i again improved my summary of the most important story. named star wars. the one about the empire and the death star weapon and alderaan and yavin.
another "pass" as i further improved the summary and share for you.
STAR WARS [1977 but they changed title to "new hope" kuz added videos to this series]
1 main characters, 2 crawl+intro, 3 story
1 main ones Princess Leia Organa, Darth Vader, Luke skywalker. note: the word darth seemd to be a name until used for others as a title. it blends: "DAR-k lord of si-TH." sith means connected to dark side of force. for idea of force see intro below.
2 words crawl that rebels faut against the empire. [any empire is evil kuz cant choose leader but this one was:] the Galactic Empire. Rebels also copyd secret plans about the Empire's powerful weapon: Death Star. [note: that is a huuj armird orb. how huuj? the empire wanted bigger than one hundred kilometer wide, to hold gigantic generators for the weapon able to destroy an entire planet, but 200 km diameter would take too long to build so built 160 kilometers wide, see endnote.] a Princess carryd these stolen plans, in space vehicle=sv while empire chased her.+intro: we now know that rebels transmitted a copy of these secret plans from a base that they attakd. the data is on her space vehicle. the imperial sv that chased her containd the leader named vader, who can weild and direct the energy cald the force. the force means "energy everywhere, produced by every life-form, that a jedi can use. it also has a Dark Side" as kenobi explaind in video when talking. when did these sv fly? in future? the video started with phrase 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" idea: despite space travel, not future instead the story already happend. i add: if far galaxy, from us, must be very distant past allowing time til we receivd their story. about liea: we now know that lieas parents named organa, adopted her. about the 2 droids who now escort leia in her sv, one of the droids helpd luke's father. lukes uncle owen told luke that his brother- anakin, who is lukes pa, died.
3 story: on a background of many stars, 2 space veeik'ls=vehicles=sv, shot laser ray pulses at each other's sheilds weakening them. they are above the desert planet-Tatooine. A huuj Imperial sv=isv chased and shot at the small Rebel sv=rsv. why? as explained in crawl. In rsv, the force of the laser puls threw an and-roid C3po with droid R2-D2 across the room. the isv damijd the Rebel sv n puld it inside, [using a "tractor beam".] soldiers, wearing white armir [stormtroopers=i.s] blasted their way into the rsv. the two sides shot at each other as the i.s. advanced.
after i.s kild many rsv defenders, Darth Vader (David Prowse; voice: James Earl Jones), enterd. he wore black armir and black royal cape. his black helmet hid his face. i.s searjd the ship computer for the copyd secret data. next, evil Vader strangld the captain. i.s started gathering everybody to vader for interrogation.
leia (Carrie Fisher) now hid the data inside droid R2-D2. she recorded a message too. then the droids C-3po and R2-D2 flew down, to planet Tatooine's surface, inside an escape pod. when i.s detect no life in pod, they decide to save energy and not shoot. these droids landed on surface n argued with each other [each obeying different programs for purposes] so split different directions.
on sv i.s found and zapd leia who had hidden from Vader. they led her to Vader. v n l argued til v imprisond her til later when he will caus her emotional pain. Commander Jir announced that liea died.
i.s followd the escape pod, to search for the data, n find the empty pod. then they followd footsteps.
meanwhile natives capjird each droid, n brout them to a town for sale. Owen Lars bout C kuz wanted translation skills. he also bout a droid that soon droopd. the Jawas gave R2 as a replacement.
at home, his nephew cleand them. his name was Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) age 18. Luke sadly cancild plan to fly with his frends. while cleaning R2 Luke saw message from Leia to someone named 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'. she begd for help. owen interrupted so Luke went for meal with uncle owen and wife. when luke mentioned Obi-Wan Kenobi, Owen acted nervous and told luke that both k and his bro, lukes pa died. to prevent adventure n danger.
censord. luke went to finish cleaning the droids n saw that R2-D2 escaped. if the night were not risky time, kuz of dangerous raiders, they would chase r2 now.
in the morning, Luke flew with C. his device located r2. they quikly reajd r2. then a group surrounded them. One hit Luke's head so he lost conscious. the day is dangerous too! C fell down a sand dune. R2 roled away and hid.
the raiders stole some parts from the "speeder" til a hooded guy scared them away. uncovering his face, the white bearded man woke Luke. his name is Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness). luke askd k if he knew Obi-Wan Kenobi. k reveald "i am." they help C stand from sand and went to k's home. there k told luke about Anakin who is luke's father. an. was a jedi before the republic changed to empire. k gave l Anakin's lightsaber [it is an energy sword]. k explained "the force" to luke, see intro. Jedi can use and weild it.
