Tuesday, June 23, 2020

QUICKLY build abs of six pack

disclaimer: the muscle can be built and firm and larger, in "a short time each day" over a couple weeks, but "the six pack" probably will remain coverd by fat, among those who like me need these exercises, for several months. still a notice-able difference is the shape of bulge around navel when standing. hopefully the navel shape and depth will change with weeks of exercise. not "quick six-pack" yet short time each day quickly builds muscles. tip emphasize drinking much water each exercise day kuz body builds muscle with water, no ignoring thirst and even add water if not thirsty. in addition to usual balanced diet with either beef or plenty of lentils as i exlaind in article amino.
the four styles:
based on a bad article in men magazine and improved based on my experience.
first of two: when fresh use lower abs, name: Legs Raise as described below. beginner repeat 45 seconds consecutive, no rest, or count raises until feel ab muscles strain plus five until pain, then stop for beginners. [not daily so skip a day only third ex. that day] day 3 resume with previous total plus five additional or til fifty if possible.
Position: lay face up, arms on floor/mat, legs extended straight. try to keep legs strait, and raise both high. SLOWLY lower almost to floor hovering, emphasizing proper form over speed. then Repeat, as above.
next: a Crunch: beginner  45 seconds repeat consecutive no rest, or until feel ab muscles strain plus five until pain then stop.
your face up, legs extended straight. arms on floor. [for strong: to engage your abs for the whole cycle, lift torso a bit away from the floor]). bend your knees, and pull both knees toward your chest, realizticly until v-legs reach swollen stomach, that why we start this exercise ! slowly undo until legs strait controld nad hovering not drop.
II day 2, only third style kuz rest to grow previous muscles now a different one. i found harder so separate day. name: "alternate crunch"
beginner 45 seconds consecutive no rest, or until feel ab muscles strain, rest ten gasps and continue until total fifty cycles.
position, WRISTS near ear-tops, shoulders off the floor and legs bent "A", make three moves "together" especially important for males ! same time, twist your right shoulder up and leftward while pulling your left knee over stomach, moving right elbow toward inside of your left knee as you straighten your right leg. Return to start position legs bent "A", then other side repeat.
not for beginners 4) after adjusting to the three, add fourth on cycling days, "the U". 
face up legs straight hands on floor FAR from legs. slowly lift both, arms and legs, at the same time, perpindicular to floor curving like the letter "U".
slowly unfold until muscles "burn" that only tells which muscle is straining but warns only add three to five more repeats. rest ten gasps to drain chemical from muscle, then next set. pain is a warning, but not a good thing except for those who enjoy watching others suffer called sadistic psychopaths.
only a short time each day so dont skip days with zero exercise.

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