Monday, November 27, 2017

my prologue to "star-wars" ep. one

my prologue.
the intro [called the crawl] of v1=video one named phantom menace 1999, is problematic as I explain below in detail. i suggest changing one detail of the story and replacing  the intro with a different brief intro which follows an additional brief prologue as i will explain and support. this edit irons out some problems in a way that the jedi are "sent for justice" as they are described to be characterized. see below for supportive details.
** "the greedy trade-federation blockaded naboo to prevent exports. the blockade is illegal but the senate cannot agree if they should use war to end the blockade. instead the jedi council sent two jedis to end the illegal blockade"
admittedly this differs from the intro yet it irons out some of the problems as explained below and i suggest it REPLACE the intro in v1.
also i add a brief prologue about the source of palpatine in the way the light congealed into  anakin considering that the "sith were defeated" and weak for centuries a detail in v1.
why would i do this? there are many reasons to support this and you can see for yourself the factors and problems which need to be "ironed out" and which would be ignored with a thoughtless reply  "just fiction" well if so, then why struggle to defend something problematic when we can send the jedis to end an illegal blockade...
many factors to consider such as the characteristics of jedis. as well as more...
jedi are defined as "knights who battle for justice" so sending them to "end an illegal blockade" is justice while sending them to "end a legal blockade" is problematic is that justice at all? and will they use mind control?
consider my unique prologue would put the jedis as bringing justice and would correct the problem of the blockade "being legal" in the opinion of the blockaders, as described in the video.
here are some factors to consider.
the story of "star wars" truly begins in the books=a six book series and i support the decision to select the adventures of luke as a starting point to tell the story 1979=his adventures we know he does not know his father only knows that darth vader killed his father and that is all we know as we follow lukes adventures.
later 1999 published background of darth vader in the story "phantom menace" published in video 1999 around 16 years after we saw darth vader died.
what happened before? that is only partially revealed in the videos. so i add my prologue based on my interpretation of perceived contradictions in the videos.
first we must define the "dark side"
the name "force" indicates a source of power and energy and a force that can be drawn from. the force has a will and desire according to v1.
how does the dark side use the energy source called the force? darth vader uses the force to choke people when he is angry, but the jedi so-called-good also use violence and lie too.
so what is dark?
is dark that darth sidius used deception to become emperor? jedi also use deception many examples such as "these are not the droids you are looking for" and jedi mind control is also a form of temporary enslavement.
one key difference is the issue of selfishness. note the word "angry" above vader uses force for his personal desires. also "to become emperor" that is the central difference the dark side is characterized by selfishness and drawing from the energy of the force for personal gain.
that is the idea of dark. this idea is defined in v1==video one phantom menace, when the senator trains his apprentice darth mal and sends him against the jedis...
here is a significant issue if the blockade is "bad" then the jedis struggle to end the bad blockade and the darth... against the jedi as characterized on the dark side. my prologue is better.
we see sidius order the INVASION of the blockaded planet this defines sidius as on the dark side taking the planet from its inhabitants and instead taking it under his control as he instructs the trade federation greens. "i will make it legal".
later we see other examples too.
the invasion and desire to become chancelor is not simple opportunism but use of the force for his personal gain to rise to power and eventually re-establish the sith ruling with fear and destroying planets.
in contrast the jedi use force for justice which differs from selfish gain. luke does not use the force to be the new emperor and enslave everybody who fears his power. that is what defines the dark side.
in my opinion the words at the start of v1 are poorly worded and deserve a prologue preceding them.
i will paraphrase the idea now to demostrate some of the many problems in this "just fiction".
what star wars fans call "the crawl" because the words crawl scrolling on the screen, is worded in a way that not only does not connect to the opening scene but worse is itself problematic as i support.
1 republic if so taxes go to the "government of the republic" so the idea "tax dispute" is a problem and also considering the story focused on one planet the "turmoil is localised" by one planet so i believe most of the words should never have been scrolled and suggest a replacement.
the turmoil is one planet as the story unfolds and does "not engulf the republic" this introduction must be replaced. we must introduce the focus on one planet. the second part is worse after telling us there is a republic which governs the galaxy then the tax goes to one place the republic so the idea of "tax dispute" is not only stupid but also conflicts the idea of republic in the first sentence published in 1999.
the "blockade" does not connect to the tax at all especialy if tax goes to the government. the blockade is legal why? and which direction is the blockade? the intro is unclear unless i say to prevent export.
if the argument is trade routes then go  through "shared interplanetary space" it would seem appropriate to stop the bad guys misusing the trade routes by preventing export... yet the intro tells the opposite of export the blockade is "stop shipping to naboo" i suggest fixing this with preventing export which matches the greed of the federation.
the blockaders consider it "legal" what is the argument in the senate? i fix this problem as well.
if legal, greedy? the blockade was approved. worse it is still unclear what justification to deny supplies "to" naboo. in contrast an evil  blockade matches greedy and warrants the description greedy and needs jedi.
altho these issues might be addressed in the book... still the intro of the video only makes things worse. why were the jedis sent?
in v1 we see the jedis want to make a contract with the blockaders... how? we know jedi have mind control... is that the plan?? that is "not justice."
if we assume the blockade was legal then the "congress" did act=approving the blockade... if so the blockade is "not alarming" nor "fruitless endless talk" my prologue fixes these problems. the fruitless endless talk is the manner of ending the evil blockade.
the intro 1999 defines the good and bad, the trade are bad so if they win we should feel sad why? because they are greedy... that does not match a justified blockade.
only an evil blockade is truly greedy and fits the idea of dark side as above. but what is the greediness in this blockade? the greediness is only shown later when they take control of the planet and are not yet greedy in the legal blockade yet unless it is an evil blockade.
the intro defines the jedi as good why?
they will "enslave with mind control" that is not good. they are not guardians of peace at any point in the story in fact the whole purpose of the jedi knight is to use violence... sabers and fighting are not peace and mind control is also slavery  they are sent to "enforce justice"  that is the only part which is less problematic.
admittedly they are knights of violence too and also lie, the difference is it is not for personal gain it is for justice "these are not the droid you are looking for." what separates them from the dark side is only the absence of greedy for self power and gain.
what remains is only a "republic+ jedi knights" because all the rest is problematic and we must send the jedis for justice. mind control? "he forced me i didnot want and did not truly agree nor consent."
hence the urgent need for my prologue/intro to replace this problematic intro.
for the prologue before intro [only intro to replace intro s above] according to v1 the sith were defeated centuries before the blockade story named phantom menace.
a separate prologue can present:
1 the greedy cruel sith have long been defeated. nobody has used the force for selfish evil for many centuries.
2 the dark side of the force, which was weak for so long, finally surfaces generating a child who will embody the dark side of the force. his name is palpatine who congealed from the force into the material world with no human parents.
3 palpatine bullied the leaders of the trade federation to expand their control under his leadership to rule over many planets. [this leads to the detail in v1 that the trade federation controls some planets but not others]
4 palpatine wants to add naboo to the control of the federation- now that would be a display of greediness... a desire to control an additional. planet.
5 the trade federation blockades naboo to prevent EXPORTS... i know that is the opposite of the bad "canon" of star wars fans, and this unique difference is "my" prologue which they insist is not canon.
still as above my fixing can replace the problematic intro.
6 why blockade? because the greedy want people to buy from them.
so the intro can be "the greedy trade federation blockaded naboo to prevent exports. the blockade is illegal but the senate cannot agree if they should use war. two jedis are sent to end the illegal blockade" in such an intro the jedi mind control would bring justice. not to enslave a good blockade
instead the greedy trade federation blockades naboo to prevent competition and stop its exports. this is bad but "the senate hesitates" to use war.  jedis go to enforce justice.
my separate prologue to v1
the dark side of the force, which was weak for centuries finally appears and surfaces in the form of palpatine. he is the embodiment of the dark side of the  force congealed from the dark side with no parents. he trains darth mal to re-instate the sith leadership which was defeated centuries before the blockade. [this detail is truly stated in v1]
this prologue then connects to my intro of v1 as above.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

