we have been using traditional maps for many years and arguing over the names of seas it is time to make a new "standard" and update the names in study textbooks in a way that we do not call water by any 'country" name of any government.
for example a human moves in a oat in the river named rhine and reaches the salty water... that huge ocean extends very far north and south and is fed by a giant river named amazon therfore the ocean should be named amazon ocean the ocean all the way south to the south continent [which should be named "south" as in previous posts] and all the way north to the icy north pole.
certainly a sea like north sea is not "seperate and is part of this ocean and what would two ships in danger say "help us we are in "the north sea" that doesnot tell us where they are they must use navigational details so better amazon ocean for that ocean.
and the narrow channel near the rhine river why do the british get to claim it? no name should be any ghovernment neither british nor chinese nor any government. if the river thames watered the channel the thames river and thames channel and why is ther an h? too late stipid brits.
the boat moved acrooss the amazon ocean westward to a peninsula which extends south from the mountains named "appalachian" mountains that water is a gulf...
it should not be named for any country instead a major river waters it named mississippi so the gulf should be named gulf of mississippi.
the boat moves through the canal [between the continents amazon continent and mississippi continent which was once one mass before dug the canal] into the next large ocean.
in the farnorth there is a "bering" strait so the ocean should be named bering ocean and by the way it is stormy too not calm. from the canal and west the water iosnot separated it is all bering ocean we ned to update the study textbooks and remove all names related to any country "even sea of japan" which is separated by long island named honshu and deserves a separate name but not by any government name as i explained in post
and equally no "philipine sea nor japan nor china" china situation is espopecialy stiupid what is south and what is east and either way the water isnot separated and either way boats must say coordinates like latutude precisely so one water is one ocean.
the boat moves west and near the equator mid point passes south of a peninsula called malayan peninsula the water there can be a third ocean anmd again we should update not named ofr any country instead a makor river named euphrates feeds a gulf which waters this ocean hence euphrates ruiver and euphrates gulf again not by any country nor language and euphrates ocea extending south until the south continent and west until the amazon ocean already named.
what about in the bnorth?
the water north of amazon is still amazon and the water north of bering straitis ice what should we name that water? the two oceans touch all around the northern borderof greenland 2.1 million square kilometers which is less than a thrid the area of australia, that we can preserve th traditional name arctic circle starting from the arctic circle arctic ocean. all other water not separated needs precise latitude anyway and is not sepaerated and should not be named separate and certainly not any government name and same for gulfs and channels never a counrty name we need ot fix this.
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