when the russians separated from religion they did not want to lose the decorated tree so they "dared" to rename the "christnas tree" the "new year tree". they show decorated trees at the new year celebration. i heard of hanuka bush but coulda said hanuka tree... anyway whether you readers celebrate christmas or hanuka or both or neither... happy new year.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Friday, December 30, 2022
alternate ending to "kiss" in series family guy 4,25,
alternate ending to "kiss" in series family guy 4,25, due to "starting as usual with old fashioned" values ergo needs a different ending than silly writer goodman.
during young republican meeting, regan heard "destroy brown" so regan rnc protested "that would be dnc like segregation of schools". karl said "but blacks vote dnc, i thought we against them". regan "wrong" and shrugged.
when brian said i dont wanna kill, mayor signed the law.
same as "lois said i was wrong" also in the end the gays say "we see by this law, very important to ban we were wrong to marry." man added "from now, only a lady". dog said from now only bitches.
brian got punished for threatening and said "i was wrong, lois was not wrong as she said without refuting her first idea of marriage, but right not to wed gay. only private gay." chris boasted that he touched her boobs. lois said "you got to second base". chris asked "when did i get to first?"
stewie consistently said "i like the idea in bible to kill gay. god is always my violent pal." b asked, "what about death penalty, might kill innocent?" stewie: "fix the system for accuracy, if that is the issue."
meg said "dont kill gay but should interfere to prevent them sleeping". pa as usual said "shut up meg". the end.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
pink balloon c.g.
computer graphics pink balloon seems many pinks
also progress on project, i must fix eyes and tree color
Saturday, December 24, 2022
clair claus
we heard about famous santa claus or ice papa which served to attract children as well as motivate gifts... which could be good but we see the fruits overemphasis and extravagance, more than one gift to the point of bad commercialism meaning too much.
my group does not include santa and protests catholic inclusion of santa. but what about the less famous claus? see link
Christmas song 12 gifts
NOW Merry Christmas... to believers in jesus the lord (in letter romans differed from theo but either faith is good both not divine lord, like paul or divine like john).
the famous song "first day of Christmas" has some symbolisms but the symbols should be nearer to the idea symbolized than pear tree. not merely each number was used.
so some "defend" tree is symbol cross and pear for letter "p" to match partridge which "acts wounded to lead carnivors away from its kids" symbol for jesus sacrificing self for others but... COULD be nearer the symbolism, not merely each number was used for something as i found at some website.
despite "day" is symbol for 12 ideas, still only one day the one claimed birth or due to unknown date, to "celebrate birth." admittedly book acts never taught that ORIGINAL students celebrated his birth. so not obligated just a cause to celebrate... if you want.ten "commandments" a misnomer of "ten speeches" in deuteronomy, truly not commands as indicated by grammar [and action "do not steal" but stole from canan in their story, indicating not command. do not kill but pinhas phineas killed a guy and was praised indicating not sins] the actions are like dancers performing "prescribed moves" before grace, "rest on seventh day" but free from that covenant in covenant described by jeremiah which was prophesied for his future the time described in that chapter when "clean sins" in that section which was fulfilled materializing before the destruction of jerusalem at the time prophesied by daniel.]
5 books of death but 4 gospels singing grace so symbol
3 strings: 3 appearances of god, one appearing in flesh the same one not in flesh source john ten.
2 covenants, described in Jeremiah 31,31, different from first death instead in heart grace, "clouds" are source and ride on clouds.
[fast part of melody one time, list of numbers instead of adding by repeating]
12 cups of honey... 11 young doves chirping
10 dancers dancing, 9 frag-rant-fruit
[same fast]
8 writers writing, 7 swans swimming
6 maids milking, 5 swing-ing-swords [pause]
[slow conclusion]
fou-r singing birds, 3 strong strings
2 different clouds [pause]
and a young lamb by a thorn bush."
the meaning of life
the meaning of life
if i live only for myself i am too selfish but if each of us used his life and personal abilities to help others, then they have generated meaning to their lives
fixing story in genesis chapter 16
Sisur dwelled in hebron ten years. he wed another wife named hagar who got pregnant. her co-wife pained hagar who fled. by a spring in the desert the angel of yahweh sent her back. end chapter 16.