"bad doggy"

if we emphasize human life then that should be applied two 2 ways.
one increasing the food supply in poor countries and two identifying the animals which endanger human life and then starting with the common factors to provide lots of available food to poor countries.
"look at this biased wording equating avalanche to bears... in yellow stone park context is "avalanches kill six and falling trees kill 6" so they talk about "low risk"  of bears dividing the bears into types instead of total bear deaths one type is 8  with tricky wording "eight deaths is only slightly more" is human life so insignificant?? of course not ask the victims relatives those were 8 additional deaths which would not have happened if only "only less dangerous animals were preserved." while the dangerous ones were fed to poor countries and hunted to extinction because they are dangerous.
note: 8 in the park we see the danger of this bear which we could prevent in contrast to avalanche 8 additional deaths and know from these samples additional injuries and deaths outside the park.
slightly more? ask the victims relatives
"killed by a bear in the park (8 incidents) is only slightly higher than the probability of being killed by a falling tree (6 incidents), in an avalanche (6 incidents), or being struck and killed by lightning (5 incidents)."
***the difference is we cannot prevent lightening and we can prevent dangerous bears to photograph a picture and then extinctify those dangerous killers for the sake of human life. you will not put it in prison so turn them into bear-burgers for the poor countries.
*other species. admittedly bears are less than dogs... that is acheived by hunting bears less bears equals less killers we must continue and encourage bear-gers at least for poor countries. sell meat from bears and vicious species dogs etc to mexico as explained below.
dogs cause many human deaths each year is it any specific aggressive one?
in 2015 the more viscious dogs caused over 30 human deaths in america.
over 30 DEATHS besides many more injuries.
over 90%  were two types of dogs "pit bulls" almost all and rotweilers next. OBVIOUSLY nobody wants all dogs extinct is that a defense to save the  vicious breeds? will you protect the killers? when they can be used as abundant meat in poor countries.
identifying the more viscious dogs plus starving countries logicaly points to using different dogs for law enforcement while using those vicious species for meat sent to starving countries.
also as the number of dogs in kennels reaches 80% capacity it is time to feed the poor... "put to sleep" the ones  "not adopted the longest" to make room for new ones. true dogs kill humans but that does not mean kill all dogs focus first on pit bulls almost all human deaths are from them all pit bulls in america should be fed to poor countries for respect of human life. next rotweiler until eliminate human deaths for an entire year.
consider bear and wild boars that are dangerous to people it is easy to learn about hunting season and the result is less bears and the survivors learn to keep away from humans.
STILL  in the park alone eight deaths demonstrating a sample of the dangerous species which couuld be prevented. is human life so insignificant?
look at how a website argues that bear life more precious than humans, "bears kill less than human murderers" the difference is we cannot kill the murderers since that is the same bad action the murderer did while we can hunt bears. grizzly and black and brown and "even" white polar bears.
are all carnivours and we have samples that they do injure and kill people see for yourself they could feed the poor countries but instead are preserved to kill humans instead...
"Black bears also sometimes catch baby deer, cows and moose, but they are more likely to try to steal carcasses from more active predators like wolves, coyotes+ and cougars." they are not like plant eaters and do attack humans too. we have samples to know that outside of the park they are dangerous to humans. bears are a danger to humans hence "respect for life" means hunting bears to extinction.
recorded "Black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900." only? those are the recorded ones do you think 1900-1910 they recorded every event?? besides many more injuries and un-recorded death how can we know? based on the sample we know they are dangerous and the only unknown is the precise number. the dnager out of the park is certain as demonstrated by the known samples.
look at this biased wording equating avalanche to bears...yelow stone context is "avalanches kill six and falling trees kill 6" so they talk about "low risk" with tricky wording "eight deaths is only slightly more" is human life so insignificant?? of course not ask the victims relatives those were 8 additional deaths which would not have happened if only less dangerous animals were preserved. that is 8 in the park we see the danger of this bear which we could prevent in contrast to avalanche 8 additional deaths and know from these samples additional injuries and deaths outside the park.
slightly more? ask the victims relatives
"killed by a bear in the park (8 incidents) is only slightly higher than the probability of being killed by a falling tree (6 incidents), in an avalanche (6 incidents), or being struck and killed by lightning (5 incidents)."
the difference is we cannot prevent lightening and we can prevent dangerous bears take a picture and then extinctify those dangerous killers for the sake of human life. you will not put it in prison so turn them into bear-burgers for the poor countries.
*if so we can encourage the meat of dangerous species so people will hunt and sell them.
still the result of hunting bears means less bears which has the good result rare deaths from bears we should conytinue to enciourage that for bers and other dangerous creatures.
what about deer?
they do not 'attack" like tigers in india kill people and the fact the deadly animals kill less than deer is great and shows we must continue hunting less bears is less killers and still deer do go onto roads causing accidents in cars killibg over a hundred precious lives each year that means "play pen" style keeping a few deer in a playpen like young toddlers to keep them running into the street while encouraging the eating in america or at least for poor countries to have less of the dangerous animals because your relative is beloved and so uis each other perspon to their relatives.
the next issue is not feeeding but still saving mny die from bees and hornets and giving the people syringes is like putting a band aid over cancer we should finnd ways to make the DANGEROUS species extinct as demonstrated by dogs not all only the vicious start pit ball meat and rotweiler and other dangerous animals even deer which do not hunt humans are killers when they are "wandering" outside the playpen we should use them to feed the poor countries and similarly for bees identify which hornets and killer bees to target.
and dangerous scorpions snakes and spiders too those are the ones to nake extrinct for the sake of human life admittedly the priority for these is only to protect human life and suffering while rhe others add the additional abundant food source for poor countries we have more than enuf dogs strtting with pit bukls and rotweilers and ecvebnn the other species "longest time not adopted" ad above to feed meat to poor countries would you dentyu dog meat to people who are starving to death?
would you struggle to save deer who kill over one hundred humans each tyear year after year is human life so cheap? certainly not as relatives see them.
extremists sa do not kill all bees who are they arguing with? for more info
[not washington post badly written] a good summary
the resyult of hunting is less bear fatalities we need to comtinue and encourage hunting dangerous species including deer out of play pens vastly limit and when relevant feed the poor countries our abundant dogs deer wolves etc while extincting certain spiders scorpions and snakes.

my prologue to "snow white" 1937 video

pre-snow white [1937]
the story of "snow white" is scary especialy if seen in a dark movie theater so... kids say i am not scared until in a darkened cinema. in my opinion not for a dark cinema see at home with some light.
the story is named "snow white and 7 dwarves" which indicates the focus is the "with" this group and content of story in this video certainly matches name and the story was portrayed wonderfully and beautifully about who she is and who the seven are and what they do TOGETHER. that is good matching the title.
but how did/what brought them together?
from where queen? who king? is he the same king cole the merry old soul?
how did they meet?
1 the queen is the cause.
she is not the "problem" which needs solving in the story because the theme is not defeating the queen the theme is truly the idea in the name.
now this legend the version which i read is much shorter and the video adds much beauty- there is beauty pronounced byuty and then there is bee-yuti and recently i learned a new pronunciation for something even more than beauty bee-ay-yuti and that describes this amazing video... still the questions "how did this begin" and why is the background different from the normal situations when kings and queens live together?
one possibility is "they are" just the king was not shown.
the queen IS MARRIED  to the king but he is not shown because that is too far from the theme which is the "togethrness of the girl with dwarves... only add queen because she caused them to unite.
or here is my "prologue"
a daughter was born to a king and queen in a castle by the seine river. both parents had brown hair but surprisingly she had blonde hair which was different from her mother and different from both parents. her mother was always speaking about vanity... so much too much and of course to encourage the daughter and with only good intentions she would say "bel means beautiful but look at you" the anger grew each time and bel the princess discovered that when she was angry she could make things break.
so bel used the magic to find the book of spells hidden in the castle library and studied it.
her first attempt at revenge on her mother failed.
bel came to her parents while they were dancing and said a spell that would inflict itching swollen pimples on her mother the queen and as she said the spell correctly she watched the flash from her mouth to her mother the critical queen philipa and return ... now bel had itchy pimples. bel now knew her mother was a witch. I and philipa can control the power of magic, bel understood. she also figured out that philipa had brought the book of magic to the castle apparently inheriting it from her mother endlessly.
feeling ugly and itchy and powerlessly defeated, bel sunk into a deep depression and the windows in her room cracked and crumbled down to dust.
her sadness was broken when the british soldiers attacked the castle by the river seine...
the queen used her powers on the enemy but the britons had a magical gem which protected them from magic and the soldiers shot the defenders of the castle with arrows. a wizard even used a powerful magic to open the wooden "drawbridge". even the queen could not resist because bel was assisting the attackers!
the captors fought and battled into the fortress. then bel told the general that her mother was a witch so the britons brought a wizard to trap philipa inside the thickness of the glass of a glass cup.
bel lived in the fortress and studied english and when her body was ready married one of the soldiers in the fortress.
now this soldier had called his wife to join him after the war ended but he was bored of the same wife for so many years. this soldier would constantly complain "can a child play with only one toy the whole year? is it so bad if a child wants an additional toy?" also he complained  this women is so annoying and irritable. when he saw that bel had low self esteem he made an effort to compliment her and soon decided to send away his wife and take bel in marriage. his wife did not die which would free the commitment of marriage he just sent her away because he wanted a prettier wife.
bel used the magic book to change a mirror into a magic mirror. she made the magic mirror.
the morning after the wedding bel decided she wanted to be queen and rule so she cast a spell on the general and forced him to grant land and kingship to the soldier. william was not a king family but the general granted him land to rule. he was the father of snow white and not "king cole but see "happily n'ever after 2" in that world king cole was snow whites father... after all... snow white was a princess so her father must be a king and we know king cole was a king, but not in this world]
then bel gave the first cursed apple to her new husband william, and they buried him "thinking he was dead".
bel asked the mirror "who is the palest of all" each morning and the mirror would say which woman. then the evil queen sent guards to the one most pretty to bring her to the dungeon. each week the evil queen would go to the dungeon and kill the seven most beautiful girls she had arrested that week until finally after many weeks she was the prettiest of the few remaining women. 
finally the mirror said "you are the prettiest." however this lasted for less than a year. soon the daughter of the dead soldier grew and the mirror said that snow-white was the prettiest. bel changed her hair to black thinking if her hair was the same as snow white she would be the prettiest but that did not change anything. the queen sent the hunter to kill the girl who had light skin called fair. as the story begins.
the hunter warned the queens step daughter.
so that is my prologue explaining the mirror and no king but what ends the mirror?
the queens death is not the theme of the video but we see "the universe brought a lightening bolt"
after the story in the emotional musical video  we must add one detail what happened to the mirror?
after the first love kissed snow white her twin sons were throwing the wooden ball in the house and nobody knew this mirror was magic well the ball cracked the mirror. the end.

