efficient strategy for game axis and allies
simply: the more efficient way to use the units that symbolize production potential=pp is not to build a navy with expensive battleships nor rely on transport ships for each group of foot soldier, which i interpreted as artillery. i mean the use of 30pp better ten ar scattered to aid soviets and india and expell nazis from nile continent than 4ar that need 2 transports 16+12.
i noticed an alternative to battle germany and japan without relying on transport ships which cost in the game 8 units for moving each pair of ar'.
similarly japan truly had industry in the amur river region and could be "evil axis" and violate its treaty with soviets... they were bad guys, and use the industry in south amur to crush soviets from east as nazis attack from west.
what about the order of the countries?
once u.s. joied the war three huge powers were allied against two. i complained that objectively japan must be first because of the objective date line. i calimed the order should be first axis japan then alternate ally with the following sunrise soviets. followed by the axis nazi and last the remaining allies objectively britain and u.s.
the objection of two allies together is balanced by objective order and the fact that in the game also u.s. is uninterrupted to soviets because only two axis.
a different defense of the game is that the date line is not objective as i claimed it is random subjective of british empire on the opposite side of britain.
the SAME OBJECTIVE ORDER could START at moscow! not at the date line.
if so moscow first followed by westward direction axis nazi between soviet and brit is the same objective order of sunrise 3/5. the exception to objectivity is for japan to interrupt between allies brit and u.s. which makes a balanced game and justified the exception.
it is also similar to history where u.s. responded to japan so should follow japan.
where can allies strike at germany without transports and battleships? soviets can and even brit and u.s.=w for its capital city, have land links to skip the reliance on transport ships. admitedly this will delay the u.s. chasing japan off islands but the efficiency of potential is more urgent considering the aaxis already built many ba
tleships and warplanes in the game.
despite japan had twelve battleships they only had two markers in the game if so each marker is six and the u.s. would not have enough for even one marker and even brits scattered their bb! only one place had six together so the game is not accurate historicly. despit ethe claim of the game. either japan desrved more and the weakening of japan is unjustified weakening of axis for the american bias... if each marker is less than six or the marker is six and if so allies would not have three markers for bb!
another consideration is the fruitlessness of the "many" guns in battleships" and the "yuselessness" of the unique characteristic of armor that protected battleships more than the cruisers... yet the guns were fruitless against "dug" and concrete tunnels for example pacific isles. planes sunk battleships consistently bith u.s. bb and japanese and brit bb so the armor was useless and the "many" guns ineffective so the game assigning 4/6 probablity of success to th emany guns is fake it cant defend against planes despite armor nor are the many guns effetive for tunnels and caves which the axis truly prepared.
the solution to these battleship problems of number per marker and effectiveness is to reject the bb marker. the bbs were included in the transport defending 2/6 probabilty due to th ereality of ineffectiveness in both sheelling the coastal defenses and its own defense failures in reality of the loss of us. battleships=bb despite armor and guns five sunk at hawaii and jap battleships sunk by planes and italian battlships sunk by planes and brit battleships sunk by planes in 1942. with zero markers for bb no problem of unfair weakening of japan nor false effectiveness of 4/6.
where can the allies focus their potential without relying on transport ships until later?
soviets have near nazis. brits need navy unless... if the goal would be expelling axis from nile continenet then maybe the orinj river region in southern africa?
that is bad strategy because it only fights the colonies of axis france wrongly giving pp to brit or against axis italy but not help soviets.
another factor is the ability of axis tank in libya to blitz to south africa if brit bult industry there. only one group of ar' defends there and anyway the effect would be limited as above.
what about australia that would serve the goal of pacific isles but relies on transport ships which is not efficient at all and certainly islands with low potential are less important than the potential in the nan river region that salso theretened india.
the first solution seems to be india. if britain builds in india first after nazi as above they would be defending india with warplanes.
if so japan could respond by throwing all 5 of its airforce i mean 4 fighters according to rules of game against india to prevent the use of the factory. even the tank can join by transport two steps to nan and second step for tank into india.
the solution is by caucus mountains.
brit can build ar' and tanks to supply the weakening of japan and assist soviet and attack axis in both danube continent and nile continent.
similalry u.s. can use tak desert region to assist china defend and assist soviets. they can build transports for the pacific isles later.
admittedly u.s. should stil use its warplanes to delay the strengthening of the japan occupied isles nd its existing navy should be used against the one who attacked "ourseleves" rather than british first and u.s. last. help brit but not first.
