abram's story #abraham
intro: the New Testament started by mentioning abram by the word "bible" which is the first word in the New Testament. yes the word bible is in the bible, the first word in the New Testament.
STORY; what was the story of abraham ?

we must START with the version in acts 7/2-4:
CHAPTER ONE: "when Abraham [with ' curve on left for h] our father was in "Mesopotamia," God of glory appeared to him, before he lived in Karran. God said, ‘Leave [3] your country and your family. go to the land I will show you.' [note the original lacked the word birth place yet he fixed it anyway! because "your" country.]
abram left [4] the land of the "Chaldeans" and settled in Karran. After the death of his father, he [not niv false addition "God sent"] moved to this land where you are now living." by the jordan river.
story TWO=1b: second for the purpose of the question above which religion motivated, we can edit the "story of abram's father" for the purpose of answering the question.
despite the contrast that a story about guys fishing could be more interesting than this UNEVENTFUL travel story... religion caused people to ask about abram so i provide a "more specific answer" in a version easier to read than the religious book... WAIT... is genesis a holy book?
jesus "never said that he quoted from book genesis by name" nor that it was holy nor true. no "foundation can be established except by jesus" who did not say book genesis was holy nor true. so others can't nor could "include" genesis.
in fact when he quoted things SIMILAR to genesis the words DIFFER! he was not quoting book genesis nor say he was quoting "book genesis by name" nor that it was holy nor true. the jews and catholics who included genesis were EXCLUDED from establishing anything as above only jesus establishes, not catholics nor jew rabbis. jesus did not say book genesis was holy nor true. the story of abraham is in acts but we must not use genesis so i select for you without the harmful ideas in the "external" book genesis.
when luther excluded some of the catholic books he should have noticed that jesus never said genesis was a holy book and that the similar "selections" differ from hebrew genesis which was not his source, but some other book not preserved except by the few bits he quoted.
chapter 1b
SETTING: when? the end of the egyptian SEVENTEENTH dynasty
where? in Mesopotamia [source book acts as above. m' means between two rivers tigris, euphrates]
STORY: in Ur, Abram started his life in his mother's womb. he was born and later wed Sarai 11/29 who could not get pregnant. Abram, his father Tayray, his wife Sarai and Lot his orphan nephew [son of brother] traveled [11/31] from Ur the land of his [abram] birth. they came to Karran, and they settled there until Tayray died in Karran.
Abram and Sarai went [12/4] as the gods sent him wandering [g. 20/13]. his nephew Lot went [12/5] with him from Karran [moledet? place of birth? i must edit this flaw too. luckily the new testament fixed this in book acts chapter seven as above], to the land of Knan. At that time the Canaanites were in [did not say kings they were merely inside] the land. Abram traveled through the land to skaym [Shechem, source 12/6 this name place was influenced by the true history of the sons of israel moving to shechem where they had purchased homes and built stone homes and dwelled]. he built an altar there to yahweh, 12/7 who had appeared to him. He begged help from yahweh saying one hundred words. after that he added praise saying five hundred words 11/11. he said more prayers on other days: begged 135 words and praise 403 words. begged 130 words and praised 403 words totaling 533 words. [try to add the following numbers to find the total words:] begged 134 words and praised 430 words.
begged 130 words and praised 209 words.
begged 132 words [11/20] and praised 207 words [11/21].
begged 130 words and praised 200 words.
begged 129 words and praised 119 words.
begged 170 words and praised 205 words [11/32]. From there he went to the hill east of Bet el [12/8]. he raised his tent. he built an altar to the Lord and called the name yahweh. Abram continued traveling to Negev.
t.b.c. below.
SUMMARY: until the famine, we see the only "activity" is traveling and building altars. only religion caused people to read such an uneventful story. its division in two chapters served the purpose of hiding some flaws which i needed to edit. this gathered from chapters 11 and 12 from the different external book genesis.
this story also has the weakness of "not owning" i mean he "came from far away" and traveled by "tent" and nomadically "moved". did the story say he "purchased land" anywhere? this is a weakness anybody can claim "i heard god tell me that god gave me land" but the other people would not give me land just kuz a book said "god gave me". also his son ishmael would by law inherit the land "given to abraham" so claiming the land is for abraham is a weakness for sons of israel, since the land was promised to jacob that should be the basis of the claim and edit the weakness. even that was in a dream. what about a group of magi prophesying to a group of witnesses? that was not even claimed. so the ownership must not be based on anybody claiming god said when we cant check if god said nor on a dream but instead based on the history of king solomon and perhaps earlier ownership by israelites.
the true history was that the family of israel and its ancestors had always lived by the jordan river. the true history "children of israel buying homes and building homes in shechem" now called nablus influenced the story to contain that name place. they built stone homes on empty unused land to claim it for themselves as the family grew. the same in hebron which influenced the story to mention hebron.
1c Abram and pharo
intro: pharo was the title of kings starting in a certain dynasty around 1500b.c. before that the kings were called kings so we can understand that the authors were preserving their faith that abraham went when the title pharo was used.
STORY: in the days of pharo ahmose [18 dynasty, at thebes c.1530bc 3551 years ago], a severe famine struck Abram's region [12/10], west from the jordan river, so he went toward Egypt. a man came with his wife into Egypt. pharo killed him to take his widow to avoid violating their marriage. God inflicted big illness [12/17] on ahmose for killing. he announced he would never kill a man to take the widow. when abraham entered egypt he heard this. Pharaoh’s officials saw her and praised her to Pharaoh who took her. abram said, "she is my sister" 12/19 [flaw egyptian kings wed sister so claiming sister did not exclude wife], so paro treated Abram well for her sake,
That first night after supper, Yahweh God caused deep sleep 2/21 on pharo. Yahweh appeared [18/1] to ahmose, and said, 'she is Abram’s wife." Pharaoh summoned Abram, and said, 'Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife? I took her like a wife. go with your wife.'
Abram purchased sheep [12/16] and cattle, camels and donkeys. pharo gave aybraym male and female slaves. abram lived in the capital city thebes until he heard the famine ended. [kamose pa of ahmose had expelled hyksos1600bc but not conquer their capital avaris. ahmose battled hyksos and c. 1530 bc destroyed avaris in the east delta of nile. he chased them east conquering the jordan river region].
Abram, his wife and Lot left egypt [13/1] and went near Bet el where he had built an altar. There Abram called the name yahweh.
Abram had livestock, silver and gold. Lot, who was with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents. the land [grass] could not support them [both flocks grazing] together. their herders argued. Abram said to Lot, “go apart, if you go left, I’ll go right and if you go right, I’ll go left.” Lot chose watered land like the land of Egypt. he went east from his relative. Abram stayed but Lot's tents were by cities by Sodom, where its men were sinning 13/13 greatly against the Lord. [sodomy is men using the sewage exit from a man for inserting. i ask using the sewage exit of a female is the same action, so same sin?] Abram went to live by Hebron [source 13/18 this part was influenced by the true history of the sons of israel moving from shechem where they dwelled. later they purchased homes and built stone homes in hebron], where he stood his tents. There he built an altar to yahweh.
to be continued.
note: chapter 13 until abraham's relative is 700 words but the events of abrahams story are 130 words with 500 words that distract from the theme of abram story with dry names. the story in egypt had a bad message that i needed to edit.
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