Friday, November 24, 2017

save the "bison"?

in our generation many types of animals are "extincting" but the wrong ones.
we should be acting to encourage the hunting of KILLERS such as bison.
"Between 1980 and 1999, 79 people were injured by bison in Yellowstone National Park; that’s more than the 24 bear attacks in the same period. Injuries ranged from goring puncture wounds to broken bones and in some cases death." how can anybody want to preserve a killer? is human life so dirt-cheap?? of course not ask any relative.
EVEN MORE OUTSIDE OF THE PARK by bison and bears.
we should be motivated by valuing human life for the sake of the relatives of the "next prevented victim"
identifying and encourage beef sales from bison and bear and other dangerous north american animals coyotes wolves etc.  AT LEAST  to send beef to poor countries well not beef but meat for nigeria etc.
is death from these animals rare? human life  is precious. and even severe injury should be prevented.
how can we minimize the risk of dangerous spiders? see following post. and dangerous scorpions in california and mexico if trump builds a wall those scorpions will not enter!
i am trying to list the dangers and how to minimize them but now already we need to encourage hunting of bison and bears for meat and next figure out how to remove the poison of scorpions and sell scorpion soup or something to motivate  hunt these dangerous fauna to EXTINCTION. if a hundred species are going extinct first should be the HARMFUL species who kill and even injure humans.

alternate ending deja-vu 2006

so the light went to the earlier time so the cop followed... interesting sci-fi
but why was he alive after the explosion? he went to the past and died okay on that day he had not yet gone to the past but 4 days later he must and die because if later he did not go to the past then he did not save her=loop paradox...
of course to make the movie "sell" they wanted a sweet ending who would recommend without love at the end so i offer the "loser alternate ending" which marketing could not use.
they manage to drive the car to the edge but it gets jammed between other cars... suspense as the wheels spin... the watchers pray for the happy ending and then...
and they "change nothing"... horrid but chilling!

number of continents

this artice takes the natural number 5 like five fingers for the five largest land masses seperated by "narrow" land truly there are only 2 two continents because even narrow land "continues" like the word "contin"+ent so you can see correction
original reasoning only partly changed in later corrrectiuon:
we were born into a world with maps made by europeans. if we examine the physical earth we can see the bias of the haughty europeans who could have named 4 continents but haughtily played noticably problematic games.
number of continents
a continent is a vast area of land regardless of human borders and in my opinion need not be divided by human speech language but by physical division and we can ignore the personal bias of europeans to "grant themselves" their own continent and british bias to rule a complete continent but ask how many and why?
the largest c is named asia so some count 7 c.
asia europe africa australia antarctica and two americas
i disagree because only thin narrow land bridges physically mark a distinction
not the wide mexican border nor the vast ural mountains which do not truly divide anyway.
"continent" of europe? their bias is revealed because truly columbia-panama is narrow by darien mountians.
in my interpretation [rejecting my high school geography study textbook]  south america extends until the narrow connection by darien mountains. i was misled ven borders panama by a game why? could choose colombia for region and better because border and even better than politics nature a  major river.
without panama south america area is 17.8msk and should be named amazon for its major river.
europeans named america because amerigo discovered an important identifier south asia extends to malaya peninsula=which extends southward reaching the equator any idiot should notice that what amerigo explored is different once the land is further south we should not honor amerigo who failed to notice this until much further south.
instead of south america name the region for its major river amazon.
in contrast to the land from darien mountains called panama the narrow land can be named darien this physical border+should not be named america because as above he should notice by equator and worse only discovered the south one but north can be named appalachian but better use the border darien.
australia is it big enough to be a continent? it is the largest island but not big enough it is barely half of antarctica revealing the british bias to claim "we rule a complete continent" well time to fix. antarctica? stupid name call it "south" but not latin south that sounds like australo.
ural c includes both sides +no narrow land except by africa
total 5 see below.
ural africa=nile
also antarctica=south area 14 msk nothing smaller than "south" is large enough to be a continent certainly not half of antarctica a bad name it sghould be named south.
europeans granted themselves a continent bias revealed cuz ural does not truly divide and not narrow like africa and amazon.
ural=both sides of the ural mountains west ten msk far less than ant.+no narrow physical division so included in ural continent both sides extending until narrow land by nile river region
my list of continents [until textbook update test answers should match bad text books until hopefully fix the study books]
1 largest "ural" includes both sides of ural.
2 nile continent
3 darien from darien mountains and north multi-racial.
4 amerigo? better amazon.
5 "south" the smallest continent and all smaller is just large island.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

light not dedicate

josepus tells the story of the "dedication" and then surprises the readers that the holiday is named "light" quote "from that time to this we celebrate this, which we call the Festival of Lights [phôta], because" this is surprising because he is describing the dedication yet the name is not as in new testament revealing they are separate holidays. those who "assume" it is the same one must contend with the two different names since josepus was after the new testament and was discussiing the dedication he could use the name used by the jews in the new testament unless light is a separate holiday.
stop assuming ut is the same one. hagai 2 describes the foundation "from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD'S temple was laid" this is the one new testament referred to in the "pouring" like ninth month in hagai rain season, while josepus refers to a second holiday distinctly named lights not on 24 but on 25. each is a one day holiday with a unique them e and disrtinct name the new testament refers to the holiday on 24 in the "pourijng" so the name is not light while josepus refers to the holiday "we cal light" onm 25 and the rabbis have a different religion ignoring hagai and josepus with a neew religion 8 days of light which the original jews did not do. see for yourself two distinct names josepus does not use the name at the time of the old testaemnt to distinguish so stop assuming it is the same holiday it is separate dates and different themse and names. see for yoursellf.i dare you to find me a jew who obeys hagai  24 jews have detached from tradition and replaced it with no 24 and replaced 25 with 8 days neither in new testament nor in josepus thei r pracstice is like ramadan month.

another thanksgiving-day story

when i was a kid i did not know that on "thanksgiving day" workers of USA government were granted vacation "federal holiday" nor did my family celebrate it mark it nor even eat turkey and stuffing that date [ we did eat it on other dates instead] . i did not know the story of the ship called mayflower until much later in life.
as an adult i was told a backwards story... perhaps you heard that bad version too so here is some true data.
1 the choice of the day thursday was suggested by president lincoln.
2 in 1941 the government approved lincolns idea.
3 the truth historicaly is inter-racial co-operation for example 1565 in spanish colony in florida long before the plymouth story which modern newspapers criticise.
one site wrongly claims "they did not eat turkey and corn" while historicaly we know specifically in the year claimed=1621 "Edward Winslow, one of the colony’s leaders, wrote in a December 1621 letter that the colonists had been blessed by a particularly abundant harvest of corn, the native food crop upon which they had come to depend." so they did have corn and were not "fed by natives" but the opposite like in florida the europeans gave food to the natives.
some mention IN DISCUSSING THANKSGIVING DAY how the europeans killed the natives and this connection led to the reply [apparently the writers desire by connecting them] a reply "thanksgiving is racist i will not celebrate" when in fact it is not linked to killing but the opposite to the plentiful corn in 1621 and even before that in 1565 spanish gave food to the natives showing a day and meal of INTER-RACIAL COOPERATION so the negative articles n' comments are unfounded.
i thought the colonists were in trouble and the feathered natives saved them... bringing the europeans turkey and corn which led me to ignorantly ask "what if,... the natives knew what would happen in the following hundred years" would they assist the pale skins? that question is wrong as we see plymouth massachuset 1621 had corn refuting both the neediness as well as the "no corn" article and my mistaken version of suffering europeans who had the opposite much corn as above and inter-racial cooperation in spanish florida as well.
these ideas and the success of colonies which developed into a culture which encourages  FREE FAITH as my previous post please see it are the ideas of thanksgiving day.

