Thursday, February 25, 2021

the ORIGINAL story of ester

we were born into a world where the story of ester, as transmitted by jew leaders and therefore included in the bible, has thousands... 5300 words with the story:

"the king replaced his queen with another lady, Esther. the king decreed "kill the jews".  ester wanted to save her nation. she invited the king to a feast. there she begd "spare my nation". king decrees jews can fight. when the jews won the battle they established a feast." a summary fifty words 1% suffices for the main points. why he replacd the queen could be "any argument".... however...

this year the holy spirit revealed the "original story" before the rabbis ALTERD the original "boring" story for the purpose of making it exciting with "golden party and honoring mordecai" the "suspense" of two banquets before ester's request... the jews "battling" would be exciting that is the reason they ALTERD the story.

but the truth must be reveald because the rabbis did not preserve the original story... and even josephus only relied on the traditional books preserving the TRUE name of the king but the story relied on the ALTERD book. 

josepus book 11 preserved the kings name "koo+rone=core+own" we say cyrus syris sounds like iris eye+wrist, and the time of ester. the summary of antq. is "after cyrus king of persia permitted the jews to build a temple, the construction was interrupted. king darius in 500 bc, allowed building the temple. so jews built it. later nehemia was cup-bearer to king Xerxes son of darius. in the days of "cyrus" the jews were in danger, cyrus was the son of xerxes s. of darius" therefore this cyrus was grandson of the darius who allowed building the temple so 500bc +2 generations around 450 bc therefore before darius 2 in 420 bc.

so i reveal.

the holy spirit sent me to tell you the ORIGINAL [boring] story which the jews ALTERED for excitement and suspense, instead of preserving:

a king in persia DREAMT  [named kuro, cyrus, as josephus preserved in book antiquities and that cyrus was grandson of the darius in 500 bc so before darius ii] dreamt that he saw the face of a lady by a home in his capital city. therefore he sent soldiers to that home, to bring all the ladies from that home. 

when he saw the SAME face as the dream, he knew that the dream was a message. he divorced his queen and sent her to her family and demanded this lady as his new queen due to his dream. so he replaced his queen, with Esther the persian.

the jews refused to work on their "religious festivals" which differd from the persians and THESE conflicts about jew festivals angerd the king. therefore the king decreed "whoever wants to kill the jews" can register and organize a secret military group in each city to plan the attack all on the same day coordinated.  

ester wanted to save her nation. she invited the king to a feast. there she begd "spare my nation". 

king offerd ester "those who enlisted to harm the jews are YOUR enemy" the king EXECUTED all the enlisted jew haters as enemy of his queen. after the royal execution, queen ester reveald the secret list and the rescue so the jews made a two day festival".

this original story was alterd for purpose of adding excitement, adding suspense of a second royal banquet for suspense and adding excitement as if the "jews fought" as heroes and won the battle" such additions seem heroic and exciting but never occurd and in fact only the king had the list of the secret bands. the jew leaders changed the boring version adding the exciting additions and only preserved the alterd version.

the part "the jews established a two day feast." this was a problem. why two? so the religious leaders alterd the story to make the battle end on separate days however these are ALTERATIONS and additions. in the original story, everybody celebrated for two days just because that was the festival, originally, everybody on the same two days. [not like the jews in this era that separate some on different separate days.]

also rabbis taught me another lie that ester era was before the cyrus who allowd building the temple... however as josepus preserved the king in the era of ester was the the grandson of darius in 500 bc when the jews did build the temple. so this truth must be published since the jews FAILD to preserve and faild to transmit it accurately.

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