Thursday, June 15, 2023

pretend to quote bible kuz people won't check.

Did the bible ever say "punch a girl in the face" ? certainly not, but that is the picture the opposition puts as comment to a verse that never said it.

simply their commentary and interpretation is the bad immoral one, not the book.

two samples

Trending NOW pretend to quote bible kuz people wont check.

the opposition does not like death penalty but instead of saying so, they prefer to misquote and mock as if "Christians are not aware of the content" as if zero people studied and became bible scholars.

that method not only indicates bad strategy but also that they THEMSELVES know they can't find a real flaw so only option is to artificially manufacture something ugly.

why not quote any death penalty and say criminals need rehabilitation... they would not have any followers so they artificially make sensation with false accusations.

jesus showed in action the "commentary" to adultery death penalty... in leviticus 20, 10 and deuteronomy 22, verse 21 same as leviticus 20,10 the issue is they dont agree with the death penalty but did NOT complain about 20,10... the mockers show they are aware the ONLY way to mock is with misquotes as if no christian SCHOLARS ever read the bible.

they think the same as girls are denied education in taliban-stan all religious are equated to her. Christian must be dumb... childish name calling.

sample 2

your hand will kill, same error the issue is the same one already asked and answered in john chapter 8.

Trending NOW pretend to quote bible kuz people wont check.


so am i complaining "misinformation delete" no!!! that is what they do to hide opinions. i want people to see the wrong methods that opposition used to see by their own words they KNOW they can't find any REAL error. as proven by the method.

similarly if anti semites get deleted censored and banned nobody will know which is the anti semite we MUST allow almost every idea except encouraging violence so we know who is who.

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