Sunday, March 25, 2018

first cycle december 1941

note: to learn where major rivers are the regions should be named for long rivers or mountains. this is what walter did when he was sent by THEM to the past.
first week in D=December 1941 situation
japan can choose when to attack neutral washington=w
walter watermelon was sleeping and THEY moved him, into mind of emperor named showa, from "now" to that week in 1941, before japan took indonesia and philipines=neutral.
phase one. decide what to build?
potential: fuji m.r. 10 same as main r.r. [nazi] and as miss. r.r. [washington] include yonaha mountian region of the okinawa group in same sea region. +j-amur r.r.=3, j-chang rr=3, nan=3=19 +islands
around pacific ocean as planet spins. w-yukon rr. facing s-amur rr
next row south: l-yukon rr and whitney mr. next west, empty water zone and other midway group. another large empty sea zone and fuji mr.
next row south: neutral mexico and west other large empty sea zone representing distance between whitney to kea, kea mr., and west empty sea zone representing far distance. like 4500 km from fuji to midway and much further from whitney to wake group 7600 kilometer! "same as" length second step to midway also from whitney second step reaches kea same distance length 4200 km and unjustly divided so not further. similarly from kea mr to wake 3700km so more than half of midway 2250 so second step so empty sea zone representing distance. then wake and then west nanlaud m.r. [caroline, micronesia], 1 potential for japan but apo m.r. [includes] philipines like "siak" rr and kapuas rr neutral. however, sepik r.r. was australian so included in its one.
next row south.
narrow path 5 steps to atlantic and magnified islands as storage for land troops on islands.
islands south of kea: as planet spins expty sea zone and south of wake veve m.r. next west sepik rr, kapuas rr, siak rr.
south of sepik rr is murray rr potential one including sepif rr. while further south is cook mr.
as english reverse so first learn as planet spins as above then review
**siak rr, kapuas rr, sepik rr, veve mr.
which as spin is veve mr, then west is sepik rr, and kapuas rr, and siak rr
south of sepik rr is murray rr and southeast is cook mr.
as english south of fuji mr is
**apo mr, Nahnalaud mr, wake, sea, kea mr, sea
which as planet spins is sea, kea mr, sea, wake, nanlaud mr worth 1 for nihon, and west neutral apo mr.
potential of kea zero  same as midway and veve mr and wake.also sepik rr included in murray not one alone. similarly neutral philipine  better named apo mr same as kapuas and siak zero neutral so forbidden and  zero potential.
total potential for japan 19 plus zero wake plus one 1 nanlaud plus zero apo plus zero veve plus zero sepik plus zero kapaus plus zero siak=20 which totals one less than washington if attacked ten in mitchel mr  and ten in whitney mr and one in w-yukon rr=21.
review: from asia coast island named fuji m.r. place capital all production there unless build factory. empty water and then midway.
next row south of fuji mr, apo mr,, and wake. then to east of wake, far so empty and next kea mr and far empty between kea and whitney mr. [no islands between s-amur rr to w-yukon rr.]
next row south like english words siak, kapuas, sepik, veve, and  seas.
next murray rr and se to cook mr.
japanese total potential 20. enuf to build group aircraft carrier to move large number of warplanes SAME AS  reality.
what build? ww decided to build  goal get weak murray and overpower strong china.
IF battleships were effective would use battleships to destroy soviet army in s-amur with battleship however not effective certainly unjustly 4 even when prepared and only assist the difficulty of moving on shoto shore so included in artilery 1 no marker for battleships even jeapan 6 and certainly no marker for less. cannot build baatleship because incluede in other because not effective.
goal is before navy of washington overpower strong china and weak murray. what about s-amur? worth so little so delay of worth two then get no warplanes but truth yes old warplanes and worth potential one so delay.
need tanks for attacks
ww decided to build one new tank 20-5=15 and 5 a=artillery. why? to gain and protect resources in asia first. 5a+tank only one t. so many a. cannot move yet.
submarine surprise? wait. navy? WAIT because need more resources. land.
ww decided who to strike? perhaps amur-soviet? need resources and only one so delay because icy empty.
also had 5 year peace agreement after nazi-russia alliance 1941-1946, danger? prepare defense
PLAN attack china because more resources more potential worth 2 potential more than 1 of vast yet empty icy amur-s.
ALSO before dawn in china dawn in australia potential 2 and weak defense.
