Monday, May 30, 2022

new nicer "patience" card game

new nicer patience game
based on patience, like klondike3, but plannable.
goal: cause order despite limitations. limit seven columns as below
first exclude the picture cards, jqkj then shuffle to mix. lay 5 visible numbers in a row. except left-most add one card. except the leftist of those add, until the fifth column has 5 and to its left 4 etc. NOTE: all are visible for planning only move a card if it is SAME COLOR and one less for example black 5 [and the lower with it, no limit kuz not freecell] on black 6. move ace like one to the shape section.
reveal one at a time [not classic patience third that wastes time] until used pool then when pool empty mark a vertical line, like letter i on a paper or a computer text this will affect score.  then flip pool and try more.
when a column empty, move ANY card [with its lesser] there to uncover, in contrast to klondike kuz game patience so this like classic p. but new p visible.
SCORE: if stuck with no obedient moves or time limit, for example a four minute game, COUNT the cards in the shape section each card is worth one point. due to stuck,,each card 5 or higher is two points. deduct the number of times you repeated the pool pile but do not count the unused cards.
if succeed all from columns then ADD bonus the total unused cards in pool then deduct the number of repetitions.
the "quicky" use the pool only once and count points meaning cards in shapes and deduct one. do not count unused cards neither in columns nor in pool. gather for next game.
__sample game.
i shuffled and had columns:
6s,4c2s, 8c8s9s, 3s10s5h4s, 7sas5s6h7h
pool showed 5c: moved it to 6s so 4s on it.
ah went to shape section, later 2h on it. 8h not on 9s kuz only same color not classic p.
10d allows new column but only add 2, start 5 like human fingers and can reach 7 columns like weekdays.
later 5h on 4h in shape. so 9s on 10s  NEW column and 8s on it. 9h on 10d.
3c on 4s so 2s on it.
mark for using pool: i+ii
8h on 9h so 7h on it and then 6h to shapes only blacks remained so all h to shape section 10d stuck but ten strong free so remove.
3s to 4c. 5s to empty column. as to shapes. c organized so all s to shapes.
2c to shapes on ac so 3c 4c 5c up. 8c remain.
repeat 7c to shape so 8c to shape. ten strong deleted. success so compute 
score: 10+8+10+8=36 points deduct 3 repeats =33 due to emptying columns add bonus unused cards +4= 37. if stuck add second point for each card over 5 as above.
write score and save for next time to write. when time to clean or need to stop game photograph for counting points later and "clean up" gather cards, ALL, for next time.
if time, between patience-planning games make 5 rows of 5 and gather a+10=11 5+6=11 as a shuffle for the n.p. game.

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