federal vacion

happy turkey day
it is somewhat national that the colonists survived and built a country with freedom of faith
we should not overdue it with freedom to cut people with knives like the cruel religious practice called circumcision in some cruel religions.
here is a list some i agree with because we need soldiers and others are not for the "whole country" and stupid to make a "bordered" day special for one segment and pretend it is for everybody
2017 Holiday Schedule
Date Holiday
Monday, January 2* New Year’s Day calendar good
Monday, January 16 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. who said?
Monday, February 20** Washington’s Birthday first president good
Monday, May 29 Memorial Day soldiers good
Tuesday, July 4 Independence Day national good
Monday, September 4 Labor Day who said?
Monday, October 9 Columbus Day dscoverd islands
Friday, November 10*** Veterans Day soldiers good
Thursday, November 23 Thanksgiving Day national good
Monday, December 25 Christmas Day religous separate

Monday, November 20, 2017

fixing map of game

in my spare time  i fix the game axis and allies 1984. first i want to know: those who play it how many cycles of play until the allies capture tokyo?
it is gaurunteed but i want to know how many?
fixing the game means making it GEOGRAPHICAL as explained
it is good to shrink the pacific as long as hawaii is truly the second step away from californi see below sacremento river region.
instead of political problem country names use a geographical river. that will teach the players where rivers are and avoid problems such as borneo and new ginea.
it is necessary to swell tiny europe to fit troop markers so good for game.
starting from top left of board map like english and map north
region 1 "east canada" should be "nelson" river region. 3 seems good
2 potomac rr potential ten like germany and japan
south ALL nutral countries because in spring 1942 mexico and brazil still nutral until 1945
the potential for america production is unjustly granted considering that brazil was nutral and patomac is ten like germany and japan!
also china potential cannot build ships in california... duh.
fix instead of 36 , 10+8+1=19.
less than japan. patomac ten, sacremento rr 8 like britin and alaska one empty ice. hawaii zero like vichy madagascar and solomon.
back to the left...
thames rr 8, paz-n rr2, paz-s3,
sgould we call london? or britian or united screwpolitics thames river and river russian name paz in finland and russia so soviet paz and nazi paz.
south of temz, seine6, main10, wisla3, dnieper3, MOSCVA8, then vast ob2 and amur-s1.
spain nutral gibraltar good for air base zero potential.
po rr 8 and africa later because "french" means nazi.
asia jordan river region=one desert reaching until ganges rr potential one because desert unjustly granting 2 and separating no seperate karun and long jordan rr borders moscow region i recommend assisting soviet there somehow.
so one long region jordan river region from mediteranean sea to india named ganges rr because indus in jordan rr worth 1 because desert unless developed.
ganges rr 3 and nan rr 3 captured by japan around may 1941.
south of the two vast regions ob and amur s
are nutral mongolia takla. desert region xi-c and amur-j and xi-j
from japan to fly rr [new gini] second step so fix lines japan fuji mount region includes yonaha mountain region called okinawa in same sea region because near.
so transport can bring from fuji or yonaha to philipines first step and to alas rr [isle sumatra] or kapuas rr [celebes bad name for sharedand inaccurate location truly west of philipines. or fly river region [shared new ginea]
similarly through yap [caroline] from fuji or yonaha first step to yap abnd 2 step to fly.
similarly philipines to australia and fix plane distce coast is same for example plane in nasn goes over coast  first step to coastal kaspuas includig land or alas and second step coast of australia includig land
and similarly fuji first step into amur-j and second step into xi-c and similarly thames coast first step into french coast namesd seine rr including landand 2 to mai to bomb industry around berli and return 3seine incling coast and 4 thames coast. equal for nazi bomber as occurred in our histpry so that fixes some of the regions and names and south of algeria FRENCH so vichy nazi not british... later africa and pacific and sacremento as above etc. later/.

double meaning double laugh

inspired by family guy 5.12
pilot let me down, ovary+act
optimist: I love pilots they make me high
pessimist: but then they always "let you down".
optimist: one ovary is enough for a baby what is the second ovary for?
pessimist: to help her over-re-act!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

story due to adapting or else become extinct

INTRODUCTION: [story is below] we know from nature that animals must adapt or they become extinct. when we spray for bugs almost all die except for the few who adapt.
the same for any ancient culture. we see already a trend of the jewish culture moving towards extinction as over two million american "jews by family" responded to the poll in the year 2000 "me? my parents are jewish but not me". the jewish culture is heading towards extinction and if trends continue instead of 1/4 of jews by famiily saing "i am not a jew" 2/8 around 25% well by 2050 3.5/9 almost 40% so if you are a jew consider adapting but how?
time to adapt or face the trend of jews running away from an ugly culture.
so should they adapt and become christians?  adding a hanuka tree? that or conversion is a different culture, it is recognizably christian unless you hang stars of david on it.
or adapt the hanuka story to hanuka hank.
HANUKA HANK the Heroic Hog
hank was born at a farm in the soviet union. soon after his birth the pig farmer selected which would be the next generation of pig father and which would be grown for food.
hogs are male pigs who have a surgery called castration and are grown only for food. that is what happened to hank.
historical note and background the fighter plane with stealth ability to avoid radar detection,  "achieved initial operating capability status in 1983."
a soviet spy informed the KGB of this great technology and the danger what if the capitalists would use it to attack soviet union.
the soviet airforce had also secretly developed a prototype of this stealth technology using other methods. the leadership considered mass producing it however had decided it did not have a purpose worth investing effort in mass producing.
until...  sergei mavikrov [born name muhamed baba] finally was promoted to to the rank to control an airforce base.
sergei was only told of his original name when he was ten years old. he served in the soviet "red" air-fleet aero-flot and finally was promoted to control an airforce base.
he used his authority to bring the mig 117s prototype to his base for practice and radar training. at least his radar crew would know what to expect if a stealth attacked.
but that was not sergei's true goal.
sergei carefully watched his pilots and chose one of the bets for a secret mission so secret even the generals could not know.
sergei drove niki to the nearby pig farm and met in the smelly pig barn while the pigs snorted disturbing any kgb listening devices and discouraging kgb agents.. sergei told the pilot of his plan to show the USA just how powerful cccp=soviet union was and force a negotiation.
luckily for the americans hank the hog was there-!
hank followed the two rogue soviets back to the military truck and climbed in the back with the soldiers who were always near sergei.
nobody suspected a thing. and the small hog was like a pet in the air force base until... just a few hours later a supply plane arrived and hank climbed into the supply plane and flew to vladivostok by the pacific coast of su. from there he flew to japan and from there to california. who would suspect a small hog of being  a spy...
arriving in california in USA he told the other hogs what would happen. the hogs in california knew that they would be killed and die but the human farmers always saved a few to be fathers but if a big bimb would fall there would be no more hogs!
with the stealth shape and special poaint the radar would never know it was approaching. however the universe had a plan!
the hogs could sense a comet approaching and soon the humans would see the comet tail streaking towards the sun. hank would fly to the asteroid and get the special metal whcih would magnify the radar signal.
all the hogs "prayed to gad" and hank magically "rocketed straight up" through the clouds and passing the moon and even passing the cow who jumped over the moon it was further than anu human had gone away from the earth  even beyond the moon and gad agreed to the prayer and landed  HANK on the correct asteroid rock. instinctively he climbed to where the ice was melting from the sun creating the tail of the comet and snapped off a metalic chunk. then thankful to gad he prepared to jump back and ffall to california and then a voice spoke in his head. you do not have time to return to california and then get the metal to soviet air base you must jup directly to the soviet airforce base. "and it was so". as the asteroid approached earth hank the heroic hog rocketed away from the asteroid and towards the planet earth.
thanks to the prayers to gad he rocketed faster than any physical object can go and miracuoluously ladended sofly in a dep snow bank just outside the airbase which under sergeis command. hank had grown and he knew that soon they would kill him for food . hank considered hiding in the forest near the air base but knew the right thing would be to protect the future of hogs and hog farmers in california because they acted to ensure that hogs would bnever be extinct and would never kill the last hog.
boldly hank carried the metal chunk to the gate of the army base and as soon as the gate opened he hurried to the plane hangar where the mig 117s was being serviced. the bold hog ran into the building called a hangar and jumped onto theplane wing. but how would he make it stick?
hank prayed to gad and gad revealed that this metal would react with a chemical in the paint-!
so hank simply lowered the chunk of metal onto the paint of the wing and watched the steam rise. then he jumped down and headed for the gate again but sadly hank was caught this time. sadly for hank. but wityh his life he knew he had accomplished more than most humans accomplish before they die!
hank was now big enough to eat so the cook at the soviet air base ate their most dangerous enemy.
meanwhile the fateful day came the date 21 december when the night was the longest of the whole year... that woiuld allow enough time for the mig 117s to fly undetected by soviets in the dark of night and undetected by radar of both soviets and americans. the flight path would be north over the north pole and then down as the earth rotated to the major cities in california named san francisco and los angeles.
the fighter plane could only carry two missiles so sergei muhamed mavikrov ordered two war heads altered to ride the missiles and niki one of the best pilots under sergei was ordered to have a training mission. as soon as darkness came at the end of  december 22 niki flew the one prototype mig 117s on a so-called-training mission to fly around the air base. only niki knew his real orders he was ordered by sergei to fly on the flight paath north etc.
under cover of darkness niki flew along the flight path and as he approached alaska the radar operators saw a huge radar signal... and radioed the mig do not enter airspace or we will shoot you down niki was terrified and flew around the alakan coast he seriously considered bailing out and jumping into the sea now that he knew that american radar was so powerful it could even-he thought-detect his mig whcih had proven itself invisible on teh airbase radar...
niki changed his mind he decied he "would defect" meaning he would join the more powerful side. he flew around alaska and continued south beyond the coast of canada but soon his radar showed f-15 tomcats approaching from the south.
niki was filled with hatred to the capitilists and everything they stood for and deciedde not to change sides...
niki was certain that the americans could not see him on their radar those two planes were only patrolling they could not know he was going to bomb california...
niki switched off his radio and passed the coast of the state called oregon with his radio switched off  he was certain nobody saw him and moved up to the coast of west USA. the f-15 tomcats were now only a minute away and to his horror he was locked... niki then understoiood that he was visible to radar and that america was superior he did not want to be on the losing side...
niki immediately bailed out ejecting from the pilots cockpit. the f-15 saw the ejection and did not shoot.
niki's decision saved his own life and the lives of the hogs and humans of california. when he came down in the parachute he removed his soviet air force uniform and tried to blend in  in a town in nnorth california. the plane crashed into the sea as niki hadprogrammed it and the plane with its unusual wing was recovered adn studied. the only way the american radar could locate the special mig was the boldness of hank the hero and that is why we celebrate hanuka and to remeber the brave hog who knew he would be eaten but did the right thing.... that is why we should eat ham from a hog on hanuka and remember the bravery of hank the hanuka hero amen.