NOTE: COAST near so T=TRANSPORT SHIP and PLANES same steps.
first attack dawn murray rr. how? ac+f by fuji "move for combat" south towards "murray" rr.  join group prepared to invade apo from taiwan 2a+f  [like game in philipines but before going to apo] join ac can carry two groups of f.
steps ac. can reach midway hence can reach sepik rr. from fuji first step to apo while f from taiwan first step to sea of apo join ac. second step of ac move to kapaus to launch warplanes.  first step of f1 to coast of murray  include land because near. and second step of f2 same step. so 2f brought for combat.
also t. brought 2a prepared for apo but delay apo because ally strong and attack weak murray while london distracted in urope. its first step to siak and second to murray with 2a. total 2a and 2f warplanes assist.  no marker for ineffective but truly present and assisting battleships. defending murray is one army of artilery.
dice? 2a=1,3, enuf with air assistance to injure a. of murray which simultaneously shot back 4 not effective. so murray rr captured governemnt controlled sepik so included in surrender.
summary: attack murray rr, at dawn with air support note: steps .ac+f from fuji two step move.
first step for combat to "apo" second step to "kapaus"  with planes.
transport ship first step to siak rr, second step to murray coast including land. can land ac by kapaus.
2a in t. [instead of plan to attak apo ww decided] get weak murray with assistance with warplanes. if not lucky, still 2f one from taiwan and one on ac can assist.
dice 2a 1,3 lucky effective so no dice for 2f altho assisted and helping if needed. at same time defense shoots so follows with dice 4 ineffective. with planes supporting capture murray+2. japan land from 20+2=22.
potential spent.
battleship ineffective and amur low potential so attack china with massive forces. dawn in china later so after murray.
PLAN: need FIRM in nan facing brits so save troops in chang rr to reinforce. instead move for combat 2a=artilery from j-amur,  t=tank brought in ts=transport ship from fuji +3f+b attack chinese 2a+f in c-chang rr [not xi bad name]
note: steps, t can move two 2 steps in a turn, because tanks! so start of first into ts=transport-ship and complete first step through j-amur and then second step of same move to proceed into combat-battle in c-chang.
f from nan rr +j-amur rr+ fuji mountain region moves: coast=includes land and coastal water so first step enters into j-amur [like british airforce in reality bombed berlin and returned, with steps: first step from coastal water into france, second step bomb berlin 3 step seine river region including coastal water same, and fourth step coastal water and land of thames river region] equal for j, land includes coast so first step land and coast of j-amur and second step of same combat move into c-chang same for bombers 3f+b. bomber group same probably needed to bomb airfields and supplies and production.
j: 2a, t, 3f,b facing 2a+f.
2a=3,5 no. t+3f=3313 enuf to destroy 2a+f and bomber assisted if not lucky could be used. same time defends shot return 2a=2.4 one success. and f 3 success. japan lost 2a. tank captured disrupts capital and potential of china lost.
summary combat
2a 3,5 ineffective, t+3f 3313 suffice to destroy need  bomber but there if needed in case less luck.
next defense rolls for same time fighting 2a 2,4 one effective and f 3 total 2 effective j loses 2a but captured c-chang rr with tank. gain 2 potential.
summary j destroyed 2a+f, c destroyed 2a too. ruins control of china potential. china loses 3 production units. not give, kuz bad rule.
review summary of names
****rivers s-amur and south j-amur. next south j-chang and c-chang now both controlled by japan. south from chan is nan river
summary of moves as above:
aircraft-carrier=ac by fuji coast move for combat by apo and second step by nutral kapaus rr.  attack brits already warring with brits not add new enemy by attack apo or w-navy until later.potential: gained 2  japanese production potential from murray rr +2 c-chang. taiwan to murray less than from fuji to midway so can reach in second step. in ts 2a+2f attack a in murray. only japan deserves marker for the only significant bs group yet ineffective so no marker nor build as separate bs.
2f would 3,4 suffice for murray yet not needed lucky.
LANDINGS. 2f from battle chang, landed nan. f+b land j-amur. 2f landing ac.
movement: second step of ts near fuji move 2a from fuji to j-amur=2a+f+b. need more. so 2a from j-chang, one moving north to j-amur=3a. and one south to nan 3a+2p.
now j-chang no army only police. c-chang captured with tank. while murray captured with 2a begin organizing work forces for digging water and building new roads. in murray same in c-chang and j-amur.
naval peaceful move. submarine joins ac  first step from wake to nanalaud and second step kapaus. built in capital 5a+t. 
loot potential 20+2+2=24.
new built is in fuji 5a+t. no warplanes all moved near china.
build? potential lost when lost capital. navy? none why? busy civil war since 1919 and j controls coast..
