Thursday, March 10, 2022

endgame 2019

endgame 2019
part one: in spring of 2018, on HAWKEYE's farm, he and his daughter were practicing archery. Suddenly, she vanished. the rest of his family disintegrated... due to Thanos, using the six gems to mass murder half of all life in that universe. [in comic his plan to destroy all stars was thwarted so now killed half so the remaining half will have enough resources.]
by planet Titan [the extinct home world of thanos, who was its only surviver], Ironman and Nebula were stranded in the lethal vacuum of space. CAPTAIN MARVEL returned them to Earth where they reunited with the Avengers team: black widow, Bruce Banner [hulk potential], cap' america, Rocket, and Thor. They want to use the Infinity Stones to reverse the mass murder ergo they must steal them from Thanos. when they find him, he revealed that he had used the gems to destroy themselves. the avengers are powerless... so Thor killed Thanos.
five years of chaos passed until 2023 in that universe. Antman arrived from the quantum realm. he was surprised that his daughter Cassie was a teenager. he learned that thanos mass murdered half of the people, claiming that the remaining half will now have enough resources.  cap'Am' has been counseling survivors for grief of the loss of beloved relatives. Antman explained to b.w. and c.a. that while five years passed for them, only five hours passed for him in the quantum realm.  They go to Stark, now a father, and explain that the quantum realm can be used to go earlier to steal the Infinity Stones. Stark argued that changing the past risks his family and his personal peace. however the memory of spiderman, now dead, motivated ironman to test theoretical models, using antman's quantum tunnel. eventually he found one that can help.
b.w. went to find hawkeye. he was grieving the loss of his family, and was now "Ronin". [OMG the editers called "mass murder" that "half vanished" while assassinating criminals is "brutally massacring" as if worse to kill wicked]  assassinating "criminal cartels and gangs" to protect the remaining survivors from crime. she finds him in Japan. after arguments, when she gave hope to revive his family, he rejoins the avengers. Banner and Rocket go to Thor who hopelessly let his hair and beard grow wild.  they pursuade Thor to rejoin Avengers who have tested the quantum time machine on hawkeye. 
antman, Banner capam, and ironman go to 2012 for taking three gems: blue, green, and yellow. During the battle of New York, the scepter which thanos gave loki for that battle has the yellow mind stone. loki had used it to enslave minds to serve his will. the blue space stone which by 2018 had been used to jump instantly to far places, was then in the blue tessaract being used to open a portal of travel, the space power, to bring an army to invade earth. the green time stone was then guarded by strange. coincidently, Banner, the green hulk went for the green gem. he convinced the Ancient One until she allowed Banner to have Time gem. elsewhere, antman and Stark went for the blue gem. after the Avengers confiscated it from Loki, antman damaged a circuit in then-ironman's artificial heart. causing temporary [mild? for cardiac arrest??] cardiac arrest. 2023-i.m. stole the briefcase containing the Tesseract. success! until, Hulk hit stark who dropd it. Loki stole the Space Stone and used it to jump far away. 
Rogers stole the yellow Mind Stone from Hydra agents. his past self attacked, thinking he is loki. 2023 capam overpowered 2018-capam and rejoined antman and ironman. antman returnd to 2023 with two gems. the duo worried the limited supply of Pym Particles, that allow them to time travel, would get used up before getting the blue gem.  cap'am and i' tried to steal it from the year in 1970s. they also stole vials with Pym Particles for the journey "back to 2023" [brtter to 2018]. cap'am saw Peggy Carter. 
meanwhile, Rocket and Thor went to the time before Malekith "will had used" it against the Nine Realms. in Asgard they get the red fluid that will had solidified into the red Reality gem. for the goal of the first four of six they got 3/4. green, red and yellow.
part 2

each one used his "time in the past" to converse with relatives. RED: Thor retrieved the hammer and saw that he is worthy of it. he and rocket return to Earth bringing the RED stuff. PURPLE: Nebula and Rhodes travel to the time before Starlord stole the orb and to its place. they stole the orb containing the purple Power gem, first. Rhodes returned to 2023, bringing the gem but Nebula malfunctioned ergo she stayed there. two consciousnesses were operating in her. Thanos learned that future Nebula was there so he went, abducted her, and scand her memories. Thanos will had known and remembered their plan, before destroying the gems. he will had sent "past Nebula", using the green time gem, to spy. ORANGE: b.w. and hawkeye went to the time before thanos will had got the orinj Soul gem and its place. the gard told them that only by sacrificing someone they love, can they get  [not retrieved] it. The beloved couple argued, which will die for the other's life and for reviving the many dead. she wanted to be the sacrifice so he can live, and despite he wanted her to live, b.w. jumped to her death as his beloved sacrifice so he got the orinj gem. h' mourned and returnd with the gem.
in 2023, on earth, Banner and ironman made a container to use the gems, it was the same nanotech of a new Iron Man suit. Banner "wielded the gauntlet" and used the gems to revive everyone that was mass murdered in 2018 [editors preferd "disappeared" as if brutally massacring criminals is worse than mass murdering 3 billion non-criminals. yes in our society a criminals life is "more precious" than those who obey laws ergo i must teach you to protest and reject that wicked idea]. Thanos attacked them and destroyed the quantum portal. Thanos demolished Avengers headquarters, but failed to get gauntlet which hawkeye held. three of the avenger team, am', ironman and thor dueld Thanos one on one. Thanos won each. Thanos' army landed on Earth. all other revived Avengers joined this lengthy battle. Thanos took the Infinity Stones. Scarlet witch used her energy to trap Thanos.  Captain Marvel destroyed Thanos' ship. Stark used the nanotech gauntlet to move the six gems from Thanos' hand to his own. they flash Thanos and his army "into ash." Stark was dying from the intense radiation of using the gems, but not alone, with his cherished loved ones, now revived: miss potts and spiderman.
The Avengers perform a funeral for Stark. they floated his Mark I arc reactor [he threw it in the sea in ironman 3?] on the lake by his home. b.w. and Vision cannot be revived. Thor appointed Valkyrie Queen of Asgard, instead of himself. he joined with rocket's team. hawkeye returned home to his family. Parker returned to high school. 
am' went to the past to return the gems and Thor's hammer to their original time lines. [if so thanos will steal them? they destroyed him in 2023?] he stayed in the past with Carter. he gave his shield to Wilson the next captain america. end.

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