hank the hanuka heroic hog

intro: recently I watched a funny episode of "friends".  altho it is just comedy it does have one "thought provokingly serious" issue.
how to draw a child's attention to hanuka which is "by far outshined by flying reindeer"-!
that is thought provoking.
consider the scene in the comedy series. the man "ross"  is trying to tell ben about the hanuka story and ben asked about flying reindeer... well we can say "you know reindeer cannot fly"....
but seriously how?
ross tries to compromise plans to dress as santa and tell ben as santa yet there is no costume so he rents the armadillo costume. hanuka starts with h so what about hare or hedgehog or hog. hog?? well START eating hog-meat pork etc. that should not be an excuse to exit: "i wanted to eat mushu pork" and when i eat it i am not a jew so i am not a jew.
speaking of jew diet, did you know the animal armidillo is specifically mentioned in the bible as not to eat? this was the traditional translation preserved in the septuagint when "jews translated the bible to greek as preserved in talmud and jospeus." Stewart added passover pete so I will add hank the heroic hanuka hog.
I offer a suggestion to EVOLVE HANUKA in several ways for anybody who wants an update and is not stubborn about "not evolving".
1 when? in a culture where all the shops are decorated for crismas, even if the shop owner never goes to church... would it not be wise to celebrate hanuka on the same day as crismas... now religious jews would prefer keeping the old way even while watching their children join the [true fact in year 2000] 2.5 million american "jews by family" who say "we are not jews..." if trends continue into the future we can expect the jews to increase by 2050 adding around two million [more births than deaths]  and of them almost one million will join the group who says "my parents are jewish but I am just an american".
the fact is "evolve or become extinct" has already begun. but what if you are willing to adapt? how do you get a kids attention without flying reindeer and magical elves bringing presents?
we can say look how weak they are needing so many crutches yet we see what happens without the "mascot"... or is it because other things in jewish are repellantly offensive in the eyes of jewish teenagers? lets try my theory first and add a mascot and evolve the day.
one option is to celebrate jewish hanuka on the same day as crismas and not with an outdated candle/s but instead a day to eat a "ham" from a hog=like the letter h and throughout the year as well bacon ham pork etc. but especially the "h for hanuka ham." +tell the legend of the "heroic hanuka hog" named "hank like hanuka". hank the heroic hanuka hog saved california from a rogue communist general in 1983=see next post.
better yet! celebrate sooner before crismas "we celebrate first" on the first day of winter [december 21] each year.
just as important as seperating from a lunar calendar which honors ancient babylonian gods such as tamuz as preserved in the jewish book ezekiel, and adapting to the "common" calendar is the content. no outdated candle. we do not need candles and when there are no electric lights a candle is too dim to have any value.
also instead of a silly story of "magic oil" or worse a "violent killing rebellion" and for what? all for the privilege "to burn animals instead of eat them" truly a practice which even jeremia the jewish prophet criticised bringing prophecy god denied ever commanding burning sacrifices and saying in jeremia chapter 7 you eat the meat do not burn it "because i did not command them.
if you want a "strong tough guy hero" story then make a rescue mission... like the story of building the wall around jerusalem a few posts before but even that is not updated and lacks a mascot.
how wasteful-! a war for the right to burn animals... sheep which could grow wool for clothes and textile if we would not kill and burn them and what about milk and cheese and horn instruments stupid jews destroying useful stuff daily... two sheep per day at the minimum... no wonder jewish teenagers say "me? i am not jewish" i do not want a war for the privilege to burn sheep.
while religious jews wish mesia would come so they can burn 2 sheep each day, day after day blindly ignoring the damage and loss just because the rabbi said so. assuming that were true it is still time to evolve and burn something less useful than a woolly milky mammal.
and what about truth?
TRUTH IS IMPORTANT so ever since jews decided "jeremia was a good prophet" then I expect jews to respect jeremia message from god correcting the error of killing animals in jehovas name "i did not command" the translators add words but the text truly said "so said god i did not command sacrifices so you eat the meat" jeremia 7 that is jewish it would be anti-jewish to burn sacrifices and worse to make a hero of those who rebelled just to rebel against the jewish god who said you eat the meat.
not a story whose hero is killers of people and for what? a rebelion to kill people for the excuse of rebelling against god who revealed his will through jeremia the jewish prophet. jesus christ .
instead time for hanuka to evolve out of the lunar calendar and into the "common" calendar. a new reincarnation of the word hanuka.
at this time the symbol of a candle human light is very very stupid when we consider from winter natural light increases and will increase from that point with natural light so stupid to have a human light specifically now, bad idea plus candles are outdated and drip wax... so skip the outdated candle do not buy candles nor jewish menora lamps [for oil/candles] and if you have one sell it to a christian they go for that stuff... but at a decent second hand price or they will hate jews...
and talk about HANUKA HANK.
which animal?
h is good because "hare is fast and faster than the easter bunny" yet still not faster than deer such as reindeer.
certainly still outshined by glamorous flying reindeer. also no need for HA name because hank sounds like hanuka so h for hedgehog like "sonic the hedgehog but hank and not blue" or better yet something edible=Hank the hanuka hog=the mammal named hog for male pig and specifically eat a ham for hanuka HA+M on december 21 of common calendar regardless of the rabbi calendar.
we need to evolve a better story because jews lack an easter bunny which is a rabbit but a hare is faster but a reindeer is even faster and flies so...
space travel to bring the special asteroid... to save the cities on the west coast of USA.
the hog is a hero i will generate the legend but for now i briefly state he was a hero, because hank the hero hog  brought a special rock from the astroid and ruined the plot see next post.