land? only 2a no warplanes remain must save 2a for defend. new 1 for large desert region of central africa. represents area size of murray rr but much desert.
build ww is now in mind of soviet leader. potential 8+2+1=11. [not unjustly giving 3 and 3 which is inaccurate because moscow north of black sea so same region bordering nazi. same troops protect leningrad and moscow. how many? around equal so mark 3a for each country, and one tank and one f for each side.
build potential 11 so 3 artilery and save 2p for later. why not 2a+t?  to save for later danger from nazi.
submarine? yes. surprise must first. s to sea by leningrad. try surprise? 4 bad. no risk because need exchange with brits. need fighter to defend and can barely build. failed and sits by thames rr. plan EXCHANGE navy s+t worth 16 for f and a worth 15. brits agree paint later, so no combat navy.
land. dawn in amur but no 2 sides and f defends in j-amur..
soviet counteroffensive now. 3a+t+f face equal 3a+t+f in dnieper rr.
battle by luck! 422, no. tf 35 one success.
later roll represents same time return shots. 3a+t?4425 only one success. f3 success. remove casualties to hospitals. soviet lost two.
rely on built 3a? to replace or keep one? ww chose rely and use tank for offense.
nazi lost a. remain 2a+t+f. soviets lost 2a remain a+t+f.
luck? a3 no, f+t 3,6 one success. nazi 2a+t?3,2,6 only one success. f?5 soviets lucky. each lost a.
remain nazi a+t+f soviets remain t+f almost lost tank. stop.
no regain yet damages nazi attackers.
landing: fremains muscva rr. movement. from s-amur bring tank to attack nazi and both a to defend capital deserate. tank moves first step to ob rr second step of same move to moscva because norrth is "narrower" part of sphere. 2a defend ob worth more than amur and fear many war[planes will lose anyway need capital. 2a from amur to ob in one step.
t cannot attack moves to thames for exchange and crew exits s+t.
nazis used warplanes to fight for moscow landed in controlled airfields in dneiper. paltova and more too. not soviet advantage 2 to one/zero but balanced.
built 3a so new by capital 3a,2t f. ob 2a.
loot no gain but remain pp 2? add 11=13 will be able to build artillery.
*nazi build have 33.
plan: need tanks for moscva but also need defense in case london invades. also ideology of blond hair and remove dark important need soldiers in africa for goal. build 2a for africa+3t+4a all potential.
submarine surprise yes. attack navy. only 3 batttleships weak and even 6 too ineffective [not4/6] or even another chance so no marker so include in t.
how use f? decide later.
surprise must first. 2s1,3 one success. b chooses to lose s need t for invasion. surprise so no return shot.
plan 2f for egypt so 3f+b joins navy and attacks 2t.
2s4,3 no. 3f next533 enuf! bombers assist but not critical. return 1,3 one success.expensive loss for london way more than 4 tanks need 24 to replace lost stt. n lost 1s. and second remains in thames rr coast navy? no ac. used s.
navy in "nile" sea [called med.] the submarines of nazi in med no marker, so equal s brits. and not enuf battleships for marker which would be ineffective anyway same as japan no marker nor opportunity battleships. and equaly no marker for nazi nor french b. only marker in nile sea is nazi t.s.
land "move for combat" to attack so combat move tr brings t from po rr to Atlas mr to attack nile rr and second tr step from po to nile bringing 2a for combat. total attack 2a from po +t from po and more. t from atlas takes SOUAR in first step and second step into nile. total 2a,2t,2f bringing f from dnieper rr and from po rr.  facing a+t. in nile. nazi control france so control atlas mr and Aney region facing amazon ocean [atlantic] could use tank to attack kafue but patient.
could attach moskva dawn but delay until more tanks instead warplanes as above expensive navy damage.
2a,2t,2f luck?24 no. 3442, success enuf both destroyed. shot back 2,3 only one success. london lost both a and t. nazi lost a. captured with a+2t.
gain terrirtoy. had 2 pp atlas mr from coast to nile rr. 2a i one region with t that attacked nile.
one more pp for nazi controlled aney becuase "french". this capture adds souar pp1 and nile pp 1 shaped like map of game risk but slightly different.
from north and sun nile rr and west one region of atlas mr.
row south from sunrise souar ragion and west is aney region french so nazi.
to south orange rr or kafue.
t from seine rr takes gibraltor and destroys harbor. no planes can land there for london. first step thru nutral spain and second step takes g. also t from visla takes swiss in firts step completeing control of region.
landings: f from dneiper had moved first step to visla including coast and second into nile coast. now returns same two steps which is 3 to coast of visla and 4 to defend dneiper. f from po rr had moved first step from coast  to coast of nile like transport ship and now moves second to coast of visla and 3 to dnieper rr. total 2f dnieper rr.
f from seine returns and f main rr returns but b from main rr had gone like brits bombers first step coast to coast of thames and second to visla via baltic with fifth f.
