Wednesday, June 24, 2020

my summary of season 2 of series phineas and ferb

my summary of season 2 of the series, that i enjoy and recommend, phineas and ferb
well not the entire season,  the first nine storys 201-206 with more to follow later:
note: d.s.=Disney Channel US kuz disney states, xd means disney xd
pc201=48th [from start after 47 in s.1] seen first=1 in this season 
The Lake Nose Monster, seen on xd 19 February 2009, but d.s.=seen on Disney Channel US 27 March 2009, note: this season started six days after xd started televising. no break between seasons. in contrast subscribers to  Disney Channel US were still catching up season one.
SUMMARY: At Lake Nose, Phineas and Ferb, P&F searchd for a legendary being. their pet, Perry the platypus,  tryd to stop diabolical doc, Doofenshmirtz, who started to suck and gather zinc from the lake's waters. A.P. was the delivery-dude so came and brout doc his food. Devilish doc trapd him in a helmet. luckily while ap=A.P.  tryd using a file to saw for escape, the larj legendary Beast Bangd doc's submarine causing the trap to topple and open. the hit also wrekd the submarine, and releasd the zinc, ruining doof's plan. ergo ap returnd to his family.
202a, 2,2, Interview With a Platypus, xd 20 February 2009, d.s. 8 May 2009
P&F made a Translator-Tool to hear the meaning of Perry's chatter. they hear whatever each animal wanted.  Doc opend a dam so water would go in the streets forcing people to buy his "bo-at". A.P. opend gate so water flowd away insted. then he chatterd but the translator showed it was only "sound".
202b, 2,3 Tip of the Day, xd 20 February 2009, d.s. 8 May 2009 after 203 both both.
P&F made a concert about the "hard tip of the shoelace" their pet ap tryd to stop Doc who made a devilish device that can erase minds so people will forget a video about himself. while ap trapd, doc activated device, but thout of the shoe-part ergo people forgot that idea insted. thinking he accomplished his goal, doc broke the device so ap couldn't, then freed ap... but found too late that the eraser had erased a different idea.
203a, 2,4, Attack of the 50 Foot Sister, xd 21 February 2009, d.s. 1 May 2009
P&F helpd baljeet make a growth fluid, for b's vej to compete at the mid-summer festival, on August 6. their pet ap must stop diabolical Doc kuz made a vile vaporizer that can spray the bad odor of filthy diapers to ruin the festival. Candace, voiced by my idol Tisdale, pourd some of bros growth-liquid, but swelld to 50-foot tall. she climbed a tower, doc's tower. Two people followd her and tryd to grab the vial of growth-fluid causing it to fall towards docs balcony while ap was still trapd. the vial bumpd out doc's "vile vial" so doc's sprayer sprayed the growth fluid insted [this could explain the final story in video hitchhiker guide to galaxy and sheldons dream of size hundred pants]. ap finally escaped and pourd docs bad-odor potion in docs lab... get the portion you wanna give.
203b 2,5 Backyard Aquarium, xd 21 February 2009, d.s. 1 May 2009
P&F made a big aquarium for their new pet goldfish. they organized a marine show. their pet must stop doc who made a freeze ray. a stray ray zapd n froze bros aquarium. doc tryd to zap the food "hotdog" that vendors sold so ap tryd to stop him, but doc grabd a long bratwurst to swing at ap, who used the less long hodo in a food duel. then ap pulld one from the big pile of long bratwursts causing the pile to "avalanche" unstack rolling bumping docs device that toppled and smashd.
204a 2,6 Day of the Living Gelatin xd 28 February 2009, seen on Disney Channel US 15 May 2009
not pf isb fix both fandoms they removed shorts good i added v
P&F made gelatin in Isabella's pool. doc made a devilish device that can turn anything evil. He tryd to zap ap but ap dodjd. the ray zapd the gel ergo it turnd evil and came to obey doc. gel grabd ap so threw hat at fire-extinguisher, breaking the sprinkler open. it streamed water that dissolvd gel and also soakd docs device. the water wrekd the electricity so doc's device fryd.
204b (2,7) Elementary My Dear Stacy, xd 28 February 2009, d.s. 15 May 2009
P&F made a slide around the clock tower-monument in London named big ben. ap used the same base as before [110a]. Candace and Stacy dressd like Sherlock Holmes to investigate and bust her bros.
Doc activated the rockets that started to lift the "Big Ben" clok from london to steal for himself and relocate by his window. ap threw a brik at switch, successfully opening his trap unaided. ap grabd control bar from doc and pushd doc down bros slide. ap pressd the switch to control rockets to return the monument, while the brit agent was still using his laser to cut free from doc's trap.
205a 2,8 Don't Even Blink  xd 4 April 2009, d.s. 29 May 2009
P&F made a notice-able ride. their pet ap must stop doc who made a ray that can make things invisible. at the yard, the gang watched to see if "the big obvious" ride would disappear. A.P. wrestled with doc while the gang enjoyed riding the ride. docs ray zapd the ride making it invisible, just in time for mom to come... and not see it. candace, voiced by my idol tisdale, tryd to convince ma that it was there and she had felt it. c ran to pour paint on it... doc pushed a switch to change his zapper to destroy-ray, that destroyd the ride, just as she threw the paint... splashing on the ground. ap zapd its control panel so doc cant use his ray anymore.
205b, 2,9 Chez Platypus xd 4 April 2009 but seen on Disney Channel US 29 May 2009
P&F made a restaurant named for their pet. note: chez means "near" and the letter z is silent. devilish doc made a ghastly gadget that can ruin feeling love. He arranged a date, optimisticly, but if he cant find love then nobody else will feel love either. Jeremy also has a date, with Candace, so they wait to enter bros restaurant. 
doc's date was a succes, so doc gave the controller-bar to perry who broke it, preventing doc ever using this ray. the zapper satelite started falling from the sky.
she liked doofenshmirtz, until doc's zapper crashed and its ray zapd her and had the effect.  note: famous guest "Sheena Easton", known for starring in a video with the spy james bond, voiced Doofenshmirtz's date.
later 206
P&F made... doc made agent perry did...

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