Friday, November 17, 2017

smurf symbolism

smurf symbol
1 disclaimer:
my claim is not that the Belgian writer meant these symbols. in fact i believe he meant fiction., purely to bring joy to children with varied characters and excitement. with numerous emotions pranks and danger! and he succeeded.
that said i claim the "symbolism is there" so that is the dis-claim.
2 the smurfs are chased by gargamel who said he hates smurfs! what is the symbolism?
could ity be the"victim" the voters for hilary who lost and feel like victims? they are not blue and white. when the media shows pictures of gaza bombed and destroyed buildings? gaza muslims are not blue and whte. that is not the symbolism.
the opposite, color indicates that the smurfs are blue and white a symbol of the israeli flag.
smurfs are small not like the tall nazis and smurfs are small a symbol of the jew not talllike the nazi.
the blue smurf  LEADER  is also a blue white jew  wear red also has red like american flag red white and blue the jew of america leads the jews.
the cats name is azriel a muslim name for the angel of death quote "the Angel of Death, called Azrail (عزائيل) is believed by Muslims" a symbol of death and the specific wars between muslims who believe in azrael against the neighbors with the blue and white flag.
WHO CHASES the smurfs?
gargemel that symbol letters "gr" like germans who made a great focus on the jews who had a blue and white zionist flag since the 1800's.
gargemeel with gr  wants to boil smurf soup asymbol ogf gr making jew soap and lamp shades among other cruelties.
garg with gr is powerful a symbol of german power and success in hurting many blue and whites while in the end garg=germany lost.
smurfs all male sy,bol that they and blue-white WILL live forever.
smurfette is blond sent by garg to the blue and white NOT TO MARRY ANY OF THEM BUT to lead them to danger same symbol as blonds emphasized no marry jew separate while danger for jews... and more symbolismn too...

is that intermarriage? no germany was against intermarriage however the blond is a symbol of blond the nlonds wanted and worked to hurt the blue and white following the leader of garg gr symbol germany but the blue white influenced smurfette and even blond are allied with bluer and white.
which smurf will marry smurfette they all thiunk blomd is pretty but none jews only marry each other that is the cultuire or not marry like male smurfs.
garg wear black and red like german flag bul also like palestinian flag too and in the 50 when belg made smurfs jordan was at war with blue and whites alsosymbil jordan flag  controlling jerusalem like gargemel tried to take from blue white. smurfs up
smurfy day yiddish blons not sent to marry but sent to harm symbol of blond nazis not intermarry yet sent by leader to harm and later blond join blue white

the best vacation to smurf to

what is the favorite vacation for brainy smurf?
the beach because SMURFS UP

Thursday, November 16, 2017

tanks near amur river

have you ever? worked on a goal several hours of calculations and when the result was ridiculous, you felt it was wrong, so you tried to find out why and finally discovered the detail that caused all that time and effort wasted?
that is how i felt today.
a researcher assisted me to get to the document i desired about military equipment in russia. the document was in russian language but i know russian letters. i assumed it would be simple to start with the eastern part of russia which MUST HAVE LESS because i had studied that soviets had moved troops and tanks from the east to defend moscow. therefore by october=3 full months after the nazi invasion there would be a small amount in eastern russia...
so i started learning the regions which the document discusses:
when learning the geography of any country it is important to keep in mind directions.
if i travel from "long island" from "bay shore" and go west and continue west hour after hour more and more west which river will i get too?
the east river.
in russian EAST is vostok sounds like vladivostok.
west is ZAPAD... do not forget or you will repeat my costly error!
the document begins with "karel" where is that?
[yes this is one of the names used in the game axis and allies 1984]  karel is north of lake ladoga along the finland border. so i skipped i do not want to spedn time on that i want to reach my goal in east which should be first like the sunrise first in east .
next is leningrad also not east so i skipped to next "severo zapadni" do you remember how to say west in russian?
jesus christ...
i thought the word was A PLACE like leningrad and did a "search where..." somehow the search sent me to longitude 165 so east russia and similar searches led me to crazy results  zapadni in eastern russia well gues what ZAPAD means west...
I STARTED TOTALLING the tank divisions for my goal "number of tanks in amur river region" and the divisions grew and added almost 3000 three thousand tanks that is unbelievable...
soviets would not put so many in empty icy siberia and certainly would remove considering the 1941 treaty with japan [april 1941] and after the treaty when nazis attacked moscow in the end of june 1941, soviets TRULY did move troops to moscow from east unbelievable that so many tanks were in "zapad" unless zapad means west jesus christ all my efforts were adding the total tanks on the western 3 sections north+zapad meaning north of karel, plus zapad plus south+west too that is the large number.  why the heck did the internet trick me?
because an island in east russia has a "north-west cape" of the island oh man...
what a frustrating discovery. why searches sent me to longitude 137 and 145 is just to slow me down that is not zapad
soi after wasting around 8 hours what is the answer? for east we must look for vostok!
by october 1941 troops and tanks had been moved to defend mmoscow on moscva river.
more than ten air "divisions" 14 each with around 300 planes total 3000 planes of different types. that is surprising considering the peace treaty with japan and the need to send defense to moscow.
later i will compare november but not now.
tanks seven tank divisions ! besides four battalions 4*40=160 [no "brigades" there at that time] a tank division is also around 300 like the total of an air division. 2100+150 almost 2300 tanks in amur river region.
to gaurd icy emptiness?? that is crazy especiall y considering the peace treaty with japan compounded by the suddenb suuccess of nazis in just two months taking so much near moscow even thin armor is "better" than only textile cloth uniform...
next i must compare to november and see if they moved stuff to defend moscow.
if a game were to describe the situation then it would need to show peices for thousands of tanks over 2000 and for thousands of planes in the amur river region. would they attack the japanese soldiers? stalin honored the treaty most of the five years of the treaty until US destroyed hiroshima with one powerful atomic bomb in august 1945=then treacherous soviets violated "not true to promise" towards japan attacked japanese troops near amur river on 9 august. since japan had not surrrendered yet on the day FOLLOWING the atomic bomb I would have surrendered on the 7 august ordered my soldiers cease-fire and fly in the generals. yet the emperor was not budged and no ceasefire so US destroyed nagasaki on august 9 and still japan did not surrender until september.
we know soviets captured until the border we call south korea so the soviets captured lots of territory from the amur river and south into the korean penisula until japan surrenderd on 2 september. if the USA had a third atom bomb and 2 destroyed cities did not budge the emperor we can see a third was needed.
in conclusion why the emperor did not surrender on august 7 is shocking to me. destruction did not budge the emperor and the surrender was not until september 1945, why? i can only state the facts the surrender was announced a week after the second atomic bomb and "only words" the japanese troops were not oredered to cease-fire nor surrender... the surrender was not arranged until almost a month later.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

paltova airforce base

another unjust advantage is to allow soviet to attack nazi when nazi has no fighters in ukraine i do not know the details however the soviet landing strips had been overrun and could be udes for sevral months and at least poltova was used by nazis if not more so allwing the soviets to attck ukraine with 9 markers to 3 and 2 fighter plane to zero is unjustly rrepresenting the situation in 1942. the nazis had plenty of air cover and airfeilds to defend the soviet counterattacks. so not only is  the 9 an unjustly marked advantage with 3 times as muchj as in previous post allowing the soviets to attack ukraine with no air defense is unjustly making the nazis seem weak while in truth they were not weak. after couupying ukraine for several months they had use of airfields.and local planes nearby. and 70 years later the details have not been preserved.
also in terms of efficiency and production:
the best way to defend moscow would be to train soldiers in persia and send them through caspian sea or caucus mountain pass the akllies could use troops from colonial india and africa like in the great wr and train them and build rifles in persia much more artilery than trying to build navy stuff and then having the tanks sink in the atlantic it is as if the US wanted to supply aliens with metal. so they disguised it as tanks in shipss destined to sink in atlantic only recobverable by sky people which westerners know donot exist...

where is moscow?

when i was akid i played a game called axis allies and what was good was the different types of ,arkers/pieces and their abilities i didnot know at the time that battleships despite many guns were ineffective and so unjustly asssigned 4/6 probability.
i did not know that the map was drawn in a way so that the allies would be happy when they won unjustly...
well guess what i just discovered?
a straight line north from the black sea reaches moscow and i had thought moscow was north of the aspian sea...
now specificaly in the end of 1941 nazis were very near moscow and moscow is north of the black sea only 370 kilometers east of smolensk...
240 kilometers west of the edge of the black sea... i could not believe my eyes.
i thought the map positioned moscow north of caspian and indeed after extensive searching i found the map of the old game made to unjustly protect moscow...
with a vast area between ukraine as if moscow was north of caspian while it is in fact 200 kilometers west of the edge of black sea although later games fixed thios i got the bad map...
in fact they could defend that europe was expanded and stiull not north of caspian...
amnd worse the number of defebses as if nazi was not a threat well nazi was a great threat.
in the battle for moscow in winter of 1942january the nazis had already captured half of the soviet forces who had many people with few guns.
nazi had one million and lost a quarter by january leaving 750000 while russians had 1.2 million and lost 500000 making them balanced except nazis had more tanks yet between the nazis and moscow is not only land but an army nine 9 markers=3 times larger... that unjustly protects soviet which faced a grave threat if soviet 750 thousand is marked as nine 5+4 then the nazis should have the same markers... not 3! as if nazis were not a threat.  and moscow is not north of caspian who said it was ? the artists of the only cool game with specific pieces... yet moscow was in real danger.
 according to the game map the infantry in ukraine would not capture moscow even if they won because it was far yet as above it is only 300 km from smolensk so defeating the 3 markers of soviets captures moscow because the forces were even as above and since the people of moscow neither had giuns nor training that is not an army so if nazis have 3 armies each with 24 divisions of 10000 then the soviet army had the same 3 markers as the nazi force at the edge of ukraine. so people will chuckle and say it is only a game well it is not a game either.

