Thursday, June 1, 2023

by association, horrible hitler was catholic?

by association, horrible hitler was catholic? 

what would a person do, to be a "catholic in good standing"?

we all know catholics have church service every sunday with mass and ceremony... so a catholic who wanted to be sincere would go every week and listen to mass and submit to his local priest and say confession because that is catholicism.

so which church did hitler go each week? was it catholic?

which priest did he say his secret confession to?

a noticeable characterisitic of catholicisim is the authority of the pope so 

before hitler invaded poland... do you think he asked his priest or the catholic pope with submission "if you let me\consider the action proper, i will invade poland with sodiers and bombers... 

dawkins used vague wording such as "catholic in good standing" as if hitler did all this, delusion page 311 and similarly page 310... well... dawkins would get caught lying if he tried to name any church or which priest? so he just used deception.

hitler acted free from the teachings in religion including VALUING human life as i will exhibit even if "he called himself christian" he was not submitting in action to christ nor caused by the teachings of christ but by violating the religious idea sanctity of human life... the freedom called atheism.

in new testament jesus never "summoned men to kill jews" page 312.

i bothered to check his footnotes... considering hitler gave famous public speeches where everybody was bullied into and scared into cheering... was any public speech say he was "obeying jesus or the pope" in his actions? his speeches were recorded!! dawkins failed to find any about his cruel actions, instead he quoted "the internet" websites that can write any lie as long as they pay for a server for web hosting... such a "reliable" source, sarcasm, page 452 f. 108. hitler wrote in his book "christianity is a scourge" not identify as christian so no need to "balance" as dawkins tried to reconcile the "contradiction" page 312, w.t.f. hitler openly opposed and did not consider himself a follower of christianity no matter what anyone claims he spoke. but dawkins started by the misleading "not" phrase "hitler never renounced" just to fool his readers... despite knowing hitler wrote a book opposing christianity.

by now we all know most websites are not trustworthy and if you studied in university your professor warned you as mine did "do not use wikipedia as a source" because you need trustworthy sources.

but dawkins would have his audience believe all that based on "the internet said so".

oh and the vast majority of polish population was catholic so "it seems appropriate" for the pope to tell hitler to attack and kill catholics, sarcasm.

obviously hitler wanted his own selfish benefit and honor and authority as he showed in action... in fact IF he would have been a sincere catholic he VERY LIKELY would have earned many voters!! and gotten power without the physical  violence by s.a. no need for the "famous putsch" nor s.a. that scared people nor the takeover of buildings of other political parties so they cant organize... and feel terror, but by association religion is "as bad as hitler" because hitler called himself a catholic and a christian according to "the internet", despite knowing hitler wrote a book where he openly opposed christianity.

if a catholic priest would tell hitler "do not attack catholics in poland" do you think he would subbmit to his spiritual guide? reference henry the 8 video related to shakespeare.

the same as dawkins wrote about stalin "did atheism CAUSE stalin to do all the cruel stuff" we can echo for hitler: the religious books and jesus and the pope did not SEND hitler to do the terrible stuff but the opposite only because he was truly acting like "no religion too" as john lennon sang, like an atheist he felt free to act against the teachings in the new testament book. if stalin and hitler would submit to the teachings of jesus and paul they would value each human life instead of ruthlessly torturing and killing so many for whatever goal. so it was the atheistic freedom or agnostic freedom that caused them to ignore the value of human life for example even suicide is forbidden because of the sanctity of human life you cant even kill self not "your body" and certainly not others.

similalry it is the lack of value in human life used to "try to justify" the "termination" of the undoubtedly human fetus it is human and it is as living as any "living tissue" ergo alive but more complex than a clump, as i will explain, and "undoubtedly human from the first moment of dna" so if people submitted to christianity then human life would have value but atheism is the excuse to kill millions of human fetus... but that is not the discussion here, just demonstrating the lack of value, the lack of religion caused the lack of value to human life so yes stalin and hitler felt free to do what they did caused by the "freedom of no religion" same as the lack of value for human fetus in our day.

dawkins would get "caught lying" if he equated actions: hitler arranged mass murder by the trainloads "not more evil than muslim sultans" page 308 gasp, so he used deception hitler INTENTIONS were not more evil... and even that as if he did not read mein kampf the exhibited intention: "jews are like cancer that needs to die" end quote.

