Tuesday, December 20, 2022

the exciting conclusion of gruesome JAWS 1975

the exciting conclusion of gruesome JAWS 1975
STORY: a shark killed a swimmer by a beach community ergo some try to hunt it. it was 25 feet long!
while hunting it on a boat, Brody warned the team that the shark was approaching. Quint shot harpoons that hit the huge shark with three harpoons but it survived. at least the plastic barrels stuck to help aim in the future.
That night, Quint told his sad story: during the japan war in July 1945, japan sunk his ship. its crew, over 1,100 men were floating in the sea... with sharks. Quint witnessed sharks biting many sailors around him... 800 died so he became a shark hunter. 
__exciting conclusion:
after this tragic tale, the giant shark crashed into the boat ergo caused a leak. Quint hurried and fired a rifle at the three plastic barrels, but the shark escaped again. the team started fixing the boat due to seawater ruining the fuel and engine. the shark returnd! 
quint shot harpoons with ropes tied to the boat. the shark had "incredible" strength so pulled the boat until q' cut the ropes. Quint angrily smashed the radio that Brody was using to call for help. The shark returned! 
it started chasing the boat. Quint turnd toward land until their engine stalled. the boat is so damaged that it started to slowly sink... near the scary shark. Quint gave float-jackets to his team but not for himself.
Hooper dond scuba gear and entered a cage that his pals lowered into the sea... his harpoon was ready... but again no effect despite the poison. the shark shredded the cage as he swam to hide.
Brody and Quint raised the crushed cage. shark jumped from the sea onto the boat. its weight was tipping it down causing a slope. the pair desperately grip the wall as their side rose. the shark's sharp teeth were under them if they fall! Quint, the shark hunter held as long as he could but slid down into its "jaws". The shark, with Quint's bloodied corpse swam under sea. shark had defeated the shark hunter.
brody showed horror! as the boat sank he took an air tank. when shark "crashd through" the side of the boat, Brody swung the tank. The shark grabbed it in its jaws. it swam away... but only for a moment!
Brody climbd the mast with a rifle and shot at the air tank that burst the shark's head. blood and shark chunks rain down.
Hooper swam up to the surface. The pair of survivors weakly chuckle at the victory and relief.
they assemble parts and paddled to shore. the danger had ended... except from the tree huggers who accused them of murdering a shark.
note: Jaws 1975, $260M was most popular in its year due to weak competition see decade in preceding post.
won Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975, $139.9M.

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