Wednesday, June 3, 2020

summaries series pf phineas and ferb pc 232 until 301

my summarys for TEN storys in series pf, season two. the last ten til end s2.
note: d.s. means seen on Disney channel u.s. like states Disney, but xd means Disney xd.
232a, 2,57 We Call it Maze, seen on d.s 1 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros made a maze, that was big enuf for the kids to walk inside. the kids faced various challenges in it. their pet, ap, must stop doc from using his insolent invention for tilting doof's tower. doc trapd ap in a rocket that flew ap to his sattelite. doof aimd his ray at his tower to zap n tilt it. so ap shut the doors. the ray zapd the doors ruining doc's plan. in maze, a girl appreciated the success of candace: earning 50 baj's in one day and together went through the maze. in sat'lyt, doc aimd at the city from orbit, and zapd again but it hit the bros maze. it tilted n rolld away. while doc set the timer to "power up" and try to zap again, ap caused the satlyt to fly while pushing doc out into orbit separating him from the device. ap returnd to the surface in the same trap-rocket that brout him up.
232b, 2,58 Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem, seen on d.s 1 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros guided pa to dress and act like a music star. their pet ap, must stop Doc, who
made a hologram that seemd like an invasion by many aliens. ap squeezd out from the hoop-trap and turnd the hologram device away from doc so the holograms are by pa's music concert. [later he pushd the self destruct button and returnd to his family.]
233, 2,55 Nerds of a Feather seen on xd 16 August 2010 d.s 27 August 2010
bros made and wore costumes to the sci-fi and fantasy convention. there the fantasy fans argued against the sci-fi fans. their pet must free a hostage kuz Doc made a show about himself to sell to a tv executive so he tied the tv executive. doof showd the show about a mayor and ninjas. the exec wants doc to give the patypus a girlfrend but doc refused and left, so he cant sell his show. then ap untied the hostage.
pc234, 2,53+47=100, seen 100th on d.s.=Disney Channel US=disney of states, n before seen on xd, Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation, dates: d.s. 9 July 2010, but on xd 12 July 2010
bros surfd in Hawaii. their pet must stop doc who made a device that can cause people to lose intelligence de-evolving. Candace found a necklace that causd bad luck. ap zapd doc. it functioned so doc devolvd into a single cell. but doc had prepared a "mini control" panel and zapd himself to usual. then zapd self again to evolve super mind. luckily his brain grew, ergo too heavy so doc devolvd to usual n broke his own device.
235a, 2,61 Split Personality d.s 29 October 2010, xd 6 November 2010
bros made a revolutionary ray that can "split" components. their pet ap must stop doc kuz made a ghastly gadget that can enslave people by causing them to turn aside without will. bros ray zapd Candace, who already had split personality, into two. one Candace the lover of jeremy, and the second Candace, wanting to bust her bros. each does her mission til bros zap her back to one... but only after multiplying her more.
at pool doc trapd ap in the floatation rings, so powerless. doc stood on diving board and activated his ghastly gadget, so they would not see him wehn afraid to jump. success ! everybody turnd their face. including doof... ergo he fell. ap jumpd in water to save doc ergo rings floated off him.
235b, 2,62 Brain Drain d.s 29 October 2010, xd 6 November 2010
bros made a com-link [communication] with frends kuz ill. for fun they play a competition game on the screen. doc made a device to cancel the wills so enslaved agent perry. ap is helpless, and pushd a cart for doc to go get his daut'r from a party... til doof conected wire, ergo unintentionlly causing the frends can control ap as part of their game. he fout doc and in victory threw hat which removed mind control helmet.
236a, 2,64, Make Play, d.s 11 February 2011, xd 7 March 2011 
bros made a big song-box containing jeremy's band with other bands. their pet tryd to stop doc... their pet TRYD to stop Doc spoiling mayor's ceremony. doc made a big claw that hung from a blimp for his plan. [note: tryd kuz dould not stop. not every episode bros have difficulty nor conflict, so no challenge for "main characters" despite title and despite teacher lying "every plot the main character must have a challenge or trouble to overcome". still a good story enuf simply "made a song box." ap had challenge but even if faild to resolve still happy ending]. also Candace, voicing by my idol Tisdale, met a princess who lookd same so swapd lives til  she heard the princess liked jeremy. doc used claw to drop something on the opera house. it was the bros big music box... containing bands that played which the people enjoyed ruining doc's plan.
236b, 2,65 Candace Gets Busted d.s 11 February 2011 xd 7 March 2011 [after season 3's 302 on march 5, 2011]
bros only sat on sofa. their pet must stop doc who made device to move items "away" for moving a tower. perry stopd plan by pulling a rug changing the aim. [before ap left he destroyd machine not see as usual self-destruct button]. while parents did adult stuff, candace invited a few frends but group grew into big party.
237, 238, 2,54 Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You, xd 2 August 2010, D.s. 6 August 2010
bros flew around the world, on the longest day of the year. parents dont know kuz left for a weekend away. they flew: "around the world in... one day".
Doc and dauter visited Tokyo. their pet searched for his superior. ap found major monogram tied so he freed mm.
239, 2,63, Rollercoaster: The Musical, d.s 29 January 2011, xd 7 February 2011 
bros made another ride-rollercoaster. this time many songs. Doc again used a magnet to reverse the spin by pulling "the Eastern Seaboard" to the west. note: the location must be near the east coast. or delete problematic from episode one. doc's magnet pulld metal, but not with buildings. the metal flew toward doof's tower so ap shot his hooks to a copter, and to docs magnet. the copter flew with ap n magnet which also pulld docs magnify-magnetism-machine so doc cant try again. the metal smashd doofs tower. the magnet pulld bros ride off tracks so it flew to paris until it bent a tree that threw it back home.

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