c3 story of abraham
c3, #abraham #circumcision error
introduction: this chapter is the most influential due to pointing out and fixing flaws in translation so i must explain the flaws in genesis chapters 16 and 17 so readers can get abraham's story from here instead of from a flawed book called bible or genesis with problematic translation in many versions and incomplete genesis as i will exhibit. only "religion" and commitment to this flawed book influences "normative" people to accept the wrong ideas due to these chapters even in harmful action baselessly! as i will explain. simply claiming "i can be cruel if god said it" as if that defined morality... the same cruel action is "not considered cruel" for them due to a bad book wrongly translated.
the ceremony is even worse due to the baseless "sucking" which is always a germ illness issue, even in rabbinic book magen abraham by cups even 200 years ago they knew about germs and illness by mouth and cups. this suck ceremony is justifiably prevented due to "hygiene" we must deter doctors and religious cutters... if they suck with severe punishment severe enuf to deter EVEN a religious guy! and even for the cut which is not religious as we see in the source below and not medically justified due to a lack of medical urgency. also in our generation also the immorality of sexual sucking in contemporary ethics due to the "limb" of the ceremony... the same action is a crime always only ignored as part of the ceremony. and who would choose this career... somebody who wants a career sucking genitals of baby males. gasp. is the one who chose this career... i did not and would not... even before i noticed that the word "skin" was not in this section. is such a person who chose such a career.... the one you would hire to cut and suck??
story: Abram dwelled in Canaan ten years. he wed another wife who got pregnant. [compare to genesis version the "holy abraham" accepted a sex-slave, source genesis 16:1-4: "Sarai his wife gave her Egyptian maid to him as a wife [maid for children =sex slave]. He entered her." is that "bible stories for children"?? why the bleep did they teach me this stuff in first grade. the religious parents RELY that we kids are too young to COMPREHEND the evil of the story. it gets in with the claim that abraham is good and holy.] Sarai, Abram’s wife, claimed "i am light [not respect] in her eyes" [16,5 note: this accusation accused thoughts! "in her eyes" is only a claim about thinking. she can't really know thoughts. if she herself felt "less mother" that is not the guilt of the maid. still i cannot delete the evil part, as if she did not accuse. i can only fix it. she accused. perhaps abram should say "not in action" instead:] Abram said. “Do to her whatever you think.” Sarai pained her so she fled. [is such a story included in "bible story for kids? why the bleep did they teach me this in first grade.]
NOTE: until now the "holy couple" abram and sarai never "both spoke together". not only is this lack a flaw compared to story but worse, the only time they speak "together" is to complain about the maid and get permission to inflict pain. we see if the story is true the shame of the founder of abramite religion. which the book should teach was wrong. we see the bad bible, and the version with its problems: abram gave "permission" to do it. the later rabbi ramban protested her sin... but not his and also the book itself should be a "book of teaching" it would be "missing incomplete" the lesson so i must fix]
God rebuked sarai for paining her maid. sarai repented and sent a messenger to call her pregnant maid back for birthing in their tent. the maid returned (source? genesis is incomplete here and i fix this too). when Abram was eighty six years old, she birthed and abram named her son isma'el. [end chapter 16 of abram's story, focusing on his story].
note: the next chapter, divided as 17, can cause an error so i must fix it too.
the hebrew word "mal" is used for heart certainly not cut heart. the translation "incision or circumcision like incision" is not accurate and is noticeably wrong due to the usage for heart. no doubt but certainly no cut heart. still what is the accurate translation? the word "mal" is the word root meaning "word" as used in the phrase "no word on my tongue". so i must fix so people will be warned: the claim of incision is baseless and not only the wrong translation but noticeably wrong due to the use by the heart.
chapter 17 topic "the covenant of word"
When Abram was ninety nine years old, he saw yahweh so he bowed. God changed his name "not abram anymore" your name will be Abraham. [note: according to bible later: jacob will "be granted" the land so i must edit this part to match and prevent possible error.] Abraham heard, "For your generations [17,12 plural is two, compare by rainbow generations forever but not here. instead of "generations forever", the covenant will "be forever" meaning no renewal in contrast to annual contracts that end or need renewal but this "covenant is forever" lasting if so no renewal by each son as wrongly claimed. also the word forever is not by generations]. every male among you when eight days he will say words. [who? not the infant but the father. and not as wrongly translated incision as the liars wrongly added words "must be circumcised" this is not matching the source text which they claim to translate neither in words nor meaning. the word is "future he will" not must and is the root of "word" as used elsewhere and also based on usage cannot be cut due to usage by heart so "not incision nor circumcision" as wrongly claimed as if the bible justified cutting... any limb or any skin.]
