Tuesday, June 20, 2023

shorter STORY of jesus the students and apostles

 for more background i summarize about from his life with times emphasized.

birth when and where?

During the time of king herod [mat. 2.1, the book said when because history recorded. herod died 4bc so at latest 4 bc almanac and britannica, now called 2023 so +3 (3,2,1+2023) =2026 years ago] during the empire of caesar Augustus [luke 2.1 between 31 bc and 14 ad] jesus was born in bethlehem [mat. 2.1] in judea [the gospel said the name of land then was judea and israel see [mat. 2.1 and 2.20 see for yourself there greek "israel"].

how did people become disciples of jesus? summary of chapters 1 to 4 briefly.

in the 15 year of Tiberius [luke 3.1, called 29 a.d.] jesus was about thirty years old [luke 3.23 yes the source said "about" and even if not, still estimating is common when using whole numbers 3 as a whole number or 50 or 30 etc. as a group], that is when and where,  at bet ani [bethany] on the other [east] side of the  jorden river. two disciples of john [baptist] heard their teacher say about jesus "is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world", so they accepted and followed jesus. one called his brother, simon son of john who jesus named peter. jesus found philip and invited/said "follow me", so philip called nathaneal and both came to jesus. [briefly summarizing john 1.29 to 1.47]. jesus said about his body [j2.21 as a symbol parabel like many of his parables] destroy this temple and i will raise it again in 3 days. 

note: jesus planned to die here and other sources see john 19 first jesus was silent 19.9 but later said he agreed that expected to die [j19.10-11 for the plan, explaining he could save himself] and j18.11 "put away your sword etc. and more.

jesus taught that anyone who believes in Son of god has eternal life and will not perish but saved [from perishing after death matching jeremiah as above saved from sin]. anyone who does not believe, then this disbelief condemned them [even without any other sin, j3] he taught that God is spirit and claimed about himself "i am messiah christ." [j4.24 to 26].

note: this briefly summarised four chapters 1 to 4 selecting issues for this generation's ignorance. more is in source if have more time to read and to respond to other ignorances.

chapter 3, students and apostles

matthew listed, [mat. 10.1-6] "his" 11 classmates who jesus SENT [j4.38] "sent to israelites not gentiles" [mat. 10.5-6] a distinction that some try to blur gentiles are israelites but jesus distinguished, here. also elsewhere first to the jew matched this. matthew named each one including himself "matthew the tax collector" showing jesus did not reject rich and powerful nor sinners. since matthew was the disciple and author we know this part was written by a personal witness in the generation of jesus disciples not by someone later and same the disciple wrote as preserved john 21.24.

in galilee, at the time of "the jewish feast of tabernacles" , jesus sent some students, go to feast but he stayed in galilee [7.3-9]. during the feast of dedication in "jerusalem" jesus was in the temple, he taught [again] i give eternal life and save from perishing. none can take them from me.

[other translations added "man" but not in original. even satan and sin and renounce is too late to change, as specified here defining gift]. 

he claimed "i and the father are one" [not polytheism nor three. when jews said, in john 19.7 he deserved to die by jew law it was because they heard him say this. some spread ignorance "jesus never said i am god" some mean "in our book quran jesus never said" but in a different book that "even" quran said is good and light, he did say about himself. others mean "i never read him say that" which is not a lie but they CAN read john 19 and john 10.30-33.]

near passover, just before the passover feast, john wrote, "jesus knew the time to leave this world" 13.1 and recorded jesus his teachers words, that he personaly heard [j21.24+j13.33] "i will be with you only a short time" he knew he would die for the plan.

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