several years ago a university professor directed me to read a book with academic analysis of the bible one section pointed out the "unique" style of the song of paro inserted into exodus 15.
indeed the verbs are a differnt style than usual demonstartaing two layers or strata of the song blended into one text.
the usual verb form is future plus "w" yet that secion of the song mixes the usual verb with abnormal forms liks future without w for past time and even simple past form this is unique.
the author claims thatt the "older one" is the simple past and if so the same mix in the creation story would show two layers from different times blended into the creation story in genesis
when we compare the book of isaia somebody said this is what "he saw" using the simple verb form and even in that section a future verb for past as noted by david radak and the grammar alone "god will say' in that same section of isaia one indicating that the word "yikasyumu" like yomar and the simple past verb was added at an editing in the time of isaia the opposite of the academic book two times but simple verb is laterin the time of the tsudents of isaia and similarly in the creation story the FIRST OPENING words of genesis are THE LATER addition using the unusual simple verb "created" instead of the constant future+w which follows so yes we have a blenmd of layers and the ;ater one was the verb style in isaia after isaia and after solomon added into the book of genesis itself in an editing.
now it is time to edit again to identify what is "critical" and removed all details that are cruel and immoral and non critical.
in fact the most reliable preservation of pre jesus content is what jesus quoted!
firstly because he ws an ancient source quoting plus considering the evidence we already know as in previous post that the original books of ruth joshua and moses were lost the jews failed to preserve the originals replacing them with corrupted and lengthened versions which are noticably different from the lost originals as described in jewish tradition and septuagint.
so when jesus said "a curser of a father or mother deserves death" which in my opinion is not from any merciful godnor and justly god... it is an accurate preservation of the original bad evil law.
we can connect by criticism and say my connection to the ancient part of the law is knwing and recognizing the bad evil cruelty of killking a son for speaking because that is trulyin the ancient text and deserves notice and condemnation.
in contrast jesus tells the story of the "snake which moses lifted in the desert" beside the snake of moses and aron at paro, this preserves the ancient original tale and the corrupted jewish bible that moses "made a metal snake from copper" is revealedmoses lifted not made
in fact in septuagingt to numbers 21 the word could be made and could also by "did" obeyed gods method to lift a snnake in fact why metal? altho this is permitted if not for worship teh word in numbers could describe the type of snake named in english copperhead or any snamke colored copper because copperhead is american soa different sname colored copper except that the hebrew is produced while jesus preserved moses lifted a snake and septuagint also the verb is did like obey not making a snake but did the action of god in the previous verse "poinson" which means poise and raise and lift
not make nor produce in fact the same word is used in the verse nine "poins" so moses lifted! matching jesus better than the english trahnslation of the septuagint!
clearly the septuagint was the source of jesus poins not produce but lift and that preserves the original bible not the jewish hebrew book which makes a metal snake just a word game of the letters nhs... but not the original preserved by jesus and septuagint
poinse and epoise same word for lift like jesus said not like corrupted jewish biuble corrupted by rabbis between the originbal and jesus which jesus saw and rejected and replaced by the original and similarly other examples jesus quotes from septuagint not the corrupted rabbi one with different words which the jews nclaim moses wrote and is the same unaware or ignoring the evidence of corruption preserved in septuagint and new testament. the differnce is this is not cruelty and can be connected to without condemnation in contrast to the kill son bad evil message truly in original bible as preserved by jesus.
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