those born in your family or work for you, speak words. [the original does not say "must" nor cut as wrongly translated in many translations.] My covenant will be in your heart an everlasting covenant. [no need to renew]. a heavy male [14] that he [father] will not speak words about his [child's] heavy heart will be cut from the nation. he violated my covenant.” elohim changed Abraham's wife's name to sara. Abraham fell face down. he ASKED [HALBEN in 17, with the letter for asking in contrast to deuteronomy 32 not a question as rabbinic rashi wrote wrongly. those words mean "he corrupted him, not his sons flaw" some wrongly detach "not his sons" but that would not match the following verse "your father."] “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?” elohim said, "Sarah will bear your son [21 the authors used this to exclude ismael due to a different mother. which is truly superfluous because later it will say god chose jacob.] by this time next year." [21 future not the wrong grammar in their godless verses 16 and 19], and you will name him Isaac." God "went up" from above him [not omnipresent. if already up can't went up]. On that day Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his family every male, and he [Abraham] said words of his [each male] heavy heart. Abraham got words [26]. note: in their evil genesis god specifically allowed buying slaves [13] so i ask is such a book a source for morality? why didn't god command thou shalt not buy a slave? neither here nor after freedom "thou shalt not buy a slave because you were slaves". perhaps in the lost original he did but the rabbis replaced with bad books.
endnote: which limb? the source in verse eleven does not match the rabbi claim to cut "skin" of foreskin it is baselessly wrong. neither the word "cut" incision nor the word "skin" in the text so the claim cut incision of skin foreskin is baseless in every detail they lied baselessly to adopt an external ceremony seen in egyptian pictures. so the solution is to edit the translation and warn about the translations such as n.i.v. usualy good but wrong here. the jew rabis EXHIBITED THEIR CRUEL AND FILTHY HEARTS by claiming "an oral tradition" to choose the limb and to cut the most sensitive spot. we must "separate" from egyptians that cut by being passive without action. therefore when others do not cut we still must be passive meaning not do any action to be separate from the egyptian culture with its picture of cut.
The translation in KJV to verse 11 does not match the source no word "skin nor cut" as they baselessly add word incision and skin. so i must warn about this issue and present the story with the added warning. no "incision nor excise nor circum-cise". considering the text is baseless only a sick monster would try to attach the cut ceremony to wrong words... that exhibits the attitude of ancient jew rabbis.
now that we see not that cut ceremony, then what else could it mean? the words mean in verse 11 "speak about meat" as i will clarify in the next section not even speaking about genitals but words about the heart... truly saying a prayer about the infants heart is the accurate translation.
note: as i am typing this the delayed "blessed rain" rare in israel is finally falling. if you believe "God grants rain" then he is now sending rain to encourage this correction of translation NOW.
Friday, December 23, 2022
death penalty to infants
date "1 reuben" now on date 23 happy NEW YEAR
happy new year the cycle of added light begins TODAY date 1 called 23, it will continue adding until the change when the light time lessens until completing the cycle.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
the AUTHENTIC jew new year is NOW
the AUTHENTIC jew new year is NOW
because the rabbi calendar is not pure enough so a jew court voted and majority agreed to "establish jew years" based on the birth of added light which is on the date known as 23 december that is the added sunlight in jerusalem therefore in jew calendar the pure new year day one 1 of month ruben. names like the twelve israelites not rabbi names from babylon calendar impure.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
the exciting conclusion of gruesome JAWS 1975
Monday, December 19, 2022
top video 1975-1989 with my summary
1. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 1982, $435M
A young boy helped a shy child e.t. visitor, who tried to contact his off-world family, until they return.
2. Star Wars 1977, $323M
my summary "rocky horror" 1975 comedy
Sunday, December 18, 2022
tom met theo a short adventure
a tall teen left his room to check the noise in his parents bedroom. a masked man was holding a gun to his parents, "what is the safe combination." pa said "i will die before exposing" [brosnan said "i am only alive kuz you want the number" so that is copyrighted] the thif shot pa's leg so ma screamed at the horror. theo the thief warned "tell me the combination or you are next" ma said "i did not know he had this safe." so he shot her arm and both parents moaned in pain.
thief to pa "want more pain? or tell me the combination." tom the teen said "i will tell you but only if you dont hurt my parents."--"agreed" said theo.
