Tuesday, October 18, 2022

doc leroy happily ever after

doc leroy 2.

disclaimer this story occurs in a world where nigger means negro.

doc came to the divorce ceremony but his wife wilbur did not come. judge said "if she does not agree you cant divorce her." doc argued why not? judge judas said "no reason, you can sign here and you are free."

doc went to the clinic and his dreamy patient came. he led her home and made her part of the family.

day by day at dinner he watched her emotions swing. some days she cried sobbing so he took blood sample. some evenings she was angry and he took another blood sample. other evenings she seemed very happy.

each blood sample he brought to his cliinic and analyzed. the blood was identical as expected and the only difference was the amounts and type of hormone.

by studying the type of molecule he started building the happy one. he injected her... one day when she was crying. she had good reason to cry "you are not listening and you dont understand me".

he injected her with the hormone and watched the change... she said "i am so happy to be with friends."

this surprised doc. he thought it would only cause the feeling of emotion but the emotion caused her to find a reason as if she were happy for that reason.

seeing the effect he expiremented on himself.

whem he felt happy for his acheievenment fo generating the molecule he injected himself with the hormone that he found on her angry day,

not only did he feel angry... the feeling but he felt angry that his wife was not sharing the burden of house chores.

where was she anyway?

next injection... while he felt angry. he soon felt very sad but not only a feeling but sad that his son got murdered at school. he felt especially sad that the nigger gangs had killed his nigger son.

he did not even want to inject the happy one how could he felel happy not only had his son died but by black on black crime.

but for the sake of science he overcame.

he injected himself.

he felt happy that his son would no annoy him anymore. he could remember that he felt sad and even the reason but that was not important anymore only the joy that his son would not annoy him anymore.

not just relief but joy.

well no point causing sadness he focusd on making batches of the hormone that made him happy.

whenever the guest cried he injected her and was free from her sobbing she always found a new reason too be happy... despite the existing cause of her sadness and frustration .

he had skipped a step no need to search for the silver lining but simply inject the hormone he set an example showing his daughters that he injected him self and urging them to try it.

whenever ythey were not feeling happy they injecetd that hormone that he generated. whenever the guest cried or was angry he injected her and she felt happy... that is how doc leroy truly lived happily... ever after.

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