Monday, December 19, 2022

my summary "rocky horror" 1975 comedy

STORY of rocky horror 1975. the title is the name of a character the new man that doc made using chemistry.
in November 1974, in the small town Denton, Ohio, Brad Majors (Barry Bostwick) and Janet Weiss (Susan Sarandon) who had met in college, went to a wedding. Brad sang to ask Janet to wed him. she agreed. the couple drove until the tire burst. the couple were singing that things will get better while walking in the rainy night to the door of an old castle.
the door opened to show a tall butler who glared at them. Brad asked him for a phone for their car problem. they enter and saw a foyer with hunting trophies and odd items. they heard a party.
Brad and Janet met the maid. the guests danced to a song which contained the moves of the dance. [later cyrus sung a southern style square dance containing the moves. nice voice but i did not like the melody]. Brad and Janet enterd a high chamber and saw a throne and a jukebox and guests who wore tuxedos and party hats were dancing and singing the same song. 
one of staff wore gold-sequins and was tap dancing, but the couple wore wet clothing due to the rain. Doc wore "drag" style lady shorts n lipstick. janet screamd and fainted. doc sang. Brad asked for phone. doc replied, "yeh you need help." doc rode up the elevator. the staff took off the couple's wet clothing til Brads panty and Janet's slip. Brad and Janet then rode the elevator up. they stood in a chamber, where guests watched from a high balcony. doc was wearing a lab coat and long gloves. he uncoverd a glass aquarium. 2 staff set the controls. the room darkens. doc laughs "maniacally"...
he opend pipes that pour chemicals into the tank... and a man exited. unwrapping exposed a muscular man [named "Rocky Horror" title], who wore only a golden panty. doc chased Rocky calling his name. they sang. doc grabd Rocky. sang again. A guy rode a motorcycle, thru ice wall. wore black leather, n sang so people showed joy. biker stood. doc was chasing biker n swinging the sharp pickax...  blood on floor indicated that doc killed him. all show shock...... doc explained he did a "good mercy killing" and sang again. he led new man to bedroom. 
Brad and Janet went to separate rooms. doc, dressed like brad, entered Janet's bed. she realized not brad and protested but... enjoyed. After that, he, dressed like her, entered Brad's bed.  Brad noticed and protested until doc convinced him he will enjoy. he lifted brad legs indicating homo insertion. [ouch?]
Rocky went out until dogs chased so he ran outside the castle. Janet regretted so went to look for Brad. she wanderd lost in the corridors until finding Rocky hiding in the glass box in the lab injured. she tore her garment to wrap his wounds. 2 staff were watching Rocky and Janet by a monitor in their room. Janet requested sex saying "she was a virgin". [if true needed healing?]. Rocky did. 2 staff saw this too. doc was hitting a staff guy. Brad saw and showed horror. An alarm sounded. on a TV monitor, all saw a man: Dr. Scott, Brad's past teacher, riding a wheelchair by the front gate. doc F. complained that doc s. was investigating UFOs. Dr. Scott enterd. F. led Brad to the lab where he activated a powerful magnet. it pulled the metal wheelchair with Dr Scott up to it. a staff invited the guests to dinner. they gathered in a dining chamber. for Rocky's Birthday, they sang "Happy Birthday." Dr. Scott said he wanted to see his nephew, Eddie, who had been here. when the tablecloth got pulled off, he saw Eddie's cut corpse. Janet ran to Rocky's arms. Frank slapped Janet who fled. doc chased her. Janet, followed by doc, Rocky, Brad, and Dr. Scott enterd  the lab. 
doc pulled a lever for a device that caused their feet to get stuck to the floor [hinting alien]. when they complain he used the device to change them one by one to stone statues. an aid entered and complained about killing them so doc also changed her to stone. 2 other staffers prepared a "shocking" show.
those statues wore tiny panties on stage.
One after another doc freed them so they sang and danced several songs. 
doc F' sang until... two staffers interrupted. they were wearing uniforms and held laser ray guns. Riffraff declareD that they will go home to their planet Transylvania in the Galaxy of Transexual. doc f. sang. Riffraff explained that only he and Magenta will go home. he planned to kill Frank N. Furter [for killing eddie]. Riffraff aimed a ray gun at Frank, so Columbia screamed. Riffraff zapd her and next killd Frank who was running. Rocky grabd the corpse n climbd the background of the stage. he survived several shots from the ray gun, until dying. Brad, Janet and Dr. Scott left. Magenta and Riffraff celebrate going home. Brad and Janet carried Dr. Scott out. the castle flew away under a rainbow and dawn sky.

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