"behind that photo 7, left 34 right 25."--"you better not be lying." tom the teen went to the phone. "wait!" warned the thief and shot a warning shot at the window which shattered loudly. "i was just calling an ambulance for the bleeding"-- " not yet! stand by the safe or you will bleed too." so tom went to the safe and opened it for the thief. when theo saw the safe was open he shot pa's head. tom protested, "we had a deal"--"you knew i was a thief--"even thieves make deals."
theo the thief ignored him and pulled some documents from the safe. he handed a wad of money to tom. as tom counted it theo shot ma. as theo climbed out the window tom shouted "thanks and thanks... they were bad people" the end.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Friday, December 16, 2022
fixing story in genesis chapter 15
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
special dates
special dates
dec. 23 birth of added sunlight, first of "our courts" jewish calendar. date one rivven
reminder u.s. nfl best teams finals in january 2023 pointing to pro players in february
end january: chinese new year pointing to spring
also see dc birthdays! published in this blog
world football "final four" 2022
world football "final four" NOW the winners will compete today and tmoro.
***simplified for people like me who cant remember teams and players' countries.
until now MANY teams but which won the position of final four?
argentina, croatia, france, morocco so how had they won?
argentina won holland=netherlands in extra time
croatia won brazil in end kicks, so c will compete a.
france won brits
moroco won portugal so m will compete f
summary of highlights of these 4 games.
a, argentina 1, +1 messi [famous arg.]. later n' 1, so 2/1 and in the last minit 90 another so 2/2 called draw so extra time.
b, croatia goaly blocked brazil many aimed so 0/0 called draw so extra time. in x' brazil 1 until c 1, 1/1 called draw so kicks
c, f 1, b 1, f+1 won.
d, morocco 1, blocked attempts by ronaldo [famous portugal] to win.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
the silly debate about murder
for example i pointed to the years "in egypt before exodus" the bible has several versions. if "god told abraham four hundred" that was true and fulfilled. so publishers wrote a timeline with 400 years due to that but then... in the section of the generations until moses the year numbers show less than 400 years so the writers of genesis described a false prophecy.
later the book exodus said in egypt more than 400 years and certainly god knew the true number but the writers were separate from god so the books are not holy nor prophecy nor true because if 400 is true then the generation is false and if 430 is near 400 not exactly 400 as christians published. and if 400 is true then the other two sources are false.
so when i pointed this out to somebody they replied "the bible said do not murder"=no connection. they were changing the subject because they refused to agree. so i tried to switch back the subject me:"so you agree about the years" blind bias=bb:that is not what i said, me: you changed the subject kuz we reached agreement. bb:no we did not. me:so explain the years. bb: i mean you cant criticise a book that said do not kill. me: that detail is good but the book has many details. bb: still we need that book for no murder. me: "wait need? the CAUSE for you is the book saying not murder? or you already have that idea so agree to the book." bb: what is the difference. me: if you "need' the book to tell you not to murder then without it you would? or else you "do not need it." bb: stop being so stubborn the bible is very complex.
biblical neighbors
when the bible "took the risk" of mentioning neighboring kingdoms, allowing us to inspect, without the assumption nor PRESUPPOSITION that the bible is "wisdom" nor "holy" nor "true" simply to inspect.
sometimes the bible mentions a name that matches. nebukadnezer in bible matched babylon history... there were several.
what about in genesis. religion insists genesis is true that "kadarlomer of elam was ally with shinar" against sodom but before we accept, as religion blindly insists and threatens "blasphemy" to doubters... we can search for that name. the bible claimed NINE names and the STRONG one was kadarlomer.
when we find that name... the religious biased liars celebrate "we told you so" ignoring the details.
a bible website boasts "we found the name we always told you the bible was true" what did they find at the netbible website? "discovered tablet enumerates among the enemies of Khammu-rabi, Kudur-Lagamar (border is kudur in akkadian, not "servant" of Lagamar) and Eri-Aku" names similar to the names in the bible... but in the tablet kudur was ENEMY of babylon called shinar.
