Saturday, December 9, 2017

refreshing an old myth

intro: i was very inspired by the video "happily n'ever after 2" taking an old snow white story and changing it in a very good way with much more of those "worn out" outdated characters refreshed with a really believable experience... the apple loses snow white her friends... that is real and believable  so time to do the same thing for a certain jewish myth so old even 1500 years ago it was already worn out and only "cherished" by religious people who were compelled by religion to believe and speak as if it were truth
the myth as is critical details: "there was one small jug of oil" if you/a child  believe that then the result "burned long" proves god miracle. well... if you tell me to believe small oil then personally i wouldn't/will not believe "long burn". so they say "many witnesses saw long burn that is truth" the lamp was visible to many witnesses. those who are not blind will respond "and how many witnesses saw no oil?" is it even possible to see and witness "no oil" they saw one jug was it the "only" jug"?
certainly if we believe that people witnessed long burn the only way is...
if they used the bad oil [pig fat etc.] and to hide their shame they lied that "we only used one small jug and that god did a miracle... and even the youngsters who do not doubt that god did a miracle and as a miracle it is "special" it cannot compete with flying reindeer and anyway even children know despite god "could" do a miracle still if it "burned long they must have lied about the amount or source of oil" there TRULY WAS MORE oil good or bad or pig fat. which adds to the rationale to eat ham on hanuka... besides the letters "ha" in hanuka and ham.
back to refreshing the outdated ugly stuff...
i can use the refresh style [demonstrated in the video mentioned "n'ever] to change the background... so here goes.
chapter one
in the year 1756 "College of New Jersey moved from Newark to Princeton NJ" many students studied there. later, one student there proved time-traveling. his name is Kurt. the field equations of general relativity "do permit travel into the past." see
In 1948, Kurt Godel demonstrated that the "field equations of General Relativity" proved travel which returns to the starting place in space at an earlier time.
much later somebody stumbled across the reality of "negative distance" something consistently denied by mainstream scientists.
using negative distance hank could now move a defined amount of time. the equation which truly exists today 2017, in theoretical physics, is time=distance/rate... when distance is negative integer.
who will deny the truth of the equation 5=15/3 and the same truth (-5)=(-15/3) is the rate 3 possible? certainly a horse runs 3 times faster 11 m\s speed and we can have a slow speed to move to a point in time-space all we need is instead of move in length dimension move in space-time continuum. so that is the equation for precise time travel [parenthetically i believe all stars are rotating in our universe which matches godel's solution and have been rotating around each other falling around each other] in other words, to move 500 seconds in time [around 8 minutes] is (-500) time=(-150)distance [150 meters of negative distance] /0.3 [rate meters per second] so therefore slowing the rate of speed "fits lots more into" the distance. try it on your calculator=it is true even 2017 today...
first type "15" and press "negative" [the button marked +/- makes it negative, not the minus button] next press divide button / 0.03 and finally press =
the truth is (-500) that is a point in space-time 500 seconds earlier and it can be shown on a space-time graph. so (-500) seconds around 8 minutes earlier in space-time. we have increased the time travel by ten times by SLOWING the rate of speed so go [moving in negative space] even slower! that will increase the negative time. now obviously this equation informs us "was" the history where a moving object was 500 seconds ago [in two dimensions of space] and also theoreticly in space-time, the movement to a time 500 seconds ago.
no need to increase distance and no need to imagine fast speeds because fast speeds "large rate" will only fit in the distance LESS times... the formula for PRECISE  traveling to a past time is low rate of speed in negative distance as above. our generation insists negative distance is "problematic" closing their eyes to the evidence but only the detail of negative-square root is artificial while true negative distance is reality. also why struggle against godel who showed that the field equations proved traveling to a time in the past.
parenthetically [even today there is problematic function "distance= v1v2t/|v1-v2|" at a physics website, this means distance, with positive and negative velocities as opposite directions when the problem is 1 dimensional, we "get a negative distance after a time t." Reference
note altho this website truly said it is negative time another physicist showed to "derive" it positive]
regardless, negative space truly can be shown in a different formula the length in space-time d=x-cy can be and is often negative distance in space time.
back to the story.
well once a guy identified negative distance and calibrated the slow rate of speed he decided to use the device to change the world. but first he must test it on something simple.
hank traveled to the time beofre the jewish war against the romans and bough a cheap bottle of oil. it wasnot expensive at peace time then he traveled to war time and sold it for a profit to the priests called hasmoneans. now they had a flask to light the seven branched temple lights.
the priests asked him to bring more because they needed for many days but he only had one flask for the minor experiment.
hank returned to his future and discovered it was very different from how he remembered before his trip to the past. the jews were now killing animals to burn them and hank wanted to preserve what he remembered.
this surprised him because he had returned with precision to the same moment he had left. except the door of his lab was now broken.
the jewish society for offerings had sent a theif to do what they believeed was jsutified... to go back to the time of the temple and gauruntee that the theme of sacrifices was the main theme of the holiday. supported by donations from christians who desired to emphasize the bloof in the old testament so they would notice they need blood of jesus when there are no offerings they hired a thief to break into the lab and go to the time of hanuka and remove all the oil. the only other item to mark was the renewal of killing animals. and since then hanuka had never been about the oil because they failed to light the lamp... ever since then the offering was emphsized and the jews had built a temple to burn offerings.
hank thought this was immorally wasteful we should only kill animals for food but not to burn. [hank did not know but that is precisely what the jewish prophet jeremia brought from god in jeremia chapter 7 silly jews refuse to respect the message in jeremia seven and add words to the translation to conceal the message] hank acted on his feelings and returned to the peaceful times and this time purchased much oil. then he returned again to the time of hasmoneans and did not sell the oil to the hasmoneans because that would be stolen by the jewish future theif of the kill-animals foundation instead he came at night when the temple was empty except temple gaurds and hired the gaurd named ezra to escort him and secretly light the lamp and if he kept the secret he would get more gold the next day.
the following morning people entered the temple and saw the lamps lit. they announced it was a miracle from god that with no oil the lamp was lit.
for the next seven weeks hank brought oil from the remote past to the hasmonean time until the locals had their own oil. finally he returned to his era of time and found the world was not killing animals to burn them  because the emphasis on januka had succcessfully been switched to the way it always had been thhe emphasis on oil not on killing animals and that night he destroyed the device because although he wanted to change other things he could not risk the animal-kill society stealing his device again and that is why the bad things of history are not fixed beacause of the jews who want to kill animals specifically to burn them.
the happy ending is that after breaking the device jehova appeared to hank in a dream and repeated the same message jehova told to jeremia and added you can find this message in the jewish books and from that day the jews finally started respecting the message in jeremia chapter seven the end.

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