only the "freedom of atheism" and the lack of value for human life is the idea used to justify all that death from "termination" of pregnnancy... imagine using that wording as a defence in murder court "i would never murder i just terminated the adult". to the feeling of freedom by stalin and hitler to the harmful tortures and deaths that they arranged instead if they had religion to VALUE human life they would submit and not arrange all that death so in answer to dawkins question page 309, yes the CAUSE for feeling free without value to human life was "no religion too".

even the title fuerher is a word used "in german language for god"!! if people knew that... which hitler said call me furher!! gasp.

both hitler and stalin would have EARNED VOTERS if they were christian "in good standing" same as presidents today say "god bless the usa" to attract voters kuz it works!!! 

they would not need the pain and death to rise to power but the lack of religion caused them to feel free and not submit.

writing about "their motivation", ignores the obligation of submission, that every greedy or angry person must resist anger because "anger and hate are sins"... as christianity taught. does atheism teach "hate and anger are sins?" only if it is "hate speech toward protected minority" used to censor people but hating white males is not a sin... only religion teaches not to hate. even gluttony is a sin to resist.

ONLY only due to not submitting to the religious books that caused the feeling of freedom in all those deaths and arranged tortures from stalin to hitler to millions of human lives as above called fetus as if "not calling it murder makes it okay" and not one rare abortion per month in each state of 50 states but thousands each day that athiests feel free to "mass murder" without catholicism to teach value of human life.

on page 309 dawkins tried to blame "religion" that the goal justified any "means" end quote, like to get by any means... the opposite religious books limit "the way to get stuff" not "by any means".

dawkins would be caught lying if he tried to name a church so he wrote the "not": hitler "never renounced" his  catholic faith... but in action he sure did! page 310.

"he remained religious" also on page 310 sounds like hitler went to church every week. sure he has freedom to write any lie besides slander, kuz it is his book but realize what a fool dawkins was when it came to his personal bias. the "leader" of the mockers.

there he writes how hitler "thanked god" but not the sender for actions. religous books "not the cause" instead the actions show not submit to the teachings of jesus that is the danger of atheism today "as long as we dont get caught in court we are free to do whatever we want" that is atheism. 

no fear of hell to overcome anger or greed that caused those horrible events by hitler stalin and even now the "morally correct termination" of countless human lives at abortion clinics undoubtedly human and as alive as "living tissue". did i just say "clump of cells"? which can be excised if its my own... in beauty surgery... that excuse would still only allow WHILE while the fetus is only a clump but once it is more complex... that "argument idea" would not justify killing an undoubtedly human life. using that argument conceded that must not kill after it is a clump when more complex.

besides anyway, the fetus d.n.a. DIFFERS from ma not the owner nor her own nose to lessen in a nose job.

so why do people think they can? because they say "no god to say cant do abortion" such they insist including dawkins in a different chapter which i will reply to later. but the topic now is that feeling of unbridled freedom caused hitler and stalin to violate religious principles such as the value of human life.

if hitler "opposed" atheism it was still only atheism that caused him to use methods "of stamping out" atheism and others even if he called himself catholic and christian he was not sent by pope nor teachings of christ.

so yeh it was hitlers atheism and stalins that made them feel free to do all that. elsewhere dawkins mocked "do i need hell to stop me from murder?" several yesses.... we see without fear of hell what they did and even fear of hell is sometimes not "enough" but without it we see what they did.

and yes without religion to teach abortion is a sin, many americans even now do feel "morally justified" to mass murder undoubtedly human fetus even "after clump of cell" when three layers and more complexity... but the topic is not abortion but associativity. hitler wrote publicly that he opposed christianity so even if he also called himself catholic and christian was only words but actions acted  with th atheistic freedom to do anything. in actions he renounced his submission to preist and pope so yes he renounced his catholicism and we see the danger of atheism and agnosticism by hitler and stalin who tortured millions and killed millions without value of human life.

why do you think people cant decide to arrange EVEN their own mercy killing unless they will die soon? only religion teaches the value of human life.

i will conclude with the bizarre absurdity... society makes a big fuss now about vegetarian and the unexcusable killing cows... but for the same society human fetus has no value even less than a cow. why is that relevant? because it described the atheistic freedom that hitler and stalin felt as above.

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