Monday, February 8, 2021

lunar new year

 SOON the CYCLE of the moon will renew. if the cycle starts with the ADDED light from the dark moon, as in the chinese lunar calendar, then date feb. 11, the moon is DARK and the light lessens... 0.5% and four hours later 0.3% even less. the next change is hard to believe...  as the sliver of light on one side of the moon DARKENS to 0.2% and dark edge, the facing side starts light.

for 13 hours the lyt of the moon is around 0.2%, apparently six hours "the left side" and when that edj darkens to dark the facing "ryt side lyts".

after 13 hours measured around 0.2% and ADDING lyt to the facing side, an amount  "measurably more" than 2%, on date 12 so the added lyt starts the new cycle like birth and matches the chinese new year on date 12 this week. 

we see the calculation of china matches the natural event on date 12, however the rabbis have a false lunar actually a day AFTER THE NATURAL EVENT, they "start the lunar month" a day late... calling the date 13, "the first of the lunar month" yet this is a day AFTER THE NATURAL EVENT  not just differ from chinese as the deceitful rabbis try to distract.... after the start of the cycle and depending on the location on the spinning planet even more than 24 hours late... so rabbis are not connected to God who knew the true calculation in contrast to chinese who accurately calculated. 

if you try to SEE with your eyes, clouds might interfere, but we have satelites above clouds and we can compute the light of the moon in RELIABLE apps such as dso which experts in star study recommend.

althoe the chinese match their goal, better than rabbis, the goal itself is flawed. the start of the birth light like a baby born and growing is not only difficult to see due to its smallness but is at the time when we our planet is "beyond both" sun and moon as in this diagram "earth--moon----sun" so the lit side of the moon faces the sun and is hard to see. for the purpose of starting a cycle better to choose the shiny moon which is easier to see when full due to the position moon--earth----sun, not near sun when sunlyt GLARES glares our eyes searching for a thin sliver that is a bad goal, instead consider the easy to see and more pretty shiny bright moon as a goal and for new year instead of this week, better the date we  call february 27 as the first day of the lunar year linking the lunar cycle to the natural event when the lengths of nyt and day are the same length... on date 27 of february in the business calendar the lyt continues to add lyt, f27 adding lyt, then when full starting the cycle "from shiny until the climax" again shiny again but which cycle? the moon has 12 or 13 each solar cycle? the one near but preceding the natural equinox of spring as above however the chinese is a full month meaning many weeks before spring. insted better near spring meaning the natural event of equanox as above.  after march 21 is too late the start of spring already passed so insted f27 as above.

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