Thursday, June 1, 2023

topic knowing god

topic knowing god

many "excuses" exist and were taught that serve the purpose of not searching or ending the search "too early" as one college prophesor wrote.

we can analyze the ancient jew faith that they teach and believe both: "know god" in the book they accept... and also teach maimonides idea that god is a mystery "the human mind cannot fathom" a god that does not change and so no anger etc. this idea served the purpose of believing that "god is un-know-able and un-acheiv-able" so since he is a mystery no point in the effort to find and they stop searching. but what if they did not stop? they might notice that the mystery god of catholic is ALSO called a "mystery" because we know what three 3 is and we know one so a god that is three but still one god as athanasian creed and catholic monotheism, is the mystery which matches maimonides but in a different way. the mystery god can be the god of three but still one that the human mind cannot grasp... so...

this does not mean "pray to mary" as the pope did and catholics give out on ppaper because "mary is not in their own trinity" not by outside inspection but their own faith they do not bother, but DOES exhibit that people stop searching "too early" due to the various excuses as i will explain... both these faiths "mystery" lesson served the purpose if i cant know the mystery then i have an excuse not to try.

from a: the ism called agnosticism, a for agnosticism, i dont mean the people who call themselves agnostic but the true ism in the paper dictionary is an ism the "blind faith"  that "cannot know" if god exists so this served the same LAZY purpose if i cannot know then i will not "waste time and effort" trying to know or inspecting it is an excuse to stop searching same as maiminides if cant know mystery then trying to know is fruitless an excuse not to bother.

similarly this generation a is for atheism came up with "the invisible dragon" and the "impossible tea kettle" these are not philosophy just imaginary items considered by their imaginers as imaginry as an excuse to be lazy and not search for a spirit god that cant be "tangibly touched" while for history they do not complain "i need tangible proof" who was the forgotten sixth president of u.s.a. in history. or 7,8,9, all the forgotten ones.

b is for budhism

the difference bbetween chinese budhism and india budhiism is that chinese considered budha a god to pray to which is why in the chinese culture the "believers" in budhist faith are rare they only have the "way of life" of budha and confucious in a society of agnosticisim not any god.

in contrast india budhism does not have any god just a goal to reach enlightenment not faith in any god which again if so i have an excuse not to think about god. karma is not some spirit god judging but something else.

c is for catholic 

as above god is a mystery so dont even think about three and one just that the three SI one so still monotheism as in athanasia creed but do not bother to notice mary is not in trinity and if book said "pray to father" then they could notice not to pray to mary nor jesus that scorned the teaching from the teacher jesus in their own book not just a competing religion criticism.

d is for daosim

few numbers so just briefly daoism and taoism is not about the human spirit living forever which does not need any acheivement but for the physical body to live forever so if i believe in reincarnation i will always have a body anyway whether i obey the way of life or not. but few are attracted to this faith due to no leader ever living past  years in a physicla body.

i is for islam.

there is only one god... welll that does not differ from catholic as above nor jewish still they have "physical action" i can see at my job they kneel five times each day "my opinion of problem" but it does not match the prophecy... their own quran said the jew book is light and good and if so the message was not corrupted and if so the new covenant is "in the heart" that was the definition heart sufficed so in heart so cannot be a new list of ruled "must kneel" a physicla act as they teach must nor the rabbi palm waving in autumn that is not "in the heart" alone so not match. we can easily see if we do not use the xcuse not to inspect that the two most populous groups couod notice... mary is not in the trinity of god and that if "gd is the one who wanted a new covenant in heart" then it cannot be obligating action and ceremony that is not from the god if they would know god as above.

j is for jew

jew book contains the message that the new covenant is the heart in jeremia knowing god "he wants not ceremony" that is the type of god not a god who wanted kneeling in submission nor ceremony. but they have an excuse not to know god because maimonides said god is unknowable which as above could refer to the mystery trinity which is also a mystery about one god... but if we cant know then we have an excuse not to try and be lazy same as atheist and agnostic as above. despite mamoinedes did not bother to bring a source that god is unknowable and conflicted his own book that said to know god in his own bible. i mean not kuz islam said jew is wrong but the jew book alone wrote. 

so the solution is to identify the laziness for what it is... excuses not to search... and just because you can think of excuses "does not excuse" from effort because CAN search and the few who do find evidences... "other indicators" like the dry foot print of the unseen dinosaur which is not the dinosaur but its anyone who CAN search but does not for any of these "mystery" excuses or invisible dragon or spaghetti god etc. still CAN search and inspect but did not and therefore the justice whatever the punishment will be is justified because they had a chance but relied on excuses as above.

does any faith match the "heart" surprisingly even those who do water baptism taught that it is not obligation and can be "saved" without it. which matched their book paul was "not sent to baptise and did  not" and that the element in communion is the faith not the physical act and therefore faith is the bread even if never eat even once which matched the book and human interpretation that most important is the "idea" of heart in book romans even without the physical act of eating in contrat to catholic who have obligation sacraments like eat the flesh of jesus... one does match heart but the other obligated more than heart baselessly and does not match... so no better than the obligation must kneel five times a day or whatever other physical ceremoony.

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