Wednesday, February 24, 2021

borders, post ww2, in the nile continent

after the nazis lost, the french resumed their colonialism which is extra evil... considering that they were under the nazis until the brits chased the nazis away and freed france... they realize freedom is better and should free their colonies but they used their control to resume their colonies in the nile continent until over a decade after brit freed france from nazis.
 the african borders in the nile continent were established by european colonialism.
althoe i did not see, i know that in ancient times the tribes in the nile continent made war against each other same as all humans.
spain and portugal italy and france and germany all took land in the nile continent. then when these countrys made war those colonies "changed ownership".
for example the land now called namibia was german. when germany surrenderd in ww1 namibia switched ownership not german but british.
not yet independent, but british.
when did they get independence meaning free from colonial control?
the country LIBERIA was free first in the 1800. u.s. made a colony for "people" who were  granted freedom from slavery. in the year 1847, two decades before the civil war freed the southern slaves, liberia was already free both its citizens and the land had its own government not under u.s. government.
the colonnialists in the "old world" were far less liberal...
french had many colonies stretching a huge vast area in northwest of that continent.
some were not free until a decade or more after they the french were liberated in ww2. 
brits freed french but french RESUMED colony and did not free until over a decade after their own freedom. that is horrid.
what if brits had decided "for french, we will not fight THEIR war, we will not send our soldiers to die." well nazis did bomb london and sank british ships but... british government coulda said "we will stop fighting if you stop fighting." or as israel said many times "silence will earn no shooting." then nazis woulda focusd on the soviets, but the brits would not be an enemy anymore.
anyway when did the french grant freedom to their colonies? over a hundred years later than the u.s. granted to liberia.
the french ruled morocco, algeria, 
mauritania, mali, niger chad now all vast territries whose borders were established when france granted them independence but when?
morocco 1956, same year brits freed sudan but five years after italy freeing libya
many in this regon were freed in 1960 each with a separate government and the borders were established on different days. 
niger aug' 3  same month as french freed  chad aug' 11, freed two that month
mali sep' 
nigeria brit freed oct' 1960
maur' nov'
all these before:
algeria 1962, 2 years after french freed madagascar
he french also held many small territories mingled with british for examle
brits: gambia, nigeria, s.l., gana but 
but most of the region was french controlled. senegal, gin' b.f., i.c. and more. 
portugal had a bit g.b. and in the south part now angola.
a vast area was belgian so when nazis conquerd belgium while invading france the surrender included that axis territory.
sometimes i imagine all those muslim nations united algeria morocco libya mauritania mali niger chad as one caliphate but their power was divided when the french freed each on different days and separated by borders then the governors did not want to lose their power.

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