even if nazi attack nile river region and take it they cant blitz to brit caucus! because truly the fat part of the ball has a long distance from nile river to caspian sea. similalry india colony blocks japanese from british caspian! since brits go befor ejapan unless we use the date line which is not truly objective as above japan has no hope of harming the south caucus industry.
another change is to allow local planes to defend industry attacks because that was real. when brits bombed nzi industry nazi planes did defend not only guns from the ground the idea of only white in the white raids isnot real and should be fixed equaly for nazi indystry and for brit industry gaurded by the warplanes in india as i will demonstrte.
moscow first. a treaty with brits for aid in defense for ar and tanks in exchange for protection of the future factory.
the game wrongly gave 24 to soviets when at most 18 but its just a game.
build cheapest artilery first for defense.24/3=8ar.
soveit s will not risk its troops that attack only 1/6 probability save for defense until later.
dont even risk the warplanes 2f to attack nazi navy in baltic need for defense with better probabilty than attack.
despite the nazis truly surrounded the black sea and the map is wrong and should have a diagonal the vertical line is a symbol of diaginal while moscow truly north of black sea not of caucus mounts.
nazis did not reach caspian even in 1942 when overran stalingrad by volga river so 3 of the five ar in caucus mountain region =cmr, go to south caspian skipping the attack phase for now. one ar from east baltic can leave considering the balance of nazis in scandanavia. 1/3 goes to cmr. leabing 2ar 1t 1f in east baltic leningrad. 1 t can move south to cmr where the threat is greater. 5-3=2+1ar+1t. also all 4 ar in the industry zone move west to block nazi total seven ar 2t 1f in cmr blocking the industry and capital city.
all new 8 ar in industry zone replacin the 4 who went west. 8 ar in muskva rr with industry east of ural mountain range.
if nazi attack len' then figter plane defends with 2ar and useless antiaircraft. if they attack cmr big defense 7ar 2t 1f despite helping brits temporarily.
soviets get potential same without new conquest so 24 pp.
next NAZI
nazi strategy is to get the oil in cmr and destroy the brit navy. how to use airforce?
could use in nile river region but oil is the goal resources dictate the decisions in this strategy.
nile river region nrr is defende by 1t 1ar with pp2 while cmr has more pp 3.
nazi 32 can build 1f 2t and 3ar with 1pp remining.
with no battleship bb markers due to the reality of battlships getting sunk 2 submarines can attack the brit transport which included the six brit battleships in the 2/6 probability.
nazi wil risk its airforce on the brit navy.
first two subs surprise the one transport group.
6,1 sinks the brit transport including six battleships by surprise cant reply. if brit bb had marker still nazi could send fighter planes from sen rr and west paz rr and even a bomber from man rr. 6,2 would not even need the bomber and only risk the subs if brit succeed but truly bb not effective not 4/6 probabilty so included in 2/6 probabilty.
good soviet did not send its navy there nazis would destroy it by temz rr.
by nile rr the forces are balanced 1t 1ar for each brit and axis so without warplanes axis will wait. its warplanes will attack cmr.
3ar 2t+1t and all warplanes from man 1b 3f against 7ar 2t 1f
6,1,1=2, 4,3,2,2,2,1,b3 total 8 why not as probability? kuz real dice and warplane advantage.
4,5,5,3,6,1,3=1 2t 5,5, 1f 2 total soviets lost all 7 ar and 1t. survivors 1t 1f who said anybody can retreat? not in rule book. nazis lost 2 ar only one remains but with 3t 3f b. risk tanks.
5=0. 6,4,6,2,1,3, dont even need bomber. this was the benefit of concentrating warplanes in cmr instead of attacking brit sub or nile rr.
defenders at same time 6=0t, f6=0 even for fighter plane truly 4/6. the same dice that "used up their twos gave soviets useless six.
