when we look at maps and we are familiar with "google" maps we know length is shorter because of north part of ball so just how distorted is the part called russia it appears vast while being north so the length at the NORTH PART of a ball is less so just how distorted? d
i found it is almost 250 percent distorted around 2.5 times.
how can we make a less distorted map
to aim for accuracy is very difficult so i aimed for LESS distorted. until discovering the idea of using "midpoint+curves" took meditation yesterday and then application today, took me almost 3 hours of learning, today, after i had the formula which took much meditation yesterday discovering the idea of midpoint+curves
I started by defining the edges=the water by east edge of baltic sea near cities we call saint petersburg and helsinki UNTIL the east coast of russia extending 160 degrees around the ball to the water we call bering straits.
the british made my work harder by choosing a point in london as zero so 180 complicates stuff but we included such factors.
30e>180>170w is 150+10 degrees of circle
less urgent is the southern hemisphere i recommend one "diamond shape map on one page" from equater north from 180 until 60 west 120 degrees a third and the same page curving like a diamond equator south and the same diamond on another page for the remaining third 60west to zero and beyond until 30e like a diamond including curve of africa but urgent is to fix the distortion of russia.
should i start by equator? that would be very wide length and since my goal was russia very far away south so i chose near the natural point of sun tropic line near 20 degrees north
i measured length of 160 degrees by 20 degrees north around totalled length sixteen thousand kilometers and chose a convenient centerpoint not center but near middle by the coast of china called the city hong kong around 110-115 degrees not precise... but good enough for "much less distorted" want precise? i warn on a scale of 16000km a graph will not show significant difference but if you want to complain you do the work.
my goal was less distorted and i found "much less distorted" by length
what point is near 30e degrees like saint petersburg? wait i want to include some water of baltic sea to visualize the coast and shape of coast
23e for near helsinki and 23e near 20n is in libya a point nearly 950 km west from aswan on nile river
continuing to the middle a convenient famous coastal city is HONG KONG near enuf to middle
the length from aswan on nile river to hk was 9130 km much longer than the length of russia because russia is north
continuing to the east edge of the limited map to midway atoll island near 177 degrees west and a point south of it around 20 degrees north around 6750 km from hk totaling sum length of nearly 16000 km for 160 degrees of circle that was a convenient coincidence with each degree at that latitude of the circle around 100 km so 160*100 matched
next i graphed the length [not degrees] 16kk with 16 squares of graph paper and
marked 9100 km of hk 9 squares of graph for 9 units of length near the middle for hk from edge of map l>h length 9000km and h>m6750 as above, so 7 units of graph 16 units showed 9 until hk and 7more to edge
then i skipped two rows and graphed 40n degrees and measured length
the same degrees were much less length why? because north part of ball. FIRST FIND MIDDLE near beijing. next athens is near 23e and near 40 degrees north so athens to beijing... length 7600 kilometers from 23e to 116e near middle by 40 degrees north latitude
when we count from the middle, to athens we see the edge of the map curve and similarly to water undefined" somewhere north of midway with no clear point to mark just water so delay that curve until later
next i measured length at 50 degrees north. FIRST MIDDLE 50N BY 115E next krakow the length from krakow near 23e and 50n to chita russia near 115e and near 50n was 6070km krakow to chita russia also sp to mirny at 60d 4200km+3400
and counting from the middle to the edge we see a significant curve of less length and similarly mirny to point coast
this curved graph shows a less distorted view of russias length from sea called baltic to water called bering at the eastern edge f russia and asia [perhaps better to name it ural continent to include both sides of ural mountains] the length from saint petersburg to the eastern edge of "ural continent" we call asia, by coast near alaska with MUCH less distortion because length is 7 units curving towards middle the harmless icy emptiness is much less vast on this graph and although not precise it is still "much less distorted" and shows the length there around 7000 kilometers total with around 4 units of length from middle and 3 units on the other edge a total much less length than
the length from athens to beijing to japan to water
we see at 60n degrees 7 units as above 4 on one side of middle and 3 on other with curves on edges from the length of 16 units 16000 km by 20n degrees north the length is less than half and is much less distorted
to see my "work including errors with extra details" i reveal below
latitude defines "longitude" degrees with distance
points 20 degrees north marking 160d of planet length from 20e>180>170w
helsinki coast by edge of east baltic 60.2n 24.9e water near "leningrad" oblast=area on map [can ignore border of sudan libya la20n,lo24e too far] r
al jawf 950 km west of aswan on nile river
7420km from aswan to
coordinates hong kong la22.4n,lo114.1e
good near 20n and near middle
length 8180 km aswan to hong-kong coast plus 950km total 8180+950=9130km 23>114~90degrees similar to beijing 116e including +950 more to jawf =9130 jawf to coast hk near middle EXTRA [attempt honolulu la21.3n,lo157.9west
length 8940 km hong kong to honolulu 157.9west but goal 177] so extra
to MIDWAY midway length 6750km 177.3west GOOD
degrees 23>180>3 for 160 degrees reaching 177 is a match
place name in libya for lat. like helsinki 24e~23e kufra near jawf until 177w degree is 160 degrees of ball of planet jawf>aswan>hk>m totals
length 950+8180+6750~16000km length
EXTRA midway atoll island to honolulu158d-177d~20d
length northward from border of chad-sudan north to coast of east greece "hellene" on map from jawf 1690km north to coast of east greece
near larissa region la40n,23e before marking greece FIRST find middle la40n,110e? near beijing 40n,116e length 7625km beijing to athens GOOD degrees 116 for less distorted and similar to 114 beijing to hong kong 1961km north
where is la.50n 23e do not mark yet but near krakow west of krakow
athens to krakow? 1380 km north appears west but 23e v FIRST find middle region of lake-water of tri-border mongolia russia china like near city BORZYA and chita
length 6070km krakow to chita russia graph from middle 6 units we see the significant curve of far less length for same degrees and
degrees 60n from middle mirny russia to saint petersburg length 4200km
and middle +3400 mirny to point coast
the curve is significant because far less distance. we see the opposite of what we see on maps is revealed based on length truth amen less distortion
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