Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas song 12 gifts

NOW Merry Christmas... to believers in jesus the lord (in letter romans differed from theo but either faith is good both not divine lord, like paul or divine like john). 

the famous song "first day of Christmas" has some symbolisms but the symbols should be nearer to the idea symbolized than pear tree. not merely each number was used.

so some "defend" tree is symbol cross and pear for letter "p" to match partridge which "acts wounded to lead carnivors away from its kids" symbol for jesus sacrificing self for others but... COULD be nearer the symbolism, not merely each number was used for something as i found at some website.

despite "day" is symbol for 12 ideas, still only one day the one claimed birth or due to unknown date, to "celebrate birth." admittedly book acts never taught that ORIGINAL  students celebrated his birth. so not obligated just a cause to celebrate... if you want.
the SYMBOLIC references for each is at some website so i will not copy.
just a sample: 12 calling birds symbolism 12 students who were sent [matthew 10] to preach the "grace of honey" source corinthians. from them 11 "loyal" like doves excluding one.
so i suggest [see lyrics together below with a suggestion for less repetition]
"12 cups of honey... 11 young doves chirping" cups get filled symbol of students. honey is the lesson of grace. dove symbol loyal nearer than the famous song.
ten "commandments" a misnomer of "ten speeches" in deuteronomy, truly not commands as indicated by grammar [and action "do not steal" but stole from canan in their story, indicating not command. do not kill but pinhas phineas killed a guy and was praised indicating not sins] the actions are like dancers performing "prescribed moves" before grace, "rest on seventh day" but free from that covenant in covenant described by jeremiah which was prophesied for his future the time described in that chapter when "clean sins" in that section which was fulfilled materializing before the destruction of jerusalem at the time prophesied by daniel.]
so nearer than their song "10 dancers dancing, 9 frag-rant-fruit."
9 fruit -of spirit [galations 5:22] etc. already published elsewhere so i wont copy.
i also found 8 writers, "The New Testament was penned by only eight men (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, Jude, Paul and Peter)."
6,7 work six and rest seven so milking matches six and leisure swim.
5 books of death but 4 gospels singing grace so symbol
5 swing-ing-swords, fou-r singing birds. as god planned and revealed in jeremia free from those five called leviticus etc. which can cause errors.
3 strings: 3 appearances of god, one appearing in flesh the same one not in flesh source john ten.
string is made by twisted threads symbol 3 are 1.
2 covenants, described in Jeremiah 31,31, different from first death instead in heart grace,  "clouds" are source and ride on clouds.
one messiah like a lamb with crown of thorns.
no need to CHANGE melody i made it match.
same melody, words by pastor [ex-rabbi] n.s.
"I got twelve gifts on crismas to be thankful for: a young lamb in a thorn bush
[fast part of melody one time, list of numbers instead of adding by repeating]
12 cups of honey... 11 young doves chirping
10 dancers dancing, 9 frag-rant-fruit
[same fast]
8 writers writing, 7 swans swimming
6 maids milking, 5 swing-ing-swords [pause]
[slow conclusion]
fou-r singing birds, 3 strong strings
2 different clouds [pause]
and a young lamb by a thorn bush."
endnote for analysis
question: why were the ten on TWO TABLETS?
what alternative? one? maybe they dont fit on one? that ignored "four very short on second," not half and a "wise god" could plan?
from the start "god planned two covenants" as told to jeremia in chapter 31. the story of the two tablets "of covenant" as called in deuteronomy were symbols of the two covenants, [revealing the lie of maimonides who was a heretic of judaism by denying jeremia and the two tablets called covenant] the "previous covenant" of death due to "the physical body being like the SHELL of egg" from which the birds hatch. the life is the bird not the shell!!
the emphasis on death served the purpose of teaching the "precious soul" is the life not the body like egg shell or in hindu like clothing... but clothing switch many times like hindu rebirth... and repeat death but christian faith from jesus resurect "die once" and second life no wife as taught in gospel not body so not like clothing like eggshell.
this defends the flaw of the mockers in family guy season 20, mocking "god killed infants" with a true list of sources admittedly not "part of the comedy" but a true list but only based on the wrong atheist assumption of "only body". however if "soul is the important thing" which was "not punished if child was a first born in egypt" ONLY exiting egg shell like a baby bird. the death of first born was not real death... except for the guilty ones, and the death of "all" first born showed that the soul is the important part not the body so only the pre-supposition of "no soul" motivated the brain-less mocking... as usual from lazy agnostics including dawkins and hitchins.

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