1ar is in cmr 1t used both its steps. will 2t stay? sov can counterattack with their new 8ar 1f maybe a long battle with no air defens? THEREFORE 2t second step back to north black sea.
indeed this is what will happen when soviets get a chance to push back the nazis before second brit landing by factory to protect from jap and building many artilery and another warplane to defend from the jap tank in india... ut back to nazis where landing warplanes? same place with warplanes landing 2t 3f 1b. 3ar from visla rr to nbsr. 3a2t3fb.
tanks in po rr could go south or east?
tanks in man rr go east with 3 ar to visla rr which was emptied. 3a1t.
the new tf and 3ar replace the ones sent east toward the oil. nile is not a priority despite italy begging.
soviets have lost their caucus oil due to warplanes and tank success. if not for my strategy brit cant help caucus but brits will have built industry by south caspian.
after nazi the objective sunrise is brits next.
brits unjustly have 30 pp but it is just a game so the allies have hope of building.
15 for factory in south caspian cant build navy due to submarine victory so assemble artilery 1ar and 1f 12+3+15=30 used.
the airforce could be used against the submarines but risk sub success? rely on storage and rationing temporarily.
relying on new f, after battle will send one to ally soviets. what battle?
canada could send to french west africa colony but that has danger of axis tank counterattack. instead soon troops from south caspian can aid india and expel axis from nile continent and aid soviets all from same industry and undisturbed by nazi submarines. that is efficiancy!
better ten ar scattered to aid soviets and india and expell nazis from nile continent than 4ar that need need 2 transports 16+12.
i finally made my point explaining the strategy.
the 1ar in orinj rr should gard the pp there not move to undeveloped jungle or desert.
the 1t1ar in nile rr could attack westward but balanced and no air help yet better to wait for industry in south caspian.
strategy advised not to risk the stuff in canada nor nile continent yet. the brit sub could be used in the nile sea but if nazis have only 2 markers for a hundred subs then brit do not have enuf for even one marker of subs so either give more to germany to justify one for brits or zero for brits not enuf to be effective and simalrly no bb in gibraltor kuz less than the six for japanese bb marker. so no significant brit navy in nile sea.
australia would need transport ship for offense so 1ar is only defense.
theonly real dount is how to use the india forces because the forces in temz rr lost their transport sea mobility which would only carry t2ar anyway even if survived. cant rely on navy yet.
brit decide no offense yet.
skip attak turn. india has 2ar 1f move 1ar 1f to protect precious industry in south caspian region. 1ar for india.
1t in nile rr east to scr.
remain 1ar in nrr and 1ar in jordan rr.
total in scr 3+1ar 1t 1f with new factory.
for defending soviet ally brit sent one f it MUST REMAIN brit for offense but can defend because present. it flew four steps temz sea zone, east paz sz east paz rr and musva rr. added to the new 8ar 1f now defense totals 2f for industry and capital city east of the symbolic diagonal drawn vertical.
the transport whhich includes one armored bb moved away from jap danger to coast of south caspian region. its unnoticable bb on the east africa coast joined it there still far less than the six symbolized in jap bb marker.
in home isle temz rr the new f replaced the one sent to aid ally who had bad luck. the new ar joins the 2ar total 3 ar in temz rr with 2f 1t 1b. no conquest so collect tax 30 pp.
objective sunrise next is u.s. meaning capital cit washington=w but for game jap before u.s. so jap turn next.
they want to rush to the danger in south caspian but india is too far so they send all the warplanes for the resources in india.
first build 25 can build 5 tanks in south amur rr but game unjustly lacked the real industry there.
need transports for isle empire so build one tr'.
have 5 f so no new f'
cant risk building factory in south amur rr due to u.s. warplanes in china. must first strengthen region so 4ar and 1t+1tr=25 pp.
priority is india and blocking brit new industry.
1t in 1tr in 2 steps to nan rrr coast. second step invading india with 2ar from nan. aviation carrier vc or warplane carrier wc collected 1f from philipines to join attack phase in second step to nan coast.
4f 1t 2ar converge on the 1ar defending india.
why kuz industry precious needs warplanes. india is doomed but can be retaken. leaving the fighter plane in ganges rr risks getting outnumbered four for one.
2ar 1,4 dont even need the tank.
same time 1ar defended 2 succes. each lost 1 ar. jap conquerd ganges rr with 1ar 1t and need to land warplanes.