elam and shinar were claimed to be allies in the false bible while we know from that same tablet babylon were "enemies". hamrabi was babylon and fought ancient iran. we know of wars between elam and babylon on the era of that name hamurabi 1790 bc and his son not allies as the false bible wrote about shinar and elam using the same names so now that we know the truth we can delete the false names wich are in the wrong era anyway kuz that kudur was in the era of hamrabi which was 1790 bc long before abraham who "visited paro" a title the egyptians STARTED TO USE IN 1500bc. the egyptians used other titles but not pharo before the 18 dynasty. so even if we "accept" abram's relative got captured it could not be the same name three centuries apart. so either abraham was "ancient" with kudur era... still bible false claiming allies when babylon battled elam... so no defense for book and false about pharo he did not visit pharo or he was in the era of pharo and not in the era of kudur centuries apart. either way genesis is false and written by people separate from god who knew that elam battled babylon not allies and god knew whne abraham lived but the writers of genesis were separate from god so we can know that genesis is not a holy book nor even true.
c2, abram
STORY: Abram went to live by Hebron [source 13/18 this name place was influenced by the true history of the sons of israel moving to hebron from shechem 12/6 where they had purchased homes and built stone homes and dwelled, to hebron where they purchased homes and built stone homes], where he stood his tents. There he built an altar to yahweh.
doc leroy's gal pal part 3
doc leroy's gal pal
doc leroy noticed that his gal pal had a pattern. on the day she cried he asked "what did i do that caused you to cry". she sobbed "it isnt something you did. it is the situation. in our world our daughter will use her privates before wedding!" so he held her as she sobbed.
he recalled the order of her variying emotions this month same as last month... the same order! it seemed she was responding each time to situations but situations are random! her emotions were in order. he remembered a smily day and the next day excited joy and dancing around the home even during the burden of chores. the next day stress lasting a week... due to stressful things then a day of anger and the next day she cried. this had repeated itself again this month too!
the following day doc noticed she was showing stress. "what are you thinking about?" the mortgage how will you handle that huge debt while so many other expenses i feel guilty that i bought clothes!" doc answered you can choose not to buy clothes. she iwas silent and continued the chores showing stress. doc ,arked each day of stress. on the third day he saked "i recall you were worried about society and premarital stress..." but she interrupted that is not important i worry about the expenses of food and kid clothing and the huge debt on the home.
doc noted that the same concern did not concern her anymore.
finally the smily day came. leroy predicted it would be followed by a dancing day... so he asked what she was smiling about? she said yesterday your son got a b minus that is above average so i have hope for his future." that seemed odd since he wanted a's in the big picture other countries such as korea japan and china were emphasizing science and math while here in u.s. they spend too much time on literatue and religion how can we compete.
leroy pricked her arm and got blood. "OWW! that hurt!" she scowled. he said just a tiny prick kuz i am a doctor.
he analyzed the blood and noticed which hormones everything was in normal range... but which was higher?
the following day she was very cheerful and danced around the kitchen humming as she stirred the pots and flipped the pancakes and washed dishes.
"what are you thinking" asked the doc. "i finally told our daughter to save her privates same as i did not to use it for inserting until a guy actually wed her." max the son said "yup if i give her a gold ring that will pay her for sex".
she ignored him but doc raised his eyebros he was correct! women marry "for stability" is exactly the same as whores for money.
again he pricked her.
she ognored it and served the pancakes which the brats thanked her for and gobbled eagerly.
that day he analyzed the blood and noticed which hormone was lower than yesterday but it was the same except one was a bit more.
the next day she showed stress. "are you thinking about the dents and mortgage?" she replied "yes and credit cards" he tried to comfort her he had a doctor salary. "even that can barely cover the expenses and i regret buying that dress last month". leroy reminded her "remember my daughter agreed to wait for sex?" she replied annoyed "dont tell me how to feel."
by the next day he had finished mimicing the hormone of the smile day. as she rushed to serve the porridge with honey doc grabbed her arm. "your blood test had a problem you need a vitamin boost". she tried to pull away "not now" but he was stronger and injected the hormone. when she finished dumping the porridge the hormone reached her brain and she was already smiling, she said "you got a b plus on your test you are improving" to his son.
it seemed to be responding to that mempry and sitation but he knew it was the hormone he had just injected. he said "that mortgage is adding so much interest money" she replied "that is less than your doc salary". he noted the same thing that had not calmed her yesterday now calmed her. he knew the hormone had effect.
he worked on the hormone that was higher on dance day. by the day of anger the artificial mimic was prepared.
he waited for her ANGER on schedule based on the number of days and it came... "you ignored me last night! i was in the mood of seks and you ignored me" doc defended himself "you think i can read minds. TALK if you want seks." she yelled "you dont understand me" as she dumped frozen waffles on the tray for the oven, i will apologize soon but first take your vitamin. he grabbed her arm... she yelled no! i am trying to nake breakfast. doc could not wait he needed her to be cjeerful before the kids went to school to improve the KIDS emption and study potential... he must and ignoring her will jabbed the injection in her muscle. "ow that hirt" she hollered as he pressed the needle and tried to hold her steady. he freed it and said "trust me i am a doctor" she growled but less angry "not now."
as predicted by the time she was serving the waffles she was dancing around the kitchen.