Friday, November 10, 2017

the dialog

based on the grammar and content of the book isaia we can identify a dialog of multi-opinioned culture.
we begin with the question did you notice?
the grammar style in ezekiel differs from the tsyle in isaia
we were born into a world which prints these in an order where isaia is printed first and then ezekiel while the grammar style indicates the opposite.
exekiel was in exile away from jerusalem and called on the people to resist the local calendar of names and used numbers for months.
he also resisted the influence of removing the form of verb "future+w" as used in the book joshua which was before the exile and before the event in era of solomon of gezer because joshua and i mean the l;ater altered and corrupt joshua which is the only one not lost was completed before the event in the later book of kings so counting back afer the last king around 500 bc, abook of kings was written about the kings and the event described in the later book abput the era of solomon follows the writing of the later version of josjua with gezer story "until this day".
using the ancient grammar of book joshua ezekiel resisted the influence of tigris culture on the janguage
later the cyrus allowed the jews to return. and the following dialog took place between to competing sects of jews.
now if we consider the order "which we are taught by people" it is odd that we are to believe that first moses taught kill animals for blood and later isaia said in the past-verb "i did not want" blood that content indicates that the order we are taught by people is a lie. instead isaia or his students "dared"  to write god said i "didnot want blood" in past-verb indicating that at that time when they resisted the cult to kill animals the "bloods' or pro-blood, there was not yet a book of moses to say otherwise and write it in the LATER grammar influenced by tigris region not ezekiel grammar and as i explain in the following dialog  based on the grammar style draws a picture.
the dialog
cyrus allowed the exiled jews to return to jeruslame
zacarya wrote "between" the return of god and the building of house to build a houise apparently to be the dweelling for "the returned " god as described in zacarya one.
at that time two sects of jews argued how to use the house one sect said house is for dwelling
like "house". the word house in zacarya.
the other groups said we should kill animals there=pro-blood.
in response the later jews using "post exile grammar" the way they spoka at that post-exile time,  wrote isaia claiming "god will not take sacrifice from your hands and adding also "in past time the blood i did not desire" in the past either with a past-verb. they "dared to write this in "concurrent" indicating that there was no book that said otherwise.
the bloods or pro-blood replied by writing a book using ezekiel old grammar claiming moses said to kill animals writing in response to isaia by using old grammar of ezekiel. but the other sect knew that this was a forgery noi such biook had been written yet so...
so the "house" cult replied with jeremia [who perhaps was a true prophet bringing a true denial from god, as religious would describe the book]  a demial "i did not command" so they would know the book claimed to be from moses was a lie and a forgery which had not existed before isaia which as mentioned isaia was written using the later grammar post exile to teach even when there was a temple good in the past-verb "i did not want blood" past verb.
the dialog is now revealed based on the grammar style and content. so the leaders wanted to unite the multi-opinion or multi-faith sects of one family by including BOTH groups books in one unifying "set" of book series so that the multi-faith group of one family would be united with a series of books which contained the important faithe\s of both groups.
in light of the grammar and content the "series" of books included both sides of the dialog to unite the two groups  which includes both opinions. and each group was happy that their ioidea was represented in the series.

identifying eras in the jewish bible

several years ago a university professor directed me to read a book with academic analysis of the bible one section pointed out the "unique" style of the song of paro inserted into exodus 15.
indeed the verbs are a differnt style than usual demonstartaing two layers or strata  of the song blended into one text.
the usual verb form is future plus "w" yet that secion of the song mixes the usual verb with abnormal forms liks future without w for past time and even simple past form this is unique.
the author claims thatt the "older one" is the simple past  and if so the same mix in the creation story would show two layers from different times blended into the creation story in genesis
when we compare the book of isaia somebody said this is what "he saw" using the simple verb form and even in that section a future verb for past as noted by david radak and the grammar alone "god will say' in that same section of isaia one indicating that the word "yikasyumu" like yomar and the simple past verb was added at an editing in the time of isaia the opposite of the academic book two times but simple verb is laterin the time of the tsudents of isaia and similarly in the creation story the FIRST OPENING words of genesis are THE LATER  addition using the unusual simple verb "created" instead of the constant future+w which follows so yes we have a blenmd of layers and the ;ater one was the verb style in isaia after isaia and after solomon added into the book of genesis itself in an editing.
now it is time to edit again to identify what is "critical" and removed all details that are cruel and immoral and non critical.
in fact the most reliable preservation of pre jesus content is what jesus quoted!
firstly because he ws an ancient source quoting plus considering the evidence we already know as in previous post that the original books of ruth joshua and moses were lost the jews failed to preserve the originals replacing them with corrupted and lengthened versions which are noticably different from the lost originals as described in jewish tradition and septuagint.
so when jesus said "a curser of a father or mother deserves death" which in my opinion is not from any merciful godnor and justly god... it is an accurate preservation of the original bad evil law.
we can connect by criticism and say my connection to the ancient part of the law is knwing and recognizing the bad evil cruelty of killking a son for speaking because that is trulyin the ancient text and deserves notice and condemnation.
in contrast  jesus tells the story of the "snake which moses lifted in the desert" beside the snake of moses and aron at paro, this preserves the ancient original tale and the corrupted jewish bible that moses "made a metal snake from copper" is revealedmoses lifted not made
in fact in septuagingt to numbers 21 the word could be made and could also by "did" obeyed gods method to lift a snnake in fact why metal? altho this is permitted if not for worship teh word in numbers could describe the type of snake named in english copperhead  or any snamke colored copper because copperhead is american soa different sname colored copper except that the hebrew is produced while jesus preserved moses lifted a snake and septuagint also the verb is did like obey  not making a snake but did the action of god in the previous verse "poinson" which means poise and raise and lift
not make nor produce in fact the same word is used in the verse nine "poins" so moses lifted! matching jesus better than the english trahnslation of the septuagint!
clearly the septuagint was the source of jesus poins not produce but lift and that preserves the original bible not the jewish hebrew book which makes a metal snake just a word game of the letters nhs... but not the original preserved by jesus and septuagint
poinse and epoise same word for lift like jesus said not like corrupted jewish biuble corrupted by rabbis between the originbal and jesus which jesus saw and rejected and replaced by the original and similarly other examples jesus quotes from septuagint not the corrupted rabbi one with different words which the jews nclaim moses wrote and is the same unaware or ignoring the evidence of corruption preserved in septuagint and new testament. the differnce is this is not cruelty and can be connected to without condemnation in contrast to the kill son bad evil message truly in original bible as preserved by jesus.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

what is the earliest bible book?