k told story: k once taut a young Jedi, who joind Dark Side and who murdered your pa named Anakin. that guy is now darth vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith under Emperor. he hunts jedis. next k saw the message hologram, that R2 brout from Leia about helping rebels to defeat the Empire by using information in R2's memory. bring to pa organa on Alderaan. so k invited Luke to go with him. Luke said owen wont let. so they argued. k wanted to go to a space port.
in galactic space, vader's sv dokd with the huuj orb cald Death Star. the orb's size is "160km wide" so volume v=2.1mkc, similar to the moon amalthea [one of jupiters larger moons
see endnote for details assembled from several nasa and "space dot com" websites]. Vader and high rankers discuss the huuj weapon. emperor's idea: after "using" the weapon they would have less populace to rule, so better just caus fear of weapon. [similar idea on earth, chinese book art of war] Vader claimd "the ability to destroy a planet is small compared to the great power of the Force." Motti replyd "the Force did not recover the schematics nor find the base of the Rebels." instead of arguing, vader simply Force-strangled him. the emperor granted, to each of the regional governors, control over their populace and authority to enforce the emperors desires. so they could request ds.
on planet t., k and l.s were traveling when they saw a destroyed veeik'l. the Jawas were
dead, kus the i.s kild them. this causd luke to fly home. he saw destruction so too late to warn them kuz I.s burnt the home n killd his aunt and uncle. Luke flew to k to join fyt empire, for hurting his family and especially now owen cant stop him.
L.s, k and the two droids went to the spaceport. I.s stopd them n askd about their droids. [kuz saw tracks by escape pod]. k waved hand n lied these were different ones. the Force can influence minds.
two strangers harassd Luke n threatend to murder him. k stood to defend. one stranger pulld a gun so k swung his lightsaber to cut gun.
they met Han Solo (Harrison Ford), pilot n captain of sv named the Millennium Falcon. Solo offerd for 10,000 credits to bring them to Alderaan. k bargaind "now 2,000 and when arrive, even more than askd, 15,000". han agreed so k,l left. also Chewbacca, a 7-foot-tall Wookiee, went to sv n prepared it for the flyt.
in pub, solo payd. a bounty hunter stopped so. and threatend using pistol to bring him to Jabba the Hutt, for a debt. they walkd to an empty corner and sat to negotiate a bribe. while tauking, solo pointed gun under table and shot the guy. Han left n went to sv. but jabba was there. so han offerd to pay interest for time to delay paying so Jabba agreed.
Luke sold his veeik'l for money to pay for the trip. [oops after theivs broke parts?] k led l.s and droids to solo's sv. it seemd "old freighter" but solo modifyd it for speed. as they enterd, I.s came n shot at solos sv, [knew to come there for droids kuz somebody told em]. sv flew away but not safe kuz two isv chased. so chui accelarated to "light speed," [cant go faster than that, unless star trek fiction using anti-matter but in future but sw is "long ago].
the empire agents questioned Princess Leia: where Rebel main base so they can destroy it using dS, for both goals at once: weakening the rebels and causing fear of the weapon. leia refused to reveal, [despite evil empire certainly pain torture] so they used a "mind probe" but she did not know.
vader threatend to destroy her home planet-Alderaan if she won't reveal where. She begs dont do it, saying base is at planet Dantooine. she said this to save her family and her home planet. then the d.s flew with leia to Alderaan... and zapd it... it shat'rd to roks... a lesson about making deals with the evil empire [and a lesson to naive americans who think goverments should "make deals" with violent groups REMEMBER ALDERAAN. a similar idea in series batman when he bribed penguin, important kuz penguin took money and did not free him, will they do their commitment? dont be naive. similarly when emperor told radio on august 15 "he surrenderd" yet did not use "divine emperor authority" to order stop fyting so even after this announcement the jap air force continued to attack the uss hancock. also a dive bomber attacked a brit boat which askd hancock to help and they chased away the jap dive-bomber]. leia's face expressd horror that her "surrender" did not save them. she sufferd watching her home planet including her family die and her... d.s is powerful.
in solo's sv, Millennium Falcon, k taut L.s to weild the Force. k said that he felt the change in the Force as hundred-millions humans died the same moment. Luke tryd to allow the Force to guide his reflexes. with concentration and practice [and same blood as anakin, as we will learn in p.m 1999] L.s weilded the force despite eyes covered yet succeeded to block laser pulses using a lightsaber. four in a series that a hovering droid shot. then solo's sv neard Alderaan. they stopd light-speed, and saw many roks in place of Alderaan. do you remember why roks were there?
in Death Star, Vader checked leias info. she told truth, but that base was already evacuated.
