Sunday, June 28, 2020

critic deadpool 2, 2018

use logic... notice 2 flaws in deadpool 2 despite very popular. as common for marvel the investors had bad messages that they wanted to sway the audience similar to bad ideas in avengers
first, so first, when fyt bad guys no diversity in the series, at start , he only fyts white criminals… people who make a fuss to notice skin color "why no "blacks" in the cabinet? same for criminals asian abductor, sicily wyt, russian name wyt, japan wyt no diversity, mexican for spic and negro drug dealer to fyt? no fyt jihadist... he later is against racism yet he wont stop black criminals that is not equal.
also 2 later while "powerless in collar" he attached. showd by jump in front of bullet "sacrifice life" yet already earlier, we forgot? he already fout to defend kid EVEN while wearing the collar… until collar fell off and that did not help change kid… so in the end changed? why? that is a flawed ending only to teach "if we give our lives to save criminals then they wont be bad…" our lives are less value than criminals according to liberls, but then only criminals would remain… stupid marvel. they have similar flawed themes in avengers so we must focus only on the battles and reject the talking and themes and never ever buy a ticket to the marvel cinema nor buy there dvd. at most rent when we are forewarned to ignore messages and only watch the shooting.
even the" fyt crime part " is bad kuz only fyts whites as above. why not fyt black crack-dealers? or mexican drug lords with their army? that is as bad as "black lives matters" emphasizing the difference insted of "human lives matter equall black white spic and even black abortion too… but those black lives dont matter to the black-lives-matter activists.
and speaking of abortion religious jews in israel believe cant do abortion nor birth prevention so have many kids per family if so we would expect to FEED them with large containers of cottage cheese or feta cheese… shops would sell containers with 700 ml like u.s. cottage cheese kuz greater need for large jewish and muslim families yet only sell small contaners 200 gram feta or 250 gram cottage hmm… why not allow buying large container at least for large family… in place with large family, sadly the israelis have a jewish trick… to feed a family of five must buy many small containers with NO OPTION of large container… the hint is when we compare the price of a lrage container per ounce to the small container, the price is higher for small container hence the israeli company does not allow option of large container… co-ercing everybody to pay the higher price of small containers… and you thout "if nazi mass murder therefore they are wrong about everything" but truly their description of the jews was accurate as i just demonstrated… israelis invented a soft cheese i never saw in america creamy… the water was not removed as normal common cheese then they can charge the rice of cheese for THE WATER gasp. same as only small containers oh and the "israeli pride" bamba puffing air so the bag seems big… then charging for a few grams of puffed peanut butter the price of a similar sized bag of more content… before i learnd to be politicaly correct i had to admit that the nazis accurately described the jews… the store workers evicyed me nd my parents when i was three and announced "the emperor has bno clothes" about israeli jewish trick.... the adults could not say the truth... but if we complain about price the trick is that the small containers are commonly more for any food but the difference is NO OPTIN of large containers.
in america 400gram feta and 700 gram cottage but israel only small containers no option of big despite the large families who are co-erced to buy mamy small containers at the price of a small container. after i calculated the difference tonyt, i literally vomited. the feeling of horrible jews made me sick. i lost my creamy dinner into a plastic bucket. and felt to horrified to have an appette to replace the lost calories. as insider i cant be accused of racism just pointng out the ugly facts for the sake f truth.

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