1tr from philipine isles brings both ar to replace the attackers in nan rr.
why not use sub by wake? not enuf for a marker. if had enuf maybe a sneak shot but truly not enuf to be effective. andnot enuf potential to build submarines only 25 pp so need transport first.
despite jap desrves bb markers truly the armor is useless to defend and many guns fruitless as above so no markers bb for anybody. the jap bb moved with the transports to nan rr coast.
collect taxes including newly conquered india 28pp.
next w to be continued.
simply: the more efficient way to use the units that symbolize production potential=pp is not to build a navy with expensive battleships nor rely on transport ships for each group of foot soldier, which i interpreted as artillery. i mean the use of 30pp better ten ar scattered to aid soviets and india and expell nazis from nile continent than 4ar that need 2 transports 16+12.
i noticed an alternative to battle germany and japan without relying on transport ships which cost in the game 8 units for moving each pair of ar'.
similarly japan truly had industry in the amur river region and could be "evil axis" and violate its treaty with soviets... they were bad guys, and use the industry in south amur to crush soviets from east as nazis attack from west.
what about the order of the countries?
once u.s. joied the war three huge powers were allied against two. i complained that objectively japan must be first because of the objective date line. i calimed the order should be first axis japan then alternate ally with the following sunrise soviets. followed by the axis nazi and last the remaining allies objectively britain and u.s.
the objection of two allies together is balanced by objective order and the fact that in the game also u.s. is uninterrupted to soviets because only two axis.
a different defense of the game is that the date line is not objective as i claimed it is random subjective of british empire on the opposite side of britain.
the SAME OBJECTIVE ORDER could START at moscow! not at the date line.
if so moscow first followed by westward direction axis nazi between soviet and brit is the same objective order of sunrise 3/5. the exception to objectivity is for japan to interrupt between allies brit and u.s. which makes a balanced game and justified the exception.
it is also similar to history where u.s. responded to japan so should follow japan.
where can allies strike at germany without transports and battleships? soviets can and even brit and u.s.=w for its capital city, have land links to skip the reliance on transport ships. admitedly this will delay the u.s. chasing japan off islands but the efficiency of potential is more urgent considering the aaxis already built many ba
tleships and warplanes in the game.
despite japan had twelve battleships they only had two markers in the game if so each marker is six and the u.s. would not have enough for even one marker and even brits scattered their bb! only one place had six together so the game is not accurate historicly. despit ethe claim of the game. either japan desrved more and the weakening of japan is unjustified weakening of axis for the american bias... if each marker is less than six or the marker is six and if so allies would not have three markers for bb!
another consideration is the fruitlessness of the "many" guns in battleships" and the "yuselessness" of the unique characteristic of armor that protected battleships more than the cruisers... yet the guns were fruitless against "dug" and concrete tunnels for example pacific isles. planes sunk battleships consistently bith u.s. bb and japanese and brit bb so the armor was useless and the "many" guns ineffective so the game assigning 4/6 probablity of success to th emany guns is fake it cant defend against planes despite armor nor are the many guns effetive for tunnels and caves which the axis truly prepared.
the solution to these battleship problems of number per marker and effectiveness is to reject the bb marker. the bbs were included in the transport defending 2/6 probabilty due to th ereality of ineffectiveness in both sheelling the coastal defenses and its own defense failures in reality of the loss of us. battleships=bb despite armor and guns five sunk at hawaii and jap battleships sunk by planes and italian battlships sunk by planes and brit battleships sunk by planes in 1942. with zero markers for bb no problem of unfair weakening of japan nor false effectiveness of 4/6.
where can the allies focus their potential without relying on transport ships until later?
soviets have near nazis. brits need navy unless... if the goal would be expelling axis from nile continenet then maybe the orinj river region in southern africa?
that is bad strategy because it only fights the colonies of axis france wrongly giving pp to brit or against axis italy but not help soviets.
another factor is the ability of axis tank in libya to blitz to south africa if brit bult industry there. only one group of ar' defends there and anyway the effect would be limited as above.
what about australia that would serve the goal of pacific isles but relies on transport ships which is not efficient at all and certainly islands with low potential are less important than the potential in the nan river region that salso theretened india.
the first solution seems to be india. if britain builds in india first after nazi as above they would be defending india with warplanes.
if so japan could respond by throwing all 5 of its airforce i mean 4 fighters according to rules of game against india to prevent the use of the factory. even the tank can join by transport two steps to nan and second step for tank into india.
the solution is by caucus mountains.
brit can build ar' and tanks to supply the weakening of japan and assist soviet and attack axis in both danube continent and nile continent.
similalry u.s. can use tak desert region to assist china defend and assist soviets. they can build transports for the pacific isles later.
admittedly u.s. should stil use its warplanes to delay the strengthening of the japan occupied isles nd its existing navy should be used against the one who attacked "ourseleves" rather than british first and u.s. last. help brit but not first.