"i apologize for ignoring you last night" she replied well you are not a mind reader and i want sex now".
the brats giggled and son said "i wanna watch". gal pal giggled.
the brats went to scool but he stayed home for her physical need.
knowing the next day would be a cry day... should he inject and prevent the cry? no. he must interrupt.
the following morning she woke him crying. "i think she lied she will use her privates in ninth grade" the needle was ready. "we can discuss this after breakfast" she considered crying tears and talking about immorality as he jabbed the needle.
"take your vitamin a" he lied. she submitted trusting the doc who had taken her blood in the pricks she recalled.
by the time she went down to breakfast she was dancing around the kitched and announced pancakes again the brats cheered not knowing she had been crying a moment ago and forgetting the last two cycles which was on schedule for today.
from then he knew which day to inject her based on her schedule and told men the hormone worked when wifey is angry bring them in.
his buddies obeyed and broought their wives when they were angry. he took a blood sample and noticed that despite te hormones in range the one that he had isolated was low. so he lied "your vitamin is low and need a certain one. he injected her. and sold two sets one for crying days aand one for angry days.
a week later he got feedback. his buddies wifey had been crying so he urged her to take vitamin "b" and she calmed within minutes she was dancing. when she was yelling and angry he gave vitamin 'a" and soon she was smiling. he bought several packets and responded to wifey's emotion and told his buddies who brought their wives in when they were angry or sobbing. each one he checked the blood and the pattern was true so he injected and sold the two "kits" and the husband would lie "it is the day tor your vitamin so we wil talk in half hour" to their joy a half hour later she had stopped sobbing or anger and did not wannna talk anyway what a relief.
he sold so much as men saw the success and his money jumped he paid the mortdage early and many men lived happily ever after as even the wives admitted "those vitamins make me feel better."
the happy ending... as long as they think it is vitamins.
Friday, December 9, 2022
the story of abraham chapters 1 to 1c

Tuesday, December 6, 2022
the new administrative map [for fiction spy sam part 3]
credit https://www.mapsofworld.com/lat_long
but with my additions
sam the spy part 3
Friday, December 2, 2022
fixing story in genesis chapter12, 13, 14
continuing from chapter one at
__chapter 2; "yahweh blessed all nations on earth by the children of israel. sisur from the tribe efrayim went to skaym [Shechem 12/6] with his wife. her ma age 75 traveled with them and her nephew. they traveled without the many possessions to avoid slow travel. instead they sold all the animals and bought small gold rings with gems. sisur had made a man who was their servant named eliezer. in shechem they sold the jewelry in exchange for land and a home. he built an altar there and burnt a flour offering to yahweh. sisur went alone to Bet el. he assembled his tent. There he built another altar. a severe famine hit shechem. no rain so no grain so sisur took his family to Egypt. [note: does this seem long? admittedly uneventful 125 words+184+26=335 words selecting story to fix many more 1520 words of problems.
after a dream, Pharaoh called him and said, 'Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife? I took her like a wife. take your wife and go home.' Pharaoh's men sent them home in that city. he dwelled there until he heard that food was common in shechem. Then he, his wife and kaleb went [13/1] to the place by Bet el where he had built an altar. There he called the name yahweh. he had livestock, silver and gold. kaleb, who was with him, also had flocks and herds and tents. the land [grass] could not support them [both flocks grazing] together. their herders argued. Sisur said to kaleb, “go apart, If you go left, I’ll go right and if you go right, I’ll go left.” kaleb chose watered land like the land of Egypt. he went east from his relative. his tents were by Ai, where its men were sinning 13/13 greatly against the Lord.
the exciting ending of book hobbit 1937
continuity: dwarves went on a mission to reclaim their mountain kingdom with its treasure... from the deadly dragon smaug. after they and bilbo a species called hobbit, had dangerous adventures with various magical creatures and giant spiders they came to humans who helped the dwarves prepare to continue their quest.
___the exciting CONCLUSION: