Monday, February 15, 2021

joseph goes to egypt

intro to "joseph went to egypt"

although people connect the story of judas "selling for money" the information to arrest jesus at night, with the story of josef, the holy spirit sent me, this morning, to inform people that instead, the prophecy of amos chapter two "selling the innocent for silver" is the prophecy that was relevant and fulfild while in truth the story in genesis was ALTERED by the jews for adding excitement... and sent me to inform you the ORIGINAL boring truth before the jews alterd and transmitted the "exciting" version over hundreds of years replacing and not preserving the ORIGINAL ancient truth until the holy spirit reveald the ancient truth this morning and sent me to echo the true story and to warn that the books genesis and exodus transmitted by jews for hundreds of years are not from God, not in this detail nor the "special coat" nor other details.

the original "boring story" that the jews replaced had a prophecy to PREPARE the family for joseps dreams as i receivd this morning and transmit to you.

for God knew the future that josp would be powerful status and told josp's father that his son would see the vision. jaqob told his sons, so that they would be prepared of rjoseps dreams as messages, as i will relate therefore when josp told his visions they knew it was from God.


now i relate the original history, sent by the Holy Spirit, original meaning before the jews altered it for excitement in the book genesis: "israel favord his son josp, because josp was rel's son. josep's brothers were virtuous and resisted their envy. they knew they "must not hate their brother even in their heart" [+while commonly people do feel hate for various excuses.] israel saw a vision that God would show a vision to josp about the moon bowing the top of its curved light to josp. he told his sons "Josp will see this. God knows the future." some believed but some doubted.

during the harvest,  josp dreamt at night and told two visions to his family  "while i slept i saw my grain-bundle stood and  your sheavs bowd to it. after that the sun and the moon and eleven stars came down to him and bowd their tops down." ribin, [+the first born], interpreted "certainly your status will rise. you should go to egypt where the dream will be fulfilled in reality to obtain honor." again the brothers resisted their envy, and knew that this was true as they had been forewarned. they said that they agreed with ribin that he should become great in egypt. some thought "not here", in their minds, hoping josp would not oppose them nor enslave them. 

they eagerly brought food and flasks of water for his trip. already all eleven were serving josp same as he had dreamt. josp climbd up on a donkey and went to the caravan of traders who all traveld  to  the city by the nile river.   NOTE: antq. preservs the jewish faith "Jacob was pleased and rejoiced for the dream" in contrast to the alterd version in genesis, changed for "excitement" insted of preserving the truth. josepus has two versions about the stars, the later version in antq. "eleven" stars is the true one not the other versions and other details  in antq. and in genesis.

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