a small Isv [named tie] flew near solo, so he chased and shot at the scout [for preventing report]. the tie flew to... the weapon, named death star, [there kuz it destroyd leia's planet.] d.s puld "tractor beam" the rsv inside. Imperial troops forced the door open and enterd this rsv. they searjd the control room for crew but cant find, kuz rebels hid in secret compartments under a corridor. unable to find a crew, i.s used scanners to searj. Vader left the hangar, l.s and solo surprised a scan unit n shot them. one rebel wore the white armir n signald for two i.s to enter. inside they shot the i.s and now have enuf armir. The helmets coverd their faces besides chu. they led R2 along a corridor where it plugd into the computer. r2 reported the way to the tractor beam-generator so k, not wearing the armir that they brout for him, kuz relyd on the force, went to rek it, for the escape.
R2 read all the imperial data [haha recognize that phrase?] and came across information that he reported: leia's location is there, in prison cell. hence l.s led the 2 others, in imperial armir, on the dangerous rescue mission. they led chu as a prisoner to the prison area. there an officer askd qustions so they ran.
then i.s shot so rebels returnd fire. chu also shot til that group of i.s died. an alarm sounded so more i.s chased, as the heros ran to leias cell. they freed her n gave her a weapon. surrounded by i.s, Leia blasted a hole in a garbage tube so they jumpd down it into the trash compactor.
a big serpent tryd to drown L.s under the filthy waste liquid... til suddenly it freed him, but the relief is brief kuz the compactor walls moved to crush the trash and them.
L.s told C, thru device to tell R2 to stop "all" garbage compactors in the prison. as the walls pressd, they try to slow it but finally R2 switjd them off, and opend the doors so they left.
Vader went to fyt Kenobi, kuz sensed k was aboard. where? Kenobi switjd off that generator.
l.s and h kept the i.s items but left armir. they started to return, with lea, to solo's sv. i.s blokd them, so solo with Chewbacca zapd pulses of laser to "cover" leia's escape with L.s . along another corridor more i.s chased l,l til they reajd a wide air shaft that they cant cross. they enter doorway and then L.s shot the control panel for the door. this lokd the i.s on the other side of the door. that panel also operated the bridge ergo they cant extend it across the air shaft... i.s came to opposite side of shaft and shot so l,l returnd fire killing them. l.s used imperial belt with hook and cable to swing, with lea, across the shaft.
while k returnd to rsv, Vader blokd his way into the hangar and they argued. then they dueld using lightsabers. k forced v back into the hangar. the i.s gards watchd the fierce duel.
Luke and Leia, rejoind Han and Chewbacca by the hangar. vader's duel on the other side of the hangar grabd the i.s attention. the 3 rescuers and one rescuee with droids R2 and C, shot the few near the door of sv and quietly enter rsv. Kenobi and Vader continued dueling until k saw lea safe in rsv. k switjd off his saber. Vader does not take him prisoner, but saberd k. k's body vanishd [kus killd when not a threat] v poked Kenobi's cloak on the floor.
from door of rsv l.s shot at the i.s. he ignored the teem's call to enter, so they can fly away fom vader, kuz trying to kill every I.s. nearby. k's voice told l.s to run from vader, so he enterd. next the rsv flew out so i.s tryd to use tractor beam, but cant.
four TIE attakd rsv, ergo Luke and Han went to guns one atop and other under its floor. chu piloted as they shot at and wrekd each of the isv that zapd at them. after the victory, lea warnd that vader wanted the location of the rebel base so will follow them, especialy chasing R2 who was carrying the data about Death Star. um so not bring that data to rebel base? she wanted to bring to her pa. the d.s did follow them. solo brout r2 with data to rebel base, on a moon by planet-Yavin. there, rebels read R2's data. they found the Death Star's exhaust-tube, for the generators. its opening is "two meters" around six feet wide. the rebels have "proton torpedo" weapons [like atomic force which differs from photon torpedo in other series, despite both sound cool]. if they can shoot a bomb into the exhaust it would destroy the generator and possibly explode the whole d.s.. the info showed the location of the opening. it was protected in a narrow trench with powerful guns able to destroy big sv. so The Rebel General sent small fast sv that are more dificult targets. also a group of Y-Wing bombers (Gold leader referd to the guy who led the bombers] will bomb the trench guns. a group of almost 30 faster, "more maneuverable" X-Wings, [Red leader led these] garded the bombers from TIE and would attack the exhaust pipe.