2a from main join 2a in seine=4a,f. but t in g. remain 2a from main to po rr for ideology. t from main rr to visla. and t from dnieper to visla and second step return from swiss total 3a3t in visla and b+f. ts in baltic brings one of 2 a from n-paz rr to visla while 2a of visla move to dneiper. so dnieper total a+2a=3a 2f and visla 2a 3t,b+f. po rr 2a nazi paz only 1a remains to attack moskva.
2a in atlas one to aney region to control french and start building burners for bodies and also organize men to walk far and build roads and dig for water.
also a in atlas same mission along coast of nile sea. goal each unit of latutude by longitude find females and cause only ten in hundred  remain by taking many small females from school small body so many fit per truck. many trucks so no trucks may exit city and gas from engine valve into truck and then bodies to burners in each city.
no supplies to outside of city so families will pour into city for supplies and space needed for incomers so use trucks to empty small bodies from school. same in atlas region.
new so by capital 6a,3t with f. in row from sunrise dneiper 3a,2f, visla 2a,3t,f,b, po 2a, main rr 6a,3t,f, seine rr 4a,f but in g. t.
need many trucks for goal so soldiers stop use trucks. only slave work for food ration. after trucks near coast into water to attract fish
goal begins female urgent to prevent birth for ideology and small bodies many fit in truck. all resources to build and operate burners
murder is bad but master race must replace as fittest. learning from nature the lion eats the zebra.
loot get potential of 35.
*Brits london Build. lost land but has pp of 22. what build? navy for empire? later. walter now controls brit leader and chooses factory for empire less expense than navy and considers loss by nazi bombers. so BUILD  factory where? not ganges rr because japanese tank and fighters nearby. not jordan rr because nazis near with 2 tanks. so in karun rr near caspian sea. build factory. also build near capital one a. save 4 pp.
submarine no marker equal same as nazi sub in nile sea no marker. so no surprise avoid loss by nazi submarines. lost ac in med so no marker for ac and equaly inefrective battleships not marker certainly not 4/6 but include in transport.
london brits have no navy to attack. no ac and even submarine exchange from soviet lost. only ts by ganges or ts by nelson rr but lost navy of thames so no navy offense.
use warplanes to attack nazi navy ! in combat move later.
mount cook zero production potential and no army. murray rr lost. after dawn in cook mr is dawn in ganges rr. could attack supported by f but need to protect building factory. so no combat there.
could attack from jordan rr to nile rr but too weak so delay. could attack from orange rr to souar but nazi tanks near so they would just be killed. so no combat there.
warplanes attack nazi submarine in thames=temz.
f+b try? f5 no but b4 good. s 4 missed.lost last s. save second f group for exchanfge with soviets.  ts in nelson rr could bring a either to n paz but low priority. also could bring to atalas but weak and anyway need to gaurd nelson rr. so ts only to evacuate.
landings. f+b return to temz. second f to arctic coast of moscva rr as exchanged for navy. also ts by nelson rr doesnot bring a from nelson because guards nelson rr but goes first step to temz and brings a to arctic coast of moscva total 12+3 like 8+8. adds a+f to soviet defense.
from miss. continent only a in nelson rr.  l-yukon rr empty. and only one a in nelson rr. ts moved and brought a from temz to moscva with f as orange rr need evacuate because danger of nazi tanks in nile rr can reach in second step so ts by ghanges rr moves  2 steps to orange rr and loads a as evacuate. also all men age 18-30 loaded to merchant ships to bring from as many coastal cities to karun rr. so a by coast of orange in ts. no british soldiers remain on nile continent after loss in nile rr and evac of orange rr. also a from jordan rr in danger from nazi tanks so evacuated to karun rr. also armies in ganges rr must protect new factories so a+f move to karun rr total 2a+f. also pour many men and women age 18-30 from india into karun for training to fight nazi and for empire and building artilery and rifles. ganges rr had 2a f but moved a+f for defending new factories. remain a. and as above lost mrray rr to japanese.
new by capital a to replace defenses one a to aid soviets and new factory added to karun rr near caspian sea.
loot get 18 plus saved 4=22. w nutral; completed first cycle next japan.

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