Tuesday, June 13, 2023

the Ten Wisecracks

 warning, these jokes are considered very hurtful and offensive but i am not an outsider ignoring the heaviness of jews tragedy.

despite my close relatives got murdered by nazis and i mourn for their tragedy, still these witty ones made even me laugh.

a, two jews walk into a bar... jacob started smoking so waiter said "no smoking." judas said, "jacob only knows yiddish" so the german waiter repeated in yiddish. jacob blows smoke and muttered "he annoys me." judas soothingly said "Germans just follow orders." ouch.

b, during fourth grade recess, young hermann got a bee sting and moaned, "nothing is worse than a bee sting." his classmate judith corrected him, "wrong! the worstest was... the holocaust."
part 2 he argued, "i can prove you wrong. what if i killed a clown and a thousand jews" she blurted out, "why a clown?" he explained, "even you dont care about the jews".  ouch!

c, there IS safety in numbers unless those hundreds are in a nazi death camp, for example a Colossal Crowded Concentration Campd

d, a driver crashed while trying to finish a race, just like nazis.

e, hitler did not expect defeat,  he just did nazi it coming.

f, 2 pals met in winter for international holocaust day. simon said, today my grandpa got murdered in a nazi death camp. hans answered, "you must feel awful for that tragedy, but mine also died in one, he fell from the watch tower... still holding his vodka bottle.

g, is for gay, 2 gay guys exited a cinema. nigel said, i feel guilty for getting turned on during that film. alfred asked,  "how could that happen in a tragic holocaust documentary?" nigel explained, "when they got deloused".

h, juice "from concentrate" is sweet, but not as sweet as the liberation of jews "from concentrate"

i, our breathing uses Lots of gas, same as... the holocaust. 

part 2, david, a victim told god this gas joke. god scolded "not funny! not a gag [2 meanings]" david continued, "you would understand it, if you had been there" oo-oo-hh!!

concluding jab, j, hitler was among the most evil people in history, so whoever killed him was a virtuous Saint.

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