confimed mathem,atically that space to move is infinite and matter is finite and have also defined the radius of the movement of matter at its furthest point n+<c=d when d must be the distance the mattermoved adn not more because matter has a speed limit.
so beyond that radius space is empty and no starcs nor matter there.
because it will not move that distance UNTIL LATER.
on the topic of space time if something is moving at the rate one half speed of light c/2 space-time for that person is different than somebody theoreticaly not moving
so if an event occurs at a certainpoint in space time which the thing moving c/2 begins counting time from zero time that same evemnt relevative to the one not moving occured later on thespace time graph the same event is at two different times relative to the speed of the one moving and similarly 25% speed of lihgt would have his own angle of space time somewhere betwen perhaps the sqaure root of 3 relative to the one going double his speed c/2 and again that same event graphed as zero time for the fast one is later for the two going slower so the same event is not only at different time swhen graphed on space time continuum buyt also shows that not only i s space related to motinon but also time is equaly related to motion proving the unity of space-time as one unit affected by motion.
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