Monday, March 5, 2018

a generated card game

in response to the card games "free space" and spider solitaire, i generated a hybrid game with different rules so less limitations and different factors of difficulty.
the rules are:
mix the cards and make only seven visible rows of cards similar to free space as visible yet less than 8 only seven because half of total in each type.
not four spaces only two. these smaller options are balanced by ease of the limitations of those games. all four shapes are like same type and no limit how many consecutive cards to move in one move. the cards are visible to encourage planning and thinking and memory.
move the cards like in spider solitaire of one shape but goal is to "off-load" cards in order like free space not like sp/sol/ so a unique game hybrid and encourages thought and with different factors of limitation it is almost always solvable with a regular set of cards. despite only two free spaces.
try it with a set of cards no jokers.
for the motivation for responding with this hybrid game see previous  post.

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