even if nazi attack nile river region and take it they cant blitz to brit caucus! because truly the fat part of the ball has a long distance from nile river to caspian sea. similalry india colony blocks japanese from british caspian! since brits go befor ejapan unless we use the date line which is not truly objective as above japan has no hope of harming the south caucus industry.
another change is to allow local planes to defend industry attacks because that was real. when brits bombed nzi industry nazi planes did defend not only guns from the ground the idea of only white in the white raids isnot real and should be fixed equaly for nazi indystry and for brit industry gaurded by the warplanes in india as i will demonstrte.
moscow first. a treaty with brits for aid in defense for ar and tanks in exchange for protection of the future factory.
the game wrongly gave 24 to soviets when at most 18 but its just a game.
build cheapest artilery first for defense.24/3=8ar.
soveit s will not risk its troops that attack only 1/6 probability save for defense until later.
dont even risk the warplanes 2f to attack nazi navy in baltic need for defense with better probabilty than attack.
despite the nazis truly surrounded the black sea and the map is wrong and should have a diagonal the vertical line is a symbol of diaginal while moscow truly north of black sea not of caucus mounts.
nazis did not reach caspian even in 1942 when overran stalingrad by volga river so 3 of the five ar in caucus mountain region =cmr, go to south caspian skipping the attack phase for now. one ar from east baltic can leave considering the balance of nazis in scandanavia. 1/3 goes to cmr. leabing 2ar 1t 1f in east baltic leningrad. 1 t can move south to cmr where the threat is greater. 5-3=2+1ar+1t. also all 4 ar in the industry zone move west to block nazi total seven ar 2t 1f in cmr blocking the industry and capital city.
all new 8 ar in industry zone replacin the 4 who went west. 8 ar in muskva rr with industry east of ural mountain range.
if nazi attack len' then figter plane defends with 2ar and useless antiaircraft. if they attack cmr big defense 7ar 2t 1f despite helping brits temporarily.
soviets get potential same without new conquest so 24 pp.
next NAZI
nazi strategy is to get the oil in cmr and destroy the brit navy. how to use airforce?
could use in nile river region but oil is the goal resources dictate the decisions in this strategy.
nile river region nrr is defende by 1t 1ar with pp2 while cmr has more pp 3.
nazi 32 can build 1f 2t and 3ar with 1pp remining.
with no battleship bb markers due to the reality of battlships getting sunk 2 submarines can attack the brit transport which included the six brit battleships in the 2/6 probability.
nazi wil risk its airforce on the brit navy.
first two subs surprise the one transport group.
6,1 sinks the brit transport including six battleships by surprise cant reply. if brit bb had marker still nazi could send fighter planes from sen rr and west paz rr and even a bomber from man rr. 6,2 would not even need the bomber and only risk the subs if brit succeed but truly bb not effective not 4/6 probabilty so included in 2/6 probabilty.
good soviet did not send its navy there nazis would destroy it by temz rr.
by nile rr the forces are balanced 1t 1ar for each brit and axis so without warplanes axis will wait. its warplanes will attack cmr.
3ar 2t+1t and all warplanes from man 1b 3f against 7ar 2t 1f
6,1,1=2, 4,3,2,2,2,1,b3 total 8 why not as probability? kuz real dice and warplane advantage.
4,5,5,3,6,1,3=1 2t 5,5, 1f 2 total soviets lost all 7 ar and 1t. survivors 1t 1f who said anybody can retreat? not in rule book. nazis lost 2 ar only one remains but with 3t 3f b. risk tanks.
5=0. 6,4,6,2,1,3, dont even need bomber. this was the benefit of concentrating warplanes in cmr instead of attacking brit sub or nile rr.
defenders at same time 6=0t, f6=0 even for fighter plane truly 4/6. the same dice that "used up their twos gave soviets useless six.
1ar is in cmr 1t used both its steps. will 2t stay? sov can counterattack with their new 8ar 1f maybe a long battle with no air defens? THEREFORE 2t second step back to north black sea.
indeed this is what will happen when soviets get a chance to push back the nazis before second brit landing by factory to protect from jap and building many artilery and another warplane to defend from the jap tank in india... ut back to nazis where landing warplanes? same place with warplanes landing 2t 3f 1b. 3ar from visla rr to nbsr. 3a2t3fb.
tanks in po rr could go south or east?
tanks in man rr go east with 3 ar to visla rr which was emptied. 3a1t.
the new tf and 3ar replace the ones sent east toward the oil. nile is not a priority despite italy begging.
soviets have lost their caucus oil due to warplanes and tank success. if not for my strategy brit cant help caucus but brits will have built industry by south caspian.
after nazi the objective sunrise is brits next.
brits unjustly have 30 pp but it is just a game so the allies have hope of building.