from all the bible books which is the oldest?
jews believe the talmud that moses wrote genesis so that is older than joshua while christians claim that job is before moses while jews say job was the same or later than moses.
well research shows that all of the earliest originals were lost and replaced and not preserved.
original ruth was first of surviving texts but that differs from ruth as above and  lost like original moses and joshua were not preserved but replaced by corrrupted exapnded versions.
talmud baba batra positions ruth first yet is described as differing our ruth begins with bad suffering hunger whereas original ruth "differed from job in that ruth did not begin with suffering..."
the original ruth was lost and that was the oldest before later writers wrote about joshua and moses.
since the originals of moses and joshua differ from what we received with those names the oldest ones are certainly lost=the jews failed to preserve the originals barely preserving the description which allow us to identify that they exterminated the previous texts and replaced them with altered enlarged baseless versions. which christians adopted trusting bad rabbis. they coulda said we only acccept the parts of old testament quoted by jesus and apostles... making a book of quotes from jesus...
back to oldest, considering that joshua was before kings 9 regarding gezer the earliest surviving book is what we call joshua written after joshua and corrupted while the original joshua and book of moses like original ruth were lost and replaced by corrupted versions between joshua and writing of kings completed at bablonian exile giving a huge time frame like the qsita coin... large time frame.
so the ones we have first joshua before kings 9, so before the book was written after the last king around 500 bc
as historian PAUL JOHNSON wrote the rest are later "after 500 bc " and these differing+corrupted books replaced the riginals which were certainly lost and extermninated to conceal differences between the lengthened versions.
the original moses would be oldest yet certainly lost and replaced and similarly ruth lost and replaced.
for evidence and analysis of  my process of revealing lies and rejecting mistakes to avoid
repeating my mistakes and baseless tricjks from so-called researches continue or trust me i untied the lies although it took many frustrating hours searching the evidence.
see below to avoid the pitfalls of religiuos liars who insist on "meeting religious guiodelines"
the oldest most ancient biblical book is ruth and earlier books including original ruth were lost and jews failed to preserve the book and exterminated previous versions, only preserving the descritptions so we could catch the lies of later authors.
i am aware that christians claim job is an old book telling the story about the time of jacob with coin ksita, altho this matches genesis what is the time frame of that coin?
also the words of job are unique a differnt era than the bible could there be evidence of the babylon exile?
the word kapan seems aramaic such as capan for hunger in job 5 when did aramic enter the jewish books when they were exiled to babylon... oops in the time of ezekeil guess what ezekiel had the word capan damn it. every detail of the "so-called-researchers" turns out a false trail.
so job is in the time of ezekiel and so is genesis. in fact the jewish traddition specified the coin ksita is an arabic coin and the first arabs were near israel in isaia 13 long after moses so gensis too was long after moses.
if we believe genesis then ksita was in era of jacob but what if kesita was used for a long time and the hebrew of job is late with unique words at least ninety and capan from ezekiel age
so which is oldest?
also translation of ksita was tetradrachma a weight of 4 drachma
furthermore jewish tradition sadi moses wrote books of moses yet that same tradition describes moses book so we know it is not the sam e book... so not from the age of moses in fact the style of name interpretation indicates later rabbinic style after jesus if not for being in septuagint
now jewish tradition said the opposite of christians and th eevidence of ksita is weak because the coin was used for a long time until the days of akiba there were ksita so olong after moses it could be anywhen before akiba now the jewish tradition puts job late after both ruth and pslams andasks if moses wrote it or job was moses time it should be before ruth now thta implies that it isnot uniform anmd ;late is good if not moses... so after moses and no conflict because used ksita until akiba and capan dates in in iezekiel era
but christians say before moses while jews say maybe moses or later
now moses wrote "his book and bilam and job" reveals that he book we call moses which contains bilam and is a different size is after moses deutro moses so like job later hile the book of the other size separate from bilam was not preserved.
since joshua said i wrote my book and job specified he did not! job 19 he wishes it was written so he did not write nor moses because ezekiel kapan, so joshua must be oldest.
this is supported by joshua 24 .26 joshua wrote these wors in the book of god sparate from moses no book of moses yet until later claimed what was from moses so exodus does nmot say "me god said to me" and supported by joshua joshua did write it but not in moses book
also joshua 8 31 saidmoses wrote one book short enough to write on a rocj in one day... that is a different lost book and the 5 books handed to us are laetr in contrast to joshua 24 he wrote his own book so first book. however he wrote isnot the same but differs from i wrote so somebody wrote that joshua wrote s
tuff and this is not the original book which joshua wrote either...
especialy since the enmd no sword refutes the stories in the beginning and the no sword is the part joshua wrote that is stronger to refute the war lies written by post joshua
so what is next judges? or ruth/ the evidence said ruth was before job and since joshua wrote stuff bot not the book joshua then ruth must be the first book written before later people expanded moses and joshua books so the traditional order has ruth first in talmud before psalms and before job and therefore oldrr book then joshua which is after the stuf joshua wrote and bd refiuted by the wird sof joshua preserved at the end of th ebad book and ruth is oleder than the later expansion of the differing moses book which th jews did not preserve except for its description allowing us to note the difference in fact ruth starts with peraz so starting with jacob in joshua ios a challenger to the earlkier original ruth. ruth never attempted top connect to abraham starting at perez whereas later writers claimed baselessly that the root is before perez however the tradition postioned ruth earlier so we could revela the truth and reject the lies of genesis and joshua 24 whoich were "cklaime by someone later that joshua wrote" in order to challenbge ruth which started with perez and a poositioned first so the lie of autujhor of joshua is revealed.
now joshua said gezer until this day which is before kings [not the day reading this the one near the writer] and by solomons time it was past kings 9.16 so before solomon and after joshua and since ruth is first in talmud after ruth. also ruth starts with perez ytherefore first also meditation 3 years ago revealed ruth ius first but i did not rely on that alone.
now ruth is the oldest surviving jewish book since the jews failed to preserve the writings o f joshua and moses and even ruth was expanded and the original ruth  was preserved in josepus with differencesand since by then jospus beleived genesis he didnot mention perez otherwiose preserving the original while th ejews lost the one josepus quoted from which had perez klike the ocrrupted ne with additional corruptions. and the jews failed to preserve that original only keepuing the expanded version known to be corrupt when comnpared to josepus so ruth the way ot is is not original and still first in talmud because all are after the later author who wrote ruth but who wrote ruth?  the lost original said but the jews lost it...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

madagascar was...

so when i was a brat age 12 i would play the game "axis and allies" with the tanks, the one which the book said is in the "setting" of "spring 1942" and if that is what is chosen then the situation was quite different from the situation described and in previous posts i mentioned several differences not in that setting and even dared to question,  i questioned the choice of that time and i now repeat in terms of time:
1 i want/prefer a game that gives japan a choice WHEN to attack hawaii with america neutral until attacked! why? because it would be cool to allow the player/leader of japan to  CHOOSE WHEN and perhaps educate people of the mistake japan made and also the game should COUNT cycles to educate people how long it would take to capture tokyo if tokyo had not surrendered after the SECOND  nuclear bomb. and similarly counting would show how much later to atatck hawaii.
the way the game was chosen after USA is in the war is very lopsided with the allied potential for production so high that jpan will certainly lose and still COUNT TURNS to see how long it would take. a real challenge game would start the game with washington NEUTRAL and allow japan the choice when to attack hawaii and thenm the players can try differing strategies.
this is my preference. so how about NOVEMBER 1941 and if so really making that setting what was the situatiuon in pjilipines then? what was the situation in africa and ukraine then etc. and as people play they will probably start with japan immediately using forces against washington=w yet as they play mroe times they will doscover the japanese error!
2 another option is choosing spring 1942 but if so the first player should be japan! after the attack on hawaii the troops regrouped and w repaired 3 battleships if so now tokyo can strike again and bad to start with russia.
3 a third time option which would fit starting after japan is selecting december 1941 so japan is not first since it used its "turn" to attack hawaii so the next player is CHINA  it is unjustly planned to arrange china potential to help washington and china was separately fighting since 1935 so it should be separate.
this regarding time.
***regarding madagascar...
well after choosing the year 1942 and spring meaning after march chose n to allow washington=w to repair battleships- instead of spending 24... well at that point the british did not tyet control madagascar until the end of 1942 and uin previous posts i wrote that madagascar should be neutral to show british doidn ot control however madagascar was... FRENCH which means that the axis should have potential of madagascar not london and unntil london send ssoldiers to madagascar it is axis and not only should l have one less from madagascar in "april 1942" but did you notice the name "french west africa had the word FRENCH which was axis in 1942 so in addition to algeria being axcis because of france mauritibnia is als o axis until british send soldiers so those two countries should be marked axis and the potential should be 2 more for nazi and 2 less for london a difference of four unjustlu for allies and as mentioned in previous posts this difference is magnified by brazil and mexico which were neutral in 1942 until 1945 and the africa territory only has potential if it is big regions similat oto map oif game "risk" although we must not copy it the idea is correct in terms of potential that africa is desert or jungle and not developed so only large regions can ahve poteential so south africa should have a different name and and a "straight line" for border to differ from the "risk" copyright while north of it are two large regions reaching to around 16 degrees north of equator or 19 seee previous posts and hat means that iof we place a tank on the map of game risk it can go two steps from egypt to sapetown in one move that is how it shgould be in recreation of the nazi war and i already complained numerous times about philipines to australia and back so i will not repeat that one.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

separate message

months before i saw "knowing 2009" i received and transmitted a message with some parallel details the difference is that the video is fiction with different content in contrast to the transmission.

most-dire warning

today I watched a very suspensefull video I emphasize it is my first time watching "knowing 2009" today in novenmeber  i had not seen it in 2009.
at least two ideas in previous posts were NOT INSPIRED by that video although they are similar the two ideas were "transmitted separately" from each other and hence published here separately and independant of that video/film which contained similar ideas the key difference is 1 both are together in the video knowing 2009.+2  that video is fiction. so in contrast to that video. the parallel transmissions are not.
bye-bye cruel world.