from all the bible books which is the oldest?
jews believe the talmud that moses wrote genesis so that is older than joshua while christians claim that job is before moses while jews say job was the same or later than moses.
well research shows that all of the earliest originals were lost and replaced and not preserved.
original ruth was first of surviving texts but that differs from ruth as above and lost like original moses and joshua were not preserved but replaced by corrrupted exapnded versions.
talmud baba batra positions ruth first yet is described as differing our ruth begins with bad suffering hunger whereas original ruth "differed from job in that ruth did not begin with suffering..."
the original ruth was lost and that was the oldest before later writers wrote about joshua and moses.
since the originals of moses and joshua differ from what we received with those names the oldest ones are certainly lost=the jews failed to preserve the originals barely preserving the description which allow us to identify that they exterminated the previous texts and replaced them with altered enlarged baseless versions. which christians adopted trusting bad rabbis. they coulda said we only acccept the parts of old testament quoted by jesus and apostles... making a book of quotes from jesus...
back to oldest, considering that joshua was before kings 9 regarding gezer the earliest surviving book is what we call joshua written after joshua and corrupted while the original joshua and book of moses like original ruth were lost and replaced by corrupted versions between joshua and writing of kings completed at bablonian exile giving a huge time frame like the qsita coin... large time frame.
so the ones we have first joshua before kings 9, so before the book was written after the last king around 500 bc
as historian PAUL JOHNSON wrote the rest are later "after 500 bc " and these differing+corrupted books replaced the riginals which were certainly lost and extermninated to conceal differences between the lengthened versions.
the original moses would be oldest yet certainly lost and replaced and similarly ruth lost and replaced.
for evidence and analysis of my process of revealing lies and rejecting mistakes to avoid
repeating my mistakes and baseless tricjks from so-called researches continue or trust me i untied the lies although it took many frustrating hours searching the evidence.
see below to avoid the pitfalls of religiuos liars who insist on "meeting religious guiodelines"
the oldest most ancient biblical book is ruth and earlier books including original ruth were lost and jews failed to preserve the book and exterminated previous versions, only preserving the descritptions so we could catch the lies of later authors.
i am aware that christians claim job is an old book telling the story about the time of jacob with coin ksita, altho this matches genesis what is the time frame of that coin?
also the words of job are unique a differnt era than the bible could there be evidence of the babylon exile?
the word kapan seems aramaic such as capan for hunger in job 5 when did aramic enter the jewish books when they were exiled to babylon... oops in the time of ezekeil guess what ezekiel had the word capan damn it. every detail of the "so-called-researchers" turns out a false trail.
so job is in the time of ezekiel and so is genesis. in fact the jewish traddition specified the coin ksita is an arabic coin and the first arabs were near israel in isaia 13 long after moses so gensis too was long after moses.
if we believe genesis then ksita was in era of jacob but what if kesita was used for a long time and the hebrew of job is late with unique words at least ninety and capan from ezekiel age
so which is oldest?
also translation of ksita was tetradrachma a weight of 4 drachma
furthermore jewish tradition sadi moses wrote books of moses yet that same tradition describes moses book so we know it is not the sam e book... so not from the age of moses in fact the style of name interpretation indicates later rabbinic style after jesus if not for being in septuagint
now jewish tradition said the opposite of christians and th eevidence of ksita is weak because the coin was used for a long time until the days of akiba there were ksita so olong after moses it could be anywhen before akiba now the jewish tradition puts job late after both ruth and pslams andasks if moses wrote it or job was moses time it should be before ruth now thta implies that it isnot uniform anmd ;late is good if not moses... so after moses and no conflict because used ksita until akiba and capan dates in in iezekiel era
but christians say before moses while jews say maybe moses or later
now moses wrote "his book and bilam and job" reveals that he book we call moses which contains bilam and is a different size is after moses deutro moses so like job later hile the book of the other size separate from bilam was not preserved.
since joshua said i wrote my book and job specified he did not! job 19 he wishes it was written so he did not write nor moses because ezekiel kapan, so joshua must be oldest.
this is supported by joshua 24 .26 joshua wrote these wors in the book of god sparate from moses no book of moses yet until later claimed what was from moses so exodus does nmot say "me god said to me" and supported by joshua joshua did write it but not in moses book
also joshua 8 31 saidmoses wrote one book short enough to write on a rocj in one day... that is a different lost book and the 5 books handed to us are laetr in contrast to joshua 24 he wrote his own book so first book. however he wrote isnot the same but differs from i wrote so somebody wrote that joshua wrote s
tuff and this is not the original book which joshua wrote either...
especialy since the enmd no sword refutes the stories in the beginning and the no sword is the part joshua wrote that is stronger to refute the war lies written by post joshua
so what is next judges? or ruth/ the evidence said ruth was before job and since joshua wrote stuff bot not the book joshua then ruth must be the first book written before later people expanded moses and joshua books so the traditional order has ruth first in talmud before psalms and before job and therefore oldrr book then joshua which is after the stuf joshua wrote and bd refiuted by the wird sof joshua preserved at the end of th ebad book and ruth is oleder than the later expansion of the differing moses book which th jews did not preserve except for its description allowing us to note the difference in fact ruth starts with peraz so starting with jacob in joshua ios a challenger to the earlkier original ruth. ruth never attempted top connect to abraham starting at perez whereas later writers claimed baselessly that the root is before perez however the tradition postioned ruth earlier so we could revela the truth and reject the lies of genesis and joshua 24 whoich were "cklaime by someone later that joshua wrote" in order to challenbge ruth which started with perez and a poositioned first so the lie of autujhor of joshua is revealed.
now joshua said gezer until this day which is before kings [not the day reading this the one near the writer] and by solomons time it was past kings 9.16 so before solomon and after joshua and since ruth is first in talmud after ruth. also ruth starts with perez ytherefore first also meditation 3 years ago revealed ruth ius first but i did not rely on that alone.
now ruth is the oldest surviving jewish book since the jews failed to preserve the writings o f joshua and moses and even ruth was expanded and the original ruth was preserved in josepus with differencesand since by then jospus beleived genesis he didnot mention perez otherwiose preserving the original while th ejews lost the one josepus quoted from which had perez klike the ocrrupted ne with additional corruptions. and the jews failed to preserve that original only keepuing the expanded version known to be corrupt when comnpared to josepus so ruth the way ot is is not original and still first in talmud because all are after the later author who wrote ruth but who wrote ruth? the lost original said but the jews lost it...
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