15 for factory in south caspian cant build navy due to submarine victory so assemble artilery 1ar and 1f 12+3+15=30 used.
the airforce could be used against the submarines but risk sub success? rely on storage and rationing temporarily.
relying on new f, after battle will send one to ally soviets. what battle?
canada could send to french west africa colony but that has danger of axis tank counterattack. instead soon troops from south caspian can aid india and expel axis from nile continent and aid soviets all from same industry and undisturbed by nazi submarines. that is efficiancy!
better ten ar scattered to aid soviets and india and expell nazis from nile continent than 4ar that need need 2 transports 16+12.
i finally made my point explaining the strategy.
the 1ar in orinj rr should gard the pp there not move to undeveloped jungle or desert.
the 1t1ar in nile rr could attack westward but balanced and no air help yet better to wait for industry in south caspian.
strategy advised not to risk the stuff in canada nor nile continent yet. the brit sub could be used in the nile sea but if nazis have only 2 markers for a hundred subs then brit do not have enuf for even one marker of subs so either give more to germany to justify one for brits or zero for brits not enuf to be effective and simalrly no bb in gibraltor kuz less than the six for japanese bb marker. so no significant brit navy in nile sea.
australia would need transport ship for offense so 1ar is only defense.
theonly real dount is how to use the india forces because the forces in temz rr lost their transport sea mobility which would only carry t2ar anyway even if survived. cant rely on navy yet.
brit decide no offense yet.
skip attak turn. india has 2ar 1f move 1ar 1f to protect precious industry in south caspian region. 1ar for india.
1t in nile rr east to scr.
remain 1ar in nrr and 1ar in jordan rr.
total in scr 3+1ar 1t 1f with new factory.
for defending soviet ally brit sent one f it MUST REMAIN brit for offense but can defend because present. it flew four steps temz sea zone, east paz sz east paz rr and musva rr. added to the new 8ar 1f now defense totals 2f for industry and capital city east of the symbolic diagonal drawn vertical.
the transport whhich includes one armored bb moved away from jap danger to coast of south caspian region. its unnoticable bb on the east africa coast joined it there still far less than the six symbolized in jap bb marker.
in home isle temz rr the new f replaced the one sent to aid ally who had bad luck. the new ar joins the 2ar total 3 ar in temz rr with 2f 1t 1b. no conquest so collect tax 30 pp.
objective sunrise next is u.s. meaning capital cit washington=w but for game jap before u.s. so jap turn next.
they want to rush to the danger in south caspian but india is too far so they send all the warplanes for the resources in india.
first build 25 can build 5 tanks in south amur rr but game unjustly lacked the real industry there.
need transports for isle empire so build one tr'.
have 5 f so no new f'
cant risk building factory in south amur rr due to u.s. warplanes in china. must first strengthen region so 4ar and 1t+1tr=25 pp.
priority is india and blocking brit new industry.
1t in 1tr in 2 steps to nan rrr coast. second step invading india with 2ar from nan. aviation carrier vc or warplane carrier wc collected 1f from philipines to join attack phase in second step to nan coast.
4f 1t 2ar converge on the 1ar defending india.
why kuz industry precious needs warplanes. india is doomed but can be retaken. leaving the fighter plane in ganges rr risks getting outnumbered four for one.
2ar 1,4 dont even need the tank.
same time 1ar defended 2 succes. each lost 1 ar. jap conquerd ganges rr with 1ar 1t and need to land warplanes.
1tr from philipine isles brings both ar to replace the attackers in nan rr.
why not use sub by wake? not enuf for a marker. if had enuf maybe a sneak shot but truly not enuf to be effective. andnot enuf potential to build submarines only 25 pp so need transport first.
despite jap desrves bb markers truly the armor is useless to defend and many guns fruitless as above so no markers bb for anybody. the jap bb moved with the transports to nan rr coast.
collect taxes including newly conquered india 28pp.
next w to be continued.
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