Friday, December 2, 2022

the exciting ending of book hobbit 1937

the exciting ending of book hobbit 1937: dragon attack and war
continuity: dwarves went on a mission to reclaim their mountain kingdom with its treasure... from the deadly dragon smaug. after they and bilbo a species called hobbit, had dangerous adventures with various magical creatures and giant spiders they came to humans who helped the dwarves prepare to continue their quest.
the dwarves opened the secret door to the cave in the dwarves' mountain. Bilbo and the dwarves enterd. bilbo saw smaug and "silently" like a burglar, took some precious gems from the treasure, for thorin. Bilbo had taken as his portion the Arkenstone, that Thorin "wanted most". Bilbo wore an armor coat, forged by elves, of a material called mithril.
the exciting CONCLUSION: they closed the door just in time for dragon smaug to smash [12] the mountainside. rocks fell so b team got trapped. bilbo took his portion: arkenstone [13]. dwarvs came n wore gold armor. then they came out the other side of the mountain, because dragon will return and expel them.
in the lake town, [14] Watchers saw orange, far away so they warnd the town. the deadly dangerous dragon, Smaug appeared. the humans saw n feared him and threw water on thatch roofs... which would not help. Smaug flew and blew blazing FIRE down burning homes and humans. the victims shot arrows at it... fruitlessly. a "little birdy told" bard where to shoot smaug. he saw the reflection of hard gems and aimed for the gap, shot n killd the dragon. it fell and crushed more homes. smaug's death squirm destroyed more homes. [changed in video to splash in water].
The survivors tell about Smaug's death. the elves came to help the humans demand a portion of the treasure for their action to kill the dragon and for building new wood replacement homes. for this Bard tried to convince Thorin [c15]. when the dwarf king refused to give a fair portion for the dragon slayer, elves began a siege against the dwarves.
Bilbo gave [c16] the Arkenstone to Bard for bargaining. by this Bilbo earned the elve's respect, for helping the victims by betraying the selfish thorin. Gandalf returned and praised bilbo. bilbo returned to his "friends". +fan fiction b' felt annoyed by thorin's selfishness even in this situation. instead of returning to the dwarves, he asked for a pony to ride home kuz "felt annoyed by the siege" reasn not to return. the elves used magic to send biblo in time and place to his home one day after he left so while he was with the dwarves and the trolls he was enjoying his calm hole home. bard offered the arkenstone in exchange for a "fair portion" for slaying the dragon which benefitted the dwarves. thorin ordered an attack on the siegers... and the dwarves charged toward the elves who used arrows to "kills six of the twelve dwarves including thorin" [in  hobbit1977 video, six elves died and thorin was dying due to goblins, only "six" including gandalf will remain. however if war elves six included thorin the dead king]. the remaining six dwarves fled back in the mountain. they shouted to give shares to the treasure... but goblins came. goblins have horns and bat ears over their eyes and sharp fangs in video 1977.]
 end fan fiction.
STORY: Bard approached the dwarves and offered the Arkenstone in exchange for a portion of treasure. Thorin yelled at bilbo for giving it to bard. Bilbo explained "Arkenstone was my portion", and left to the elf-human camp. Dain the dwarf came with soldiers.
Trumpets blared [c17] as the twelve dwarves prepared to charge at the siege... then the elves heard goblins and orcs attacking so they turned and massacred them. other Goblins, bats, wolves and Wargs raided the valley so elf n men archers shot and killed many. dwarves led by thorin charged out of the cave in both directions cutting down goblins n beasts all along the narrow valley, until it widened. more Goblins attacked in the hills defeating dain's dwarves and threatening the elf-men camp... a rock from the goblins above, hit bilbo on his head so he fell unconscious.
meanwhile, too many goblins were overpowering the valley and the hills until... giant eagles flew and lifted dangerous wargs high and dropped them so the goblins fled.
Bilbo awoke alone [c18] so took his ring off to be visible. 
fan fiction: after the victory the elves turned back to the dwarves. thorin died in battle so the dwarves share the wealth with men. even give to elves for defeating the goblins and orcs. bilbo did not know kuz he hit his head i mean kuz he went home as above. STORY: Bilbo n Gandalf went to elf town, Rivendell. later the pair came to Hobbiton. end of myth creatures.

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