Sunday, December 11, 2022

the silly debate about murder

when i try to have proper dialog with religious people they show with their words that they realize they are wrong and change the subject instead of agreeing for unity.
for example i pointed to the years "in egypt before exodus" the bible has several versions. if "god told abraham four hundred" that was true and fulfilled. so publishers wrote a timeline with 400 years due to that but then... in the section of the generations until moses the year numbers show less than 400 years so the writers of genesis described a false prophecy.  
later the book exodus said in egypt more than 400 years and certainly god knew the true number but the writers were separate from god so the books are not holy nor prophecy nor true because if 400  is true then the generation is false and if 430 is near 400 not exactly 400 as christians published. and if 400 is true then the other two sources are false.
so when i pointed this out to somebody they replied "the bible said do not murder"=no connection. they were changing the subject because they refused to agree. so i tried to switch back the subject me:"so you agree about the years" blind bias=bb:that is not what i said, me: you changed the subject kuz we reached agreement. bb:no we did not. me:so explain the years. bb: i mean you cant criticise a book that said do not kill. me: that detail is good but the book has many details. bb: still we need that book for no murder. me: "wait need? the CAUSE for you is the book saying not murder? or you already have that idea so agree to the book." bb: what is the difference. me: if you "need' the book to tell you not to murder then without it you would? or else you "do not need it." bb: stop being so stubborn the bible is very complex.
so i ask since people use the bible to justify cruelty and talking does not help becaue they are too biased by commiting to a bad book what will stop them from doing bad harmful stuff like altering a baby body genital... only if we dared to kill them they would not hurt the baby so i ask what other way beside killing will stop the cruelty? talking they simply dont communicate as above.

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