Luke flew an X-Wing. Rebel pilots flew toward Death Star which neard Yavin. luckily it arrived on the wrong side of Yavin [coming from alderaan] opposite the moon with the base, allowing rebels time before it can wreck the rebel base. but only 30 minutes til it intercepts the base. they must wreck d.s first.
l.s saw a buddy who said "again, we will fly together". the rebels payd solo [for bringing them the data and bringing the group, as kenobi had offerd] so he left to avoid danger. "i cant enjoy the money if i die" also he must hurry to quickly pay jabba his debts. Luke with R2 flew from the base toward d.s..
the rebel groups neard the Death Star and flew "attack speed." xs shot pulses, to draw TIE to them, instead of bombers, so l.s shot a gun that exploded a giant blaze. the d.s. lasers missd the tiny swift xs.
Vader sent six elite pilots, in TIEs, the best imperial pilots [that were under his direct command] to repel the X-Wings. also many more ties swarm at the bombers. so xs flew to protect the bombers. a tie shot an X-Wing and more chased the other rebels. l.s followd a tie. as it neard an x he wrekd it.
the bombers retreat from the swarm of tie-s. [did they destroy anything? i add: "after brifly bombing many guns"]. the battle was fierce. an i.t chased and neard l.s so a
buddy swung toward "red5" who led the tie to face the x that shot it.
vader flew into battle with escorts. his TIE is better quality and new shape. he flew toward xs til bombers returnd and bombed the trench guns. Vader with two escort ties shot bomber after bomber while quikly dodjing the lasers. many rebel pilots died including "gold leader"... the rebel attak is failing. luke must use the force.
X-Wing pilots attackd the trench. As a group neard the exhaust pipe, a pilot, Dreis, used a targeting computer to aim. two escorts blokd his vulnerable tail from enemy fire. vader hit escorts as Dreis shot a proton torpedo at the exhaust... even a computer calculating his speed, missd pipe and wasted on armir... vader soon shot him too. his x spirald n crashd.
Luke tryd, despite damage. 2 buddys escorted l.s . Vader and his escorts shot one x that exploded ablaze. they damijd the second x, so it flew away but Vader chose to chase l.s. to destroy threat in the trench. Luke heard kenobi's voice "use the Force" to gyd bomb [after tech faild] Luke switjd off targeting computer.
the Death Star neard the Rebel base so its weapon starts powering... to destroy the moon with rebels. but some officers led troops to evacuate the battle zone, ignoring superiors that said the bombers were reppeld... Luke concentrates, weilding the Force to gyd bomb. luke knew to move... vader zapd but l.s had dodjd. another shot damijd r2 but not the engines.
vader's escort shatterd unexpectedly. solo had returnd and shot at the ties chasing the rebel x. he continued to shoot more. the other escort dodjd but bumpd Vader's sv, rebounding to smash against the wall of the trench, ablaze. the explosion pushd vader away spinning.
luke reached pipe and fired. he gyd'd the bomb with the force into pipe. luke warnd that the bomb was "in the hole" so he, solo and a few other xs turnd away from the Death Star. behind them the bomb hits the inner generator. death star weapon exploded with huge fireball, destroying the threat from this powerful weapon and also killing many empire leaders and all the imperial generals inside, except vader who had joind the fyting. Vader stopd spinning regaining control of his sv. he flew to a larj isv and they jumped to lyt speed followed by the imperial fleet to regroup.
rebels finally have a major victory, destroying the terrible weapon before it destroyed their base. the triumphant heroes flew to their base. there luke thankd solo. Leia greets both l.s and h.s. they celebrate the success of the wrecking of the empires super weapon. they take R2 for repairs kuz hit by vader.
in a huge chamber, the rebel leaders gave awards. Ls, solo and Chui enter the chamber and walk to Leia. the droids C and R2-D2 are notice-ably polished. L.s and h.s waukd to leaders in the larj chamber. Princess Leia gave them medals while the audience clapped. now there is "new hope" kuz luke can weild "the force" that helpd them.
*endnote: dimensions of the weapon named "death star" and amalthea, one of the larger moons of jupiter.
amalthea's volume "2.4mkc" source: nasa dot com. similarly this huuj weapon is "160km wide" so radius 80 hence volume v=2.1mkc almost same as that moon. both same radius so that moon is a good choice for comparison kuz amaltheas radius according to nasa is 83 kilometers [width around 167 km like weapon 160, but note: amalthea is not a sphere yet nasa calculated that moons volume 2.4mkc, nasa.] for a sphere the formula is "v=4/3pr^3," therefore orb width 160, r=80 so v=2.1mkc almost same. i found the moon that is similar. this volume contained gigantic power generators for the weapon.
this weapon was far larger than sixty of jupiters small moons kuz the largest in that group is 6.2 miles around 10 kilometers wide. the orb is so big that it is one tenth the width of europa one of jupiter's largest moons.